Big Central Conference: National Silver All-Division football teams, 2024
Firefighting foam from last summer’s spill at Brunswick Executive Airport floated on the wind in the days after the discharge. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer This article is the first in a series, A Fire Hose of ‘Forever Chemicals,’ which can be seen in entirety here . The series was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center’s StoryReach U.S. Fellowship Program, first appeared on the Maine Morning Star site . During 21 years working as a municipal firefighter, “I had hyper-exposure” to foam, recalled Jim Graves, director of training at the Maine Fire Service Institute. Graves entered the fire service at age 17 and was later sent to “foam firefighting school,” a week-long training in the selection and use of these chemical fire-suppression agents. Fires are classified by the material ignited, and only Class A fires – involving wood, cloth, rubber and some plastics – respond well to water. Class A foam is typically used on structural fires because it penetrates into materials to quell flames quickly. Class B or aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF, called “A triple-F”) targets flammable and combustible fuel fires, which water can spread. A cascading arc of AFFF, formed by mixing a small percentage of concentrate with a high volume of water, can slide quickly across the surface of a fuel spill, creating a thin barrier that effectively deprives flames of oxygen and suppresses fuel vapors. The efficiency of AFFF relies on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a vast class of thousands of synthetic chemicals characterized by nearly unbreakable carbon-fluorine bonds. First used in World War II, PFAS were subsequently added to hundreds of types of consumer and industrial products due to the chemicals’ ability to repel water and oil, resist heat, and reduce surface tension. Corporate documents reveal that chemical manufacturers like 3M and DuPont knew a half-century ago that fluorinated chemicals posed serious health risks. PFAS persist indefinitely in the environment and accumulate in bodies–potentially disrupting hormonal, immune and reproductive systems, and increasing the risk of various cancers. AFFF became a staple on military bases in the 1970s, not long after its development by 3M and the U.S. Navy. By 1988, the federal government mandated its use at commercial airports (a stricture that held until May 2023). Use of AFFF foam increased among Maine fire departments in the 1980s and 1990s, with 70% of departments in a recent survey reporting that prior to 2022 they used the foam, at least occasionally, primarily for combustible fuel fires, vehicle fires and routine trainings. Brendan Bullock/Maine Morning Star Some municipal fire departments, particularly those near highways, industry and airports, also kept stocks on hand for vehicular and other fuel fires and for use in periodic training. A recent survey of Maine fire departments (see sidebar) found that 70% used AFFF prior to 2022, at least occasionally, primarily for combustible fuel fires, vehicle fires and routine trainings. When military bases in Maine closed, they gave some AFFF (made to military specifications, high in PFAS) to municipal departments around the state. “Smaller departments always had access to that ‘mil-spec’ foam,” one fire chief observed. AFFF became a staple tool for many departments because it worked remarkably well. “It was a truly amazing chemical engineering accomplishment,” Graves said, “but horrible, as we have now learned.” NOT ‘SAFE AS DISH SOAP’ In 2001, a consultant told a technical committee of the nonprofit National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) that the toxicity and persistence of two PFAS compounds that Class B foams can degrade into – PFOA and PFOS – could be a “death warrant.” Manufacturers changed methods to produce PFAS formulations with shorter carbon chains, and marketed those AFFF concentrates to fire departments as a “sustainable substitute.” But over time, many of the newer compounds proved to be just as toxic, and more mobile and persistent in ecosystems. States began to control AFFF use in 2019, and in 2021 Maine banned its manufacture, sale and distribution (temporarily exempting airports and oil terminals), and mandated containment and reporting of any use. Maine also banned AFFF in firefighter training, but through the preceding decades “we trained with foam because it was required,” Graves said, referring to the voluminous standards the NFPA sets for fire departments. “If we had known, we would have stopped using [foam] way earlier.” Firefighters were assured that AFFF was safe as dish soap, and the concentrate looked similar – a pale amber liquid stored in sparsely labeled 5-gallon pails, 50-gallon drums or translucent 250- to 330-gallon totes. The concentrate could become viscous at times, congealing around valves. Graves recalls once having to reach into a tank of AFFF concentrate up to his shoulder to release a clog. Convinced that all firefighting foams were harmless, departments used them – not only at live fires and trainings – but occasionally, when requested, for recreational purposes. Various foams (of unknown class) were spread for birthday parties and at parks for community events so that children could slide and romp in what seemed like a bubble bath run wild. Worker cleaning up foam concentrate from a spill at the former Naval Air Station in Brunswick on Monday, August 19. Ed Friedman/Friends of Merrymeeting Bay Recent research indicates that some legacy PFAS compounds like PFOA and PFOS may transfer readily into aerosol form. When the State of Michigan tested foam at a highly contaminated lake, it found PFAS levels as high as 220,000 parts per trillion (ppt). Yet little research has been done on health effects from inhaled particles of AFFF, according to a spokesperson for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “For many firefighters, AFFF may be the most significant source of exposure to PFAS,” a working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, part of the World Health Organization) concluded. In 2023, the IARC classified PFOA as carcinogenic and PFOS as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Cancer has become the leading cause of death among active firefighters. North America’s largest union of first responders, the International Association of Fire Fighters, reports that in 2023 occupational cancer accounted for 72% of the line-of-duty deaths among its U.S. members. Firefighters are 9% more likely than the general population to develop cancer and 14% more likely to die from it, a federal study found. A fire station sign reads: “You can’t train too hard for a job that can kill you.” Brendan Bullock/Maine Morning Star Through training, appropriate equipment and careful practices, firefighters work to minimize the hazards inherent in fires, smoke and diesel truck fumes. But they were never warned that chemicals in the AFFF spewing out of firehoses and blowing about them like snow could get into nearly all of their organs and remain for years. “It freaks me out so bad that the firefighters of Maine had no clue,” Graves said. “Honestly, I’m scared for a lot of my generation.” He has already lost many firefighter friends to cancer. Colleagues in the fire service share Graves’ sense of being trapped in what he terms a “bad lottery,” expecting not a winning ticket but a devastating illness: “Many of us are sadly waiting for the day that we get a diagnosis.” RISKS OF SCATTERED AFF STOCKS The threats posed by AFFF extend far beyond the fire service. “AFFF is responsible for some of the largest PFAS releases to the environment,” Washington State’s Department of Ecology wrote recently in a 260-page environmental impact statement. “These are also the most complex, costly, and difficult to investigate and remediate.” The longer AFFF concentrate sits at dispersed locations around Maine, Graves said, the greater the likelihood it will get spilled or dumped. Public awareness of that risk rose after a hangar fire suppression system at Brunswick Executive Airport malfunctioned last August, mixing water with roughly 1,450 gallons of PFAS-laden concentrate to fill the massive structure four to five feet deep in foam. That spill, which could affect the community and watershed for generations, was far from anomalous. Brunswick Landing, the converted compound of a former U.S. Navy air station, has had at least a dozen other inadvertent AFFF spills recorded during and after its military use, including another hangar spill in 2019 and a 2012 hangar spill of 2,000 gallons of concentrate discovered by the Brunswick Sewer District. The August 19 AFFF spill at Hangar 4 of Brunswick Executive Airport, the site of a former U.S. Navy air station, was one among at least a dozen other AFFF spills recorded during and after the military’s tenure there. Photo by Martha Spiess For 30 years ending in 1990, the former station hosted fire trainings (many of which likely involved foam discharge), according to an environmental assessment prepared for the Brunswick Armed Forces Reserve Center. The report also noted that “expired AFFF would be discharged to various grassy areas around [the Naval Air Station] from fire vehicles for routine maintenance.” In an assessment of airport fires at Department of Defense facilities nationwide, the U.S. Air Force found that just one fire had occurred over three decades (extinguished by a water deluge system) while chemical foam had discharged accidentally once every two months on average over 15 years, resulting in one death, 21 injuries and more than $24 million in “mishap” costs. Two months prior to the Brunswick accident, 800 gallons of foam concentrate spilled at an Air National Guard facility in South Burlington, Vermont. Fire suppression systems used in oil and gas storage and transport, many of which rely on AFFF, can also malfunction. Rack systems used to transfer oil and gas from storage tanks to trucks have built-in sprinkler systems that are prone to accidents, according to Philip Selberg, chief of the South Portland Fire Department. Oil terminals are subject to Maine’s AFFF law as of January 1, 2025, but to Selberg’s knowledge, only one local terminal has transitioned to a fluorine-free substitute. (That terminal owner, Global Partners, declined Maine Morning Star’s request for an interview.) Awareness of risks associated with AFFF has increased since the state restricted its use in 2021, but deliberate dumping of foam concentrate remains a concern. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has spent several years overseeing the remediation of a site where intentional dumping occurred in 2020. A U.S. Air Force Assessment found that chemical foam systems at military installations discharged accidentally once every two months on average over 15 years, resulting in one death, 21 injuries and more than $24 million in “mishap” costs. Foam from the recent Brunswick spill carried PFAS chemicals into surrounding ecosystems. Photo by Steve Walker During routine well monitoring at a closed demolition debris landfill in Gorham, DEP staff learned that the town’s public works staff had dumped 500 gallons of AFFF concentrate from the fire station into the landfill several months earlier. That discovery led to a protracted investigation and remediation (with costs borne by the municipality), involving multiple environmental assessments and removal of contaminated soil, according to agency records. AFFF can also be deployed inadvertently, due to confusion among firefighters (many of them volunteers) who face a vast and ever-changing array of foam formulations. In New Hampshire, contractors for the state recently identified about 250 AFFF formulations from roughly 40 manufacturers. Maine fire departments received clear guidance not to use AFFF in training and to report its use to the DEP, but they never got instructions on separating AFFF stocks and storing them carefully until they can be collected – to reduce chances of unintended use. Some AFFF containers in Maine far exceed the product’s long shelf life, which ranges from 10 years to 25 years. Plastic drums of PFAS-laden concentrate stored at the Brunswick Executive Airport (as of November 2023) had production dates in the mid- to late 1980s. NOT A SIMPLE SWITCH A wide range of fluorine-free foams (called F3) are now available, and two independent entities have tested some of these products to ensure that they are not – unlike earlier PFAS reformulations – “regrettable substitutions.” Anila Bello, a researcher with the Department of Public Health at the University of Massachusetts Lowell who surveyed fire-training facilities nationally, has observed how that earlier deception left fire professionals skeptical about current marketing claims. Having been told that shorter-chain PFAS were safe during the foam transition that occurred in the mid-2000s, “[firefighters] are very hesitant transitioning to F3 foam; they want it to be truly safe for human health and for the environment,” she said. “They’re concerned that they’ll be in the same situation 10 or 20 years from now.” A toxicological study of six PFAS-free foams concluded that the new formulations, when compared to earlier products with PFAS, “appear to have a lower likelihood of environmental persistence and bioaccumulation and to have lower oral human health toxicity.” However, the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council cautions that all Class B foams (including F3 ones) can be problematic “if the foam reaches drinking water sources, groundwater [or] surface water” with the potential for “acute aquatic toxicity” and “nutrient loading.” Even fire departments ready to adopt F3 alternatives can be slowed by the costs and the logistical hurdles of selecting appropriate foam, training staff in its use, and purging AFFF from existing equipment so it does not contaminate the new foam. Fire departments ready to adopt F3 alternatives can be slowed by the costs and the logistical hurdles of selecting appropriate foam, training staff in its use, and purging AFFF from existing equipment so it does not contaminate the new foam. Brendan Bullock/Maine Morning Star In South Portland’s case, the needed foam research took considerable time and expense, including sending staff members to different out-of-state product demonstrations to determine which new formulas might work best – knowledge that fire departments can’t derive from “white papers written for chemical engineers,” Selberg said: “It’s a bit of a leap of faith to be sure that what you buy is going to work for you.” The South Portland Fire Department recently settled on a replacement foam that Selberg has confidence in, but now the department needs to coordinate with seven oil terminals, each of which is mandated to keep a reserve of AFFF on-site but all of which rely on the city for fire services. The foam that terminals select for replacements, he said, “needs to be something we as a department are familiar with so if we respond to a facility, we can all work together.” One of the largest concentrations of AFFF still stored in Maine is in South Portland, where seven oil terminals along the Fore River are mandated to keep reserves on hand for the City’s fire department to use. Legislation that prevents oil terminals from purchasing new AFFF takes effect January 1, 2025. Photo by Alex MacLean Once departments acquire F3 foams, they need to rid foam equipment of residual AFFF. That process, typically involving a series of rinses, is complicated by the need to save rinse water for safe disposal (a process outlined in detail by states like Washington and Connecticut). Maine has no central clearinghouse for information on the foam transition so departments like South Portland’s have been fielding frequent calls since the August 19 airport hangar spill. “Brunswick has upped the ante for everybody: I can’t tell you how many calls I’ve gotten from departments wanting to know what to swap, how to swap,” Selberg said. “Suddenly, it’s a big deal. Honestly, it should have been a big deal for us five years ago, right? Until Brunswick happened, we’ve all been sitting around waiting to figure out if someone would take the lead. And sadly, we haven’t.” A MISSED OPPORTUNITY Five years ago, Graves and two dozen other individuals knowledgeable about Class B foam were invited to serve on an AFFF Working Group of the Governor’s PFAS Task Force, which formed to develop a strategic plan for the state’s PFAS response. The working group drafted recommendations, endorsed by the task force and published in January 2020, that could have set Maine on a path toward gathering and securing all remaining AFFF stocks, a step that might have prevented the Brunswick spill. The task force recommended in part “that all fire departments in the State of Maine be required to disclose the type and quantity of current inventory of Class B AFFF,” and that protocols be established for safe storage and routine inspection. It called for a state-level funding mechanism that would allow the Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and the DEP to “develop and execute a Class B AFFF takeback and/or replacement program that does not financially burden Maine fire departments or their municipalities.” The state-level funding mechanism, a prerequisite for many of the other working group recommendations, was never established. In response to inquiries from Maine Morning Star, spokespersons for MEMA and the DEP indicated that any progress toward an AFFF inventory and takeback (or buyback) program await funding. Even the mandated reporting of AFFF use is in essence “voluntary,” according to DEP spokesperson David Madore, because it was an unfunded initiative. “We do not have the financial resources or staff required to implement the program,” he wrote. Fourteen states have now taken action to limit uses of AFFF, according to the nonprofit Safer States, but few states have created the sort of dedicated revenue source that the Maine task force envisioned. Funded by a tax on tanker fuel transport, Colorado helps fire departments cover foam replacement costs by buying back AFFF at $40/gallon. The tax also supports a grant program that helps public water systems, private well owners and local governments sample waters for PFAS contamination, including those affected by past AFFF use. Connecticut appropriated $3 million to help fire departments transition off fluorinated foams, providing grants for disposal of AFFF concentrate and rinsate from decontaminating trucks and equipment. Manufacturers marketed AFFF to fire departments as being ‘safe as dish soap,’ so firefighters took few precautions handling the concentrate or the foam created when concentrate was mixed with high volumes of water. Brendan Bullock/Maine Morning Star Without a provision to cover municipal costs for foam replacement, budgetary pressures or the Yankee penchant to use things up before acquiring replacements could drive fire departments to retain their remaining AFFF stock. As South Portland has learned, the foam transition entails extensive labor and costs – in research, retraining and equipment cleaning – that extend beyond replacement foam purchases. Asked what the fire department would like going forward, Selberg replied: “The best-case scenario is the State comes in tomorrow and says ‘Inventory what you have, we’ll come down and get it, and we’ll credit you so you can buy what you need. Right now, that burden is going to be on our city to do all those things.” DETERMINING HOW MUCH AFFF IS IN MAINE The AFFF Working Group discovered during its 2019 research that completing a statewide inventory would prove challenging. An initial survey sent to 305 fire departments by the Office of the State Fire Marshal garnered just 61 responses. Among 20 “industry partners” with potential AFFF (like paper mills and oil terminals), eight responded. Incomplete state-level data complicates the work of undertaking an inventory. Maine currently lacks a comprehensive database of all the state’s fire departments, and only 259 out of an estimated 378 departments report to the state. MEMA and staff of the Fire Marshal both informed Maine Morning Star that they have no current contact information for industry partners. As of 2022, the Maine Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan documented more than 19,000 gallons of AFFF stored in just four communities. Former military bases represent another significant source, with an estimated 6,000 gallons of AFFF concentrate at Brunswick Landing alone (although numbers are still in dispute). Factoring in other military sites, airports, helipads, paper mills and fire departments, AFFF accounting becomes speculative. The DEP estimated the total volume statewide in 2022 at 48,000 gallons but that was simply an extrapolation from the limited responses to the AFFF Working Group survey. A recent survey completed by Maine Morning Star, which like the state’s 2019 survey had only a 20 percent response rate, reported roughly 4,000 additional gallons at municipal departments beyond those counted in the oil spill plan. A similar extrapolation, adding in the 25,000 gallons from industry and military sources, would total 45,000 gallons–close to the DEP’s original estimate. LAYING THE GROUNDWORK FOR COLLECTION For Maine to successfully gather back most of the remaining AFFF, it will need an accurate inventory of where the foam concentrate is stored. Achieving a high response rate on an inventory is clearly challenging – but not impossible. North Carolina undertook an AFFF inventory with roughly three times the number of fire departments Maine has (1,217 departments spanning 2,119 sites, when counting multiple stations) and achieved a 100% participation rate. Brian Taylor, the State Fire Marshal, said he knows what Maine is up against, given that his office typically gets a 10% return rate on surveys and both states have a high proportion of departments staffed entirely or mostly by volunteers. In North Carolina, Taylor said, the AFFF inventory was mandated and strongly supported with “boots on the ground” – regional resource people (affiliated with the North Carolina Collaboratory) who could help local departments compile the needed information. The state also has three “foam research analysts” to help gather and manage data, at an annual cost of roughly $300,000, according to Taylor. North Carolina plans to conduct an annual AFFF inventory until all remaining stocks are collected, with about 11% gathered and stored by the State to date). Its foam analysts are also helping gather data for a state investigation of water quality at wells located near fire departments and training areas. To make AFFF reporting easier, Taylor’s office encouraged the development of a new application within a software system already used to report fire incidents by many fire departments nationally. That AFFF management application is now available to any state at no added cost. Use of that reporting software is mandated in North Carolina but remains optional in Maine, according to State Fire Marshal Shawn Esler. It was given to departments in 2014 and 91 percent of reporting departments in the state now use that software, according to the Fire Marshal’s office. GETTING RID OF AFFF Following up on Maine’s AFFF law, the DEP delivered a progress report to the Legislature in March 2022 that identified obstacles to disposing of the foam concentrate stocks. The primary options at that time involved incineration or transport to a hazardous waste dump. Incineration of surplus AFFF by the Department of Defense had already generated PFAS contamination downwind of incinerators, indicating that temperatures in a typical incinerator do not fully break down PFAS (a concern confirmed by a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidance document last spring). Transporting PFAS out of state to hazardous waste facilities in fenceline communities runs counter to the environmental justice provision Maine must apply in its own siting decisions regarding solid waste facilities. Landfills can contaminate groundwater and surface waters with PFAS from leachate and can emit PFAS in a gaseous form. Since 2022, experimental approaches to break down AFFF into relatively benign elements have advanced, with some methods now being piloted at a commercial scale. Two states, Ohio and New Hampshire, have sent their AFFF stocks to a new plant in Columbus, Ohio that uses superheated water to break apart the strong fluorine-carbon bonds in PFAS, a process known as supercritical water oxidation (SCWO). This highly energy-intensive process is still new and while it doesn’t appear to generate problematic PFAS byproducts, it does produce hydrofluoric acid, which the EPA notes “may require protections for worker health, emission controls, and reactor care.” A 2022 U.S. Government Accountability Office report noted that “maintenance can also be difficult and costly because of the intense heat, pressure and corrosive by-products generated during treatment.” New Hampshire’s contract to dispose of 9,924 gallons of AFFF using SCWO is costing roughly $500,000, according to Andrew Gould of the state’s Department of Environmental Services. Once the material is processed, the state will be provided per-batch confirmation of destruction to help protect the participating fire departments and airports from liability. (PFOS and PFOA are now listed as hazardous waste under the federal “Superfund” law, but the EPA has issued a policy explicitly stating that it does not intend to pursue entities such as fire departments, local airports and water utilities.) In its 2022 report to the Legislature, the DEP indicated that it “does not recommend pursuing long-term consolidated storage of waste AFFF at this time. Until the U.S. EPA provides final guidance on management of this waste stream, the Department recommends ensuring that existing stocks of AFFF are stored safely in place.” Nearly three years later, the EPA appears no closer to issuing final guidance, having just updated its “interim” guidance in April 2024. The August foam spill at Brunswick Landing undercut public confidence that remaining AFFF stocks can or will be “stored safely in place.” By mid-September, Maine Rep. Dan Ankeles (D-Brunswick) had submitted three bill titles to the Legislature, including ones that would mandate and fund both an AFFF inventory and a takeback program. Details are still being finalized in concert with the DEP and the Office of the State Fire Marshal. The foam spill at Brunswick Landing last August undercut public confidence in the safety of dispersed storage of AFFF stocks. Photo by Steve Walker Maine could collect AFFF and store it until a thorough analysis of emerging technologies is completed. Now that oil terminals in Maine are becoming subject to the AFFF law, they will be transitioning off fluorinated foams. Staff of the South Portland Fire Department have been meeting with oil terminal representatives and are considering disposal options for the City’s remaining stocks of AFFF. “We don’t have the facilities to keep it other than how we keep it,” Selberg said. The department’s AFFF containers are stored in climate-controlled settings, but they’re not bermed off or protected with secondary containment to catch leaks. Planning for the removal and replacement of 3,000 or so gallons of foam concentrate, he adds, “the logistics and cost of that are pretty burdensome.” The city recently allocated $125,000 in federal American Rescue Plan funds to begin that transition. “I’ve been approached by some of the terminals here about going in with them and getting rid of [AFFF stocks] through one of the waste contractors,” Selberg said, “but I don’t really know where it’s going. So am I just sending it to some poor county in the middle of nowhere and making it their problem?” We invite you to add your comments. We encourage a thoughtful exchange of ideas and information on this website. By joining the conversation, you are agreeing to our commenting policy and terms of use . More information is found on our FAQs . You can modify your screen name here . 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NEW YORK – Walmart's sweeping rollback of its diversity policies is the strongest indication yet of a profound shift taking hold at U.S. companies that are revaluating the legal and political risks associated with bold programs to bolster historically underrepresented groups in business. The changes announced by the world's biggest retailer followed a string of legal victories by conservative groups that have filed an onslaught of lawsuits challenging corporate and federal programs aimed at elevating minority and women-owned businesses and employees. Recommended Videos The risk associated with some of programs crystalized with the election of former President Donald Trump, whose administration is certain to make dismantling diversity, equity and inclusion programs a priority. Trump's incoming deputy chief of policy will be his former adviser Stephen Miller , who leads a group called America First Legal that has aggressively challenged corporate DEI policies. “There has been a lot of reassessment of risk looking at programs that could be deemed to constitute reverse discrimination,” said Allan Schweyer, principal researcher the Human Capital Center at the Conference Board. “This is another domino to fall and it is a rather large domino,” he added. Among other changes, Walmart said it will no longer give priority treatment to suppliers owned by women or minorities. The company also will not renew a five-year commitment for a racial equity center set up in 2020 after the police killing of George Floyd. And it pulled out of a prominent gay rights index . Schweyer said the biggest trigger for companies making such changes is simply a reassessment of their legal risk exposure, which began after U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in June 2023 that ended affirmative action in college admissions. Since then, conservative groups using similar arguments have secured court victories against various diversity programs, especially those that steer contracts to minority or women-owned businesses. Most recently, the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty won a victory in a case against the U.S. Department of Transportation over its use of a program that gives priority to minority-owned businesses when it awards contracts. Companies are seeing a big legal risk in continuing with DEI efforts, said Dan Lennington, a deputy counsel at the institute. His organization says it has identified more than 60 programs in the federal government that it considers discriminatory, he said. “We have a legal landscape within the entire federal government, all three branches -- the U.S. Supreme Court, the Congress and the President -- are all now firmly pointed in the direction towards equality of individuals and individualized treatment of all Americans, instead of diversity, equity and inclusion treating people as members of racial groups,” Lennington said. The Trump administration is also likely to take direct aim at DEI initiatives through executive orders and other policies that affect private companies, especially federal contractors. “The impact of the election on DEI policies is huge. It can’t be overstated,” said Jason Schwartz, co-chair of the Labor & Employment Practice Group at law firm Gibson Dunn. With Miller returning to the White House, rolling back DEI initiatives is likely to be a priority, Schwartz said. “Companies are trying to strike the right balance to make clear they’ve got an inclusive workplace where everyone is welcome, and they want to get the best talent, while at the same time trying not to alienate various parts of their employees and customer base who might feel one way or the other. It’s a virtually impossible dilemma,” Schwartz said. A recent survey by Pew Research Center showed that workers are divided on the merits of DEI policies. While still broadly popular, the share of workers who said focusing on workplace diversity was mostly a good thing fell to 52% in the November survey, compared to 56% in a similar survey in February 2023. Rachel Minkin, a research associated at Pew called it a small but significant shift in short amount of time. There will be more companies pulling back from their DEI policies, but it likely won’t be a retreat across the board, said David Glasgow, executive director of the Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at New York University. “There are vastly more companies that are sticking with DEI," Glasgow said. "The only reason you don’t hear about it is most of them are doing it by stealth. They’re putting their heads down and doing DEI work and hoping not to attract attention.” Glasgow advises organizations to stick to their own core values, because attitudes toward the topic can change quickly in the span of four years. “It’s going to leave them looking a little bit weak if there’s a kind of flip-flopping, depending on whichever direction the political winds are blowing,” he said. One reason DEI programs exist is because without those programs, companies may be vulnerable to lawsuits for traditional discrimination. “Really think carefully about the risks in all directions on this topic,” Glasgow said. Walmart confirmed will no longer consider race and gender as a litmus test to improve diversity when it offers supplier contracts. Last fiscal year, Walmart said it spent more than $13 billion on minority, women or veteran-owned good and service suppliers. It was unclear how its relationships with such business would change going forward. Organizations that that have partnered with Walmart on its diversity initiatives offered a cautious response. The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, a non-profit that last year named Walmart one of America's top corporation for women-owned enterprises, said it was still evaluating the impact of Walmart's announcement. Pamela Prince-Eason, the president and CEO of the organization, said she hoped Walmart's need to cater to its diverse customer base will continue to drive contracts to women-owned suppliers even if the company no longer has explicit dollar goals. “I suspect Walmart will continue to have one of the most inclusive supply chains in the World,” Prince-Eason wrote. “Any retailer's ability to serve the communities they operate in will continue to value understanding their customers, (many of which are women), in order to better provide products and services desired and no one understands customers better than Walmart." Walmart's announcement came after the company spoke directly with conservative political commentator and activist Robby Starbuck, who has been going after corporate DEI policies, calling out individual companies on the social media platform X. Several of those companies have subsequently announced that they are pulling back their initiatives, including Ford , Harley-Davidson, Lowe’s and Tractor Supply . Walmart confirmed to The Associated Press that it will better monitor its third-party marketplace items to make sure they don’t feature sexual and transgender products aimed at minors. The company also will stop participating in the Human Rights Campaign’s annual benchmark index that measures workplace inclusion for LGBTQ+ employees. A Walmart spokesperson added that some of the changes were already in progress and not as a result of conversations that it had with Starbuck. RaShawn “Shawnie” Hawkins, senior director of the HRC Foundation’s Workplace Equality Program, said companies that “abandon” their commitments workplace inclusion policies “are shirking their responsibility to their employees, consumers, and shareholders.” She said the buying power of LGBTQ customers is powerful and noted that the index will have record participation of more than 1,400 companies in 2025.Shoppers at the Wood Village Walmart in Oregon, hoping to find groceries or holiday gifts, also learned that employees could soon be wearing body cameras. “I think if it helps with theft, then that makes sense. It wouldn’t bother me if they were wearing them,” shopper Jennifer Robinson said. The nation’s largest retailer is currently testing the technology at one store in Texas, and it could soon be seen in Walmart stores across the Pacific Northwest. “The retail industry continues to contend with increasing levels of shoplifting and violence, often due to the involvement of organized retail crime groups,” said David Johnston with the National Retail Federation. Walmart is not saying much except: “This is a pilot we are testing in one market, and we will evaluate the results before making any long-term decision.” CNBC reported that a company document instructs employees to “record an event if an interaction with a customer is escalating.” Earlier this year, TJ Maxx, HomeGoods and Marshalls began equipping some of their workers with body cameras. “Retailers have implemented a number of safety and security measures, including adding or increasing uniform security or law enforcement presence in stores,” Johnston added. Many stores are also locking up products that require a clerk to open shelves. Retailers reported a 93% increase in shoplifting incidents last year compared to before the pandemic, costing them more than $121 billion. Back in Wood Village, Alice Bailey hopes body cameras will improve the customer experience. “It kind of makes sense — so they can keep an eye on things because the people that are shoplifting and taking things, that’s trickling down to the people that’s actually paying for the stuff,” she said. “It’s always good to try something because everything else is not working.” Content from The National Desk is provided by Sinclair, the parent company of FOX45 News.JinkoSolar (NYSE:JKS) Stock Price Down 3.1% – Here’s Why
The state’s refreshed intercity fleet is comfortable, but won’t get you from Sydney to Newcastle any quicker than steam trains did a century ago
HE President of the National Cyber Security Agency Eng. Abdulrahman bin Ali Al Farahid Al Malki said that National Day is a dear occasion for all and draws inspiration of steadfastness, strength, and determination from Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed bin Thani, founder of the State of Qatar. It is an occasion to renew the determination to contribute to the progress, development and building of the State of Qatar. In a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA), His Excellency extended congratulations and greetings on this dear occasion to HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, HH the Father Amir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, HH the Deputy Amir Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Thani, the wise government, and the generous Qatari people. Celebration of this year's National Day coincides with the State achieving a large number of accomplishments on all levels, both internal and external, which enhanced its position regionally and internationally, enabled it to occupy an advanced position in many global indicators, and made it a desirable and safe global destination for investment and tourism, HE President pointed out. Regarding the achievements of the Agency and its future plans, His Excellency stressed that with its various sectors and departments, the Agency achieved many important local achievements aimed at enhancing security and stability in Qatar's cyberspace, noting that one of the most important of these achievements is the launch of the National Cyber Security Strategy 2024-2030, which was characterized by comprehensiveness and in line with the strategy of the State. His Excellency stated that the Agency recently held the 11th edition of the National Cyber Drill, titled 'Zero-Day Survival', with the participation of about 170 vital entities in the country. The aim was to test the readiness of entities and measure their efficiency in confronting various cyber risks. The Agency established the National Cyber Security Academy in order to enhance digital capabilities and safety and raise the level of cyber awareness among employees of government and private institutions, HE President said. The new version of the National Cyber Training Program was also launched, which provides cyber training and qualification services to various state institutions and entities and is an added value that the Agency contributes to in enhancing government efforts aimed at achieving the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030. At the international and regional levels, His Excellency pointed out that the Agency was able to enhance Qatar's position on the global cyber map, as it obtained full membership in the Global Privacy Assembly, which represents international recognition of Qatars growing role in promoting and protecting the rights of individuals in the digital environment. Qatar also achieved a major accomplishment in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2024, where it was classified as a model country at the international level in the field of cybersecurity. He explained that the Agency worked on plans to protect and secure major events hosted by Qatar, such as the Asian Cup, the Qatar Formula 1 Grand Prix, and Expo 2023, for the purposes of responding proactively and effectively to potential cyber threats and breaches. As part of its role in enhancing and raising the level of international cooperation between the Agency and the relevant official organizations and bodies in other countries, HE explained that the Agency has participated in many international forums specialized in the field of cybersecurity, and reviewed its role in protecting and securing cyberspace, and raising the readiness of various bodies, in addition to reviewing Qatars pioneering experience in securing major events, most notably the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, in a number of these forums. His Excellency pointed out the importance of Qatar hosting major global events in the field of cybersecurity, perhaps the most prominent of which is the hosting the International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC), which is being held for the first time in the Middle East and North Africa region. It is a prestigious annual event that brings together cybersecurity experts, government officials, industry professionals, researchers and academics to discuss and collaborate on cybersecurity standards, practices and technologies. In addition, the State of Qatar hosted the third meeting of the GCC Ministerial Committee for Cybersecurity, where the Gulf Cybersecurity Strategy and the platform for exchanging information and cyber threats between GCC countries were launched. His Excellency stressed that the cadres and teams of the National Cyber Security Agency are working diligently around the clock to ensure the strengthening and securing of cyberspace in the country, based on the best international practices. (QNA) ض ع ي/M J A/P R QNA 1046 GMT 2024/12/16 Related Story QND celebrates national unity, honours rich cultural heritage: Russian envoy ‘Celebrating National Day solidifies sense of belonging’
I Research Disappearing Small-Town Jewish Communities. I’m Finding the Best of America.Raise your privacy game with Android 15's Private Space. Get ready to level up your privacy game with Android 15's latest feature , Private Space. This nifty addition is about to change the way you keep your sensitive apps and data under wraps. Let's dive into what Private Space is all about and how you can make the most of it. ( iPhone users, learn how to hide apps on your device here .) GET SECURITY ALERTS, EXPERT TIPS — SIGN UP FOR KURT’S NEWSLETTER — THE CYBERGUY REPORT HERE Private Space on Android (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson) What is Private Space? Private Space is Android 15's answer to keeping your personal or sensitive apps away from prying eyes. Think of it as a secret vault within your phone where you can stash away apps you'd rather keep private, whether they're work-related, financial, or just your guilty pleasure games. Unlike hiding apps — typically done by moving them to a folder or using a third-party launcher, which still leaves them accessible from the app drawer — Private Space creates a separate, secure area within your phone that is completely isolated. Only you can access it using a unique passcode or biometric authentication, ensuring your private content remains truly private. Private Space on Android. (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson) BEST ANTIVIRUS FOR ANDROIDS — CYBERGUY PICKS 2024 What you need You can use Private Space when: Your device is running on Android 15 or higher. Your device has more than 6 GB of RAM. Your device isn't managed by an organization. There’s no supervised account signed in on the main space. WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)? You can’t use Private Space when: It is disabled by the device manufacturer or Enterprise Admin. It is within a secondary user profile. Your device has more than four user profiles. Note: You can only use Private Space as the main user of the device, not as a guest or secondary user. Consider creating a dedicated Google account for your Private Space. This helps prevent private data like notifications and files from appearing outside Private Space. Which devices can use Private Space? Private Space is available on devices running Android 15. As of now, this includes: Google Pixel devices (Pixel 6 and newer) Select devices from Samsung, Lenovo, Motorola, Nothing, OnePlus, and more (coming in the following months) Android version 15 on device (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson) ANDROID BANKING TROJAN EVOLVES TO EVADE DETECTION AND STRIKE GLOBALLY How to get Android 15 on your device Ready to upgrade? Here's how to get Android 15: S ettings may vary depending on your Android phone’s manufacturer. Back up your device data (just in case). Go to Settings. Click System. Tap Software updates. Then, click System Updates. If available, tap "Download and install." Wait for the download to complete and your device to restart. Steps to install Android 15 on your device (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson) Disclaimer: The availability of the Android 15 update may vary by device and region. If the update is not yet available for your Android device, please check with your manufacturer or carrier for more information on the release schedule. ANDROID BANKING TROJAN MASQUERADES AS GOOGLE PLAY TO STEAL YOUR DATA Setting up Private Space Now that you've got Android 15, let's set up your Private Space: S ettings may vary depending on your Android phone’s manufacturer. Open the Settings app. Scroll to "Security & privacy." Tap on "Private Space." Verify your identity using your device's unlock method. Tap the "Set up" button. Enter your Google account credentials. Agree to the terms and conditions. Now, your Private Space is ready to use. Steps to set up Private Space (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson) Using Private Space Here's how to move apps from your home screen into Private Space or install apps directly into Private Space from Google Play. S ettings may vary depending on your Android phone’s manufacturer. GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HERE How to move your apps from your home screen into Private Space Access Private Space by scrolling to the bottom of your app drawer. Tap the lock icon to unlock it. You'll be asked to enter your passcode or use biometric authentication. To move apps to Private Space, long-press an app in your main drawer. Tap Install in private. Confirm your decision by clicking Install. Steps to use Private Space on Android (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson) How to install apps directly into Private Space from Google Play You can also click Install , where you will see the plus sign in the black circle , to install apps directly from Google Play into Private Space. Just click on the app you want to install into Private Space. Then click Install again. Head back to Private Space , and you will see the app installed there. SUBSCRIBE TO KURT’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR QUICK VIDEO TIPS ON HOW TO WORK ALL OF YOUR TECH DEVICES Kurt’s key takeaways Space is a game-changer for anyone looking to enhance their digital privacy. This feature provides a secure, dedicated area for your sensitive apps and data, ensuring that only you have access. With just a few simple steps, you can create your own digital vault and enjoy peace of mind knowing your private information is well-protected. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP What role should the government play in protecting your privacy and data, and how should it react to growing public concerns? Let us know by writing us at Cyberguy.com/Contact For more of my tech tips and security alerts, subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by heading to Cyberguy.com/Newsletter Ask Kurt a question or let us know what stories you'd like us to cover . Follow Kurt on his social channels: Facebook YouTube Instagram Answers to the most-asked CyberGuy questions: What is the best way to protect your Mac, Windows, iPhone and Android devices from getting hacked? What is the best way to stay private, secure and anonymous while browsing the web? How can I get rid of robocalls with apps and data removal services? How do I remove my private data from the internet? New from Kurt: Kurt’s Best Holiday Deals extended Try CyberGuy's new games (crosswords, word searches, trivia and more!) Copyright 2024 CyberGuy.com. All rights reserved. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson is an award-winning tech journalist who has a deep love of technology, gear and gadgets that make life better with his contributions for Fox News & FOX Business beginning mornings on "FOX & Friends." Got a tech question? Get Kurt’s free CyberGuy Newsletter, share your voice, a story idea or comment at CyberGuy.com.
This is essentially the first or second inning," National Association of Realtors chief economist Lawrence Yun said, comparing the current conditions for residential real estate professionals to the early part of a baseball game. Subscribe to continue reading this article. Already subscribed? To login in, click here.Russia claims it developed first cancer vaccine in big breakthrough, says 'will distribute for free'
The states that saw the most active attacks against election certification two years ago certified the results of this year’s races without controversy this week, prompting the Arizona secretary of state to proclaim that “election denialism” is a thing of the past. Others said they weren’t so sure. Certification proceeded normally this year in part because Donald Trump won the presidential race, quieting his supporters after he had spent the campaign making unsubstantiated claims that he could lose only through widespread cheating . The statewide certification votes Tuesday in Nevada and New Mexico follow a vote Monday to certify the results in Arizona. In all three states, the certification process was tumultuous during the 2022 midterms when Democrats won most statewide offices. Those controversies followed attempts by Trump and his allies to halt or challenge certification in Michigan, Georgia and other battleground states in 2020, disrupting what until then had been a routine administrative process. This year, some who have been the most vocal in questioning the integrity of elections have instead been celebrating Trump’s victory. “The results are being accepted in the manner that they are, in part, because those who have been eroding trust or casting doubt on the integrity of U.S. elections have a result they feel good about,” said David Levine, a former local election official in Idaho who now advises on election administration issues. “Hopefully we can get back to a place where Americans can feel confident in the results even if it’s one they disagree with.” On Tuesday, Nevada and New Mexico certified their statewide results with little discussion. During Monday’s certification in Arizona, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes reflected on the lack of controversy this year. “I think the age of election denialism, for all intents and purposes, is dead,” he said. Sitting next to Fontes, state Attorney General Kris Mayes, a fellow Democrat, said she was more skeptical. Her Republican opponent in 2022 spent two years challenging his loss . “Do I think election denialism is dead? No, I don’t,” she said. “We’ll see over the next couple of election cycles what happens, but I don’t think we’re there yet.” Public confidence in elections has dropped since Trump challenged his loss in 2020 and made false claims of widespread fraud, particularly among Republicans . Some Republicans began targeting the certification process, when local and state boards certify the results after local election officials provide them with the final tally of votes. A firestorm erupted in Georgia over the summer when the state election board, with a new pro-Trump majority, attempted to politicize the certification process with changes later blocked by the courts. While certification battles did not surface after the Nov. 5 election , a vocal segment within the Republican Party remains deeply skeptical of election processes, particularly of the availability of mail ballots and the use of ballot scanners to tally votes. During a forum Monday on the social platform X led by the group Cause of America, the group's director expressed doubt about voting equipment. Shawn Smith, who also is a retired Air Force colonel, argued the certification process suppresses legitimate concerns and goes against “the sovereignty of the people.” Story continues below video Although not as widespread as four years ago, this sentiment did surface sporadically at the local level this month. In Washoe County, Nevada, which includes Reno and voted narrowly for Vice President Kamala Harris, the vote to certify the results was 3-1 with one abstention. Commissioner Jeanne Herman has consistently voted against certification and did not make a public comment about her vote this year. Commissioner Mike Clark, a staunch Trump supporter who had also previously voted against certification, said he would abstain and left before the vote. “I am not an election denier and clearly the person I wanted to win, won this state,” Clark said before leaving the meeting. “However, that does not mean that all the protocols were followed and that we can truly certify the election.” Such skepticism, whether in Nevada or elsewhere, leaves the door open to certification disputes during future elections. The questioning of election results isn't limited to Republicans. Even though Harris quickly conceded after losing all seven presidential battleground states , online posts among her supporters continue to raise concerns about her loss. One Reddit community that has amassed 23,000 members features a steady drumbeat of Democrats scrutinizing a result they can’t believe is real. Some posting in the group have issued calls to contact Harris and her running mate to ask them to demand a recount or otherwise object to the outcome. Among the battlegrounds, Michigan was among those where Trump and his allies pressed to halt certification of the 2020 election for Democrat Joe Biden amid false claims of fraud and manipulation. Two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers who initially opposed certification eventually relented. The state board of canvassers eventually voted to certify, even after one Republican member abstained. This year, the state board voted unanimously on Nov. 22 in favor of certifying and praised the state’s election workers. In Georgia, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified his state’s results on Nov. 22. Four years ago, the Republican state official was facing immense pressure from Trump and his allies to investigate their unsubstantiated claims of fraud. Also certifying results Tuesday, and doing so unanimously, was the state Board of Elections in North Carolina. It was the only presidential battleground state won by Trump in 2020 — and the only one where he and his allies didn't make claims of fraud. Cassidy reported from Atlanta. Associated Press writers Susan Montoya Bryan in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Ken Ritter in Las Vegas, Scott Sonner in Reno, Nevada, and Ali Swenson in New York contributed to this report.
Punjab textile exports drop 30% in 3 years; MP seeks stitch in timeGeode Capital Management LLC boosted its stake in shares of WK Kellogg Co ( NYSE:KLG – Free Report ) by 2.7% during the third quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The firm owned 1,507,713 shares of the company’s stock after purchasing an additional 38,939 shares during the period. Geode Capital Management LLC’s holdings in WK Kellogg were worth $25,802,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period. Other institutional investors and hedge funds also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Royce & Associates LP grew its stake in shares of WK Kellogg by 199.8% during the 3rd quarter. Royce & Associates LP now owns 71,987 shares of the company’s stock valued at $1,232,000 after purchasing an additional 47,973 shares during the period. Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc. boosted its holdings in shares of WK Kellogg by 7.7% in the third quarter. Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc. now owns 1,112,558 shares of the company’s stock worth $19,036,000 after buying an additional 79,808 shares during the last quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors boosted its holdings in shares of WK Kellogg by 12,352.1% in the third quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors now owns 1,516,417 shares of the company’s stock worth $25,946,000 after buying an additional 1,504,239 shares during the last quarter. Seven Eight Capital LP bought a new stake in WK Kellogg during the second quarter valued at approximately $577,000. Finally, Atlas Financial Advisors Inc. purchased a new stake in WK Kellogg during the third quarter valued at approximately $818,000. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 95.74% of the company’s stock. Analysts Set New Price Targets Separately, Barclays lifted their price target on shares of WK Kellogg from $16.00 to $19.00 and gave the stock an “underweight” rating in a research note on Monday, November 11th. Three research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating and four have given a hold rating to the company’s stock. Based on data from MarketBeat, the stock presently has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus target price of $19.71. Insider Transactions at WK Kellogg In related news, Director G Zachary Gund acquired 65,000 shares of WK Kellogg stock in a transaction dated Thursday, November 14th. The shares were purchased at an average price of $17.76 per share, for a total transaction of $1,154,400.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly owns 195,000 shares in the company, valued at approximately $3,463,200. This represents a 50.00 % increase in their position. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available through the SEC website . Corporate insiders own 0.90% of the company’s stock. WK Kellogg Trading Down 1.8 % WK Kellogg stock opened at $17.88 on Friday. The company has a current ratio of 0.78, a quick ratio of 0.34 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.49. WK Kellogg Co has a 12-month low of $12.32 and a 12-month high of $24.63. The firm has a market capitalization of $1.54 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 22.92 and a beta of 0.07. The firm has a 50 day moving average of $18.66 and a 200 day moving average of $17.72. WK Kellogg ( NYSE:KLG – Get Free Report ) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, November 7th. The company reported $0.31 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.26 by $0.05. WK Kellogg had a net margin of 2.50% and a return on equity of 33.41%. The firm had revenue of $689.00 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $674.10 million. During the same period in the prior year, the company posted $0.49 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was down .4% compared to the same quarter last year. As a group, research analysts predict that WK Kellogg Co will post 1.49 earnings per share for the current year. WK Kellogg Dividend Announcement The firm also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Friday, December 13th. Stockholders of record on Friday, November 29th were given a $0.16 dividend. The ex-dividend date was Friday, November 29th. This represents a $0.64 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 3.58%. WK Kellogg’s payout ratio is 82.05%. WK Kellogg Company Profile ( Free Report ) WK Kellogg Co operates as a food company in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. It manufactures, markets, and distributes ready-to-eat cereal products primarily under the Frosted Flakes, Special K, Froot Loops, Raisin Bran, Frosted Mini-Wheats, and Kashi brands. The company was formerly known as North America Cereal Co and changed its name to WK Kellogg Co in March 2023. Featured Stories Want to see what other hedge funds are holding KLG? Visit HoldingsChannel.com to get the latest 13F filings and insider trades for WK Kellogg Co ( NYSE:KLG – Free Report ). Receive News & Ratings for WK Kellogg Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for WK Kellogg and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .