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Denver for a job in southwestern Colorado while endorsing two Democrats to ascend the political ladder behind him has frustrated party officials and sparked fresh criticism of the process that’s served as a gateway for a third of the state legislature. “The optics are (expletive),” summarized one Denver Democratic official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal party frustrations. “They’re terrible.” , partisan process in which a relatively small group of party officials and volunteers select a replacement for a state legislator who leaves office early. They’ve long been haltingly accepted as an imperfect convenience, but Hansen’s resignation — and his decision to endorse a House member to replace him and then back another person to replace his replacement — has reinvigorated criticisms of the process and sparked accusations of backroom deals and opaque insider politics. Of the eight people who confirmed their interest in taking Hansen’s seat, Hansen said he wanted Rep.-elect Sean Camacho, a Denver Democrat just elected to the legislature after winning a pricey primary in June, to replace him in the Senate, potentially before Camacho ever serves a day in the House. Hansen said he also wanted Katie March, who previously and unsuccessfully ran for the Capitol Hill-based seat that Camacho just won, to take over for Camacho should he move to the Senate. A separate slate has also taken shape: Rep. Steven Woodrow, a Denver Democrat who represents the Washington Park area in the House, is also seeking Hansen’s seat. He, too, would require a replacement, and he’s linked to Emily Parker, a Democratic Party official who confirmed that she would be interested in Woodrow’s seat should it become available. That’s set up dueling slates of candidates eying seats that aren’t open yet, creating a dizzying waterfall effect that may determine the representation of tens of thousands of Denver voters — largely without public input. All of the seats are also in Democratic strongholds, meaning whoever prevails in the vacancy committees to come will have an inside track to legislative positions that will be easier to hold for years. The first vacancy committee, staffed by Democratic elected officials and local party volunteers, will convene in the weeks before or after Hansen formally resigns on Jan. 9. The committee will pick one candidate to serve for the next two years in Senate District 31, which covers a large swath of central and east Denver; the winner will then need to run in a normal election in 2026. If Hansen is replaced by a sitting legislator — like Camacho or Woodrow — a second vacancy committee, to pick their replacements, would be required. Vacancy committees, which select representatives for tens of thousands of voters, typically range from a few dozen people to more than 100. Some are considerably smaller: Rep. Julia Marvin, a Thornton Democrat, . Woodrow said he was not trying to “hand off” his seat to Parker and that he wasn’t seeking to endorse her as Hansen had backed Camacho and March. Hansen said vacancy committee members were free to choose who they wanted, regardless of whom he endorsed, and both March and Camacho also rejected suggestions of backroom deals bolstering their chances. Still, Hansen’s resignation and the subsequent vacancy-jockeying — including suggestions that Camacho’s appointment is already assured — have exasperated and angered Democratic officials and donors, according to interviews with more than a dozen people. “To announce you’re leaving a position... then also be so very public and clear about what your plans are for your replacement, and to clearly have had all of these things in the works, it’s just — that’s not right,” said Rep. Emily Sirota, another Denver Democrat. Shad Murib, the chair of the Colorado Democratic Party, said he was committed to ensuring no legislator was “anointed or hand-picked” and that suggestions to the contrary “should concern us all.” Thursday’s , Janet Buckner of Aurora, prompted Murib to call for a change to how replacement legislators are picked, and he acknowledged concerns about lawmakers hand-picking their replacements. “What Chris wants is what Chris wants,” Murib told The Denver Post, describing Hansen’s endorsements. “Sometimes you don’t get what you want.” As for Buckner, the state Democratic Party is setting up the process to replace her, executive director Karin Asensio said Friday. No one has yet formally filed to compete for her seat at the coming vacancy committee, but Asensio said she expects interest from sitting House members. Should one replace Buckner, yet another vacancy committee would be needed. Sen. Nick Hinrichsen, a Pueblo Democrat, was recently the subject of a false rumor that he would resign. While he has no plans to leave the Senate, he said he nonetheless fielded a call from a local precinct committee member because others were already jockeying behind the scene to run for his seat in case a vacancy. The other candidates for Hansen’s Senate seat include: Several of those candidates told The Post they only learned of Hansen’s resignation from the news or on election night, when it began to spread in Democratic circles. Any advanced notice would allow a candidate or their supporters to begin calling members of the vacancy committee to lobby for support. Though Hansen’s resignation was an open secret by Election Day, he also didn’t fully confirm his plans — including when he planned to resign — until a week later. Adrian Felix, a former secretary for the Denver Democrats, said he received a call from a lobbyist a week before Election Day — and before Hansen’s resignation was public knowledge — inquiring about a vacancy committee in Hansen’s district. It’s unclear when others knew. Hansen told The Post he didn’t formally accept his new job until after Election Day, but that he was contacted about the role in early September. He said he spoke with Camacho in late October about the seat. Camacho, just elected to represent Capitol Hill’s House District 6, said that though he had spoken with Hansen several times before his resignation became public, Hansen’s future was “only rumors” then. He denied that he had concrete, advanced knowledge of Hansen’s imminent departure. He said he wanted to move to the Senate to improve Latino representation in the chamber. “You’ve got to go make your case to 100-plus people who have individual processes,” Camacho said of the vacancy committee. “I don’t understand how that is misinterpreted as a backroom deal.” Camacho raised more than $200,000 — plus tens of thousands more in outside spending — to beat Rep. Elisabeth Epps in a June primary. Because Hansen’s replacement could be picked before the legislative session starts in early January, Camacho could move to the Senate without having served a day in the seat to which he was elected. Steven Paletz, who was briefly the registered agent for a spending committee that supported Camacho during the primary, spoke with Camacho when he learned of his plans to pursue Hansen’s seat. He, like two other donors contacted by The Post, declined to describe his private conversations with the lawmaker. But, Paletz said, “I think that Democrats can learn a lot from the failures of backroom dealing, and I think them putting everything in the light and putting it up for all voters to have a say is really important.” He said he was also concerned about who would replace Camacho, should his newly won seat become open. House District 6 is one of the most progressive districts in the state, and Epps is among the most left-wing members of the legislature. Paletz noted that the district also had a large Jewish population; a year ago sparked the campaign to recruit Camacho and unseat her. (Epps did not return a message seeking comment.) “I supported him for HD6,” Paletz said of Camacho, “and I think he would be great for HD6.” Shortly after Hansen’s resignation became fully public, supporters of various candidates — including Camacho and Woodrow — attempted to join the vacancy committee, officials said. The rush prompted James Reyes, the chair of the Democratic Party of Denver, to freeze any additions to the committee, and he also instructed staff not to share the list publicly. The list has more than 120 members, according to a copy obtained by The Post. Some candidates have also had the list for most of November. The spreadsheet does not say when individual members joined. Vacancy committees are standing bodies even when a seat isn’t open. They’re made up of elected officials, volunteer precinct organizers and other party officials. Reyes did not return several messages sent over the past week. Murib said he asked Reyes to freeze the committee, which he said was standard to avoid the potential for “stacking.” On Thursday, after and the need for yet another vacancy committee appeared, Murib acknowledged the concerns swirling in Denver. “Speculation that lawmakers strategize their resignations to hand-pick their replacements, or climb the ladder of elected office, is also a growing sentiment among the public,” he said in a statement. “While we have worked hard to prevent this from ever occurring, it is incumbent on us to do everything we can to bolster trust in our democracy by acknowledging and addressing this issue proactively.” Hansen, who was a rumored state treasurer candidate before accepting the La Plata Electric Association job, said he rejected the idea that a backroom deal had been struck to boost Camacho and March, “It’s going to be up to the vacancy committee to decide who they want to select,” he said. “People ignore endorsements or they think they have importance; that’s up for the committee to decide.” March confirmed her interest in Camacho’s seat, should it become available. She’d unsuccessfully run against Epps (in a race that also briefly included Camacho) . Her husband is also a veteran political operative who was involved in directing financial support for Camacho and against Epps earlier this year. March echoed Hansen and Camacho’s comments that the vacancy committee was a public process that, she said, “can’t be gamed.” “I think the process has a lot of challenges and problems,” she said, “but that is the system that we have and that is the only way to get elected.” Those “challenges and problems” have received renewed attention in the wake of Hansen’s departure and the various machinations that have started churning to replace him. Roughly a third of the 100-member state legislature — including Hansen and Woodrow — were at one point chosen by vacancy committees to replace elected lawmakers. That’s the product of structural issues, said Hansen, who holds degrees from Oxford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Legislators work long hours and , which helps drive some resignations (Hansen’s predecessor at the La Plata Electric Association earned $545,000 in her final year, ). Simultaneously, an alternative option — special elections — are costly ]and time-consuming. A spokeswoman for the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office said Friday that the office hasn’t calculated how much a switch to special elections would cost and that such an estimate would be difficult to nail down, given variable election requirements and specifics related to individual seats. Rep. Bob Marshall, a Highlands Ranch Democrat, that would have required anyone appointed via a vacancy committee to sit out the next election. That proposal gathered dust and eventually died on the state House’s calendar A speedy process is especially important, given that legislators frequently quit during or just before the legislative session. Any delay in replacing them could leave tens of thousands of constituents without representation during the most critical time of the year. Still, the twin resignations of Hansen and Buckner — alongside the spiraling vacancy committees their departures may trigger — prompted Murib, the Democratic Party chair, to call for reforms. “Colorado law and our state’s unique and prohibitive budget restrictions provide real logistical concerns regarding reform, including cost and the potential for districts to go unrepresented for months,” he said. “Because of this, we have been hesitant to entertain conversations about transitioning to special elections or reforming this process. But the time is now to consider ways to make this process better.”Exclusive │ Xiaohongshu Establishes Application Algorithm Department, Xiaohou Appointed as Department HeadThe choice to portray Genji as Iron Man is a fitting one, considering both characters share similar traits of strength, agility, and a commitment to justice. Iron Man's technological prowess and Genji's mastery of the sword come together in perfect harmony, creating a powerful and dynamic interpretation of the hero. Fans of both Overwatch and Marvel are sure to appreciate the blogger's creative vision and dedication to honoring these beloved characters in such a unique way.jili777 apk

Bula Three stories make the front page of the Fiji Times for Saturday, December 21. But before that, we have a wraparound over the front page, and it’s on the holidays coming up. THE shadowy nature of the illegal drug trade requires the Counter Narcotics Unit to equip itself with surveillance technology such as drones and advanced tracking systems. According to the Police Reset document, preventing the flow of illegal drugs and dismantling drug networks will also require a strengthening of intelligence-gathering mechanisms to identify drug trafficking routes and networks. Fiji National Provident Fund’s 43,000 members were paid a record eight per cent return to its members in its 2024 financial year ending June 2024. This was the highest in the last 25 years. The performance comes as the fund continues to manage an asset portfolio valued at $10.6 billion for over 423,000 members. PRIME Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says if Acting Police Commissioner Juki Fong Chew has evidence of dirty cops, then he should have had them investigated and arrested. Mr Rabuka’s remark follows claims by Mr Fong Chew that some police officers were corrupt. In a strong response to the media yesterday, Mr Rabuka expressed disappointment at Mr Fong Chew’s comments, describing them as injurious to the morale of the police force. Letters to the editor We have seven pages of people’s opinions. Find out what they are talking about. Read their views on issues they feel strongly about, and get a feel of the pulse of the nation. People are challenging processes, and systems and have a view on various issues affecting our nation. International Follow us for the best and most comprehensive international news coverage. We connect you to some of the world’s best news agencies, bringing you news that matter from around the world. Synopsis We are now counting down the days to Christmas Day on December 25. That’s when celebrations will definitely go up a notch. There is tradition, and emotions linked to this special day, and the one after that, on Boxing Day, and then attention shifts to New Year’s Day. We celebrate this festive season for different reasons. One thing’s for sure, the festivities start this weekend, broken by working days on Monday and Tuesday, only to resume on Wednesday and Thursday. For thousands of people, it’s an opportunity to unwind, and to be with family and friends. It’s an opportunity to relax at the beach, take in the weather, and the moment. It’s an opportunity to enjoy life. Some will drown themselves in alcohol. Thousands will use the opportunity to become tourists. There will be people at work though. They ensure the processes and systems that enable our nation to churn on, continue rolling. There are families who may have a loved one who is very sick, or perhaps they are not well-off and are unable to enjoy the occasion. Christmas Day is a joyous occasion that should be celebrated. Lest we forget, we also have a duty to be careful on our roads. Travelling times take up a huge chunk of our days in this period. So let’s be vigilant, proactive, and adhere to laws that govern road usage. Considering the fact that we are still in the cyclone season that stretches from November to April, it pays to be mindful of what the weather reports reveal. It is encouraging to see organisations and people reaching out to assist the less fortunate. A lot of them have come to the assistance of organisations like Walk on Walk Strong (WOWS) Kids Fiji for instance. These acts of kindness should remind us that there are many good-hearted people willing to lend a helping hand, and their efforts should inspire us all. Let this season of goodwill empower us to show concern and compassion for those around us. We acknowledge and celebrate all those who have dedicated their time and energy to uplift others, and to become shining lights in our communities. Your contributions make a meaningful difference, reminding us about the true spirit of the season. As we prepare for the holidays, let’s plan wisely and prioritise safety for ourselves and our loved ones. Whether we’re celebrating at home, traveling, or volunteering to help those in need, our actions can have a lasting impact. Let’s embrace the joy of the season while fostering a sense of togetherness and support for one another. Let’s also focus on safety!

After the recent update to the rules regarding alleged violations by Manchester City, the number of accusations against the club has risen from 115 to a staggering 130. This development has sent shockwaves throughout the English Premier League and has raised significant questions about the integrity of one of the league's most successful clubs.

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To achieve their goals, Atalanta must leverage the talent and experience of players like Duván Zapata, who have the ability to make a difference in decisive moments. Zapata's form and fitness will be crucial to Atalanta's success, as he provides the team with a reliable source of goals and an offensive focal point. Gasperini will look to Zapata to lead the Atalanta attack, inspire his teammates, and deliver match-winning performances that will propel the team to victory.Renfrew council delays rubber-stamping staff recommendation to award controversial IT contractMoreover, the AI big model shuffle could lead to a redistribution of resources and talent in the market. Companies that invest in research and development, data quality, and model explainability may gain a competitive edge over those that prioritize speed and scale. As the focus shifts from hype to substance, the market is likely to reward companies that invest in building trustworthy and reliable AI solutions.

As the sun set behind the snow-carrier, casting a warm glow on its snowy surface, it stood as a testament to the creativity, dedication, and patriotism of all those who contributed to its creation. It was not merely a sculpture made of snow, but a symbol of unity, pride, and love for one's country.Cloud Whale Intelligence' CEO, Zhang Jiaobin, responded to rumors of layoffs, stating that the company has successfully reduced its workforce from 1600 to 1400 employees in order to enhance efficiency within the organization. Zhang emphasized that the restructuring has resulted in a significant increase in organizational efficiency compared to before.

Report: NFL warns players of burglary rings targeting pro athletes

REDMOND, Ore., Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Expion360 Inc. XPON ("Expion360" or the "Company"), an industry leader in lithium-ion battery power storage solutions, announced today the resignation of Greg Aydelott, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, effective December 31, 2024, due to family health concerns. Mr. Aydelott intends to remain available to the Company on an ongoing basis as a consultant to ensure a smooth transition. The Company's Board of Directors has appointed the Company's Chief Executive Officer, Brian Schaffner, as interim Chief Financial Officer, and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer, effective December 31, 2024, and is conducting a search process to identify a new CFO. Mr. Schaffner previously served as the CFO of Expion360 from March 2021 through January 2023. "On behalf of our Board of Directors, leadership team and employees, I would like to thank Greg for his outstanding service and commitment over the past three years," said Mr. Schaffner. "He has made significant contributions to Expion360's success, including managing our growth, strengthening our balance sheet, enhancing our planning and budgeting process, and overseeing investments in new technologies and batteries." "This has been an incredible journey with talented people, and it has been a privilege to help lead this passionate team," said Mr. Aydelott. "I look forward to following the success of Expion360 for years to come." About Expion360 Expion360 is an industry leader in premium lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries and accessories for recreational vehicles and marine applications, with residential and industrial applications under development. On December 19, 2023, the Company announced its entrance into the home energy storage market with the introduction of two premium LiFePO4 battery storage systems that enable residential and small business customers to create their own stable micro-energy grid and lessen the impact of increasing power fluctuations and outages. The Company's lithium-ion batteries feature half the weight of standard lead-acid batteries while delivering three times the power and ten times the number of charging cycles. Expion360 batteries also feature better construction and reliability compared to other lithium-ion batteries on the market due to their superior design and quality materials. Specially reinforced, fiberglass-infused, premium ABS and solid mechanical connections help provide top performance and safety. With Expion360 batteries, adventurers can enjoy the most beautiful and remote places on Earth even longer. The Company is headquartered in Redmond, Oregon. Expion360 lithium-ion batteries are available today through more than 300 dealers, wholesalers, private-label customers, and OEMs across the country. To learn more about the Company, visit expion360.com . Forward-Looking Statements and Safe Harbor Notice This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which statements are subject to considerable risks and uncertainties. The Company intends such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release, including statements about our beliefs and expectations, are "forward-looking statements" and should be evaluated as such. Examples of such forward-looking statements include statements that use forward-looking words such as "projected," "expect," "possibility," "believe," "aim," "goal," "plan," and "anticipate," or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements included in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the expected timing and impact of the executive transition, including Mr. Aydelott's continuing role as a consultant to the Company, and the Company's ability to build on its momentum and achieve its financial and strategic objectives. Forward-looking statements are subject to and involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements predicted, assumed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Company Contact: Brian Schaffner, CEO 541-797-6714 Email Contact External Investor Relations: Chris Tyson, Executive Vice President MZ Group - MZ North America 949-491-8235 XPON@mzgroup.us www.mzgroup.us © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.As "Reading on the Island" continues to gain popularity, it is inspiring a wave of interest in literature and reading across the country. Libraries are reporting an increase in visitors, bookstores are seeing a rise in book sales, and online reading platforms are experiencing a surge in membership. The show has become a catalyst for a cultural shift towards a more literary and contemplative society, where the value of words and ideas is cherished and respected.

TSM Ventures Beyond the Digital Arena Traditionally recognized as a powerhouse in the world of competitive gaming, Team SoloMid (TSM) is seemingly setting its sights on broader horizons. Recent rumors and subtle industry movements suggest that TSM is exploring the burgeoning field of “pre-market technology solutions,” a venture that could reshape its identity and influence in the tech-centric ecosystem. A Glimpse into Pre-Market Technologies Pre-market technologies refer to innovations that are still in their nascent stages but show promising potential for mass-market adoption. TSM’s interest in this realm marks a significant strategic pivot. The organization, celebrated for its prowess in games like League of Legends and Valorant, might be integrating cutting-edge technology to enhance gaming experiences or even stepping outside traditional boundaries to diversify its portfolio. Implications for the Gaming Community This evolution could have profound implications for the gaming community. If TSM’s foray into pre-market technologies proves successful, it could lead to revolutionary advancements in gaming interfaces, more immersive virtual experiences, or even the development of tools that improve gamer performance. Such developments could redefine competitive gaming and create new revenue streams, allowing TSM to maintain its competitive edge beyond the confines of traditional esports. Looking Ahead While concrete details remain under wraps, this potential pivot signifies a future where gaming teams might play a pivotal role not only in entertainment but also in technological innovation. As TSM fans and tech enthusiasts speculate on the implications, the world eagerly awaits how this pre-market endeavor unfolds. The initiative could herald a new era for TSM and the gaming industry as a whole. Unveiling TSM’s Next Big Move: From Gaming Powerhouse to Tech Innovator New Horizons in the World of Digital Innovation Team SoloMid (TSM), a titan in esports, is reportedly stepping beyond its familiar territory by venturing into pre-market technology solutions. This strategic move points towards a possible transformation of TSM from a gaming-focused entity to a broader tech innovator. The venture into pre-market technologies, which are innovations still on the horizon of mainstream adoption, could broaden the organization’s influence and introduce novel possibilities for integration between gaming and technology. Pre-Market Technologies: What Lies Ahead The term pre-market technologies encompasses early-stage innovations ripe for future mainstream use. TSM’s potential engagement in this arena suggests a desire to be at the forefront of groundbreaking tech applications, possibly to enhance gaming environments or even explore avenues outside traditional gaming. Such a strategy could diversify TSM’s offerings and income sources, enabling them to leverage technology to redefine the eSports landscape. Benefits and Challenges for the Gaming Ecosystem If TSM successfully harnesses pre-market technologies, it could pioneer game-changing advancements, such as cutting-edge gaming interfaces and ultra-immersive virtual realities. These innovations have the potential to elevate gaming not just in entertainment, but as a competitive, skill-enhancing field. However, such a pivot could also entail several challenges, including the need for significant investment, talent acquisition, and a robust understanding of emerging technologies to minimize risks. Gaming Ventures Redefined: Comparison with Industry Trends TSM’s potential entry into tech solutions aligns with broader industry trends where traditional gaming entities are merging with technology sectors. This includes integrating artificial intelligence for personalized gaming experiences or leveraging virtual reality for more immersive play. As Team SoloMid explores this new path, their strategy may act as a blueprint for others in the gaming sector grappling with the fast-paced technological evolution. Predictions and Future Impact Speculation abounds on TSM’s next steps, with industry experts predicting collaborations with tech startups and investments in nascent tech sectors. Should these endeavors materialize, TSM could become a pivotal player not only in competitive gaming but also in the field of technological innovation. The successful merger of gaming and pre-market tech might transform TSM into a model of evolution for similar organizations seeking sustainability and growth in an ever-changing digital space. As TSM continues to innovate and expand its horizons, both gaming enthusiasts and tech supporters are keenly observing how this journey unfolds, potentially heralding a new era of gaming and technology integration.

MEREDITH — Isabel Dwyer was recently crowned Miss Lakes Region’s Teen 2025. With a commitment to making a meaningful impact, she embraces the core values of Miss America: style, scholarship, success, service, and sisterhood. Currently a junior at Bishop Guertin High School, Dwyer advocates for concussion awareness through her community service initiative. As a two-time concussion survivor, she is passionate about prevention and support, proudly serving as an ambassador for Concussion Awareness Now and the Concussion Legacy Foundation. Dwyer aims to support youth and families across New Hampshire with social media campaigns, wellness events, and fundraising for brain injury initiatives. In addition to her advocacy work, Dwyer founded her school’s broadcast journalism club and plans to study communications in college, merging her media skills with her dedication to creating change. Her passion for coaching young cheerleaders is an extension of her advocacy through promoting brain safety and sportsmanship. From participating in a lake clean-up and writing letters to isolated seniors, to sorting toys for the Salvation Army, Dwyer’s service work establishes her as a role model for teens. The Miss Lakes Region Teen pageant is part of the Miss America’s Teen organization, which has awarded millions in scholarships to empower young women. Dwyer will represent the Lakes Region at the Miss New Hampshire Teen competition in April, where she will compete in the interview, talent, evening gown, and on-stage question segments. For more information, visit instagram.com/misslakesregionnh .The Changan UNI-Z is a sleek and stylish plug-in hybrid that offers a seamless blend of performance, comfort, and eco-friendliness. Equipped with a 1.5-liter turbocharged engine combined with an electric motor, the UNI-Z delivers a total output of 210 horsepower and 355 Nm of torque. This powertrain is paired with a 9-speed automatic transmission for smooth and efficient performance. The UNI-Z also features a 13.1 kWh lithium-ion battery pack that provides an electric-only range of up to 83 miles, making it a great option for daily commutes and shorter trips. Additionally, the UNI-Z comes with advanced safety and connectivity features, including a suite of driver-assist technologies and a high-definition infotainment system.

As the situation in Syria worsened, the Chinese embassy in Damascus worked tirelessly to coordinate the evacuation efforts. A team of embassy staff, along with security personnel, traveled to various parts of the country to ensure the safe passage of Chinese citizens to the designated evacuation point. The green corridor, established in collaboration with local authorities, provided a safe route out of Syria for the evacuees.

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