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Stephen A. Smith Is Trending After Heated Exchange With Shannon Sharpe"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" To keep reading, please log in to your account, create a free account, or simply fill out the form below.fishing materials

GE Aerospace ( NYSE: GE ) had declared $0.28/share quarterly dividend , Payable Jan. 27; for shareholders of record Dec. 27; ex-div Dec. 27. See GE Dividend Scorecard, Yield Chart, & Dividend Growth. More on GE Aerospace General Electric, Spin-Offs, And Dividends GE Aerospace: The Top Aerospace Engine Stock To Buy GE Aerospace: Firing On Most Cylinders, Still Battling The October Earnings-Day Dip Defense stocks face DOGE risks in 2025, J.P. Morgan says U.S. is said to ready $725M arms package for UkraineRAMAPURAM: Goa Governor Adv. P.S. Sreedharan Pillai has said that Kerala Kaumudi is a distinct daily which tries to bring about positive changes for the benefit of society through positive news at a time when people who are interested in negative news are increasing. He was inaugurating the 113th-anniversary celebrations of Kerala Kaumudi at the Michaels Plaza Convention Centre in Ramapuram. "Kerala Kaumudi, which started with the blessings of Sree Narayana Gurudeva, presents even critical news only through positive thoughts. Impartiality is the hallmark. While Kerala Kaumudi continues to fight for the backward classes and the deprived, it upholds some fundamental principles." Kerala Kaumudi was against the liberation struggle. However, Kerala Kaumudi was the newspaper that gave the most news of the protesters. Success is to be able to do justice to everyone even when there are different opinions. Kerala Kaumudi is able to present all the movements in social life with the positivity promoted by Gurudeva. The notion that we can leave newspapers and move forward is wrong. Now more and more people are coming towards reading. Although the method varies, the reading is more powerful now. The excellence of Kerala Kaumudi is that it gives priority to principled journalism," Sreedharan Pillai said.

The Orange County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted to move ahead with hiring an outside firm to conduct a forensic audit of all contracts executed by four agencies in response to the Andrew Do corruption scandal. The audit will cover contracts through the County Executive Office, Health Care Agency, OC Community Resources and Social Services Agency that were established between January 2019 and August 2024. The move comes after Do resigned from the board last month shortly after federal prosecutors said the longtime elected official had agreed to plead guilty in a conspiracy to steal millions of dollars meant to feed needy seniors. Since last November, LAist has uncovered how Do directed county contracts and millions of taxpayer dollars to a nonprofit, Viet America Society (VAS), linked to his daughter, Rhiannon Do . The money was meant to feed seniors during the pandemic and to build a Vietnam War memorial. Federal prosecutors say just 15% of the money earmarked for meals was actually used for that purpose. The audit was approved Tuesday on a 3-1 vote. The audit firm will be required to present their findings at a public forum or a Board of Supervisors meeting. The audit, however, will be more limited in scope to what Supervisor Vicente Sarmiento first called for: an “independent third-party forensic audit” of all contracts “directed or influenced” by Do. Board Chairman Don Wagner voted against the audit. The supervisors also voted on a policy document that affirmed they will adhere to “transparent and ethical contracting.” If the supervisors do not adhere to the policy, they could face censure or be referred for criminal prosecution. County employees who do not follow guidelines in contracting could also be subject to “training, loss of procurement license, and/or disciplinary action.” Meanwhile, contractors who violate the terms of agreements with the county could face “contract termination, restitution requests, and other legal remedies.” “You can't legislate good conduct, but you can certainly create checks and balances and better guardrails,” Sarmiento said of the external audit on Tuesday. Aggie Alonso, the director of internal audit at the county, told supervisors it could take four to five months to find an outside firm at a cost of around $2 million. Sarminento said the external audit will “make sure that we've covered all gaps, made sure that the work that's been done by our internal audit team is credible, is strong, and is something that we can confidently move forward with and demonstrate to the public.” Since LAist began reporting on Do, the county has passed other reforms. County officials are reviewing contracts funded by federal COVID dollars after Orange County supervisors directed them to do so in September. They were given 90 days to come back with their findings. Supervisors also voted in September to update the current contract policy manual to bring the county in line with AB 3130 , a new bill signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom that will require county supervisors across the state to disclose any family ties they have to a nonprofit’s employees or officers before awarding contracts. The new law goes into effect Jan. 1, 2025, and was inspired by LAist’s reporting. Another bill signed into law by Newsom, AB-2946 , will require a majority vote by the Orange County Board of Supervisors before discretionary funds are awarded to a nonprofit or community group. The supervisors will also be required to post details online of how the money was spent. And starting in 2026, Senate Bill 1111 will make it a crime in California for elected officials to be involved in awarding government contracts to organizations if they know their child is an officer or director of the vendor, or has at least a 10% ownership stake. State Sen. Dave Min, who introduced the bill, said LAist’s reporting led him to take on the issue. In November 2023, LAist began investigating how millions in public taxpayer dollars were spent. In total, LAist has uncovered public records showing more than $13 million in public money that was approved to a little-known nonprofit that records state was led on and off by Rhiannon Do. Most of that money was directed to the group by Supervisor Do outside of the public’s view and never appeared on public meeting agendas. He did not publicly disclose his family ties. Much of the known funding came from federal coronavirus relief money. One of the best things you can do to hold officials accountable is pay attention. Your city council, board of supervisors, school board and more all hold public meetings that anybody can attend. These are times you can talk to your elected officials directly and hear about the policies they’re voting on that affect your community.NoneBiomanufacturing might appear to be centered around the cell line, which does enjoy a certain pride of place, ensconced as it is in the bioreactor, where conditions are carefully monitored and exquisitely controlled. Yet the cell line exists to generate a product. So, one might argue that biomanufacturing is in fact centered around the product, whether it is an antibody, a recombinant protein, or a vaccine. Admittedly, the product suffers various indignities during downstream processing, such as being transferred from one unit operation to the next, enduring capture, intermediate purification, and polishing. But in its own way, the product is quite as pampered as the cell line. The product must not be unduly diminished in quantity—and certainly not in quality, not at all. The product’s integrity must be preserved. To accommodate the product, biomanufacturers can take advantage of tools, such as chromatography columns and membrane filters, that can smooth the product’s downstream processing journey. Choosing the appropriate columns and filters can expedite purification, improve recovery, and increase productivity. Other tools include design of experiment (DOE) studies, which can improve the management of processing parameters, either through a traditional trial-and-error approach or through machine learning, which can predict how specific parameters may affect the entire process at different times under various conditions. Finally, the product may follow the usual downstream itinerary, a series of synchronized steps, or it may have the luxury of a single, integrated, end-to-end process—or something in between. So, let the cell line have its bioreactor throne. The product may soon travel the royal road of purification on the way to fill and finish. To see how the product’s path is becoming smoother and more continuous, read about the advances discussed in this article, which conveys the insights of a retinue of downstream processing experts. Large biotherapeutic molecules originate from a variety of sources—plasma, supernatant, or cell lysate, for example—with differing requirements for chromatographic separation. Size matters. But so do factors such as hydrodynamic radius, sensitivity to shear stress, propensity to aggregate or fragment, and the presence of closely related impurities, to name but a few. However, all of them, “suffer from slow diffusion and mass transfer kinetics and, as a result, low binding capacity,” Artur Stanczak, application specialist, process chromatography, Bio-Rad Laboratories, said in a recent webinar. This need not always be the case. Dealing with large molecules requires modern resins that are fit for purpose. Stanczak discussed aspects of Bio-Rad’s Nuvia resin family members, such as a narrow distribution range, optimized ligand density, and rigid hydrophilic phase matrix. For example, he said that with Nuvia resins, even high flow rates “won’t impact DBC [dynamic binding capacity] dramatically because of the rigid polymer structure.” The idea is to reduce nonspecific binding and free up some binding sites. Some of the resins, such as Nuvia HP-Q, offer properties such optimized pore structure and surface extenders. These allow for high DBC at high flow rates, and thus an improved recovery of the target product and an increase in productivity. DOE studies should be conducted to determine ideal conditions, including testing factors such as pH and conductivity. Understanding critical process parameters is also important for optimizing the filtration process. For example, parameters such as concentration, crossflow, and transmembrane pressure (TMP) determine transmembrane flux, which directly impacts filter performance. Ordinarily, these parameters are assessed via TMP excursions, which involve measuring volume flow through a membrane at specific time points. “This approach, however, only provides snapshots; it’s not predictive,” explains Mark Duerkop, PhD, CEO of Novasign. “The current setup relies heavily on trial and error, lacking a straightforward, systematic method.” Novasign’s intuitive software studio leverages machine learning to derive insights from an automated TMP excursion. From that training run, it automatically builds a model to simulate various scenarios in silico, guiding operators on optimizing their chosen parameters—whether the operators are interested in minimizing production time or managing diafiltration volume, pH, and excipient concentration. “Our digital twin tells you how to set up your process at laboratory scale and how to transition smoothly to pilot or manufacturing scale,” Duerkop asserts. The smart machine learning tool removes the need for repeated validation runs for each parameter change by simulating different scenarios digitally. It assists in decisions about membrane selection and optimal operation, indicating the ideal switching points between ultrafiltration, diafiltration, and a second ultrafiltration stage. It also provides insights into performance within continuous single-pass tangential flow filtration. According to Duerkop, the studio delivers significant savings in time, labor, and product compared with traditional trial-and-error or DOE approaches. Chromatography and filtration steps in a downstream process are employed to separate the desired product from host cell proteins and other process-related impurities. During process development, each step is optimized for removal of impurities, typically by quantifying them via affordable and easy-to-use commercial kits. The end goal is the serial diminution of impurities through the purification process until they are undetectable, or at least within acceptable limits. One exception has been the presence of viruses, which should not be detectable in the first place except as a contaminant. Instead, during scaled-down process validation, viruses are spiked in at each stage of the process and their removal tracked. This is typically carried out by a contract research organization using live virus under BSL2/3 conditions, which is expensive and can have long turnaround times. Regulatory agencies require data demonstrating the efficacy of the process to remove viruses before the product can be introduced into humans during clinical trials and commercial release. There is an option to disrupt that paradigm, says David Cetlin, senior director, R&D, MockV products, Cygnus Technologies. “The MockV approach replaces live viruses with noninfectious particles that mimic the same properties of that original virus,” he says. “They’re physiochemically similar, meaning that analyses can be straightforward. For example, the data you generate from a MockV MVM [minute virus of mice] kit should align pretty well with the data that you would generate from a live MVM study.” “Historically our customers were applying the kits predominantly for process development, resin screening, process optimization, and things like that,” Cetlin points out. But he adds that newly revised regulatory guidelines “enable customers to use our RVLP [retrovirus-like particle] kit product to actually validate their process and put that data into a regulatory submission.” At most biomanufacturers, downstream processing is performed one step at a time, with deliberate transfers of the product from one intermediate stage, accomplishing tasks such as protein A affinity purification and viral inactivation. But at some biomanufacturers, downstream processing is semicontinuous or even continuous. “Typically, end users connect different chromatography and filtration systems to get all steps of the process running at the same time,” says Joanna Pezzini, CEO, PAK BioSolutions. “And to do that, you need to build automation to have the different steps talk to each other, to make sure that they’re running at the same rate.” PAK BioSolutions offers a continuous end-to-end solution at three different scales from process development to commercial scale, allowing for purification of 2 to as many as 20,000 L per day. The company can connect multiple different steps of a biopharmaceutical purification process in a single system. “We can do diafiltration, chromatography, virus inactivation, inline concentration and filtration,” Pezzini remarks. “You can perform up to four unit operations simultaneously on a single system, and inline process analytical control technology assures that they run at the same rate.” “If you can do four different purification steps at the same time, you can produce four times more product or run four times faster,” she adds. The other benefit she touts is resin savings: “We run a lot of chromatography cycles on very small columns instead of a few chromatography cycles on very big columns, so you’re purchasing smaller volumes of resin for products that only require a few batches each year.” According to Pezzini, some companies that offer continuous manufacturing provide individual systems that perform one step in the process and leave it to the end user to build the automation that connects these different systems together. She says that unlike those companies, PAK BioSolutions is “creating a turnkey solution.” Upstream and downstream processes can be connected to form an end-to-end continuous platform as well, helping to bring down manufacturing costs along the way. Such platforms have been constructed by Enzene Biosciences, a contract development and manufacturing organization focused on biologics production. Enzene Biosciences has set out to reduce the cost of goods for innovative biologics manufacturing, aiming to reach $40 per gram by 2025. Until recently, the predominant technology for developing biologics has been—and largely remains—a fed-batch process. “With fed-batch, the only way to lower costs is by achieving a higher-titer clone or using an exceptionally large bioreactor,” explains Russell Miller, vice president of sales and marketing, Enzene Biosciences. “But even that may not be enough. We knew we needed to explore a different, more innovative technological basis.” “The EnzeneX platform is a fully connected, continuous manufacturing platform from start to finish,” Miller asserts. Specifically, the “start” is a bioreactor step that incorporates perfusion technology, and the “finish” is the step just before nanofiltration. The company’s website indicates that the Enzene platform “harnesses the power of intensified perfusion using alternate tangential flow and automated multicolumn chromatography to achieve continuous production of biologics.” Miller elaborates, “When you take the perfusion technology and you’re able to couple it with the elimination of hold tanks and run the process continuously [for 30 days], you enhance the opportunity to maximize productivity, which gives a commensurate reduction in cost of goods.” The company has facilities in Pune, India, and in Hopewell, NJ, and it has started a phased rollout of its EnzeneX 2.0 technology. Among the innovations is an enhanced cell line capable of producing a titer of 8–10 g/L—double the previous cell line’s titer. According to Miller, the new technology will enable Enzene to scale up the bioreactor to 1,000 L. The next phase will bring online artificial intelligence–powered process analytical technology, with the final phase centered around optimization of culture media to further boost productivity and efficiency.

Shailene Woodley didn’t want to say much about Aaron Rodgers in a new interview, because, she said, reflecting on her relationship with the controversial NFL quarterback “always makes me cry.” During an overnight camping trip in Malibu with a reporter , the 33-year-old actor and environmentalist also said that her relationship with Rodgers, which reportedly began during the COVID-19 pandemic and ended in February 2022, “was not right.” “But it was beautiful,” she added in the interview published Tuesday. Later in the conversation, Woodley also alluded to how difficult the relationship became and how devastated she was when it ended. She and Rodgers reportedly began dating during the pandemic lockdown in July 2020, around the time he ended his two-year relationship with race car driver Danica Patrick. The revealed their engagement in 2021. “I had a really awful, traumatic thing happen in early 2022,” Woodley told Outside later in the conversation. Yes, the “Divergent” star wasn’t being specific here about the “awful, traumatic thing,” but Outside noted that her engagement to the former Green Bay Packers quarterback was called off that February. “I felt like I lost my soul, my self, my happiness, my joy,” Woodley said. “I really understood depression and anxiety and, like, complete soul detachment.” Woodley also said she chose to remain in a “toxic situation” because she was empathizing with “someone else.” “Empathy,” she says, “kind of kept me in this loop of feeling everything for everyone.” For Outside magazine, the “Big Little Lies” actor was being profiled as the publication’s Outsider of the Year. In a previous interview, Woodley taking place in the fall of 2021, a time that coincided with the final months of her relationship with Rodgers and when he sparked national controversy by ranting critically about the COVID-19 vaccine. In a 2023 interview with Net-A-Porter’s Porter magazine, Woodley talked about dating “somebody in America who was very, very famous,” without naming Rodgers. In the fall of 2021, she also was filming the series, “Three Women.” But she talked about how it was difficult to focus on her work. “It was winter in New York, and my personal life was (expletive), so it felt like a big pain bubble for eight months,” Woodley said to Porter magazine. “I was so grateful that at least I could go to work and cry and process my emotions through my character,” Woodley said. In early November 2021, Rodgers did serious damage to his public image as a popular NFL star by going on an angry anti-COVID vaccination rant on “The Pat McAfee Show.” The reigning Most Valuable Player was then accused of being an arrogant, narcissistic crackpot with a persecution complex after he claimed he was a victim of “the woke mob” and that the media had launched “a witch hunt” to pin him down on whether he had been vaccinated. Unfortunately for Woodley, she was caught up in Rodgers’ controversy, mainly by coming to his defense in ways that were seen as tone-deaf, given that public health officials had raised serious concerns about the potential harm caused by Rodgers’ anti-vaccination statements in the midst of a global pandemic. Woodley took to social media to post snarky, expletive-laced and even sexually suggestive Instagram defenses of Rodgers. Over the next month, one source close to Woodley and Rodgers told People that they were trying to make their relationship work, while another insider said that they “disagreed on a lot of things,” including politics, but that they tried to keep the peace by not debating those topics. But the likelihood of a split became apparent when the Chico-reared Rodgers failed to thank Woodley or even mention her name when he won his third NFL MVP award in early February 2022. Reports soon followed that they had ended their engagement. Rodgers then appeared again on “The Pat McAfee Show,” during which he said he didn’t regret speaking his mind about the COVID-19 vaccine, but said he regretted how those comments impacted his loved ones. Rodgers, , then apologized directly to Woodley — or “Shai” — and others, saying he was “very sorry” for the blowback they encountered. A year later, Woodley acknowledged to Porter that being in “a quote-unquote ‘famous’ relationship” became difficult. “It honestly never really hit me that millions of people around the world were actually watching these things and paid attention to them,” she said. “I watched (the) scrutiny, opinions, the desire for people to know my life and his life and our life — it just felt violating in a way that, before, it was fun. I’m a very private person, and so I found that any time I posted anything, I instantly felt like I was sharing too much of who I am with people I didn’t necessarily trust.”

Walker & Dunlop Closes $148 Million Refinance for Steiner NYC at the Brooklyn Navy YardI don’t know about you, but as someone heavily involved in stock analysis on a regular basis, I often feel like there must be a better way to approach the markets. Just imagine how much time you could save if, instead of poring over the details of each individual stock out there, you had a tool that could do so for you. Well, that’s exactly what we’ve aimed to create with Auspex, our latest stock picking system. You may already be familiar. Indeed, over the past few days, we’ve offered glimpses into this tool’s inner workings. In short, Auspex leverages fundamental, technical, and sentimental data to help us find the stocks with the strongest possible setup. That way, we have the opportunity to get into the most promising stocks at the best time – before they go on to rise. We’ve spent the past several months developing, testing, even using Auspex to help us home in on such up-and-coming market winners. And today, we finally revealed this new system for the very first time. But... before you check out the replay of that exciting broadcast ... I would like to finish explaining just how this innovative model helps uncover the market’s future top performers. That is, in yesterday’s issue , we discussed how Auspex uses a series of fundamental factors to narrow down a universe of ~14,000 potential picks to uncover just those that meet our very strict criteria. And today, I want to explain how Auspex takes those fundamentally strong stocks and whittles the list down even further, ultimately landing on the best picks the market has to offer . Using Fundamentals, Technicals and Sentiment to Reveal Top Stocks As we’ve mentioned previously, when we have Auspex scan the markets, it analyzes a universe of roughly 14,000 stocks. And in our scan from early December, only about 300 of those 14,000 stocks were deemed fundamentally strong, with accelerating sales and earnings growth and swelling profit margins. But we don’t stop there. After receiving those results, we incorporate additional technical and sentimental parameters to continue paring down that list. And ultimately, only a few stocks make the final cut. For example, out of 14,000 possible stocks, Auspex identified just 10 picks for the month of December. OK... so, how does this system deem which stocks are worthy investments? Well, when it comes to technicals, we’re essentially looking for stocks with strong upward price momentum. We want to see the 200-day moving average ( MA ) sloping higher, indicating that the stock’s primary long-term price trend is positive. We also want to see the 50-day MA trading above the 100-day, as well as the 100-day trading above the 200-day MA. That indicates that short- and medium-term price momentum are both growing stronger. Additionally, positive action on the moving average convergence/divergence (MACD) line – with the MACD above the signal line – is also ideal. It’s another indication of strengthening price momentum. And, lastly, we want to make sure the stock isn’t “too hot” or overbought. That’s why we look for stocks where the relative strength index ( RSI ) measures less than 70. Now, on the sentimental side of things, we hope to find stocks that analysts are getting more bullish on and that have investors flocking to get positioned in. Specifically, we want to see earnings estimates moving higher and trading volume on the rise. Then we layer these technical and sentimental filters on top of the fundamental filters we’ve discussed to find the stocks that are strong in every way. The Final Word on This Stock Picking Innovation And as we said earlier, that list can be quite short. Auspex scans about ~14,000 stocks every time we run the model. Typically, only around five to 20 stocks make each final cut – sometimes fewer, sometimes more; but typically within that range. Ultimately, that is less than 0.1% of the total stocks Auspex analyzes. And that is how we use Auspex to help identify the most promising stocks at the best time to buy them. This innovative system blends rigorous fundamental, precise technical, and forward-looking sentimental analysis to uncover future market leaders... before the crowd catches on. With Auspex, you can gain a critical edge, identifying stocks poised for success while saving your valuable time. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how this robust tool can elevate your investing approach. Click here to access the replay now , and take the first step toward smarter, more confident stock picking. The next market winner is waiting. Let Auspex help you find it before it takes off. On the date of publication, Luke Lango did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. P.S. You can stay up to speed with Luke’s latest market analysis by reading our Daily Notes! Check out the latest issue on your Innovation Investor or Early Stage Investor subscriber site.

Pakistan Protests: PTI Supporters March Towards Islamabad, Demanding Imran Khan's Release Hundreds of PTI supporters marched towards Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, on Monday, demanding the release of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan. As the protests escalated, Pakistan security measures were heightened, with authorities imposing a strict lockdown, setting up barricades, and deploying security forces to block the demonstrators. Violent clashes broke out between Khan’s supporters and the police, resulting in the death of one officer and injuries to many on both sides. The ongoing Pakistan protests reflect the growing unrest surrounding Imran Khan’s detention. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the party founded by Khan, has vowed to press on with its demonstrations until Khan is freed, despite multiple obstacles. The PTI demonstration was initially scheduled for November 24 but was delayed after a ruling by the Islamabad High Court deemed the protest unlawful. PTI Supporters March on Islamabad PTI supporters are determined to reach Islamabad and stage a sit-in protest outside the parliament until their demands for Khan’s release are met. On Monday, PTI officials confirmed that the convoy from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had entered the outskirts of Islamabad, while others are expected to follow as soon as obstacles are cleared. The party has promised that the march will continue "like tsunami waves" every day until Khan’s release is secured. Imran Khan's wife, Bushra Bibi, also participated in the protest, addressing the crowd near Hazara Interchange. She vowed to stay at the protest site "until Imran is with us" and urged the supporters to remain steadfast. "This is not just about my husband, but about the future of our country," she said, calling for unity among the protesters. Clashes and Violence As the protestors advanced, Pakistan security measures intensified, with police using tear gas to disperse crowds. Violent confrontations erupted, especially near Attock, where demonstrators threw stones and set toll booths on fire. In retaliation, PTI supporters deployed large industrial fans to counteract the effects of the tear gas. The clashes have led to multiple injuries on both sides, and at least 80 arrests have been reported, particularly in Punjab. PTI leaders, including Shaukat Yousafzai, confirmed the slow progress of the protest due to the large size of the convoys and the ongoing obstacles. He stated that police had retreated when they encountered the massive rally and that they would continue the march "peacefully but at any cost." Yousafzai condemned the government, accusing it of focusing on violence rather than addressing the political demands of the public. Government Response to the Protest The Pakistani government has rejected the demonstration as unlawful and continues to block roads leading to Islamabad’s red zone. Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi confirmed that arrests would be made for anyone attempting to enter the capital, citing security concerns, particularly with the scheduled visit of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Pakistan security measures also included detaining dozens of Khan’s supporters, with approximately 80 arrests made during Sunday’s protests in Punjab. Azma Bukhari, the Punjab Information Minister, dismissed the protest as a "well-thought-out conspiracy" and questioned its effectiveness. She also criticized the timing of the Khan political rallies, which coincided with an important diplomatic visit. However, PTI leaders remain resolute, insisting that the march will continue until Imran Khan and other political prisoners are released. The Political Fallout and Imran Khan’s Legal Battle The PTI demonstration is part of a broader movement by Khan’s supporters following his removal from office in 2022 through a parliamentary vote of no confidence. Khan, who has faced multiple legal challenges—including charges of corruption and incitement to violence—has claimed that his detention is politically motivated. His supporters see his imprisonment as a result of opposition from Pakistan's military establishment, which has long had a strained relationship with the former Prime Minister. The political unrest stemming from Imran Khan’s imprisonment is showing no signs of easing. Khan political rallies across the country continue to gain momentum, with PTI supporters calling for an end to what they view as the political victimization of their leader. The outcome of these protests and the government’s response will likely have significant consequences for the political future of Pakistan.Fryeburg Academy’s Ty Boone dances down the sideline after making a catch in the second quarter of the Class C title game Saturday. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal Ty Boone, Fryeburg: Ran for two first-quarter touchdowns and racked up 69 yards rushing on nine carries in the Raiders’ Class C state championship victory. Dom Buxton, Wells: Rushed for 144 yards on 20 carries and scored a touchdown for the Warriors in their Class D state final win . Also intercepted a pass on defense. Gio Guerrette, Falmouth : His 80-yard touchdown run highlighted his four-carry, 116-yard and four-catch, 55-yard performance in the Class B championship . Joey Guerrette, Falmouth: Gained 104 yards on 14 carries in the Navigators’ Class B final triumph over Kennebunk. Alex Martin, Portland: Sophomore made several tackles for loss and was an all-around disruptor on defense as the Bulldogs kept Thornton’s offense contained in the Class A title game . Eli Potter, Wells: Racked up 185 yards rushing and scored two touchdowns on 29 carries and had an interception in the Warriors’ shutout win over Foxcroft in the Class D final. Daniel Ruiz, Fryeburg: Carried the ball nine times for 86 yards and intercepted a pass to help the Raiders blank Hermon in the Class C title game . Malik Sow, Fryeburg: Finished with 82 yards on 13 carries and scored a touchdown as the Raiders won their first state championship in 59 years. Louis Thurston, Portland: Ran for two touchdowns and threw for two more, finishing with 119 yards on 13 carries and 9-of-14 passing for 126 yards, as the Bulldogs took down Thornton in the Class A title game. Tres Walker, Falmouth: Completed 12 of 15 passes for 167 yards and a touchdown, orchestrating the Navigators’ offense to a Class B title game win over Kennebunk. We invite you to add your comments. We encourage a thoughtful exchange of ideas and information on this website. By joining the conversation, you are agreeing to our commenting policy and terms of use . More information is found on our FAQs . You can modify your screen name here . Comments are managed by our staff during regular business hours Monday through Friday as well as limited hours on Saturday and Sunday. Comments held for moderation outside of those hours may take longer to approve. Please sign into your Press Herald account to participate in conversations below. If you do not have an account, you can register or subscribe . Questions? Please see our FAQs . Your commenting screen name has been updated. Send questions/comments to the editors. « Previous Next »

NoneRevolutionary Single-Layer Film Eliminates Helmet Changes, Enhancing Driver Safety and Performance LAS VEGAS , Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Racing Optics®, the global leader in high-performance tearoff visor film technology, proudly unveils its latest innovation: the Twilight Tearoff . This groundbreaking single-layer tearoff is engineered to elevate driver visibility during late-afternoon and early-evening races, providing superior glare reduction and contrast enhancement. The Twilight Tearoff redefines race-day performance by allowing drivers to maintain focus and adapt seamlessly to changing light conditions, eliminating the need for disruptive helmet changes. This innovation represents a significant leap forward in racing vision technology, delivering immediate and measurable benefits to professional drivers and teams alike. "The Twilight Tearoff solves one of racing's most persistent challenges—ensuring optimal visibility as lighting transitions rapidly during twilight races," said Chris Colton , Chief Applications Engineer at Racing Optics . "Our dedication to driver safety and performance drives every innovation, and the Twilight Tearoff is no exception." Transforming Racing at Twilight Racing teams are already embracing the Twilight Tearoff as a game-changing solution for twilight and low-light racing conditions. One racing team manager shared their experience: "In a recent twilight race, the Twilight Tearoff gave our drivers unmatched visual clarity. Transitioning from glaring sunlight to artificial lighting without pausing to change helmets was a decisive advantage that kept us competitive." By streamlining the driver experience, the Twilight Tearoff enhances safety and helps maintain uninterrupted race momentum—a critical edge in the high-stakes world of motorsports. Exclusive Debut at PRI Show 2024 The Twilight Tearoff will make its debut at the Performance Racing Industry (PRI) Show , held December 12–14, 2024, in Indianapolis, Indiana . This highly anticipated event marks Racing Optics' 25th anniversary , celebrating a legacy of trailblazing innovations in motorsports safety and performance. Availability The Twilight Tearoff is now available for purchase at RacingOptics.com and through authorized dealers. Teams and drivers looking to gain a competitive edge are encouraged to explore this latest advancement. About Racing Optics For 25 years, Racing Optics has led the field in racing vision technology, delivering innovative solutions that enhance safety and performance. With a commitment to collaboration and innovation, the company continues to push the boundaries of motorsports protective equipment. For additional information, please visit RacingOptics.com . View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/racing-optics-introduces-game-changing-twilight-tearoff-to-enhance-visibility-in-low-light-racing-conditions-302329546.html SOURCE Racing Optics, Inc.

Dillon Gabriel was faced with a quandary when he arrived at Oregon this year. Gabriel had worn No. 8 at Oklahoma before transferring for his sixth season of eligibility. But in Eugene, that number had special significance because it had been worn by Heisman Trophy winner Marcus Mariota. There were many similarities between the two: They were both dual-threat quarterbacks who had piled up accolades along with yards and touchdowns. Both hailed from Hawaii and were shaped by the island spirit. Mariota chose the No. 8 initially because of the number of Hawaiian islands. His helmet's facemask was formed in an 808, Hawaii's area code. So Gabriel took a leap of faith and texted Mariota to ask his permission. Mariota, now with the NFL's Washington Commanders, said yes. "You know, when you’re growing up and you have that kind of direct example, a guy from Hawaii, playing at a high level, at the DI level, and then you see him go to the NFL, it’s like you can see it, you can believe it,” Gabriel said. Gabriel has led the top-ranked Ducks (12-0, 9-0 Big Ten) through an undefeated season and on to the Big Ten title game on Saturday against No. 4 Penn State (11-1, 8-1) in Indianapolis. Gabriel — who played his first three years at Central Florida before joining the Sooners — became the all-time NCAA leader for total career touchdowns along the way and now has 183, including 149 via pass, 33 via rush and one reception. He's tied with former Oregon quarterback Bo Nix — now with the Denver Broncos — with an FBS-record 61 career starts. Ever humble, Gabriel is thoughtful about the arc of his career. "I think we’re in an interesting time that’s all about results. And so many people talk about the process but aren’t patient enough. I think if you look at my body of work, I’m a guy who’s eager and wants to get better but has had that time to develop and work in that way. I think you see it over time," Gabriel said. As a Duck, Gabriel has thrown for 3,277 yards and 24 TDs in 12 games. He's rushed for seven more scores. Mariota spent his three-year college career at Oregon, throwing for 104 touchdowns and running for 29 more. He was the Ducks' quarterback in the 2014 season, the last time Oregon advanced to the national championship game. "I mean, everybody would love to run out there with the experience that we have at quarterback right now,” Oregon coach Dan Lanning said. “And I think that experience shows up consistently every Saturday for us. More than anything, just the ability for Dillon to be calm within the chaos that exists in a football game, and being a great decision-maker and understanding the scheme.” The only other time Oregon finished the regular season 12-0 was in 2010, when the Ducks played for the BCS national championship. Among the team's victories this season was a 32-31 win at home over Ohio State and a 38-17 victory over Michigan at the Big House. The Ducks capped the season with a 49-21 victory over rival Washington , finishing 9-0 in their first Big Ten year. Gabriel threw for a pair of touchdowns and ran for another in that game. The Nittany Lions advanced to the conference title game with a 44-7 victory over Maryland on Saturday. They were helped by Ohio State’s 13-10 loss to Michigan in Columbus. Oregon has played the Nittany Lions just one other time, in the 1995 Rose Bowl. Penn State, led by Joe Paterno, won that one, 38-20. The winner in Indianapolis this weekend can secure a first-round bye in the expanded 12-team playoffs. Both teams are assured of a playoff berth even with a loss. On Tuesday, Gabriel added another honor when he was named Big Ten offensive player of the year. "He’s earned the trust and the admiration of all his teammates and the coaches around him," Lanning said. "This guy prepares extremely hard. He is the calmest dude you’ve ever been around on the field, which is impressive, but I’m really proud of him and what he’s been able to do for this team.” Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 all the season. Sign up here . AP college football: https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-football-poll and https://apnews.com/hub/college-football

Oportun Financial's global controller sells $11,877 in stockFILE - Special counsel Jack Smith speaks to the media about an indictment of former President Donald Trump, Aug. 1, 2023, at an office of the Department of Justice in Washington. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File) AP The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Jack Smith , a Central New York native, asked a federal judge on Monday to dismiss the case accusing President-elect Donald Trump of plotting to overturn the 2020 election, citing longstanding Justice Department policy shielding presidents from prosecution while in office. The move announced in court papers marks the end of the Justice Department’s landmark effort to hold Trump accountable for what prosecutors called a criminal conspiracy to cling to power in the run-up to his supporters’ attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Justice Department prosecutors, citing longstanding department guidance that a sitting president cannot be prosecuted, said the department’s position is that “the Constitution requires that this case be dismissed before the defendant is inaugurated.” “That prohibition is categorical and does not turn on the gravity of the crimes charged, the strength of the Government’s proof, or the merits of the prosecution, which the Government stands fully behind,” the prosecutors wrote in Monday’s court filing. The decision was expected after Smith’s team began assessing how to wind down both the 2020 election interference case and the separate classified documents case in the wake of Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris. The Justice Department believes Trump can no longer be tried in accordance with longstanding policy that says sitting presidents cannot be prosecuted. Trump has cast both cases as politically motivated, and had vowed to fire Smith as soon as he takes office in January. Smith, who grew up near Syracuse and graduated from Liverpool High School in 1987, was appointed by current U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland as a special counsel to investigate Trump in 2022. Smith grew up in Clay and played football and baseball for Liverpool before going on to SUNY Oneonta and eventually getting his law degree from Harvard Law School. The 2020 election case brought last year was once seen as one of the most serious legal threats facing the Republican as he vied to reclaim the White House. But it quickly stalled amid legal fighting over Trump’s sweeping claims of immunity from prosecution for acts he took while in the White House. The U.S. Supreme Court in July ruled for the first time that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution, and sent the case back to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan to determine which allegations in the indictment, if any, could proceed to trial. The case was just beginning to pick up steam again in the trial court in the weeks leading up this year’s election. Smith’s team in October filed a lengthy brief laying out new evidence they planned to use against him at trial, accusing him of using “resorting to crimes” in an increasingly desperate effort to overturn the will over voters after he lost to President Joe Biden.

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Formula 1 is expanding with an 11 th team joining the global motorsport for the 2026 season, naming General Motors GM with Andretti Global. While the new team is still over a year away from starting, it will add an increased American presence to the sport and more competition for recent and four-time consecutive champion Max Verstappen. What Happened : Formula 1, which is a unit of publicly traded Liberty Formula One FWONA FWONK , announced it reached an agreement with General Motors for a new team, branded as Cadillac, which will enter beginning in 2026, following up a previous rejection of a GM-linked team earlier this year. General Motors will also become an engine supplier for the league at a later date, the league announced . The GM team will use Ferrari engines until the GM engines are officially approved for the sport. "With Formula 1's continued growth plans in the U.S., we have always believed that welcoming an impressive U.S. brand like GM/Cadillac to the grid and GM as a future power unit supplier could bring additional value and interest to the sport," Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei said. General Motors President Mark Reuss called Formula 1 the "pinnacle of motorsports" and said the announcement of becoming the 11 th team is an honor for the automotive company. "We're committed to competing with passion and integrity to elevate the sport for race fans around the world," Reuss said. "This is a global stage for us to demonstrate GM's engineering expertise and technology leadership at an entirely new level." The approval of the team comes after the U.S. Justice Department launched an investigation into why Liberty Media, who owns the commercial rights to Formula 1, would not approve the American team bid started by Michael Andretti. The new team, called Cadillac F1, will be run by Andretti Global majority owners Dan Towriss and Mark Walter after Andretti stepped aside from the group in September. Former Formula 1 champion and racing legend Mario Andretti will have an ambassador role with Cadillac F1 while his son Michael will have no official position. Read Also: Netflix Lands More Live Sports: How Success Of Docuseries Helped Pave The Way Why It's Important: The announcement comes after Formula 1's Las Vegas Grand Prix, one of three U.S. races in 2024, was recently held and saw Max Verstappen win his fourth consecutive Formula 1 World Championship. While Verstappen finished fifth in the race, he secured enough points to guarantee that no one could match his points total with two races left in the season. This marks the fourth consecutive title by Verstappen with his first title in 2021 a close one with racing legend Lewis Hamilton. Verstappen has been dominant in the sport in recent years winning the title with races still left in season three of the four years. Verstappen won seven of the first 10 races this season before falling out of form but later did enough to win enough points to secure the title. The new GM team marks the second American-owned team . Gene Haas owns a team but chooses to have international drivers. Michael Andretti's original vision was to have an American-owned team and also feature American drivers, something that fans of the sport will be closely watching. Team expansion has been infrequent with four teams added in 2010 to push the total to 13 teams and 26 cars. Of the four teams added, one never raced and the other three were out of the league by 2017, as reported by the Associated Press. The existing 10 team owners have been against expansion due to the dilution of prize money, but have no formal say in the approval process. Adding another American team could benefit ESPN, which is a unit of Walt Disney Co DIS . ESPN secured the renewal of the U.S. rights in 2022, paying an estimated $75 million to $90 million annually for the rights for three additional years. ESPN fought off several other parties interested in the rights, as viewership for the sport has surged in recent years. Along with recent growth in viewership in the U.S. Formula One teams have also experienced increased interest in ownership stakes from investors, including several notable American football players. The Alpine racing team received investments in 2023 from Kansas City Chiefs players Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce , professional golfer Rory McIlroy and actor Ryan Reynolds. FWONA Price Action : Liberty Formula One shares were up 4.25% to $80.74 on Monday, hitting an intraday high of $80.88, which is a new 52-week high. The stock is up 41% year-to-date in 2024. Read Next: Ryan Reynolds’ Billion-Dollar Streak: Will His Viral Marketing Firm Go Public Next? Photo: Jay Hirano Photography via Shutterstock © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.The year in money: inflation eased, optimism ticked upwardA number of tech billionaires — including many who have not previously backed Trump — are beginning to open their pocketbooks for President-elect Donald Trump , contributing large amounts of money to his inaugural fund . Among them are Amazon's Jeff Bezos, OpenAI's Sam Altman, and Meta's Mark Zuckerberg. Their donations triggered a furious reaction from many commenters on social media. "REMINDER: Jeff Bezos blocked his Washington Post from endorsing VP Harris — now Bezos gives Trump one million dollars to his inaugural committee and Amazon will stream the event!!" progressive talk radio host Dean Obeidallah wrote on X. "The US is a plutocracy!" David Pepper, former chair of the Ohio Democratic Party, warned that things won't go well for the donors. "Because he owns The Washington Post, Bezos would know more than anyone that one of the first scandals in the first Trump term was the excess and graft involved in Trump’s inauguration operation, orchestrated by the cast of shady characters who put it all together," he wrote. "As for those business leaders cozying up to Trump to curry favor, they might want to read 'Garden of Beasts' to see the effectiveness of their strategy (or ask Justin Trudeau)." But it wasn't just liberals who were upset. Some pro-Trump commenters were also enraged at what they saw as attempts to influence the president-elect's agenda by a number of wealthy businessmen, some of whom have criticized him in the past . ALSO READ: The reckoning: Plenty of hurts coming for the people who didn't care about their country "Sam Altman, Jeff Bezos & Mark Zuckerberg are all donating $1,000,000 to Trump’s inaugural committee to try to 'get on the good foot' with the new administration," wrote right-wing podcaster Joey Mannarino. "Don’t be fooled. These men haven’t changed and $1,000,000 to them is sofa change. They’re bad actors. Period." "Tech titans like Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Sam Altman are throwing millions at Trump’s inaugural fund, probably hoping to avoid being hit with censorship crackdowns or personally blamed for the AI apocalypse (cough, Sam, cough)" wrote social media personality Mario Nawfal. "With Trump back in the driver’s seat, it seems Big Tech is hedging its bets by tossing cash at the problem. Translation: When in doubt, pay up and pray."

President Biden, while speaking in Angola on Tuesday, announced the U.S. would provide over $1 billion in humanitarian aid to Africans displaced by droughts and food insecurity. President Biden pledged $1 billion in humanitarian support to Africans displaced by historic droughts and food insecurity on Tuesday, as North Carolina residents continue to rebuild after the devastation left by Hurricane Helene. "The United States continues to be the world's largest provider of humanitarian aid and development assistance. That's going to increase, you know, that's the right thing for the wealthiest nation in the world to do," Biden said while speaking in Angola. "Today I'm announcing over $1 billion in new humanitarian support for Africans displaced from homes by historic droughts and food insecurity. We know African leaders and citizens are seeking more than just aid. You seek investment. "So, the United States is expanding our relationship all across Africa from assistance to aid, investment to trade, moving from patrons to partners to help bridge the infrastructure gap," he added. Biden’s visit to Angola this week marks the first time the president has stepped foot on African soil during his presidency, and it comes as people in North Carolina continue to face challenges after Hurricane Helene caused destruction and devastation in late September. BIDEN TRAVELS TO AFRICA WHERE POLICIES WERE ‘OVER-PROMISED AND UNDER-DELIVERED,' AMID MASSIVE CHINA EXPANSION President Biden leaves the stage after speaking while visiting the National Slavery Museum in Morro da Cruz, near Luanda, on Dec. 3, 2024. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images) Last month, the White House requested $98 billion in additional disaster relief funding to help efforts in Helene-ravished areas. Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle have pledged to act swiftly once they get a formal request from the Biden administration. On top of that, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell told reporters last month that her agency "will need additional funding of approximately $40 billion beyond its 2025 budget request to support the ongoing recovery efforts to these storms and meet our overall mission requirements through the end of the fiscal year." HOUSE REPUBLICANS EYE FEMA FUND OVERHAUL AHEAD OF HIGH-STAKES HEARING ON HELENE RECOVERY Married couple Victoria and Jeff, stay on a street with their dog after Hurricane Helene destroyed their motor home about a month ago, in Asheville, North Carolina, on Oct. 29, 2024. (Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP via Getty Images) Still, until these funds are in place, some continue to slam Biden’s legacy of putting foreign countries before his own, which was seen Tuesday as a video of Biden making the $1 billion announcement in Africa made the rounds on social media. "BREAKING: Joe Biden just announced a $1B aid package for AFRICAN nations that are rebuilding from natural disasters. What about North Carolina? This is DISGUSTING," one user on X wrote. "This is by far the WORST President of all time," another said on X. JOHNSON BLASTS DEM ACCUSATIONS HE VOWED TO END OBAMACARE AS 'DISHONEST' Destroyed cars remain in a river after the flooding caused by Hurricane Helene in Asheville, North Carolina. (Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP via Getty Images) Still, one more user asked, "Can anyone please explain why Joe Biden hates America so much?" The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment on the matter. Helene ravaged part of the U.S. Southeast in late September, killing more than 100 people in North Carolina alone. It’s estimated to have caused billions of dollars worth of damage as well. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., previously told Fox News Digital that he believed it could be one of the most expensive storms in U.S. history. Fox News Digital’s Elizabeth Elkind contributed to this report. Greg Wehner is a breaking news reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips and ideas can be sent to Greg.Wehner@Fox.com and on Twitter @GregWehner.

What we can VERIFY about Trump's presidential salary donationsTrump wants to turn the clock on daylight saving time

CP NewsAlert: B.C. NDP government, Greens reach 'shared priorities' agreementThe company filed a settlement agreement with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission reached with intervenors on its 2023 rate case MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, CenterPoint Energy filed a settlement agreement with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) for its rate case submitted in November 2023 , to adjust natural gas distribution service rates in 2024 and 2025. The company reached a settlement agreement with all intervening parties including: Minnesota Department of Commerce, Minnesota Office of Attorney General – Residential Utilities Division, Citizens Utility Board of Minnesota , International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49, LIUNA of Minnesota and North Dakota , and Suburban Rate Authority. If approved by the Commission, CenterPoint's rate adjustment will enable the company to: Continue to maintain the safety, resiliency and integrity of its natural gas distribution system to benefit the company's more than 920,000 customers in over 260 local Minnesota communities. Continue to support the advancement of low- and zero-carbon technologies, including recovering certain costs for the company's innovation plan approved in July 2024 by the Commission under Minnesota's Natural Gas Innovation Act for investments in innovative technologies and low- and zero-carbon energy resources. Conduct infrastructure projects to replace or upgrade existing pipelines, provide safe and reliable service, comply with federal pipeline regulations and relocate facilities to enable projects by government agencies such as roads, bridges, drainage and other infrastructure. Accommodate the increased investments to operate, maintain and deliver natural gas through the company's distribution system. "From the outset, we were determined to use a collaborative approach with state agencies and all intervenors to reach a settlement agreement that worked for all parties. This agreement prioritizes the safety, reliability and resiliency of the energy system for the benefit of our customers and communities throughout Minnesota ," said Brad Steber , CenterPoint's Vice President of Minnesota Gas. "The agreement meaningfully plans for current and anticipated near-term future investments to continue to serve our customers' needs for readily available energy resources. These proposed investments will enhance our ability to deliver energy when customers need it most to help them withstand the coldest days of winter and to keep them safe and warm." The Commission will review and decide upon the filed settlement agreement. A decision is expected in 2025. Meaningful investments in the company's natural gas system A rate case is a forward-looking proposal to plan for the continued needs of customers for energy service. CenterPoint plans to continue to make investments in the safety and resiliency of the company's natural gas distribution system to benefit its customers including: Replacing natural gas lines using modern construction methods and materials. Relocating natural gas meters inside residential customer's homes to outside for improved access in case of an emergency and for enhanced customer safety. Deploying smart natural gas meters for residential customers, which have enhanced safety and communications features. Using methane detection vehicles that have a higher level of detection capability to monitor methane emissions and more efficiently conduct leak detection operations, allowing for faster mitigation and repair of natural gas leaks. Leveraging vacuum-like technology, also known as cross-compression, during repair, replacement and inspection of a natural gas line to help prevent natural gas from going into the air. Instead, the natural gas is temporarily stored or placed in another segment of natural gas line. Rate adjustment proposal As identified in the proposed settlement agreement, CenterPoint is requesting adjustments to the delivery charge, or the cost to deliver natural gas. The delivery charge accounts for approximately 50% of a typical residential customer's monthly bill. The remaining approximately 50% of a customer's bill is the cost of natural gas which is passed through at cost. CenterPoint does not profit from the overall cost of natural gas. The requested increase is approximately 4.7% or $60.8 million for 2024 and approximately 3.1% or $42.7 million for 2025. The requested increase will add $2.70 to the average residential customer's monthly bill in 2024 and an additional $1.27 to an average residential customer's monthly bill in 2025. While the rate case is under consideration, interim rates are in effect. Interim rates started with the January 2024 billing cycle and added approximately $4 per month to the average residential bill. It is anticipated that interim rates for 2025 would begin with the January 2025 billing cycle and be approximately $2 more per month for an average residential customer's bill as the Commission reviews the settlement agreement. Interim rates are applied as an equal percentage across all customer types. After final rates have been approved by the Commission, and if interim rates are set higher than final approved rates, CenterPoint will calculate a refund to customers for the difference in interim rates and final rates. The refund will be based on actual customer usage while interim rates were in effect, including interest, and will be issued as a credit on a monthly bill. CenterPoint offers various programs, tools and tips to help customers manage their bills and save energy. The company encourages those facing hardship to call CenterPoint to find out about payment arrangements and be referred to resources that may be available. To learn more, call 800-245-2377 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. , Monday-Friday or visit CenterPointEnergy.com/PaymentAssistance . More details about the rate case can be found at CenterPointEnergy.com/RateCase . About CenterPoint Energy, Inc. As the only investor-owned electric and gas utility based in Texas , CenterPoint Energy, Inc. CNP is an energy delivery company with electric transmission and distribution, power generation and natural gas distribution operations that serve more than 7 million metered customers in Indiana , Louisiana , Minnesota , Mississippi , Ohio and Texas . With approximately 9,000 employees, CenterPoint Energy and its predecessor companies have been in business for more than 150 years. For more information, visit CenterPointEnergy.com . Forward-looking statements This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this news release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "goal," "intend," "may," "objective," "plan," "potential," "predict," "projection," "should," "target," "will" or other similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon assumptions of management which are believed to be reasonable at the time made and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual events and results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Any statements in this news release regarding future events, such as approval by the Commission of the settlement agreement and timing thereof, the anticipated benefits of the rate adjustment, investments in the company's natural gas system and the anticipated benefits thereof, the amount and expected impact to customer's bills, and any other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Each forward-looking statement contained in this news release speaks only as of the date of this release. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the provided forward-looking information include risks and uncertainties relating to: (1) CenterPoint Energy's business strategies and strategic initiatives; (2) financial market conditions; (3) general economic conditions; (4) the timing and impact of future regulatory and legislative decisions; and (5) other factors, risks and uncertainties discussed in CenterPoint Energy's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and CenterPoint's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2024 , June 30, 2024 , and September 30, 2024 and other reports CenterPoint Energy or its subsidiaries may file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information, contact Communications Media.Relations@CenterPointEnergy.com View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/centerpoint-energy-continues-to-invest-in-the-safety-reliability-and-resiliency-of-its-natural-gas-system-to-benefit-customers-302315893.html SOURCE CenterPoint Energy, Inc © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

Howard Tan's Amazon Bestseller 'A.I Trading Secret' Empowers Traders with AI-Driven Strategies 12-03-2024 09:46 PM CET | Business, Economy, Finances, Banking & Insurance Press release from: Getnews / PR Agency: Spine PR Through creative AI technology, Howard Tan's latest book provides readers with a road to profitable, emotionally free Forex trading. Rising to Amazon bestseller rank, Howard Tan's innovative book A.I Trading Secret: How To 10X Your Money While You Sleep [ https://www.amazon.com/I-Trading-Secret-Money-While-ebook/dp/B0DFZVZNMQ/ ] offers traders a thorough manual for using artificial intelligence for consistent Forex trading success. Image: https://www.globalnewslines.com/uploads/2024/11/6eb45e04f2ace6dfe1e21a3b97f756d9.jpg Based on more than 15 years of trading experience, Howard Tan presents readers to AI-powered trading bots meant to avoid emotional decision-making-a typical mistake for many traders. With just 15 minutes of daily dedication, the book describes a "Set & Forget" approach that helps anybody to participate in lucrative trading. Howard Tan noted in writing "In writing A.I Trading Secret, I aimed to bridge the gap between complex trading systems and a straightforward, reliable approach that anyone can implement". "This book reflects my path to reach financial independence while preserving a balanced life." Offering step-by-step advice to negotiate the complexity of Forex trading, the book is designed for a varied audience including young people, professionals, homemakers, retirees. Readers will receive thorough examples and useful advice, therefore enabling individuals without prior knowledge to acquire advanced trading ideas. Apart from the book, Howard is the creator of Mi-15Forex [ https://mi15forex.com/ ], an international brand meant to inform traders all around. His goal is to enable 10,000 traders using AI-driven trading techniques to reach financial independence. To further improve traders' outcomes, he also provides mentorship, coaching, and consulting. Available on Amazon is A.I Trading Secret: How To 10X Your Money While You Sleep. Visit Mi-15Forex for additional details. Connect with Howard Tan on Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551052976624 ] and sign up for the Newsletter of Turtle Investing [ https://howards-newsletter-001.beehiiv.com/ ] for most recent developments. About Howard Tan Howard Tan is a seasoned Forex trader and AI enthusiast with over a decade of experience. He specializes in developing trading strategies that simplify the trading process, helping traders of all levels reduce emotional pitfalls. His book, A.I Trading Secret: How To 10X Your Money While You Sleep, has garnered acclaim as an Amazon bestseller, guiding readers to automate their trading and achieve financial independence. Media Contact Company Name: Next Level Academy Contact Person: Howard Tan Email: Send Email [ http://www.universalpressrelease.com/?pr=howard-tans-amazon-bestseller-ai-trading-secret-empowers-traders-with-aidriven-strategies ] Phone: +6597719422 Address:10 Anson Rd, #18-13 International Plaza State: Singapore 079903 Country: Singapore Website: https://nextlevelacademy.io This release was published on openPR.

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