VanTrust Real Estate Acquires Strategically Located Salt Lake County Site to Build Four New Industrial Warehousesarely a day passes without colleges scolded in the headlines over s or and or and . Schools have become scapegoats for both good and bad reasons. Prominent commentators and populist political leaders from both the far left and far right now target higher education as a common enemy. In fact the current fight over the vs charges of elitism which would not characterize other fields such as sports or entertainment have torn open a seam on the right between Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk in favor of selectivity and merit on one side and Laura Loomer and Matt Goetz on the other. Ramaswamy declared that American culture has “venerated mediocrity over excellence" launching what is termed a within the MAGA movement. Both extremes have arrived on shared areas of concern that include admissions criteria; tolerance of thought on campus; institutional voice; faculty bias in research and education; personal safety; academic integrity; donor influence; curriculum focus; government funding; financial viability, and administrative efficiency. Increasingly, universities, especially selective universities, have been labelled as elitist, self-interested, out-of-touch with societal needs, and lacking accountability. What is new is the convergence of a of elements of the MAGA movement on the right and todays’ self-styled progressives on the left. Together, they find common cause in the skepticism of societal pillars from Wall Street financiers to college educators and politicians. These critiques have corroded public opinion on the value of U.S. higher education, just as the rest of the world treasures the real contributions to the economy, quality of life, scientific knowledge, and cultural enrichment provided by American colleges. The shows a steady decline of confidence in all pillars of society from public officials and the media to clergy and colleges. At the , fully 97% of the college presidents expressed concern over the loss to public confidence in higher education. This summer, the Pew Foundation researchers found roughly half the American public surveyed believe it’s to have a four-year college degree today to obtain a well-paying job than it was 20 years ago even as facts show the opposite is true: a significant wage gap still favors those with . Similarly, a Gallup survey this summer showed a large drop in overall US confidence in higher education from almost 60% in 2015 to almost half that. Now Americans are roughly among those who have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence (36%), some confidence (32%), or little or no confidence (32%) in higher education. In taking a closer look at the Gallup survey, three issues have risen to the top in the public mind: the political climate on our campuses, questions about whether a traditional liberal arts education best prepares our graduates for success in this tech-fueled world and the cost of higher education as represented by a sticker price that is rapidly approaching $100K per year. Increasingly, people across the political spectrum question whether a traditional liberal arts education, as delivered to most undergraduates by the Ivy and other leading institutions, is the best training for leadership in today’s workplace. Indeed, the elite schools do not have a stranglehold on certain sectors. In a study of 628 U.S.-born tech founders from 287 different universities, did not come from Ivy-plus schools. What mattered most in explaining the success of founders was that they graduated from a college. The success of dropouts like Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Apple’s Steve Jobs, and Facebook/Alphabet’s Marc Zuckerberg were exceptions to such findings. Paradoxically, the drop in American public confidence in the liberal arts comes just as the prestige of US universities around the world is at an all-time high and the number of international students studying in the US has climbed to a a year. And innovation for the public good is alive and well at America’s at the leading institutions. Over a third of US research universities have spinning out anywhere from 30 to 80 new business a year employing millions of US workers and serving as a source of economic development to communities around the nation. Higher education is the most globally competitive of all US sectors. The US is home to the by far (36). Research by the National Bureau of Economic Research has shown from Ivy League schools in particular. While less than half of one percent of Americans attend the eight Ivy League colleges, Chicago, Duke, MIT, and Stanford (known as Ivy Plus schools), these universities contributed more than 10% of Fortune 500 CEOs, a quarter of U.S. Senators, half of all Rhodes scholars, and three-fourths of Supreme Court justices appointed in the last half century. Roughly 22% of all , selected by judges from around the world, were affiliated with Ivy Leagues schools. This scholarship has contributed mightily to the advance of science and industry. The renowned corporate research labs of General Electric (Menlo Park), AT&T (Bell Labs), Xerox (Palo Alto Research Center) have largely disappeared with diminished research even at major chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Most of the great advances in material sciences, agricultural science, drug development, public health, environmental safety, and computer science and the internet originate in the university world. It must be noted, however, that the value of higher education should be appreciated for more than winning awards and creating wealth but also for quality of life. A decade ago, former Duke President Richard Brodhead co-chaired the Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences for the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. In summarizing their findings, stated, that value of higher education is not to be measured merely by income earned by colleges graduates. “Its value is that it supplies enrichment to personal lives, equips students to be thoughtful and constructive social contributors, and prepares them to participate fully and creatively in the dynamic, ever-changing world that awaits them after college. It's easy to see why people might get anxious about something so difficult to calculate, and might want a straighter line to the payoff. But the fruits of such education can only be reckoned over long time-horizons, as they enable people to rise to challenges and seize opportunities they could not foresee at first. The lives of successful people almost never involve continuing to do what they prepared for. As their lives unfold, they find that by drawing on their preparation in unexpected ways, they're able to do things they hadn't intended or imagined.” Probably no issue about American higher education has received as much attention over a sustained period of time than its cost. And while some of the increase in the sticker price of leading universities can be explained by investments in need-based financial aid even the costs net of financial aid have risen between 1 and 2 percent above any reasonable measure of inflation for decades. Studies show levels of student debt rising at alarming rates. And while much of the focus has been on undergraduates, levels of student loan debt among those receiving master’s degrees is a more severe issue. Concerns about student loan debt are exacerbated by the fact that six-year graduation rates for undergraduates across all of higher education are less than 60%. So, too many students find themselves in the worst possible situation – a boatload of debt and no degree to show for it. In speaking about cost, the political right characterizes elite higher ed institutions as inefficient organizations choking on administrative bloat. The political left laments their high cost saying that the sticker price alone turns off prospective students from low socio-economic backgrounds. Both sides note the explosive growth in endowment values and want endowments to be tapped to reduce costs. The Ivy Plus institutions counter by noting their impressive investments in financial aid, the fact that they have six-year graduation rates in excess of 95% and the inherently high cost of the bundle of educational experiences that today’s students and their families expect. At these schools with strong endowments, roughly has their tuition bill covered by financial aid. Indeed, the more selective schools not only offer a challenging curriculum delivered through small classes with abundant academic support, but also house and feed students, offer them primary health care, undergraduate research and entrepreneurial activities, intramural and varsity athletics, artistic and performance opportunities, study abroad and much more. The cost of delivering all this is in excess of $100K per student per year at many institutions. These expenditures not only enrich the student experience but also enhance their local economies. American universities employ over adding $ annually to the GDP and their technology transfers have contributed over to the nation’s GOP in the last twenty years. Still, criticisms of the cost of American higher education have merit. Indeed, too many institutions have lost sight of the fact that their core missions are teaching, learning and discovery and those elements of their core mission should be prioritized in their budget decisions. have been shown to have soared disproportionately, in fact geometrically, compared to faculty staffing costs which only increased arithmetically, alongside only modest student enrollment increases. Academic leaders must also demand that administrative and support functions operate as efficiently as possible with new programs funded through internal reallocation. Many of these critiques are based in legitimate concerns and point to areas where the leading institutions of higher education can do better. However, they often overstate their case and present outlier examples. For example, published a countering the suggestion that liberal bias plays a meaningful role in tenure decisions. Indeed, their study concluded that professors were more likely to be dismissed for liberal thought. And it is incorrect to still label higher education a self-perpetuating caste system. Looking at roughly a century of data, as an example of elite universities, its student profile has shifted from 100% males to roughly 50/50; 27% of Mayflower/Social Register “Colonial” lineage to less than 6%; less than 2% underrepresented minorities to over 10% ; 0.4% Asian to 19%; 24% from elite prep schools to 4%. Plus, the report card on the impact of upward wealth mobility of these prestigious schools is much more encouraging that the critics from the left and the right acknowledge. Researchers from the National Bureau of Economic Research studied at each college in the United States using data for over 30 million college students from 1999-2013 and found the students from low-income families and high-income families, had comparable incomes, when matched by the school they attended. Thus, the school had an uplifting impact on the wealth of low-income students. Furthermore, this research found, “The colleges that channel the most children from low- or middle-income families to the top 1% are almost exclusively highly selective institutions, such as UC–Berkeley and the Ivy Plus colleges. No college offers an upper-tail (top 1%) success rate comparable to elite private universities – at which 13% of students from the bottom quintile reach the top 1% – while also offering high levels of access to low-income students.” Interestingly, the critics of elite schools, indirectly but selectively cite from this research cherry picking around the upward mobility case for elite educational institutions. Similarly looking at Yale’s current first year class, benefit from some form of financial aid, thanks to the healthy endowments, 88% with zero debt and the who do have debt, owe less than $15,000, hardly a crushing burden. Thanks to a half billion dollars raised from alumni during their recent capital campaign, leaders were able to declare that "The Class of 2028 is the most socioeconomically diverse class in Dartmouth's history," with roughly 20% students from low income families receiving Pell Grants, over half of the class receiving financial aid, and no parental financial contributions for families earning less than $125,000 a year roughly 22% of the class. Despite such facts, Columnist David Brooks wrote in The Atlantic a piece entitled “How The Ivy League Broke America” where he echoes himself in a series of similar pieces he wrote in the New York Times such as one titled and , both which said elites were leaving others behind. His newest piece in this month’s concluded strangely that “a large mass of voters has shoved a big middle finger in the elites’ faces by voting for Donald Trump.” Of course, Brooks misses the irony that if this anti-Ivy League resentment drove voters, then is drove them to vote for the GOP ticket of two Ivy Leaguer grads, Donald Trump from Penn and J.D. Vance from Yale, and not the Democratic ticket of state school grads. Brooks joins a chorus of others who say that the meritocracy overrated. He cites Yale Law professor Daniel Markovits, the author of charging that applicants whose families come from the top 1 percent of wage earners were 77 times more likely to attend an Ivy League-level school than students from families making below $30,000 a year. Brooks adds that elite schools generally admit more students from the top 1 percent than the bottom 60. Then he joins Markovits in pronouncing the academic gap between the rich and the poor larger than the academic gap between white and Black students in the final days of Jim Crow. Brooks’s remedies include circumvention of new court barriers to affirmative action diversity goals, reducing the reliance upon standardized testing, emphasizing more humanistic qualities, substituting AI for analytic rigor, improving the colleges’ marketing of their own value, and that “we should aim to shrink the cultural significance of school in American society.” Missing from this list is any concern for the spreading caution of overexercising voice under the cloak of “institutional neutrality.” These practices the actual selective practices of the University of Chicago and similar schools which purported to limit presidents from showing the same periodic moral responsibility, patriotic duties, and institutional voice of other pillars of American society. Should Ivy Plus leaders even care about public support? After all, they are highly successful, highly selective institutions that are the envy of the world. Our answer is that these leaders should care about the erosion of public trust – a lot. To ignore this growing public distrust is to not only invite more public shaming by government officials as we saw in the House hearings this past year but potentially court more governmental actions such as endowment taxes, bans on DEI programs at public universities and similar interventions. Although the Ivy Plus institutions seem secure at the moment, one already sees the impacts of the loss of public trust across much of American higher education, significant reductions over the last 25 years in per-capita, inflation-adjusted state appropriations, the expansion of students wanting three-year, no-frills, degrees, employers seeking micro-credentialling rather than a bachelor’s degree, on-line course sharing among institutions to lower costs and ultimately lower enrollments. Certainly, higher education must address the ideological orthodoxy of political correctness which has diverted tolerance for original thought. Towards that end, we see newly emerging efforts to promote dialogue around difficult societal issues on a number of campuses. Similarly, universities do not do a great job with administrative efficiency with mushrooming overhead along with programs and departments that live on in perpetuity. Higher education has long been the target of satire from the Marx Brothers to Rodney Dangerfield’s “Back to School.” All institutions need constructive feedback to respond to changing societal needs, but the ideologically driven attacks on schools have lost their grounding, not to mention their humor, and risk promoting an age of ignorance.
BRASILIA: Brazil's 2026 presidential election may offer a field of candidates featuring neither incumbent Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva nor far-right rival Jair Bolsonaro. That scenario - possible, given Lula's state of health and a ban on Bolsonaro holding public office - would present a novel situation and open the door to possible successors. Lula, 79, is currently in hospital, recovering from emergency surgery on Tuesday to relieve pressure from bleeding under his skull related to a bad fall he had in October. Previously, Lula had treatment in 2011 for throat cancer, and last year a hip replacement operation. The health woes undermine the robust image that the raspy-voiced leftist icon has long projected, and which galvanized voters to have him as their president between 2003 and 2010, and again since 2023. In a CNN interview last month Lula declared himself willing to run again if no other viable left-wing candidate emerged. "I hope it won't be necessary," he said. An ally, Uruguay's ex-president Jose Mujica, recently told AFP: "Lula's nearly 80 and he has no replacement. That is Brazil's misfortune". BOLSONARO'S LEGAL WOES Bolsonaro, 69, faces challenges of a legal nature to try to regain the presidency he lost to Lula in 2022 elections. The former army captain, who relishes being compared to his hero Donald Trump, has been barred from holding public office, or leaving Brazil, because of what police say was a failed 2022 coup plot against Lula. Bolsonaro got his ban on public office by making unsubstantiated claims of fraud in Brazil's electronic voting system in that year's election. Police say he also incited a January 8, 2023 insurrection in which thousands of supporters stormed the presidential palace, the Congress and the Supreme Court, and allege he had a decree written to invoke emergency powers to stay in charge. Bolsonaro denies the accusations - which the attorney general is currently weighing to decide if formal charges will be laid - and has vowed to have the ban set aside so he can run again. "I am Plan A, Plan B and also Plan C" for 2026, he told a radio program last week. "Bolsonaro seeks inspiration from Trump ... but has before him a long battle in the courts," said Roberto Goulart, an international relations professor at Brasilia University. Brazil's political and justice system has thrown up surprises before. Lula himself was barred from running for president in 2018, when he was convicted of corruption, propelling his running mate, former Sao Paulo mayor and current economy minister Fernando Haddad, to the top of the ticket. Haddad lost to Bolsonaro. And Lula's conviction was later overturned when the judge in charge of the case against him was found to be biased. HEIRS APPARENT Lula's ministers voice optimism about the state of the president's health, despite his recent emergency. "President Lula is very well ... He will certainly be our candidate in 2026," Communication Minister Paulo Pimenta told CNN on Thursday. "The person who won't be able to run in that election is Bolsonaro, who is ineligible and will probably be in prison before the vote happens," Pimenta said. According to a survey by MDA Pesquisa last month, six out 10 leftwing voters would prefer to see Lula run in 2026. If that does not happen, analysts and surveys point to Haddad, 61, as his most likely successor. Lula's last choice to succeed him did not end well. Back in 2010, he anointed his chief-of-staff Dilma Rousseff as his replacement when he reached his two-term limit, ensuring she became president. But she ended up being impeached in her second term, and was ousted in 2016 for breaking budget laws. On the right, while Bolsonaro still garners attention, Brazilian media and analysts have advanced several names that could be considered his heir. Among them are Sao Paulo state governor Tarcisio de Freitas, 49 - and Bolsonaro's wife Michelle Bolsonaro, 42. Freitas has publicly expressed loyalty to Bolsonaro, saying that his "leadership is unquestionable and endures".Space debris is the next big issue since Earth’s orbit is getting crowded with satellites and other discarded objects. According to scientists, the likelihood of a catastrophic situation called Kessler Syndrome threatens to render space unusable for future explorations and technologies. What is Kessler Syndrome? Kessler Syndrome was first proposed by NASA scientist Donald Kessler in 1978. It describes a hypothetical situation in which the density of space debris in low Earth orbit, or LEO, the region roughly 100 to 1,200 miles above Earth, reaches a critical level. At that point, a chain reaction of collisions between satellites, debris, and other objects creates more fragments and exponentially increases the amount of space junk. These collisions would pose significant risks to spacecraft, satellites, and human activities in space, potentially halting space exploration. The concept was dramatized in the 2013 film Gravity , where a satellite explosion set off a cascading series of collisions. However, experts believe that a real-life Kessler event would unfold over years or decades, not in a matter of hours, though the threat is no less significant. Space Junk Since the 1950s, more than 50,000 tons of material have been launched into Earth’s orbit, according to the European Space Agency (ESA). As of September 2024, around 13,000 tons of this mass remain in orbit, consisting of both active and defunct satellites. The fast expansion of satellite constellations like SpaceX’s Starlink has exacerbated the problem, further cluttering Earth’s orbital paths. Orbital debris is a significant threat due to its high velocity. Even small pieces of space debris can cause critical damage to a spacecraft. So, far in history since 1999, 39 maneuvers have been held by the International Space Station, especially during one that happened in November 2024. Examples of high-profile incidents and thus the risks of space debris include the collision between an active U.S. satellite and a defunct Russian satellite in 2009 with thousands of fragments and additions to the growing debris list. How to prevent Kessler Syndrome? These initiatives seek to eradicate space debris through cleanup technology and international regulations. Examples of experimental methods include ESA’s Drag Augmentation Deorbiting Subsystem (ADEO). It drags debris out of orbit, but these technologies are expensive and not often implemented. International agreements, such as the UN’s Pact for the Future*, aim to promote global cooperation in tackling space debris. National regulations and industry standards are also crucial for encouraging responsible behavior in space. However, despite these efforts, the issue remains pressing, and experts warn that without proactive measures, the situation could worsen. What is the impact of Kessler Syndrome? The impact of Kessler Syndrome is severe, as if a chain of collisions took place, they could devastate the use of satellites in communications and weather forecasting along with other vital space-based technologies. The safety of astronauts would be compromised, and future missions into space might be threatened or even become impossible. It would make it increasingly difficult to venture into space orbits, where accumulating high-speed debris threatens both current technology and the long-term possibility of space travel. In Dr. Vishnu Reddy’s estimation, a professor of planetary sciences at the University of Arizona, launches for satellites are dramatically up in recent years, therefore, making the Kessler event more probable. With all these private companies launching immense numbers of satellites, collisions and debris generation become quite imminent, putting the whole industry at risk. There aren’t any legally binding international regulations pertaining to LEO space cleanup. Since there are already almost 6,000 tons of material in orbit, the expense and difficulty of removal make the endeavor nearly impossible. A day when the most important areas of space may become dangerous for human use is drawing nearer as we approach the possibility of causing Kessler Syndrome. Space junk can be compared to plastic pollution in the world’s oceans, which is a widespread and expanding issue that needs to be addressed right away to avoid irreparable harm. ALSO READ: Rising Space Debris Poses Increasing Threat To ISS And Satellites, Experts Warn
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Here, we will look at the cryptocurrencies available on this software. The Pewundax App trading platform can be used in many regions across the globe, except the United States. It has also gained immense popularity in many Asian and European countries. Here, we have listed countries where Pewundax App is available. You can find the full list of countries where Pewundax App is available on its official website. In this Pewundax App review, we’ve covered all the key features and aspects of the platform. From our analysis, it’s clear that the software is legitimate, with positive feedback from both traders and crypto experts. The app holds an impressive average user rating of 4.8/5. Pewundax App uses advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, algorithms, and analytics to deliver accurate market insights. The auto-trading mode offers a seamless, hands-free experience, while users can easily switch to manual trading mode whenever they want more control. The platform is affordable, with a low minimum deposit requirement of just $250 to start trading. There are no hidden fees or registration charges. Experts have also praised the platform for being reliable and secure. Given all these factors, it’s safe to say that Pewundax App is worth considering. Start Trading On Pewundax App For Free Yes. Pewundax App is a beginner-friendly trading system. It has a user-friendly interface, which is easy to navigate, and simple tools. Traders should spend at least 20 to 30 minutes on Pewundax App. They should examine the market conditions and take necessary actions. Are there any restrictions for withdrawing funds from Pewundax App? No. Traders can withdraw funds from their Pewundax App account at any time. Restrictions are not imposed on how much amount one can withdraw. Yes. The Pewundax App customer support team provides a 24/7 service. They can help resolve technical issues or trade-related doubts. Anyone who wants to try out different strategies or get familiar with the workings of this system can use the Pewundax App demo account.Shoppers seeking updates on their online purchases are receiving fake shipping notifications — something that is heightened during the busy shipping season during the holidays. The endless texts and phishing emails alert shoppers to a delivery issue requiring immediate attention. Scripps News Baltimore Reporter Mallory Sofastaii spoke with multiple customers at the post office, who told her they have received these scam texts. Scammers just need one person to fall for it. “They’re desperately hoping that you will act so quickly that you will give them whatever they want so that they can steal money from you,” said Karen Morgan, executive council member and lead fraud volunteer with AARP Maryland. RELATED STORY | This phishing scam uses text messages pretending to be USPS with a delivery AARP is warning shoppers about these scam texts seeking personal information such as date of birth, Social Security Number, or account logins. And they received a report of someone paying a $0.99 re-delivery fee and later realizing they'd been charged $400. “Do not act quickly on any of these notifications. Stop a minute to recall, did you actually order something? Have you actually sent something? And by the way, if it's the post office, FedEx or UPS, don't they already have your address? Why do they need you to give it to them again?” Morgan suggested. USPS will never send a text or email without the customer first requesting tracking information and they do not charge for these services. “I have registered with the post office to receive emails,” said online shopper Ana Cruz, who uses USPS Informed Delivery , a free service to keep track of mail and packages that are scheduled to be delivered. Howard Shand said he doesn’t do a lot of online shopping. “I go direct to a store, so I don't really have that problem. You know, I shop early,” he added. And he said he's extra vigilant for a reason. “I've been scammed before, so, you know, it makes you more alert,” Shand said. “Just be careful. Pay attention and don't let down your guard easily.” It's important not to click on any links in these messages. Even if you don't enter your information, malware could be downloaded onto your device. And some of the links will take you to a fake login page designed to steal your password and then lock you out of your real account or to hack into other financial accounts. Click here to see the other 12 Scams of Christmas. This story was originally published by Mallory Sofastaii at Scripps News Baltimore .
Ontario mulls U.S. booze ban as Trump brushes off Ford’s threat to cut electricity
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Colby Rogers scored 28 points and Moussa Cisse had 13 points, 11 rebounds and three blocks as Memphis defeated No. 16 MIssissippi 87-70 on Saturday. PJ Haggerty finished with 17 points as Memphis (10-3) won for the third time in four games. Sean Pedulla led Ole Miss (11-2) with 13 points and four assists. Jaylen Murray scored 12 and Malik Dia 11 as the Rebels had their five-game winning streak halted. Memphis' defense caused early problems for the Rebels, and the Tigers extended their lead to double digits. But, Ole Miss made five straight field goals, including a string of 3-pointers, to get back into the game before halftime, trailing by just two points at the break. The Tigers opened the second half on a 14-4 run and extended their lead to as many as 13 points near the midway point of the second half. Ole Miss: The Rebels are 24-2 in non-conference games since Chris Beard took over last season, the only other loss to Purdue on Nov. 29. Memphis: The Tigers entered with two straight home losses, to Arkansas State and Mississippi State. From the start, Cisse played inspired. The first play was set up for a Cisse dunk, part of Memphis getting off to a good start. His inside game complemented Rogers' scoring from the outside. Ole Miss commits less than nine turnovers a game while forcing 16.7 per game for opponents. The Memphis defense caused eight Rebel miscues before halftime. While the Rebels cut down on the turnovers in the second half, Memphis defenders continued to cause problems. Ole Miss opens SEC play on Jan. 4 against Georgia. Memphis travels to Florida Atlantic on Thursday. Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college basketball: https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-basketball-poll and https://apnews.com/hub/college-basketball
Ex-Colorado footballer Bloom dedicates time to fulfilling wishes for older adults
The bilateral Naval exercise between India and Sri Lanka, SLINEX 24 (Sri Lanka – India Exercise 2024) was conducted from December 17 – 20 at Visakhapatnam under the aegis of the Eastern Naval Command in two phases. The harbour phase was held from December 17 – 18 and the sea phase from December 19 – 20 . INS Sumitra of the Eastern Fleet, along with Special Forces team participated from the Indian side while SLNS Sayura, an Offshore Patrol Vessel, along with Special Forces team participated from the Sri Lanka Navy. The inaugural ceremony of the exercise was held on December 17 followed by the Harbour phase, during which, the participants engaged in professional and social exchanges. The sea phase commenced on December 19 included joint exercises by Special Forces of both the Navies, gun firings, communication procedures, seamanship as well as navigation evolutions and helicopter operations. The SLINEX series of bilateral exercises were initiated in 2005 and since then regular exercises have been conducted. The current edition of the exercise has further strengthened the ties between the two maritime neighbours and contributed towards creating a safe and rule-based Maritime domain thereby taking forward the GoI’s resolve and vision of Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR).
Sagittarius natives enter this week with a burst of exuberance and optimism, as indicated by the planets stating that December 30th is one of the best days of the week. You may kick off Monday feeling confident about your social standing, enjoying respectful treatment from colleagues, friends, and family members alike. Even more heartening, you might uncover new channels for investing or discover hidden opportunities in fields such as creative projects, marketing, or technology. By midweek, the festive spirit extends to your home environment, with the 31st featuring potential celebrations or small gatherings that make you feel supported. If you’ve been yearning for deeper family connections or clarity about your living situation, the start of 2025 is a prime time to solidify these structures. That said, you could experience a spike in restlessness around the 2nd or 3rd of January, especially if you feel compelled to take on multiple projects simultaneously. Strive for balance: while the pioneering Sagittarian spirit thrives on new experiences, pacing yourself will enable you to transform scattered energy into sustainable progress. As the weekend approaches, you’ll likely revisit personal goals with renewed determination, embracing the new year with unwavering positivity. Love & Relationship The emotional climate for Sagittarius looks promising, though not without a few hurdles. Early in the week, your playful side shines, attracting both new acquaintances and lighting a spark in existing relationships. Singles may find themselves the center of attention at social gatherings, while couples enjoy an atmosphere of comfort and openness. The planets mention a day of celebration in the family, which can create an ideal setting for meaningful conversations about the future. As you transition into January, your partner’s support becomes more evident, especially if you share financial or career-related goals. Still, watch out for occasional disagreements around the 2nd or 3rd. Differences in opinions might trigger short-lived arguments. Sagittarius usually resolves tension by focusing on the bigger picture—so try stepping back from small annoyances. Ultimately, a sense of teamwork and shared excitement for what 2025 holds can reaffirm your bonds, ushering your relationships into a phase of greater understanding and mutual respect. Education & Career Sagittarians studying or pursuing knowledge-based vocations see a favorable stretch throughout this week. The planets point to success in academic endeavors, especially if you take advantage of your inherent optimism and love for exploration. Assignments or research tasks flourish under your curiosity-driven approach, and you may receive praise from mentors or peers. If you’ve been contemplating enrolling in a specialty course or thinking of traveling abroad for studies, the new year signals an encouraging cosmic window for such plans. On the career front, December 30th to January 1st feels like an opportune period for self-promotion, brand-building, or job applications. Business owners can harness this vibrant energy to capture fresh leads or rethink marketing strategies that expand their reach. Working professionals may feel the impetus to deliver above and beyond, and your superiors or team members will take note. Around the 2nd and 3rd, however, you could feel overwhelmed by a sudden influx of tasks. Maintain clarity in your priorities—knowing exactly which projects demand immediate attention and which can wait will spare you unnecessary stress. Money & Finance Financially, the planets describe a generally productive scenario for Sagittarians. Early in the week, you might identify lucrative investment options—possibly in stocks, speculative ventures, or real estate. While you’re known for taking chances, do keep your personal risk tolerance in mind. If you’re more conservative, verify market details, consult experts, or rely on trusted mentors before making commitments. This approach ensures that your innate adventurousness remains balanced by practicality. Midweek, you may enjoy a boost in family resources or receive small windfalls that help cushion your savings. If you’re supporting a broader household, your leadership can guide everyone into better budgeting. Be mindful, though, that your own love for spontaneity and travel might prompt impulse purchases, so weigh each expense carefully. By the weekend, your financial outlook feels stable enough to let you approach future plans—like property acquisitions or further education expenses—with clearheaded confidence. Health & Well-being Sagittarius is typically associated with a zest for life, and your vitality remains strong through most of the week. However, the planets do mention the possibility of mental restlessness or physical exhaustion if you take on too many ventures at once. Early in the period, ride the wave of enthusiasm but remember to schedule breaks in your day. Basic stretches, quick meditations, or short outdoor walks can help channel your dynamic energy more effectively. From January 2nd onward, tension might surface if your responsibilities become overwhelming, potentially leading to mild symptoms like headaches, fatigue, or irritability. Keep in mind that your body and mind are interconnected—nurturing one benefits the other. A balanced diet, consistent hydration, and moderate intake of stimulants (like coffee or energy drinks) will keep you on an even keel. By the time the weekend arrives, your spirits bounce back, buoyed by the delight of new beginnings and the comfort of supportive relationships. With thoughtful choices in diet and lifestyle, you can preserve your trademark Sagittarius optimism well into the new year. Discover everything about astrology at the Times of India , including daily horoscopes for Aries , Taurus , Gemini , Cancer , Leo , Virgo , Libra , Scorpio , Sagittarius , Capricorn , Aquarius , and Pisces .Starlink ya kara farashin intanet a Najeriya
B.C. boosts tax incentives to support film and television production
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