Appalachian State hires South Carolina offensive coordinator Dowell Loggains as head coachFO-ŠAN, Čína , 13. prosince 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Peter Guan , viceprezident společnosti Midea Group a prezident společnosti Midea Building Technologies, se v nedávném exkluzivním rozhovoru pro časopis JARN, přední japonské periodikum zabývající se systémy vytápění, ventilace a klimatizace, podělil o své poznatky ohledně vývoje globálního trhu s tepelnými čerpadly. Guan vyjádřil optimismus ohledně růstu evropského trhu tepelných čerpadel vzduch-voda a upozornil na příležitosti v Severní Americe a Austrálii. Tepelná čerpadla: Průlomová technologie pro udržitelnost Technologie tepelných čerpadel, kterou časopis MIT Technology Review označil za jednu z 10 průlomových technologií roku 2024 , je klíčovou inovací při snižování globální závislosti na fosilních palivech a prosazování uhlíkové neutrality. Peter Guan očekává v příštích dvou letech silné oživení trhu, které bude podpořeno technologickým pokrokem, podpůrnými politikami a rostoucím povědomím spotřebitelů. Spolčenost MBT je v rámci skupiny Midea klíčovým segmentem specializujícím se na systémy vytápění, ventilace a klimatizace. Stojí v čele celosvětového rozvoje tepelných čerpadel, zejména v Evropě. Společnost již několik let aktivně rozšiřuje své působení na trhu tepelných čerpadel vzduch-voda v celém regionu. Evropa: Prosperující centrum vývoje tepelných čerpadel Evropská unie zavedla důrazné politiky na podporu zavádění tepelných čerpadel. Díky iniciativám, jako je Akt o průmyslu pro bilančně nulové emise (Net Zero Industry Act), se zjednodušilo schvalování, získávání finanční podpory i školení pracovních sil. Hlavní trhy včetně Německa, Francie a Polska rozšířily dotační rámce, což podle Petera Guana podpoří oživení a růst trhu. Kromě toho si Evropská asociace tepelných čerpadel (European Heat Pump Association) v rámci svého akceleračního programu klade za cíl do roku 2029 uvést do provozu téměř 10 milionů tepelných čerpadel, z čehož by více než polovinu měla tvořit tepelná čerpadla vzduch-voda. Předpokládá se, že trh s tepelnými čerpadly pro komerční účely poroste složenou roční mírou růstu (CAGR) 12 % a do roku 2028 dosáhne 1,15 miliardy eur. Strategie pro vedoucí postavení na trhu S cílem využít růstový potenciál Evropy zavedla společnost MBT řadu strategických opatření k posílení lokalizovaných operací. Založením evropského výzkumného a vývojového centra se společnost MBT zaměřuje na vývoj produktů přizpůsobených místním potřebám, čímž reaguje na měnící se požadavky trhu. Spolupráce s distributory posílila online i offline marketingové kampaně a zvýšila povědomí spotřebitelů o výhodách tepelných čerpadel v obytných i komerčních sférách. Za poslední dva roky bylo v obchodech modernizováno více než 700 stojanů s tepelnými čerpadly. Účast na oborových akcích dále posílila vliv společnosti MBT na trhu. Na veletrhu Chillventa 2024 představila společnost MBT ve spolupráci s francouzskou společností Trace Software softwarový nástroj Super Advisor pro systém řízení spotřeby energie iEasyEnergy, který propojuje fotovoltaické systémy, domácí akumulační baterie a tepelná čerpadla a dosahuje působivé míry energetické soběstačnosti 80–90 %. Software výrazně zvyšuje přesnost a nákladovou efektivitu řešení energetického managementu domácností. Společnost MBT se také zaměřuje na rozvoj pracovních sil a provozuje 32 školicích středisek v evropských zemích, jako je Itálie, Německo, Maďarsko a Polsko, kde školí kvalifikované montéry tepelných čerpadel. Společnost MBT také prostřednictvím akvizic (například akvizice společnosti Clivet v roce 2016) posílila svůj průmyslový řetězec a v poslední době investovala více než 60 milionů eur do nových výrobních a výzkumných zařízení, aby podpořila budoucí růst. Rozšiřování působnosti v Severní Americe a Austrálii Kromě Evropy působí společnost MBT také v Severní Americe a Austrálii. Podle Mezinárodní agentury pro energii se očekává, že severoamerický trh s tepelnými čerpadly vzroste do roku 2030 o více než 50 %, přičemž v USA dojde do roku 2023 k 25% nárůstu dodávek. Předpokládá se, že v Austrálii do roku 2030 vzroste využívání tepelných čerpadel o 40 %, a to díky vládním iniciativám, jako je Národní rámec pro přizpůsobení se změně klimatu (National Climate Change Adaptation Framework). Společnost MBT přizpůsobila svou nabídku těmto trhům a uvedla na trh vysoce výkonná tepelná čerpadla a ohřívače vody, které splňují regionální požadavky. Důrazem na technologii, diferenciaci služeb a poprodejní podporu chce společnost MBT upevnit svou globální konkurenceschopnost. Snaha o inovace a udržitelnost Společnost MBT vyčleňuje 5 % svých ročních tržeb z prodeje na výzkum a vývoj, čímž zajišťuje trvale vedoucí postavení svých produktů. Společnost provozuje šest výzkumných a vývojových středisek a 93 školicích středisek po celém světě, což umožňuje rychlou reakci na požadavky trhu a udržuje služby na špičkové úrovni. „Celosvětový průmysl tepelných čerpadel díky technologickému pokroku a příznivým politikám rychle roste," uvedl Peter Guan . „Vzhledem k tomu, že spotřebitelé stále více upřednostňují udržitelnost, nabízí toto odvětví významné příležitosti. Naše strategické zaměření na Evropu i na další oblasti nás staví do pozice hybné síly transformačního růstu tohoto důležitého odvětví." 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Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, once called a 'pretty good Canadian,' dies at 100 Jimmy Carter, the self-effacing peanut farmer, humanitarian and former navy lieutenant who helped Canada avert a nuclear catastrophe before ascending to the highest political office in the United States, died Sunday at his home in Georgia. James McCarten, The Canadian Press Dec 29, 2024 2:19 PM Dec 29, 2024 2:20 PM Share by Email Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Print Share via Text Message Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter speaks after him and his wife Rosalynn, received honorary degrees from Queen's University in Kingston, Ont., on Wednesday Nov. 21, 2012. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Nobel Peace Prize winner has died at 100. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Lars Hagberg Jimmy Carter, the self-effacing peanut farmer, humanitarian and former navy lieutenant who helped Canada avert a nuclear catastrophe before ascending to the highest political office in the United States, died Sunday at his home in Georgia. He was 100, making him the longest-lived U.S. president in American history. Concern for Carter's health had become a recurring theme in recent years. He was successfully treated for brain cancer in 2015, then suffered a number of falls, including one in 2019 that resulted in a broken hip. Alarm spiked in February 2023, however, when the Carter Center — the philanthropic organization he and his wife Rosalynn founded in 1982 — announced he would enter hospice care at his modest, three-bedroom house in Plains, Ga. Rosalynn Carter, a mental health advocate whose role as presidential spouse helped to define the modern first lady, predeceased her husband in November 2023 — a death at 96 that triggered a remembrance to rival his. "Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished," the former president said in a statement after she died. "As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me." Conventional wisdom saw his single White House term as middling. But Carter's altruistic work ethic, faith-filled benevolence and famous disdain for the financial trappings of high office only endeared him to generations after he left politics in 1981. "The trite phrase has been, 'Jimmy Carter has been the best former president in the history of the United States,'" said Gordon Giffin, a former U.S. ambassador to Canada who sits on the Carter Center's board of trustees. "That grated on him, because it distinguished his service as president from his service — and I literally mean service — as a former president." His relentless advocacy for human rights, a term Carter popularized long before it became part of the political lexicon, included helping to build homes for the poor across the U.S. and in 14 other countries, including Canada, well into his 90s. He devoted the resources of the Carter Center to tackling Guinea worm, a parasite that afflicted an estimated 3.5 million people in the developing world in the early 1980s and is today all but eradicated, with just 13 cases reported in 2022. And he was a tireless champion of ending armed conflict and promoting democratic elections in the wake of the Cold War, with his centre monitoring 113 such votes in 39 different countries — and offering conflict-resolution expertise when democracy receded. Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, nearly a quarter-century after his seminal work on the Camp David Accords helped pave the way for a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979, the first of its kind. "His presidency got sidelined in the historic evaluation too quickly, and now people are revisiting it," Giffin said. "I think his standing in history as president will grow." A lifelong Democrat who never officially visited Canada as president, Carter was nonetheless a pioneer of sorts when it came to Canada-U.S. relations and a close friend to the two Canadian prime ministers he served alongside. One of them, former Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark, once called Carter a "pretty good Canadian" — a testament to the former commander-in-chief's authenticity and centre-left politics, which always resonated north of the Canada-U.S. border. The pair were reunited in 2017 at a panel discussion in Atlanta hosted by the Canadian American Business Council, and seemed to delight in teasing the host when she described Clark as a "conservative" and Carter as a "progressive." "I'm a Progressive Conservative — that's very important," Clark corrected her. Piped up Carter: "I'm a conservative progressive." In 2012, the Carters visited Kingston, Ont., to receive an honorary degree from Queen's University. Instead of a fancy hotel, they stayed with Arthur Milnes, a former speech writer, journalist and political scholar who'd long since become a close friend. "He became my hero, believe it or not, probably when I was about 12," said Milnes, whose parents had come of age during the Cold War and lived in perpetual fear of the ever-present nuclear threat until Carter took over the White House in 1977. "My mother never discussed politics, with one exception — and that was when Jimmy Carter was in the White House. She'd say, 'Art, Jimmy Carter is a good and decent man,'" Milnes recalled. "They always said, both of them, that for the first time since the 1950s, they felt safe, knowing that it was this special man from rural Georgia, Jimmy Carter, who had his finger on the proverbial button." While Richard Nixon and Pierre Trudeau appeared to share a mutual antipathy during their shared time in office, Carter got along famously with the prime minister. Indeed, it was at the express request of the Trudeau family that Carter attended the former prime minister's funeral in 2000, Giffin said. "The message I got back was the family would appreciate it if Jimmy Carter could come," said Giffin, who was the U.S. envoy in Ottawa at the time. "So he did come. He was at the Trudeau funeral. And to me, that said a lot about not only the relationship he had with Trudeau, but the relationship he had in the Canada-U.S. dynamic." It was at that funeral in Montreal that Carter — "much to my frustration," Giffin allowed — spent more than two hours in a holding room with Cuban leader Fidel Castro, a meeting that resulted in Carter visiting Cuba in 2002, the first former president to do so. But it was long before Carter ever entered politics that he established a permanent bond with Canada — one forged in the radioactive aftermath of what might otherwise have become the country's worst nuclear calamity. In 1952, Carter was a 28-year-old U.S. navy lieutenant, a submariner with a budding expertise in nuclear power, when he and his crew were dispatched to help control a partial meltdown at the experimental Chalk River Laboratories northwest of Ottawa. In his 2016 book "A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety," Carter described working in teams of three, first practising on a mock-up of the reactor, then on the real thing, in short 90-second bursts to avoid absorbing more than the maximum allowable dose of radiation. "The limit on radiation absorption in the early 1950s was approximately 1,000 times higher than it is 60 years later," he wrote. "There were a lot of jokes about the effects of radioactivity, mostly about the prospect of being sterilized, and we had to monitor our urine until all our bodies returned to the normal range." That, Carter would later acknowledge in interviews, took him about six months. Carter and Clark were both in office during the so-called "Canadian Caper," a top-secret operation to spirit a group of U.S. diplomats out of Iran following the fall of the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979. The elaborate ploy, which involved passing the group off as a Canadian science-fiction film crew, was documented in the Oscar-winning 2012 Ben Affleck film "Argo." Carter didn't think much of the film. "The movie that was made, 'Argo,' was very distorted. They hardly mentioned the Canadian role in this very heroic, courageous event," he said during the CABC event. He described the true events of that escapade as "one of the greatest examples of a personal application of national friendship I have ever known." To the end, Carter was an innately humble and understated man, said Giffin — a rare commodity in any world leader, much less in one from the United States. "People underestimate who Jimmy Carter is because he leads with his humanity," he said. "I read an account the other day that said the Secret Service vehicles that are parked outside his house are worth more than the house. How many former presidents have done that?" This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec, 29, 2024. James McCarten, The Canadian Press See a typo/mistake? Have a story/tip? This has been shared 0 times 0 Shares Share by Email Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Print Share via Text Message Get your daily Victoria news briefing Email Sign Up More Science News A 9th telecoms firm has been hit by a massive Chinese espionage campaign, the White House says Dec 27, 2024 5:55 PM Trump asks Supreme Court to delay TikTok ban so he can weigh in after he takes office Dec 27, 2024 4:22 PM Trump asks Supreme Court to delay TikTok ban so he can weigh in after he takes office Dec 27, 2024 2:45 PMA WOMAN who's paid to sleep with men has left people stunned after sharing how she was booked as a "birthday treat" for one woman's husband. Lucy is a sex worker, and was contacted a few months ago by a woman who had come across her page on TikTok, before she'd decided to take the plunge and make a booking. 2 Lucy took to TikTok to share a storytime about how she was booked as a birthday present for a woman's husband Credit: Tiktok/@lucyhuxleyxxx 2 She returned after the two-hour session, to share an update about her "really lovely time" Credit: Tiktok/@lucyhuxleyxxx But the booking wasn't for herself - instead she had decided to gift her spouse a session with Lucy for his big day. It was a two-hour booking, which began with Lucy sitting down with the couple in a hotel bar for a few drinks, before she took the birthday boy upstairs to the room. The woman had told her husband about the birthday surprise last week, and had even told Lucy about his likes and dislikes in the bedroom - down to the kind of lingerie that turns him on. "And now I get to surprise him by doing things he likes without him having to ask for it, which I think is gonna be super fun," she explained in a video on her TikTok page. Read more Sex stories NUDE YEAR From 'permission play' to ‘sobergasms’: the big trends for better sex in 2025 LOO STORY I got chucked out a rave for bonking in a loo - but I'm no 'Bonnie Blue wannabe' She'd then headed out for the booking, before returning to the social media site to share an update later on. Kicking off the clip , Lucy insisted that the booking had gone "really well", and she'd had "so much in common" with the wife. After around 45 minutes drinking together, the wife headed off, so that they could get down to business. "It turns out that this was actually their first dip into non-monogamy," Lucy said, adding that they'd been married for over a decade. Most read in Fabulous TAKE A BOW Shoppers race to River Island for ideal little black party dress for under £50 WALKING ON SUNSHINE Meet the globe-trotting celebs who turned 2024 into one big holiday 'SCREAMS DESPERATION' Lily Phillips is bizarre - she's giving our industry a terrible name SEX-PLOITED Lily Phillips admits the blokes are the only winners after bedding 101 men But it was the woman who had decided "she was interested in her husband being with someone else" and it was "something that she's really into". "I felt very honoured to be a part of their first experience," Lucy grinned. Controversial star Bonnie Blue boasts about sex conquests live on show "And yeah, it was a super lovely time, and I hope that I get to see them again." However, people in the comments section weren't convinced that the session was an ideal birthday treat, with one writing emphatically: "Love is dead". "May this kind of love never find me," another added. "If I was married, I would never share my husband with another person, even if she was a professional," a third commented. "I would die of jealousy and anger. "I don't know how people do it!" What your sexual fantasies say about you By Emma Kenny, a TV presenter and psychologist Raucous Role Play: If your partner enjoys dressing up for fun, it shows creativity and a desire to keep things exciting. However, it might signal that he struggles with responsibility. Multi-Partner Fantasies: Craving variety doesn't always mean he wants to cheat. However, it could indicate deeper feelings of unfulfillment. Power & Control: A little dominance is normal, but if it's always about control, it may hide insecurities. Adventure: Men seeking thrills may push boundaries, so be sure your comfort zone is respected. Passion: If he’s romantic, he’s emotionally tuned in—though occasionally avoiding tough conversations. Flexibility: Openness to new experiences is great, but constant novelty-seeking could mean avoiding emotional connection. Red Flag: If control is his ultimate fantasy, it may signal a deeper struggle with power dynamics. "Same! Just the thought of it makes me angry and uncomfortable," someone else agreed. "It’s so gross," another raged. But others were more on board with the idea. "I wish everyone was this open-minded," one said. "This is real love," another wrote. Read more on the Scottish Sun SNOW WAY Weather maps show heavy snow for Scotland in DAYS – with -2C New Year’s chill NO CRIME Orange Order slam cops after Celtic activist was cleared over 'sectarian rants' As a third added: "There are kinks that make this fun for both partners. "Just because YOU do not like it does not mean the couple in question does not either."
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SAN DIEGO (AP) — Syracuse coach Fran Brown and Washington State acting coach Pete Kaligis shared a heartfelt hug after their Holiday Bowl news conference on Thursday. Kaligis can certainly use all the support he can get, especially an embrace and some encouraging words from the opposing coach. No. 22 Syracuse (9-3, No. 21 CFP), led by national passing leader Kyle McCord, is a 17-point favorite according to BetMGM in Friday night's Holiday Bowl against the depleted Cougars (8-4), whose season has nosedived since mid-November. After beating future Pac-12 opponent San Diego State 29-26 on Oct. 26 at Snapdragon Stadium, coach Jake Dickert, quarterback John Mateer and the rest of the Cougars were 7-1 and about to jump into The Associated Press Top 25. Now the Cougars are barely recognizable as they return to Snapdragon. Dickert was hired away by Wake Forest, Mateer transferred to Oklahoma and running back Wayshawn Parker left for Utah. Numerous coaches, including the offensive and defensive coordinators, are gone, and more than 20 players have entered the transfer portal. The Cougars, who lost their last three games, are a prime example of how college football's rapidly changing landscape can dramatically affect a program. “Going into the ins-and-outs of the game tomorrow doesn’t matter,” Kaligis said. “We are who we are, we have what we have. I know that’s for both of us.” Kaligis said players who entered the portal after Dickert left can suit up Friday night. “I know we came here with 98 guys. That's who we’re going to show up on the field with.” Kaligis said relationships between players and coaches are more important than ever, even if there's less time to develop trust “and coach them the right way.” “When a staff (member) leaves and guys get in the portal, it’s because of the relationships they have garnered with their position coaches. When that position coach isn’t guaranteed he’s going to be there, that’s who that young man trusts,” Kaligis said. “I’ve been doing this for a long time," he added. "What’s been hard for me, I spent 13 years at Wyoming, I saw three graduating classes. I remember I was the longest-tenured coach there. To see them all the way through. When I came to Wazzu, I was their fourth D-line coach." The Cougs improved to 8-1 by beating Utah State 49-28 on Nov. 9 but then lost three straight, including to Oregon State in the de facto championship game between the two teams left in the Pac-12. They also lost to New Mexico and Wyoming, two of the Mountain West teams that weren't invited to join the reconstituted Pac-12 starting in 2026. McCord, who transferred from Ohio State, rewrote the Orange's record book this season with 4,326 yards passing, 29 touchdowns and 367 completions. He's well within range of breaking Deshaun Watson's ACC single-season record of 4,593, which he set in 15 games in 2016. A win will give Syracuse 10 wins for the first time since 2018 and just the third time since 2000. Brown can become the second Syracuse coach since World War II to record 10 wins in his first season, joining Paul Pasqualoni, who did it in 1991. In their final regular-season game, the Orange rallied from a 21-0 deficit for a 42-38 win against then-No. 6 Miami that knocked the Hurricanes out of ACC title contention and ended their College Football Playoff hopes. McCord threw for 380 yards and three touchdowns. “We want to go out and have a good game,” Brown said. “We have an opportunity of winning 10 games, which means you’re starting to become a successful program, right? Our players haven’t had a chance of winning a bowl game. So there’s a lot of things that are on the line for us to really be able to build our program and being able to move forward.” This will be the teams' second meeting. Syracuse beat Washington State 52-25 in 1979. Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college football: and
Richard Parsons, prominent executive who led Time Warner and Citigroup, dies at 76