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jili hot chili NEW YORK (AP) — Angelina Jolie never expected to hit all the notes. But finding the breath of Maria Callas was enough to bring things out of Jolie that she didn’t even know were in her. “All of us, we really don’t realize where things land in our body over a lifetime of different experiences and where we hold it to protect ourselves,” Jolie said in a recent interview. “We hold it in our stomachs. We hold it in our chest. We breathe from a different place when we’re nervous or we’re sad. “The first few weeks were the hardest because my body had to open and I had to breathe again,” she adds. “And that was a discovery of how much I wasn’t.” In Pablo Larraín’s “Maria,” which Netflix released in theaters Wednesday before it begins streaming on Dec. 11, Jolie gives, if not the performance of her career, then certainly of her last decade. Beginning with 2010’s “In the Land of Blood and Honey,” Jolie has spent recent years directing films while prioritizing raising her six children. “So my choices for quite a few years were whatever was smart financially and short. I worked very little the last eight years,” says Jolie. “And I was kind of drained. I couldn’t for a while.” But her youngest kids are now 16. And for the first time in years, Jolie is back in the spotlight, in full movie-star mode. Her commanding performance in “Maria” seems assured of bringing Jolie her third Oscar nomination. (She won supporting actress in 2000 for “Girl, Interrupted.”) For an actress whose filmography might lack a signature movie, “Maria” may be Jolie's defining role. Jolie's oldest children, Maddox and Pax, worked on the set of the film. There, they saw a version of their mother they hadn't seen before. “They had certainly seen me sad in my life. But I don’t cry in front of my children like that,” Jolie says of the emotion Callas dredged up in her. “That was a moment in realizing they were going to be with me, side by side, in this process of really understanding the depth of some of the pain I carry.” Jolie, who met a reporter earlier this fall at the Carlyle Hotel, didn't speak in any detail of that pain. But it was hard not to sense some it had to do with her lengthy and ongoing divorce from Brad Pitt, with whom she had six children. Just prior to meeting, a judge allowed Pitt’s remaining claim against Jolie, over the French winery Château Miraval, to proceed. On Monday, a judge ruled that Pitt must disclose documents Jolie’s legal team have sought that they allege include “communications concerning abuse.” Pitt has denied ever being abusive. The result of the U.S. presidential election was also just days old, though Jolie — special envoy for the United Nations Refugee Agency from 2012 to 2022 – wasn’t inclined to talk politics. Asked about Donald Trump’s win , she responded, “Global storytelling is essential,” before adding: “That’s what I’m focusing on. Listening. Listening to the voices of people in my country and around the world.” Balancing such things — reports concerning her private life, questions that accompany someone of her fame — is a big reason why Jolie is so suited to the part of Callas. The film takes place during the American-born soprano’s final days. (She died of a heart attack at 53 in 1977.) Spending much of her time in her grand Paris apartment, Callas hasn’t sung publicly in years; she’s lost her voice. Imprisoned by the myth she’s created, Callas is redefining herself and her voice. An instructor tells her he wants to hear “Callas, not Maria." The movie, of course, is more concerned with Maria. It’s Larrain’s third portrait of 20th century female icon, following “Jackie” (with Natalie Portman as Jacqueline Kennedy) and “Spencer” (with Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana). As Callas, Jolie is wonderfully regal — a self-possessed diva who deliciously, in lines penned by screenwriter Steven Knight, spouts lines like: “I took liberties all my life and the world took liberties with me.” Asked if she identified with that line, Jolie answered, “Yeah, yeah.” Then she took a long pause. “I’m sure people will read a lot into this and there’s probably a lot I could say but don’t want to feed into,” Jolie eventually continues. “I know she was a public person because she loved her work. And I’m a public person because I love my work, not because I like being public. I think some people are more comfortable with a public life, and I’ve never been fully comfortable with it.” When Larraín first approached Jolie about the role, he screened “Spencer” for her. That film, like “Jackie” and “Maria,” eschews a biopic approach to instead intimately focus on a specific moment of crisis. Larraín was convinced Jolie was meant for the role. “I felt she could have that magnetism,” Larraín says. “The enigmatic diva that’s come to a point in her life where she has to take control of her life again. But the weight of her experience, of her music, of her singing, everything, is on her back. And she carries that. It’s someone who’s already loaded with a life that’s been intense.” “There’s a loneliness that we both share,” Jolie says. “That’s not necessarily a bad thing. I think people can be alone and lonely sometimes, and that can be part of who they are.” Larraín, the Chilean filmmaker, grew up in Santiago going to the opera, and he has long yearned to bring its full power and majesty to a movie. In Callas, he heard something that transfixed him. “I hear something near perfection, but at the same time, it’s something that’s about to be destroyed,” Larraín says. “So it’s as fragile and as strong as possible. It lives in both extremes. That’s why it’s so moving. I hear a voice that’s about to be broken, but it doesn’t.” In Callas’ less perfect moments singing in the film, Larraín fuses archival recordings of Callas with Jolie’s own voice. Some mix of the two runs throughout “Maria.” “Early in the process,” Jolie says, “I discovered that you can’t fake-sing opera.” Jolie has said she never sang before, not even karaoke. But the experience has left her with a newfound appreciation of opera and its healing properties. “I wonder if it’s something you lean into as you get older,” Jolie says. “Maybe your depth of pain is bigger, your depth of loss is bigger, and that sound in opera meets that, the enormity of it.” If Larraín’s approach to “Maria” is predicated on an unknowingness, he's inclined to say something similar about his star. “Because of media and social media, some people might think that they know a lot about Angelina,” he says. “Maria, I read nine biographies of her. I saw everything. I read every interview. I made this movie. But I don’t think I would be capable of telling you who she was us. So if there’s an element in common, it’s that. They carry an enormous amount of mystery. Even if you think that you know them, you don’t.” Whether “Maria” means more acting in the future for Jolie, she's not sure. “There's not a clear map,” she says. Besides, Jolie isn't quite ready to shake Callas. “When you play a real person, you feel at some point that they become your friend,” says Jolie. “Right now, it’s still a little personal. It’s funny, I’ll be at a premiere or I’ll walk into a room and someone will start blaring her music for fun, but I have this crazy internal sense memory of dropping to my knees and crying.”

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MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dez 16, 2024-- HistoSonics , Entwickler und Hersteller des Edison® Histotripsy Systems, gab heute bekannt, dass die ersten Patienten mit Pankreastumoren erfolgreich in der von dem Unternehmen gesponserten GANNON-Studie behandelt wurden. Die Machbarkeitsstudie soll die Sicherheit der Histotripsie, einer neuartigen nicht-invasiven Technologie, die gezielt Tumorgewebe mit fokussiertem Ultraschall zerstört, bei bis zu 30 Patienten mit inoperablen Pankreas-Adenokarzinom-Tumoren untersuchen, bei denen eine inoperable lokal fortgeschrittene Erkrankung (Stadium 3) diagnostiziert wurde oder bei denen sich eine geringe Anzahl von Tumoren auf andere Körperteile ausgebreitet hat (Stadium 4). Diese Pressemitteilung enthält multimediale Inhalte. Die vollständige Mitteilung hier ansehen: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241216108664/de/ Die GANNON-Studie wird am Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, Spanien, unter der Leitung von Dr. Santiago Sánchez Cabús, klinischer Leiter der Hepatopankreatobiliären Chirurgie am Hospital de Sant Pau und Professor für Chirurgie an der Autonomen Universität Barcelona, durchgeführt. Bauchspeicheldrüsentumore gehören zu den am schwierigsten zu behandelnden Tumoren. Jedes Jahr sind weltweit über 510.000 Menschen davon betroffen, und allein in den USA werden im Jahr 2024 schätzungsweise 66.440 Patienten diagnostiziert1,2. Mit der höchsten Sterblichkeitsrate aller wichtigen Tumorarten sind Tumore der Bauchspeicheldrüse derzeit die dritthäufigste Ursache für tumorbedingte Todesfälle in den Vereinigten Staaten, nach Lungen- und Darmkrebs, und es wird erwartet, dass sie bis 2030 zur zweithäufigsten Ursache werden2. Angesichts einer relativen Fünf-Jahres-Überlebensrate von 13 % über alle Stadien des Krankheitsverlaufs hinweg und begrenzter chirurgischer Möglichkeiten für die meisten Patienten sind neue Behandlungsmethoden wie die Histotripsie dringend erforderlich. Weniger als 20 % der Patienten, die an einem Pankreastumor leiden, kommen aufgrund des Fortschreitens der Krankheit zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose für eine Operation in Frage. Pankreastumore sind oft von dichtem, undurchdringlichem fibrotischem Gewebe umgeben, das die Wirksamkeit systemischer oder pharmakologischer Therapien einschränkt, da es nicht in der Lage ist, die Tumorzellen effektiv zu erreichen und anzugreifen.2,3 „Die Histotripsie hat das Potenzial, die Behandlung von Patienten mit Bauchspeicheldrüsentumoren zu revolutionieren, die bisher mit herkömmlichen Ansätzen als unbehandelbar galten. Ihr neuartiger Wirkmechanismus zielt sowohl auf den Tumor als auch auf das umgebende fibrotische Gewebe ab und bietet neue Hoffnung für Patienten mit fortgeschrittener Erkrankung, die die Mehrheit der Fälle ausmachen“, so Dr. Joan Vidal-Jove, medizinische Direktorin von HistoSonics. „Die meisten Patienten mit Bauchspeicheldrüsentumoren haben nur begrenzte Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und kommen aufgrund des fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadiums nicht für eine Operation in Frage“, so Mike Blue, CEO und Präsident von HistoSonics. „Wir glauben, dass die Histotripsie eine nicht-invasive Option zur Behandlung von Tumoren bietet, die bisher als unheilbar galten", so Mike Blue, CEO und Präsident von HistoSonics. „Unser Ziel ist es, das Potenzial der Histotripsie bei verschiedenen Tumorarten zu erweitern und die Ergebnisse für Patienten und Familien erheblich zu verbessern. Unsere ersten Forschungsergebnisse aus der GANNON-Studie werden uns und unsere Partnerärzte dabei helfen, die Histotripsie zu optimieren, um das Leben der Patienten erheblich zu verbessern.“ Die Verwendung des Edison-Systems bei Bauchspeicheldrüsenanwendungen ist auf Forschungszwecke beschränkt. Über das Edison® System Das Edison System ist für die nicht-invasive mechanische Zerstörung von Lebertumoren vorgesehen, einschließlich der teilweisen oder vollständigen Zerstörung von inoperablen Lebertumoren durch Histotripsie. Die FDA hat das Edison-System nicht für die Behandlung von Krankheiten, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Krebs, oder für spezifische Krebsergebnisse (wie lokale Tumorprogression, 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate oder Gesamtüberlebensrate) bewertet. Das System sollte nur von Ärzten verwendet werden, die eine von HistoSonics durchgeführte Schulung absolviert haben, und seine Verwendung sollte sich nach dem klinischen Urteil eines entsprechend ausgebildeten Arztes richten. Eine vollständige Liste der Warnhinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen sowie eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse klinischer Studien, einschließlich der gemeldeten unerwünschten Ereignisse, finden Sie in der Gebrauchsanweisung des Geräts. Über HistoSonics HistoSonics ist ein in Privatbesitz befindliches Medizintechnikunternehmen, das eine nicht-invasive Plattform und eine proprietäre Schallstrahltherapie auf Basis der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse der Histotripsie entwickelt. Es handelt sich dabei um einen neuartigen Wirkmechanismus, bei dem fokussierter Ultraschall eingesetzt wird, um unerwünschtes Gewebe und Tumore mechanisch zu zerstören und zu verflüssigen. Derzeit konzentriert sich das Unternehmen auf die Kommerzialisierung seines Edison-Systems in den USA und ausgewählten globalen Märkten für die Behandlung der Leber, während gleichzeitig die Anwendung der Histotripsie auf andere Organe wie Niere, Bauchspeicheldrüse und weitere Organe erweitert wird. HistoSonics unterhält Niederlassungen in Ann Arbor, Michigan und Minneapolis, Minnesota. Weitere Informationen zur GANNON-Studie finden Sie unter NCT06282809 unter GANNON Trial Information auf ClinicalTrials.gov . Informationen zum Edison Histotripsy System finden Sie unter: www.histosonics.com/ . Patientenbezogene Informationen finden Sie unter: www.myhistotripsy.com/ . 1Globocan 2022: https://gco.iarc.fr/today/en/fact-sheets-cancers 2Quelle für Statistiken: American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts & Figures 2024 and Pancreatic Treatment Options 3Norton J, Foster D, Chinta M, Titan A, Longaker M. Pancreatic Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAF): Under-Explored Target for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment. Cancers. 2020; 12(5):1347. Die Ausgangssprache, in der der Originaltext veröffentlicht wird, ist die offizielle und autorisierte Version. Übersetzungen werden zur besseren Verständigung mitgeliefert. Nur die Sprachversion, die im Original veröffentlicht wurde, ist rechtsgültig. Gleichen Sie deshalb Übersetzungen mit der originalen Sprachversion der Veröffentlichung ab. Originalversion auf businesswire.com ansehen: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241216108664/de/ CONTACT: Josh King Vice President of Global Market Access Joshua.king@histosonics.com 608-332-8124Kimberly Ha KKH Advisors kimberly.ha@kkhadvisors.com 917-291-5744 KEYWORD: MINNESOTA SPAIN NORTH AMERICA UNITED STATES ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE INDUSTRY KEYWORD: MEDICAL DEVICES HOSPITALS CLINICAL TRIALS HEALTH TECHNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY OTHER HEALTH RADIOLOGY HEALTH ONCOLOGY SOURCE: HistoSonics Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/16/2024 06:34 PM/DISC: 12/16/2024 06:35 PM http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241216108664/de

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The voter ID in Nigeria, known officially as the Permanent Voter Card (PVC), may no longer be a requirement for voter verification if a set of reforms to the electoral process initiated by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) goes through. The reforms also seek to expand and streamline the use of biometrics in enhancing the positive outcome of elections in terms of voting and results management, particularly as the country looks forward to general elections in 2027. Neighbouring Ghana is one country that has in the use of biometrics in elections. In a recent meeting with Resident Electoral Commissioners, the Chairman of INEC, Prof Mahmood Yakubu, said the planned reforms are mostly inspired by recommendations that came from different quarters regarding the conduct of the 2023 general elections. He said the Commission has also consulted widely with different stakeholders on the issues to be rejigged in the electoral system. Nigeria amended its Electoral Act before the elections last year. According to a by Punch, Yakubu reiterated the desire of the election management agency to fix many of the loopholes noticed, and to pave the way for the organization of even more credible and transparent elections in the country in three years. The INEC leader said in the near future, the electoral umpire will take the substance of the envisaged amendments to the relevant parliamentary committees for consideration. Yakubu explained that from their internal review and external consultations and engagements, a total of 142 recommendations have been identified for action at different levels. These recommendations, he said, have to do with “the general state of preparedness, voter management, voter education and public communication, political parties and candidate management, electoral operations and logistics management, election officials and personnel, partnership and collaboration, monitoring and supervision, election technology, voting and result management, election security, electoral offences and the electoral legal framework.” Eight of the 142 recommendations require a legislative amendment to be approved by the two chambers of parliament, 86 need administrative measures to be implemented by INEC, while the remaining 48 need collaboration between a number of government institutions and agencies for their effective implementation. Among those recommendations requiring legislative amendment is a move to do away with the physical voter ID which has served as a proof of ID for voters at the polling station in past elections. It has also been a subject of controversy, often at the origin of allegations. Its production adds up election costs and its collection by registered voters has faced problems, with many voters abandoning the cards. The INEC boss says the idea is to replace the PVC with a digital slip or downloadable identity credential for voter verification. Advocacy group Yiaga Africa advised INEC after the 2023 polls to with downloadable credentials. A Commonwealth Observer Group report had also urged in the technology deployed for result counting and transmission. “The commission also believes that with the introduction of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System, the use of the Permanent Voters’ Cards as the sole means of identification for voter accreditation on Election Day should be reviewed,” Yakubu is quoted as saying, referring to the potential of the biometric voter verification system to replace the physical credential. “Those who already have the PVCs can still use them to vote, but going forward, computer-generated slips issued to the voter or even downloaded from the Commission’s website will suffice for voter accreditation,” he added. Other areas the reform envisages by INEC include considering voting by Diaspora Nigerians and the cleansing of the voter’s register by strengthening collaboration between the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) and the National Population Commission (NPC), as we back in 2021. | | | | | | |Zepto is not an “Amazon or Walmart” but an Indian company with ...: Zepto CEO Aadit PalichaSan Jose: Willow Glen’s Cider Junction closing after 7 years in business

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East Carolina cornerback Shavon Revel Jr., a potential first-round pick, declared for the 2025 NFL Draft on Friday. Revel, who sustained a torn left ACL in practice in September, had one season of eligibility remaining. "After an incredible journey at East Carolina, I am officially declaring for the 2025 NFL Draft," the senior posted on social media. "... Pirates nation, thank you for your unwavering energy and support every game. Representing ECU is an honor, and I look forward to continuing to do so on Sundays!" Revel recorded two interceptions in three games this season, returning one 50 yards for a touchdown on Sept. 14 against Appalachian State. Over three seasons with the Pirates, Revel had three interceptions, 15 passes defensed and 70 tackles in 24 games. He was a second-team All-American Athletic Conference selection last season. ESPN draft analyst Mel Kiper Jr. ranked Revel as the No. 2 cornerback and No. 23 overall prospect in the 2025 draft class. --Field Level MediaMADRID, Spain: At least 10,457 migrants died or disappeared while trying to reach Spain by sea in 2024, an NGO said Thursday, marking a 50 percent increase from last year and the most since it began keeping a tally in 2007. The 58-percent increase includes 1,538 children and 421 women, migrants rights group Caminando Fronteras or Walking Borders said in a report which covers the period from January 1 to December 5, 2024. It amounts to an average of 30 deaths per day, up from around 18 in 2023. The group compiles its data from hotlines set up for migrants on vessels in trouble to call for help, families of migrants who went missing and from official rescue statistics. It blamed the use of flimsy boats and increasingly dangerous routes as well as a lack of resources for rescues for the surge in deaths. “These figures are evidence of a profound failure of rescue and protection systems. More than 10,400 people dead or missing in a single year is an unacceptable tragedy,” the group’s founder, Helena Maleno, said in a statement. The victims were from 28 nations, mostly in Africa, but also from Iraq and Pakistan. The vast majority of the fatalities — 9,757 — took place on the Atlantic migration route from Africa to Spain’s Canary Islands, which has received a record number of migrants for the second year in a row. Seven migrant boats landed in the archipelago on Christmas Day, Spain’s maritime rescue service said on social media site X. At their closest point, the Canaries lie 100 kilometers (62 miles) off the coast of North Africa. The shortest route is between the coastal town of Tarfaya in southern Morocco and the island of Fuerteventura in the Canaries. The Atlantic route is particularly deadly, with many of the crowded poorly equipped boats unable to cope with the strong ocean currents. Some boats depart African beaches as far as 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) from the Canaries. To avoid controls, smugglers sometimes take longer, more dangerous journeys, navigating west into the open Atlantic before turning north to the Canaries—a detour that brings many to the tiny westernmost island of El Hierro, which since last year has experienced an unprecedented surge in arrivals. The regional government of the Canaries says it is overwhelmed, and in October thousands of people took part in rallies in main cities in the archipelago to demand action to curb the surge in arrivals. During his Christmas Eve broadcast, Spain’s King VI warned that “without proper management” of migration, “it can lead to tensions that erode social cohesion”. “How we are able to deal with immigration—which also requires good coordination with our European partners, as well as with the countries of origin and transit—will say a lot in the future about our principles and the quality of our democracy,” he added. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in August went on a tour of West African countries in a bid to boost local efforts to curb illegal migration from Mauritania, Senegal and the Gambia, the main departure points for migrant boats headed to the Canary Islands. — AFP

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