1. A pack of fine point markers that'll help you make a *fine point* as you journal your way through the year. Promising review: "These pens have the perfect fine tip for writing, journaling, doodling, whatever makes you happy! I tend to press down hard when I write so I bend pen tips, but these are very sturdy! They also have a piece on the cap that keeps them from rolling around and off the table, I love that feature, you can see it in one of the photos. These are good quality for a decent price!" — KB Get a set of 18 from Amazon for $8.99 (also available in packs of 24 and 36). 2. A Scrub Daddy sponge holder that might as well be referred to as your favorite sponge's emotional support system — it's designed *specifically* to suction to the side of your sink and keep that adorable, smiling sponge in place. You. Need. It. End of story. Storage Theory is a small business that specializes in unique storage solutions for every room in your home. Promising review: "I used to use the Scotch-Brite sponges and not only aesthetically was it not very pleasing to the eye, every time I put it in the suction holder it would lose suction and fall off. My daughter introduced these sponges/holders as she said it was 'big on TikTok.' I t was cheap enough I thought I would try it. Omg! It’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen! I actually enjoying doing dishes and I always smile because there is a smiley face looking right back at me. Not only is it the cutest sponge I’ve ever seen, it kicks but in cleaning the most dirtiest of jobs! And the holder fits and hold perfectly and brings me a lot of joy! " — Momboss Psst — you can get Scrub Daddy sponges here on Amazon! They are extremely beloved by TikTokers because they're mildew-resistant, dual-sided with different scrubbing textures, and designed with a smile that lets you more easily clean utensils. Get it from Amazon for $7.99 . 3. A set of LED lightsaber chopsticks you're going to need to order two sets of so you can share 'em with the Chewbacca to your Han Solo (aka whoever happens to be who you get sushi with every Friday night). Promising review: "I purchased these for a friend's birthday present (he is a sushi waiter) and these are flippin' AMAZING. I ordered two sets by mistake, but I am totally keeping the second pair for another gift (or for myself!). These are sure to be great conversation pieces and attention-getters. Way to go!" — T. Redwood Get two pairs from Amazon for $9.97 . 4. A "Through The Seasons" Reverse Coloring Book , which is a newer edition of the fan favorite Reverse Coloring Book — perfect for anyone who is tired of coloring *inside* the lines and needs more of a challenge — in this scenario you'll be the one to draw the lines around the colors on the page! Basically, instead of adding the color to these, you draw lines to create images within the colors. Fun! Pair it with these fabulous black fine point pens for $9.99 on Amazon to complete the gift. Promising review : "Kendra Norton’s beautiful art books, Reverse Coloring books, have changed my world! My whole life, I thought I was not creative and, therefore, had zero artistic ability. Now this has become my favorite form of artistic expression. I turn on music and/or an audiobook and allow myself to go for an adventure outside of my mind, beyond my mind, if you will. T his has become my favorite way to process through difficult emotions and experiences I’m working through ." — K. DeWitt Get it from Amazon for $8.29 . 5. A NeeDoh Nice Cube , a must-have sensory fidget toy for anyone who can't seem to get their brain to focus on one task at a time (too many tabs open both literally and figuratively!). This lil' squish block is super satisfying to play with and reviewers love that it isn't sticky (no gross debris to try to clean off). Schylling is a small business that specializes in modern and retro toys, games, and sets. Promising review: "High quality and very durable! This cube is fantastic for any age and any need. The cube provides slight resistance when compressed, which is both stress-relieving and satisfying!!! Once squeezed, it quickly returns to its natural shape. A great choice!" — Joe stevenson Get it from Amazon for $9.33 (the color is either blue, pink, or purple and gets selected for you at random)! 6. An undetectable laptop mouse jiggler that'll slide right into a USB port so you can sneak away to catch your breath and grab a coffee without anyone wondering why you've been offline for so long. Promising review: "Saves me from auto logouts! My brother recommended this handy gadget. I work from home and have three monitors. When I leave my desk for lunch, the computer goes to sleep and when I come back, everything is logged out and whatever was on three monitors ends up on two. SO frustrating. This is programmable for three settings and I use it on the minimal movement so when I come back, everything is just as I left it. Revolutionary! Just remember to turn it on!" — Isaiah Get it from Amazon for $8.99 . 7. E.l.f's brand new Lash XTNDR Tubing Mascara you'll find yourself racing to add to your cart after seeing reviewer photos. It features a lightweight tubing technology that magically wraps around lashes, transforming them from *drab to fab* without taking away from your natural look. Check out a TikTok of the E.l.f. tubing mascara in action. BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord is a fan with a capital F, " I am not a new human to the tubing mascara game, and in fact readily spent $26 on the famous OG blend from Blinc every time it needed replacing . I didn't even love it for the length half as much as the fact that tubing mascara like this genuinely never smudges, but can I just say — regardless of price, the E.l.f. tubing mascara formula blows all the others I've tried out of the water. It gives me way more length and volume than other brands, slides on so much more easily, stays put ALL day, and never, ever smudges. My favorite part, though, is how gently and easily it comes off with soap and water. In the past, other mascara removals have felt rough on my lashes, but this comes off so fast that I'm like ??? was I even wearing mascara a minute ago?? Anyway, I hesitate even writing this review because I want to gatekeep the hell out of this before it sells out, but the world needed to know. I'm a big fan of the brown shade (which is what I'm wearing above!), but it also comes in black and soft black." Get it from Amazon for $7 (available in three shades). 8. A Saucemoto dip clip , because eating fries while in a parked car just tastes better and you shouldn't have to sacrifice your favorite dipping sauce to do so! Thanks to this lil' clip you really can have it all. Saucemoto is a small business! Promising review: "How did I go so long without one of these??? The Saucemoto was my first 'TikTok Made Me Buy It' purchase and I have no regrets. It clips easily to my car's vent and the sauce cups clip in easily so I can dip and drive . No more trying not to dump the sauce by accident while steering with the same hand that's holding the dip cup. It even comes with a dip cup for those places that do the pouches for their sauces rather than the cups. (I'm looking at you, Arby's.) Ya know, you end up squeezing the sauce onto the wrapper that's balanced on your lap and you end up getting some sauce on your steering wheel. OR you try the whole 'wrapper and sauce on the passenger seat and try to dip while watching the road,' which usually doesn't turn out so great." — Pleasure Pamela Get set of two from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in four colors and sets of four, six, and 10). 9. Elizavecca Collagen Protein Treatment — it'll revive your hair in case you haven't had a chance to book a salon appointment but your locks need a *quick* fix. Promising reviews: "I have 4c hair and was looking for a protein treatment for my thin and fragile hair. I had recently used a product in my hair that had so much alcohol in it that wreaked havoc on my hair, leaving it pretty damaged. I was very skeptical about this product because I have never seen anyone with my hair type use it. Boy was I wrong to doubt this product, it left my hair looking and feeling beautiful. I highly recommend it to anyone with natural or curly hair. " — Therese-Claire Get it from Amazon for $8.50 . And check out our full Elizavecca CER-100 collagen protein treatment review . 10. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff , which is an all-purpose cleaning paste that'll help you tackle all of your messes but make it *~pretty in pink~* at the same time. After hearing what incredible things The Pink Stuff can do, I finally ordered it and tried it for myself. Honestly, wow! It really does work wonders. I tried it first on my Le Creuset cast iron pan (seen above, right) and really was amazed at how just one pass with The Pink Stuff (and a scouring brush ) took off almost every stain! I can't wait to try it on literally everything in my home that needs a deep cleaning. Promising review: "Honestly I was very skeptical when I first purchased. Everyone on social media was talking about how amazing this product was for cleaning around the house and I just thought they were all jumping on some kind of band wagon. Of course I caved and had to try it for myself. Needless to say I’m very impressed! It removed stubborn mold and grime from my shower tile grout with use of a hard bristle tooth brush. It removed hard water stains from my sinks and faucets . I noticed it really does remove mineral build up, but it takes a lot of elbow grease and repetitive applications before you start seeing progress. The texture feels similar to when you mix honey with sugar to make a lip scrub, except it’s super fine grit and more pasty like putty or clay . It works amazing so far! No overpowering smell (barely any smell at all), easy to use, and a little product goes a long way. I haven’t tried it on rust yet so we’ll see how that goes. Over all very pleased and impressed so far. Highly recommend!" — Marissa Get it from Amazon for $5.49 . 11. Arm & Hammer Deodorizer Odor Busterz you can keep in the bottom of your garbage can to fight off even the stinkiest of smells — there's nothing worse than opening your kitchen garbage after throwing out broccoli the night before. 🤢 I have a similar item in the bottom of my baby's diaper pail and it really does make a difference! Reviewers also note it's been a great addition to their laundry baskets as well. Promising review: "We consistently take out the garbage from our diaper pail, and even though the odor is sealed into the pail sometimes there can be a lingering odor when you go to change the bag. I decided to pop two of these in the pail underneath the plastic bag to see if it would help combat the smell and it’s like magic. We haven’t noticed any scent so far and they last a long time, more than three months of odor control! (We have a 3.5-month-old.) Definitely will be throwing one of these into my husband's tennis bag!" — Maddie Vasiliev Get a pack of three from Amazon for $5.98 . 12. A volcanic stone face roller to help you banish oil and unwanted shiny spots from your face without having to carry around those pesky oil-blotting sheets. This roller can be washed and used time and time again. Check it out on TikTok here ! I have this helpful beauty tool and keep it at my desk. I frequently use it during the work day when I find myself leaning my head in my hands while reading through posts — thus getting the oil from my fingers all over my forehead. The roller seamlessly takes the oil away from my face. I use it all the time without a second thought...it really does work! Promising review: "First off, if you have extremely oily skin, this. is. it. I was so tired of getting blotting powder/wipes. It felt wasteful and always left residue on my face. I saw this on TikTok and NEEDED it. It was back ordered, but then I got an email saying it was in stock, and I was SO excited. Not only is it affordable, but it's washable, which helps you save money and be less wasteful. The packaging wasn't over the top exciting, but it provided you all the info you needed. (It felt like the holy grail had been delivered to my front doorstep.) After my first use, I was in love. Now, it doesn't pick up everything, but it does make it more matte and gives you a natural look. I am so excited this product exists and I already feel more confident." — Kelsey B. Get it from Amazon for $8.30 . 13. A garbage guard that'll keep pesky flies and other insects from congregating around your can. Promising review: "Got an outdoor can, the kind the mechanical arm on the garbage truck picks up and tips over, with the lid opening by gravity. Placed this on the inside of the lid, near the hinge to lessen the chances of it being scraped off during emptying and no flies/maggots! No apparent odor, just seems to put a big hurt on the fly party that used to be my trash can (litter box contents, remnants of meat, etc.) " — Michael E. Bradley Get it from Amazon for $9.84 . 14. A flexible cleaning brush that'll pull all of the hard-to-reach pieces of lint out of your dryer. I truly can't think of anything more satisfying, TBH. Promising review: "Works perfectly for scrubbing the stuck lint out of the insides of your dryer. Everyone who owns a dryer should have these, they're basic safety equipment. Clean that lint, and reduce the fire hazard and make the machine more efficient . They're long enough, strong enough, and just flexible enough without being too flexible." — Winged Wolf Get it from Amazon for $7.30 . 15. A set of Bottle Bright tablets to restore your favorite thermos to its original shiny state. Your go-to coffee mug will shine brighter than the Chrysler building! Promising review: "I seriously can't believe how well these little tablets work. I had the most disgusting Hydro Flask coffee mug; I tried everything — bottle brush, different kinds of soap, vinegar, EVERYTHING — and there was still a seemingly impenetrable layer of black sludge inside. It grossed me out so much that I bought ANOTHER Hydro Flask to replace it. Eventually they both got black inside, so I tried these little magic tablets. I let a tablet sit in each of my mugs for an hour or two, and the black sludge rinsed out COMPLETELY, without even scrubbing. They look brand-new. What a magical product. No weird smell or taste afterward, either. I liked it so much that I used it on another Hydro Flask I use primarily to hold my Bloody Mary mix in the fridge. I couldn't put anything else in it because it would always taste like spicy tomato juice. Bottle Bright to the rescue! No residual smell or taste anymore. AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING." — Amazon Customer Get it from Amazon for $8 . 16. A putty-like cleaning gel that'll help you remove all the dust and debris from the hard-to-reach crevices in your car. Psh, and to think you were going to PAY someone to clean out your car. Promising review: "This product works just as intended. I was afraid it would become dirty and unusable quickly but it has held up well. I also found myself using it as a stress ball/fidget tool while driving too and from work." — Samantha Get it from Amazon for $6.99 . 17. A makeup brush-cleansing shampoo , because — shocker — you need to clean those! It'll remove all the leftover residue from your beauty products right before your eyes like ✨magic✨. After reading about how necessary it is to actually clean your makeup brushes (I know, I KNOW, I should’ve been doing this for years) I was super grossed out and motivated to order the right supplies to do the job. I’ve heard good things about Ecotools makeup brush-cleansing shampoo so I figured I’d start there. The Amazon listing also suggested buying a silicone makeup brush cleaning pad to go with it so I figured... why not? Well, now I’m patting myself on the back because ordering these two items was a LIFE-CHANGER! I could not believe how much residue came off my brushes in just one cleaning. You only need to use a little dab of the shampoo, so one bottle will definitely last a long time. The silicone pad made it super easy to thoroughly lather the brushes without leaving my bathroom sink in shambles. I also loved how each section was labeled with which brush should be cleaned in each area. My brushes look brand new! Don’t hesitate like I did — buy both the shampoo and the mat ASAP. Get it from Amazon for $6.96 . 18. Affresh cleaning tablets to toss into your dishwasher and easily get rid of that yucky smell that seems to appear after a few washes — it'll banish lime and mineral build-up and leave your dishes nice 'n' clean. I have these tablets and use them all the time! They work especially great after the bottom of my dishwasher has gotten stained with residue from detergent or rusty-looking liquid after I've run my baking sheets through the wash. I love knowing I can just pop one into the dishwasher 1, 2, 3, and end up with a clean machine. Promising review: "After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher, due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and just not getting clean. Then I saw a product test review for Affresh in Good Housekeeping magazine. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway, so I added that to my order. I did not expect the results I got! The glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I am amazed!" — Sheila Get it from Amazon for $8.98 . 19. An instant carpet spot remover spray, so when your bestie accidentally drips salsa off of their chip and onto your carpet you can say "no biggie" and actually mean it. Promising review: "I have a white couch and my dog loves to jump up after being outside. Sometimes she has mud on her paws and this product removes the stains COMPLETELY. We’ve had red wine and spaghetti sauce spilled on it and zero trace is left after using this. Best part, my couch fabric doesn’t get damaged by the chemicals either. I’ve ordered 12 of these and we have one in every room and in our cars. Hands-down nothing beats this spray. I’ve tried pet stain removers, DIY recommendations, stuff with vinegar... only this product works. Pay the cost for this! It’s totally worth it! 100 stars if I could." — Lauren R. Get it from Amazon for $6.65 . 20. A set of cleaning K-Cups that'll rinse away all the coffee grounds from your past beverages and ensure your next ones taste fresher than ever. Quick & Clean is a small business! Promising review: "I bought this product because the needle in my Keurig 2.0 keeps clogging, causing inconsistent brew and taste. These cleaning cups fixed both of my issues and I especially liked that it was really quick and easy to use... I put the cleaning pod in and ran one cycle, then took the pod out and ran a rinse cycle to clean out any leftover grinds. FAST, EASY, and GREAT results...VERY HAPPY!!" — Corey West Get it from Amazon for $9.95 . 21. A Mouthwatchers' flossing toothbrush , which has two layers of bristles designed to *really* deep clean your teeth and in between your gums. Your pearly whites will feel as fresh as they do after the dentist but without the whole...ugh-I'm-going-to-the-dentist ordeal. Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord couldn't help but sing the praises of this toothbrush: "I personally bought this and love it! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively. I've switched to using this in the morning and the electric one at night and definitely see a difference in that area in particular." Promising review: "This was another one of my TikTok purchases! I was skeptical but my kids hate flossing their teeth so thought this might help in between making them floss. They work amazing! My kids said they could see and feel a difference on the first use and I agree! They are definitely worth a try! I would suggest not pushing too hard, those tiny bristles really get in there and if you push too hard you nights be sore like I was. It felt like after going to a dental cleaning." — Amy N. Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.91 . 22. Exfoliating skincare mitts designed to lift away dead skin ( and remove a spray tan that's seen better days) — an excellent way for you to kickstart your spa-like experience at home. Seraphic Skincare is a small business! Promising review: "If you're trying to find something for body exfoliation...this is it. Just this glove, water, and some time. I soaked in the bathtub for about 10 minutes, then got to exfoliating. " — Kari Shawhan Get it from Amazon for $7.99 . 23. An activity book , designed for the writer to destroy once they've finished it — you'll get the chance to dig deep into your past, present, and future without any pressure to commit to daily journaling. ...and the celestial design on the front is stunning, if I do say so myself. Promising review: "This book helps you understand that it’s okay to be completely honest with yourself. The book itself was in great condition with clean pages. I can’t wait to venture more into this lil' journey with myself. ♥️" — Molls Get it from Amazon for $7.70 . 24. A set of heart-shaped faux leather bookmarks for anyone who agrees dog-earing the pages of a book should be a sin. (Especially one borrowed from the library!) Slip one of these cuties onto the corner of a page until you can get back to reading. Promising review: "I AM OBSESSED WITH THESE! I’ve sent the link to all my bookworms and told them to buy them! Great gift idea for a 'reader' in your life. Amazing quality and just super cute would definitely buy again and probably will for someone else." — Brianna Get a set of six from Amazon for $5.39 (available in five styles). 25. A set of eye masks packed with hyaluronic acid and collagen that'll, quite literally, leave you starry-eyed. Your next night of pampering is about to get a whole lot more glamorous. Promising review: "These are fantastic vegan collagen eye pads. They feel so good when you have them on and leave your skin looking and feeling so much better when you take them off. These are great for tired puffy eyes that just need a nice little boost. You'll find that with these." — mr. dead Get a pack of three sets from Amazon for $7.99 (also available in a full eye mask). 26. SAEM Iceland Hydrating Eye Stick — it'll reduce under-eye circles and puffiness thanks to the glacial waters its formulated with. It's so freakin' cute!!! Who wouldn't want to improve their skin with the help of a lil' polar bear? Promising reviews: "I have always had serious dark circles and bags under my eyes and this has really changed this for me. The results are incredible. The puffiness is gone. The dark circles are hardly noticeable. My sensitive skin has not broken out. I never write reviews, but this was so good that I had to write a review. This actually works." — Ben Get it from Amazon for $9.90 . 27. A cleaning pen , so all of your jewels (whether they're real or not) will be so sparkly everyone will wonder where you got 'em from. This seemingly average little cleaning pen is filled with a high-performance formula that cleans jewelry like nothing I've ever experienced. It contains micro-fine cleansers, polishing agents, and a polymer that will make your gems so shiny they'll nearly blind you. I've used it on my diamond rings, but it also works wonders on my cubic zirconia earrings. Additionally, Connoisseurs is a small business! Check out my full review of the Connoisseurs 1050 Diamond Dazzle Stik . Promising review: "My life has changed since I discovered this. I was previously using a toothbrush and found that it just wasn't getting all the gunk underneath my diamond. I have no idea what kind of magic is in this cleaning stick but my ring looks brand-new after cleaning. The bristles are soft and firm at the same time, allowing you to get all around the prongs and underneath the stone." — Ay Get it from Amazon for $9.48 . 28. A shampoo scalp massager so even if you only have the time and energy for a quick rinse you'll still be able to indulge in a relaxing scalp massage. BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord is a big fan of this product: "I have one of these and WOWZA, it really helps you get extra mileage out of your shampoo . I have a whole lot of hair on my head so sometimes it's a struggle to feel like I've soaped up my whole scalp thorough, but this is a very effective way to spread out the suds and really get them to the roots. I was worried it might tangle in my hair, but it was totally fine on that front, too. I've noticed that my hair has been a little less greasy at the roots since I started using it . And I'm echoing a ton of reviewers here when I say it just feels reeeeeally, really nice." Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors). 29. A carbonated bubble clay mask that starts to bubble once it's applied — get one for you and each of your roomies and prepare for a fun night filled with stress-evaporating giggles (all the while banishing your blackheads). Promising review: "Wow! I purchased this on a whim after seeing one of my favorite YouTubers try it out. I didn't expect a lot from it. I tried it out and was shocked!!! The mask was simple (and fun) to use. I wasn't sure I felt a lot happening while it was on, but it was pretty cool how the bubbles started to grow off of my face. Upon inspection after using this mask I was completely amazed. My face felt cleaner than it has in a very long time AND my pores looked amazing! I don't remember a time when I felt like my pores looked great before using this mask. I would highly recommend this mask to anyone. It's also so much cheaper than the GlamGlow ones I have been using (and didn't see near these results from)." — K. Textor Get it from Amazon for $9.88 . 30. Essie's "Set in Stones" glitter polish , a must-have for anyone who wants to *~make the whole room shimmer~* a la Taylor Swift (or at the very least, your nails). I have this topcoat and am obsesssssssed. The glitter is perfectly chunky but not overwhelming and can totally be worn on its own in addition to over any color of nail polish. Add it to your favorite dark blue (perhaps Essie's "Caviar Bar" ) to recreate Taylor Swift's Midnights manicure. 😉 Get it from Amazon for $8.50 . 31. A rainbow prism suncatcher that'll improve your mood daily, I mean, how could it not? It'll fill your room with whimsical dancing rainbows! Promising review: "They actually were bigger than I anticipated which was actually pretty awesome. I hung them in the window of my office and its beautiful when they catch light. Definitely worth the money when it puts a smile on your face." — Emmy Ann Get a set of two from Amazon for $9.98 . 32. And a Michael Scott reversible dishwasher magnet that'll make loading/unloading just a bit more fun — I dare you not to giggle to yourself while thinking about what unfathomable things "Prison Mike" might shout about your dishes. Promising review : "My whole family is a fan of The Office , so when I was searching for a magnet we could use on our dishwasher, this was the hands-down winner. Does it go with my farmhouse decor? Nope, not at all. But it does get the attention of two teenage boys. Had I gone with something a bit more my decor style, I can guarantee you it would not be as useful. I mean, we all would much rather see Prison Mike staring back at us than suit and tie Michael Scott, right? And there is only one way for that to happen...clean out the dishwasher!" — R. Funk Get it from Amazon for $8.99 . Reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.Hear This! Transforming Health Care with Speech-to-Text Technology #ASA187
Enigma of Fear - Official Launch Trailer Check out the Enigma of Fear launch trailer for this upcoming horror game. Enigma of Fear will be available on PC (Steam) on November 28, 2024.Become Mia, a paranormal detective searching for her missing father inside the Perimeter - a place that doesn't exist. Investigate clues like a real detective and unravel the mysteries behind the Enigma of Fear, defeating the terrible monsters who'll try to stop you.Baby kept in a drawer for almost three years ‘had never seen daylight’ as mum jailed over ‘extreme neglect’The recent shutdown of the 3G network that caused a nightmare for consumers should serve as a lesson for future service upgrades, writes Paul Budde . THE GLOBAL TRANSITION away from 3G networks marks a pivotal moment in telecommunications, as resources are reallocated to support advanced 4G and 5G technologies. This is not the first time this has happened after the previous generation of 2G was also phased out. A big difference now is that more people are connected to the 3G service and also the critical importance of mobile telephony has significantly grown. While this shift is again essential for modern connectivity, the current process – with more people connected – has revealed significant challenges, as seen in Australia’s recent shutdown but also in similar transitions in other parts of the world. These experiences highlight both the opportunities and pitfalls of moving to a more connected future. In Australia, the 3G shutdown has been anything but seamless. Announced as early as 2019, the process gained momentum in 2024 with phased shutdowns by Telstra , Optus and Vodafone . However, the transition left many consumers unprepared, particularly those with 4G and 5G devices – often bought overseas, often over the internet – that lacked Voice over Long-Term Evolution ( VoLTE ) capability — an essential technology for connection to the 000 network. Australia’s 3G shutdown: Why your 4G/5G phone is now blocked The ill-planned shutdown of Australia's 3G network not only happened with little notice, but has caused a technological nightmare for consumers. For these users, 3G was still critical for making such calls. When the network was finally decommissioned, 258,000 4G devices (less than 1 per cent of all mobile phones) were left unable to perform basic functions. The Australian Communications and Media Authority ( ACMA ) attempted to address this by mandating carriers to block devices that could not make emergency calls over 4G. Telecom companies also handed out new handsets to some of these customers. While all well-intentioned, this approach still resulted in abrupt service blackouts for many users. The consumer impact of the shutdown was compounded by short notice and mixed messaging. Some users received conflicting information about whether their devices were compatible, while others learned of the shutdown only days before it took effect. The public consultation process for regulatory changes was rushed, lasting just two weeks instead of the usual four to five. This left many feeling that their concerns were overlooked. Critics also pointed out that telecommunications companies prioritised profits over preparedness, leaving consumers to bear the brunt of the disruptions. Internationally, the story has played out differently in countries that have already phased out 3G or are planning to do so. While similar issues arose, these were mitigated by extensive consumer outreach programs. Countries have adopted several strategies to maintain service for 3G handsets during network shutdowns. Many, such as the UK and Germany, have chosen to keep their 2G networks active, ensuring basic voice and SMS services remain available for older devices and emergency access. In places like France and Canada, extended timelines for the 3G shutdown provide users with more time to transition to newer devices, reducing immediate disruptions. Device upgrade programs have been a key approach, with countries like the U.S. and Singapore offering subsidies, trade-ins, and free VoLTE-capable phones to ease the financial burden on consumers. In some regions, minimal 3G infrastructure has been retained solely for emergency communications, as seen in Japan. Support for vulnerable populations has also been prioritised, with initiatives like personalised assistance and home visits in New Zealand helping to ensure no one is left disconnected. 5G could be a game changer — or simply a 4G upgrade While advocates of 5G believe it will revolutionise computing and telecommunications, it can be argued that it will only offer a step up from current 4G. Network sharing has played a role in India, where dual-SIM options and shared infrastructure allow users to continue accessing 2G or 3G services alongside upgraded 4G/5G capabilities. Hybrid solutions, such as software updates in China, enable limited compatibility of 3G devices with modern networks. These approaches collectively focus on maintaining accessibility, safeguarding public safety and minimising consumer disruption during the transition to advanced technologies. Australia’s experience highlights the critical need for a much better strategy. There were already many examples and solutions available to them from overseas, but they reacted rather late, creating lots of confusion. It is very clear that consumers must receive consistent and timely information to prepare adequately over a longer period of time (France allows for five years). Support mechanisms, such as device upgrade programs and technical assistance, are equally vital in easing the transition. Regulatory oversight also plays a crucial role in ensuring that carriers prioritise public interests over corporate convenience, especially when public safety and accessibility are at stake. It appears that the regulators in Australia were insufficiently aware of the potential problems. Looking ahead, the 3G shutdown serves as a cautionary tale for the next shutdowns when eventually 4G and 5G will be phased out — 6G is on the agenda for release around 2030. While the shift to 4G and 5G is necessary to meet the demands of modern connectivity, it must be better managed in a way that balances technological progress with consumer protection. By learning from its own as well as global successes and failures, future network upgrades can be executed more smoothly, ensuring that progress does not come at the expense of accessibility, safety, or public trust. As the world moves toward a more connected future, these lessons are more important than ever. Paul Budde is an Independent Australia columnist and managing director of Paul Budde Consulting , an independent telecommunications research and consultancy organisation. You can follow Paul on Twitter @PaulBudde . This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License Support independent journalism Subscribe to IA. Related Articles Australia’s 3G shutdown: Why your 4G/5G phone is now blocked BUSINESS CONSUMERS TECHNOLOGY 3G SHUTDOWN 3G 4G 5G mobile networks Telstra Optus Vodafone VoLTE Australian Communications and Media Authority Share ArticleChargers elevate safeties Eddie Jackson, Kendall Williamson from the practice squad
VU bowlers 22nd at National match1 2 Hyderabad: While artificial intelligence (AI), is being extensively used for disruptions in technology, it is much harder to use for protecting technology. This is due to the nature of the prompts required, making it challenging to apply AI effectively in cybersecurity, cite experts. They say designing and deploying AI for protection is complex because cybersecurity prompts must be carefully crafted to detect subtle, often obfuscated patterns in massive datasets. Unlike disruptive AI applications, where more generic prompts may suffice, defensive AI requires a deep understanding of the systems involved and the potential threats. Prompts are foundation for using AI-based models in both disruptive and protective measures. While cybercriminals exploit vast amounts of mined data already available on dark web, the use of AI for disruptive practices is relatively easy. "For instance, attackers, through phishing or mined data, can pinpoint specific application vulnerabilities to exploit. However, when it comes to using AI for defense, firms can't afford to provide exact data—this information could end up in the AI's history, which attackers could later exploit. On the other hand, if firms provide slightly altered data, AI hallucinations come into play, leading to inaccurate predictions and undermining defensive efforts," said expert, Prasad Patibandla. "As attackers find even the smallest weaknesses, defenders must protect against an ever-expanding perimeter of vulnerabilities.However, there is a looming revolution in cybersecurity—the Cyber Dome—a next-generation digital shield similar to advanced missile defense systems, designed to protect an organization's cyber landscape," said Piyush Somani, CEO of ESDS Software Solution. Stay updated with the latest news on Times of India . Don't miss daily games like Crossword , Sudoku , and Mini Crossword .
Expert reveals the one thing to avoid saying during the festive season - and why you should consider 'presence' instead of 'presents' Christmas Day
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Nebraska offensive coordinator Dana Holgorsen has no shortage of memories of the Iowa football program. An Iowa native born in Davenport, Holgorsen’s days as a Hawkeye fan are long in the past — but he remembers what it’s like to coach against them. An experience that Holgorsen first underwent as a young Texas Tech assistant in 2001 will be reprised again this weekend. “Twenty-some years later, it’s the same scheme, the same coach, the same everything; this is crazy,” Holgorsen said of Iowa. “It’s going to take another good effort and more improvement to be able to go to Iowa and play in that atmosphere against a good football team.” Nebraska’s recent surge on offense will have the Huskers feeling confident about their upcoming matchup. While Nebraska may not have equaled its recent 44-point outburst against Wisconsin during a loss to USC two weeks prior, foundational improvements were there from the start in Holgorsen’s eyes. People are also reading... 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And when NU hit the field on Saturday, improvements were there. After struggling to finish drives against USC, Nebraska scored five touchdowns in its seven red zone attempts against Wisconsin. Nebraska threw the ball well, protected its quarterback and found a "difference-maker" in running back Emmett Johnson. “We ran the ball better; that’s the second week in a row I thought the O-line has played well,” Holgorsen said. “Dylan (Raiola) hasn’t been hit a whole lot, he feels good, he’s getting better and processing things well. We’re throwing it and catching it better and our receivers are in the right spots.” It’s been no easy task to drive those improvements in a short amount of time. Holgorsen has only been in Lincoln for a little over three weeks, having first been summoned by head coach Matt Rhule to evaluate the team’s offense before taking over control of it. Midseason coordinator changes may not be rare, but hiring a new face from outside the program is, and Holgorsen admits it made for a “rough” first week on the job. After all, none of the Husker coaches Holgorsen was joining and players he was beginning to coach knew exactly how the situation would play out. Instead, they had to go through it together. “I started getting into the offensive room and those coaches were looking at me crazy like, ‘What are you doing here?’ It’s just true, so we had to sit down and talk and start feeling things out and start working together,” Holgorsen said. “Give those assistant coaches a lot of credit because they didn’t bat an eye. I thought we were smart with how we handled it — I could’ve came in here and changed specific things and that wouldn’t have been the right thing to do for the coaches and the players. I was the one that had to learn.” A desire to challenge himself was one reason Holgorsen said he took the Nebraska job, something which showed up in the new offensive language he needed to familiarize himself with. Having come up as a young coach in the Air Raid offense, Holgorsen exclusively learned, mastered and taught those principles in the years since. It had been 35 years since he last had to learn a new offensive language, Holgorsen estimated. Flash cards with terminology from the Nebraska offense and help from other assistants have helped smooth over that process. Holgorsen may not have been able to stamp his identity all over the offense yet, but he has been able to tweak things, including the very playbook Nebraska operates from. Rhule’s original concepts of a pro-style offense have been added to, transformed and adjusted over the years, with current coaches Marcus Satterfield, Glenn Thomas and Donovan Raiola all bringing different principles and focuses to the playbook. “There’s just all kinds of ideas, so that playbook got pretty big,” Holgorsen said. “I was just like, ‘Look, there’s only one sheet and whatever’s on the sheet is what’s going to get called.’” Trimming down the number of plays Nebraska practices is one such adjustment Holgorsen has made, a process that is collaborative among the Husker coaching staff. Holgorsen also said Nebraska was “probably playing people in too many different spots,” something he’s looked to change so players can focus on their individual roles with more accuracy. “We’ve done a good job of coming together and coming up with a plan of what makes sense to our players,” Holgorsen said. “If it don’t make sense to me, it ain’t gonna make sense to them.” Those changes, and the potential Nebraska showed on offense last week, have excited Husker fans about what the future of a Holgorsen-led offense will look like. However, nothing is guaranteed yet. Holgorsen said that when taking the job he told Rhule he’d get the team ready for USC, Wisconsin and Iowa before figuring out what the future holds. “I don’t want to talk about it, and I don’t want to know what’s next,” Holgorsen. What Holgorsen does know is that he’s enjoying the opportunity in front of him. In part because of the responsibilities he had as a head coach compared to being an offensive coordinator, Holgorsen said he had “more fun on Saturday than I’ve had in a long time” overseeing the Husker offense. As Holgorsen continues furthering improvements within the Nebraska offense, the only guarantee Husker fans have is that he’ll be on the sidelines Friday. It’s currently “the plan” that he will continue as Nebraska’s playcaller during its bowl game, Holgorsen said. “My plan’s to focus on Iowa, try to beat Iowa and see what happens after that.”
Animal cruelty charges after driver runs down kangaroos, mutilates bodyThis Christmas Eve, you may be hosting a cast of your many friends and family or keeping it intimate with your nearest and dearest. Regardless of the size of your holiday table, the night before Christmas should be marked with a memorable meal. We’ve got a plethora of ideas for those who partake in the Italian-American tradition of the on Christmas Eve. Think indulgent seafood spreads, celebratory shellfish pastas and more. For those who prefer the classic charm of a traditional roast — be it turkey, lamb, or ham — the options are virtually limitless. From succulent prime rib to flavorful leg of lamb and juicy rib-eyes, the choices abound. If a mouthwatering is more your style, we've got you covered. And for those opting for simplicity, explore our quick, one-skillet recipes that will still mark the day with a feeling of celebration and warmth. No matter how your family celebrates, boy, do we have a Christmas Eve dinner idea for you. (Fifty of them to be exact!) From the fragrant aromas of slow-roasting meat to the comforting burble of a cheesy baked pasta, each of these dishes will add a special touch to your festive gathering. Whatever your Christmas Eve preferences may be, this compilation promises a memorable meal that will set the tone for the holiday season. Get ready to elevate your Christmas Eve dinner to a whole new level with this curated collection of fifty delicious recipes. If you’re entertaining a crowd, serve this herby, savory Italian pork roast, which features a bevy of fragrant spices and aromatics like nutmeg, lemon zest, parsley, sage, fennel seed, rosemary, and garlic. Serve with a vibrant salsa verde. Kick off the start of your holiday gathering with herby beef tenderloin featuring rosemary, thyme and sage. The trick is to tie the roast with twine to ensure that it cooks evenly. If your family follows the Italian-American tradition of the Feast of the Seven Fishes, serve this spicy stew that’s chock full of mussels, shrimp and crabmeat. It comes together in under one hour, which means you can spend less time at the stove and more time with your family. This seafood-forward recipe brings the heat on Christmas Eve. A combination of garlic, ginger, lemongrass, Thai red curry paste, fish sauce and makrut lime leaves builds a flavorful curry sauce. Even if you’re celebrating the Feast of the Seven Fishes, you don’t need to go all out for hours and hours in the kitchen. This shrimp pasta dish comes together in just 15 minutes and features a pistachio- and ricotta-based pesto. Don’t let the lengthy process intimidate you — a classic Beef Wellington is a labor of love that’s well worth the effort. Seared beef tenderloin is covered with a finely chopped paste of mushrooms, shallots, garlic and butter (duxelles), wrapped in puff pastry, then baked until golden. Use a meat thermometer to ensure that the beef is perfectly tender before cutting into that highly awaited first-slice. Pull out all the stops with this shortcut lasagna that’ll taste like it took all day to make. Good news — it didn’t. Layer jarred marinara sauce with ricotta, pre-shredded mozzarella, cooked sausage, ground beef and onions with dried lasagna noodles. The uncooked lasagna sheets will become al dente while submerged right in the cheesy sauce and baked in the oven. This Italian restaurant menu staple is shockingly easy to make at home in just one skillet. First, sear shrimp until pink, then immediately set aside to avoid overcooking. Then combine a healthy amount of chili flakes with onion, garlic, oregano, diced canned tomatoes and clam juice to create the flavorful spicy sauce. Serve with crusty bread for dipping. If you’re dreaming of warmer, sunnier days, take the shrimp boil inside with an easy sheet-pan version. Featuring a hearty combination of smoked kielbasa, shrimp, potatoes and corn, this budget-friendly take on the classic seafood entrée is a delicious thing to serve on Christmas Eve. Nothing says the like a spiral ham in the center of the table. Instead of a store-bought spice packet, dress it up with a glaze made with maple syrup, molasses, mustard, apple cider, red curry paste and garlic. Round out this sweet-yet-savory main with an assortment of your favorite side dishes. The beauty of cacio e pepe lies in its simplicity, so don’t over complicate it. Pecorino Romano, freshly cracked black pepper, butter and pasta water meld to coat the noodles in a silky smooth sauce. As with any great Italian dinner, be sure to pair this rich pasta dish with a glass of wine. If you’re celebrating the Feast of the Seven Fishes, this seafood pasta dish is a must. Wide tagliatelle is piled high with clams, mussels, and calamari in a white wine sauce, and flecked with sundried tomatoes, thinly sliced chiles and fresh herbs. Take cookbook author Ali Rosen’s advice and use her oven method for making perfectly cooked steak. For foolproof rib-eyes, cook them in the oven until they reach an internal temperature of 115 F, then crank up the broiler and get the outsides charred with gorgeous crispy bits. There’s just something about serving seafood that makes a meal feel celebratory. Plump shrimp are the star of this deceivingly simple pasta dish made with a spicy tomato butter sauce. Once you realize how easy this is to make for Christmas Eve, you’ll want to have it on regular weeknights too. Welcome dinner guests with the savory aroma of this elevated beef stew. For a wow-worthy main course, braise beef short ribs until they’re fall-off-the-bone tender. Serve over mashed potatoes to sop up every last drop of the flavorful braising liquid. is a welcome addition to any holiday spread and if you bring this baked version, you’ll definitely earn your seat at the table. Pro tip: don’t skimp out on the cheese. Sharp yellow or white cheddar, Gruyere or Swiss, all work wonders here. Make it ahead, cover and store in the fridge until it’s showtime and bake until bubbling. Turkey isn’t just for ! Switch up your typical bird recipe with this Latin-inspired marinade made with peppers, paprika, garlic, cilantro and orange juice. Coat the turkey with an herby compound butter seasoned with thyme, oregano and paprika to keep the meat juicy. To take it over the top, brush the bird with guava jam before broiling for the ultimate sticky-sweet glaze. swears by this creamy lobster linguine recipe for a holiday feast. For the sauce, crisp bacon, shallots, garlic and red pepper flakes in a skillet, then stir in tomato purée and cream. Toss in pre-cooked linguine, grated Parmesan, pasta water, arugula, fresh herbs, peas and steamed lobster for a restaurant-worthy recipe at home. Think of your slow-cooker like a sous chef. For a delectable pot roast, start by searing chuck roast in a hot skillet. Once nice and brown, place the meat in the slow cooker and top with onion, carrots, celery, beer, stock, herbs and spices and let it cook while you wrap presents and set the table. This swordfish recipe might sound like a dish you’d order off a restaurant specials list, but wait until you learn how simple it is to make at home. Sear swordfish steaks until charred and cooked through, then serve atop a bed of sautéed eggplant, bell peppers, onion, celery, garlic, anchovies and capers for a burst of punchy flavor in every bite. You can’t go wrong with a simple-yet-stunning roast chicken for Christmas Eve dinner. In Curtis Stone’s wine country-inspired recipe, roasted clusters of red grapes add a welcome hint of sweetness to balance out the creamy burrata and buttery white wine reduction. Treat your guests to a rib roast this holiday season — the kind of cut you’d only serve on special occasions. As impressive as it is to serve, with just six ingredients (prime rib roast, black pepper, salt, garlic, rosemary and olive oil), rib roast isn’t all that difficult to make. Be sure to choose bone-in roast for the juiciest results. Crack open a can of hard cider to make this cider-roasted pork tenderloin. Along with maple syrup, fennel, peppercorns, coriander, ginger, rosemary and cinnamon, the cider makes a festive marinade for the meat. Once cooked, serve warm with roasted plum chutney for holiday flair. This no-cook tomato sauce is music to a stressed-out-host’s ears. Boil homemade or store-bought cheese ravioli and toss in a simple sauce made of roughly chopped tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and basil. The residual heat from the hot ravioli will cause garlic and herbs to bloom, adding even more aromatic flavor in every bite. Skip that trip to the steakhouse this Christmas Eve. Here’s a foolproof technique to use on expensive cuts of steak like rib-eye: the reverse sear. Bake the steaks first at a low temperature, then sear for buttery, tender slices of meat. In Ina we trust. Use Garten’s method to ensure that your pork tenderloins turn out utterly juicy and tender. Ina seasons her pork with rosemary and thyme, then wraps it in prosciutto before roasting. Instead of jarred applesauce, take this recipe up a notch with a homemade apple chutney made with Granny Smith apples, onion, ginger, orange juice, raisins and brown sugar. to make this show-stopping leg of lamb. The prep is simple: marinate the meat in a mixture of mint, lemon zest and juice, chopped garlic, red pepper flakes and olive oil. Be sure to reserve some dressing for drizzling over the finished lamb. Roasting a whole chicken is always worth the effort — but this recipe is surprisingly low-fuss. To make this chicken a stand-out, rub with garlic butter and coat with salt, pepper and tarragon, lemon juice and white wine. Then serve over cherry tomatoes roasted in olive oil, salt and pepper. Celebrate Christmas Eve, Greek-style. Season a boneless leg of lamb with rosemary, oregano, lemon zest and garlic and rest over halved baby potatoes and a lemony broth. As the meat and potatoes cook together all in one pot, make homemade tzatziki with grated cucumbers, garlic, lemon juice, Greek yogurt and fresh mint. Martha Stewart’s recipe for spicy lobster with linguine is as impressive as it sounds. First, steam lobsters in water and vodka until they turn bright red. Remove the meat, making sure to keep the claw meat intact, then serve atop linguine tossed in a simple tomato sauce. Garnish with freshly torn mint and enjoy for Christmas Eve dinner. As this large spiral ham cooks, make a glaze with cider, maple syrup, brown sugar, mustard, vinegar and the secret ingredient: pumpkin spice. Coat the ham with this warming glaze and continue baking until the meat is caramelized. After the big meal, save the leftover ham bone to add to pea or lentil soup after the holiday madness subsides. This fancy-sounding seafood stew was popularized by Italian-American immigrants in San Francisco. Cook fennel, onion and jalapeños in a tomato-based, white wine broth. Then steam clams, mussels, shrimp and cod in intervals until cooked. As an added homage to the Golden State, this recipe also calls for local Dungeness crab and is served with roasted sourdough garlic bread. Let endlessly customizable mac and cheese serve as a blank canvas this Christmas Eve. For this version, use a blend of sharp cheddar, Parmesan, pepper jack, then fold in large chunks of buttery, poached lobster meat. Top with more Parmesan and cook until brown and bubbly. Alex Guarnaschelli’s spaghetti alla vongole recipe is a tribute to her late mother. Dry white wine, clam juice, garlic lemon juice and butter combine to form a silky sauce. Steam four pounds of Littlenecks in the briny sauce, then toss with cooked linguine, scallions and fresh parsley before serving. Why make linguine and clams when you can make linguine with clams and mussels?! Cook littlenecks and mussels in a white wine and garlic sauce. Serve with linguine dressed with a bright salsa verde made with parsley, chives, fennel, capers, garlic, lemon zest, mint and olive oil. All you need to make Al Roker’s favorite holiday dinner is three pounds of tri-color potatoes, two racks of lamb, salt, pepper and olive oil. Roast the potatoes in olive oil and salt and pepper, then sear the lamb chops in a hot cast iron skillet before finishing off in the oven. Dinner is served! Every great holiday dinner starts with a bountiful appetizer spread. Take a page out of Katie Lee Biegel’s book and make this creamy clam chowder dip to enjoy before the main event. Guests will love the festive presentation of the hot dip served in a sourdough bread bowl — perfect for ripping and dipping. If you have arborio rice and chicken stock in your pantry, you’re less than an hour away from the perfect side dish for your holiday main. This creamy Parmesan risotto requires just 45 minutes of active time — and it’s mostly idle stirring. Spoon hot broth ladleful by ladleful until the rice soaks up all the liquid and becomes creamy. Fold in Parmesan at the last minute, season and serve. Chicken paillard meets veal saltimbocca in this impressive mash-up of an entrée. To make it, crisp up prosciutto and sage, then cook a thin chicken cutlet until brown. Serve topped with arugula dressed with lemony olive oil, crispy prosciutto, sage and balsamic. to the rescue! Use your slow-cooker to make an easy marinara sauce with onion, canned crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes and spices. After rolling your meatballs, place them in the sauce, then set and forget until the meatballs are cooked. Once done, remove the meatballs and replace with water and spaghetti. Cover with the lid while the noodles cook, then serve. You don’t need an elusive reservation to make these Carbone restaurant-style meatballs at home. The secret to these coveted beauties is a blend of ground beef, veal and sweet Italian sausage. Instead of breadcrumbs, homemade croutons are softened in whole milk and stirred into the meatball mixture. The soaked bread makes them tender and keeps the meatballs from falling apart. Garlic, butter, lemon juice, shrimp — what could be bad?! Cook the shrimp first (this will prevent it from getting rubbery). Set the shrimp aside and whip together the signature sauce by deglazing the pan with wine and adding garlic, butter and red pepper flakes. Add lemon juice, then reduce the sauce before adding in cooked pasta and prepared shrimp. Vodka sauce fans, give that box of penne a break and swap it for store-bought gnocchi. Stir a package of pillowy gnocchi into homemade vodka sauce, then top with more cheese and Parmesan-panko breadcrumbs. Finish this family-friendly casserole under the broiler for a stunning baked pasta dish you’ll want to pile on your plate. A good eggplant Parmesan is truly a labor of love — but it’s worth it for a beloved holiday entrée. First peel and salt the eggplant to draw out some of its natural moisture. (No one likes a soggy Parm!) Then, roast the eggplant before layering with panko, mozzarella, and marinara. Patience is the name of the game here. The eggplant is ready when the top layer of cheese is browned and bubbling. The perfect chicken Milanese hinges on the platonic ideal of a chicken cutlet. To achieve that level of perfection, coat a thin chicken cutlet in flour, egg and breadcrumbs before frying in good olive oil. You’ll know it’s done by the color of the breading — it should be evenly golden brown. Fry them off and serve with a simply dressed arugula salad. The secret to restaurant-quality scallops is a searing hot pan. Place dry, salted sea scallops a layer of oil in a scorching hot pan. They’ll be ready to flip once a crust forms on the bottom (1 to 3 minutes). For added flavor, add butter and thyme to the pan and baste the scallops. Peking-style roast duck was made to serve a crowd. This version is marinated with honey, dark soy sauce, Chinese five spice and brown sugar, which gives the skin a caramelized sweetness. Pro tip: poke small holes in the skin for optimal crispiness. Wine isn’t just for drinking this holiday season — it’s also for cooking! To make this visually stunning pasta dish, sauté butter and garlic, then deglaze the pot with an entire bottle of light-bodied red wine and bring to a boil. Cook the pasta directly in the wine (yes, seriously) until al dente and finish with butter, pine nuts, feta, lemon juice and herbs. Make a giant pot of Manhattan clam chowder (the red one!) for a delightful first course. Loaded with bacon, celery, potatoes, carrots, peppers, onions, and littleneck clams, this soup will just quell your hunger before diving into the rest of the mains. This slow-cooker chicken and dumplings recipe is comfort in a bowl. Make the chicken stew base with stock, onions, potatoes, carrots, celery, corn, green beans and thyme. The dumplings mixture is simple: Bisquick, milk and chives. Small spoonfuls of dumplings will expand and rise to the top as it cooks. Few meals are as craveable and cozy as chicken pot pie, with its creamy chicken and veggie-stuffed filling and golden brown crust. This mini recipe makes for a fun presentation, but can easily be turned into larger portions by baking the dough and filling in two pie pans instead of individual ramekins. If this is your first time making tamales from scratch, follow this recipe by Rick Martînez, straight out of his cookbook . The multi-step process is best made with a few sous chefs, so recruit your family to divide and conquer. This cozy pasta dish will warm you from the inside out. Cook jumbo shells in salted boiling water but remove while still firm. Stuff with a ricotta filling that’s seasoned with grated Parmesan, nutmeg, basil and a beaten egg. Nestle the shells in a baking dish with marinara and cheese, then bake and broil to finish. Feeling ambitious? Make this classic French braised coq au vin, inspired by a menu item at Café Boulud in Manhattan. The secret to the intensely flavorful braising liquid is reducing two full bottles of red wine. Serve the finished braise with buttery spaetzle, which is deceptively simple to make from scratch. Take the ingredients from — tomatoes, mozzarella, balsamic vinegar and basil — and transform them into a delectable accompaniment for chicken breasts. Cook chicken, then add tomatoes, garlic and capers into the pan, stirring frequently to release the fond. Top the chicken with pesto and mozzarella and cook until melted. Low and slow is the name of the game for this roasted salmon recipe from Eric Ripert. First, season a salmon filet with white pepper, dill, lemon zest and olive oil. Let the flavors meld in the fridge for an hour, then bake in the oven until the fish is cooked through and tender. Holiday entertaining is all about what you can get a head start on. These scalloped potatoes can be made a day in advance, then gently reheated in the oven until browned and bubbling. Lauren Masur is a food and lifestyle writer. She is a former editor at publications including The Kitchn and Food Network Magazine.