Democrat Bob Casey concedes to Republican David McCormick in Pennsylvania Senate contestBy MARC LEVY HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania conceded his reelection bid to Republican David McCormick on Thursday, as a statewide recount showed no signs of closing the gap and his campaign suffered repeated blows in court in its effort to get potentially favorable ballots counted. Casey’s concession comes more than two weeks after Election Day, as a grindingly slow ballot-counting process became a spectacle of hours-long election board meetings, social media outrage, lawsuits and accusations that some county officials were openly flouting the law. Republicans had been claiming that Democrats were trying to steal McCormick’s seat by counting “illegal votes.” Casey’s campaign had accused of Republicans of trying to block enough votes to prevent him from pulling ahead and winning. In a statement, Casey said he had just called McCormick to congratulate him. “As the first count of ballots is completed, Pennsylvanians can move forward with the knowledge that their voices were heard, whether their vote was the first to be counted or the last,” Casey said. The Associated Press called the race for McCormick on Nov. 7, concluding that not enough ballots remained to be counted in areas Casey was winning for him to take the lead. As of Thursday, McCormick led by about 16,000 votes out of almost 7 million ballots counted. That was well within the 0.5% margin threshold to trigger an automatic statewide recount under Pennsylvania law. But no election official expected a recount to change more than a couple hundred votes or so, and Pennsylvania’s highest court dealt him a blow when it refused entreaties to allow counties to count mail-in ballots that lacked a correct handwritten date on the return envelope. Republicans will have a 53-47 majority next year in the U.S. Senate. Follow Marc Levy at twitter.com/timelywriterGiants' 10th straight loss showed once again that they need a young QB
The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a private research laboratory, is located on Long Island, New York, where I live. Its outrageous history is detailed in a forthcoming book , “Long Island and the Legacy of Eugenics: Station of Intolerance.” The book, by Mark A. Torres, an attorney as well as an author, will be released by The History Press on January 21st. Torres also wrote the 2021 book “Long Island Migrant Labor Camps: Dust for Blood,” an examination of the plight of migrant farmworkers on Long Island, published, too, by The History Press. Torres is general counsel of Teamsters Local 810, a union that covers Long Island, and as an attorney has long specialized in labor and employment law in federal and state courts. He is also a professor at Hofstra University. As an author, he excels at in-depth research. Earlier this year the Association of Public Historians of New York awarded Torres its Joseph F. Meany Award (named for former New York State Historian Joseph F. Meany, Jr.) for his book on migrant farmworker camps on Long Island. Most Long Island residents know little about the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory although it is off a major highway on Long Island, Route 25A, on 110 acres, and currently employs more than a thousand people. I’ve received an advance copy of Torres’ book. It begins with an “Author’s Note” in which Torres explains: “True to my roots as an author of Long Island history, I have always strived to present topics from the oft-neglected local perspective. Thus, this book is not intended to merely serve as a broad retelling of the history of eugenics. Instead, it focuses on investigating the local origins, characters and stratagems employed by the Eugenics Record Office in Cold Spring Harbor which, for nearly three decades, served as the global headquarters of the eugenics movement.” He relates how his investigative “journey led me to study the archival records at numerous facilities, including the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Archives...the Rockefeller Archive in Sleepy Hollow, New York; the American Philosophical Institute in Philadelphia; Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri; and the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Silver Springs, Maryland...” “The information I amassed from these meticulously preserved archives provided sharp insight into the origins, inspiration and machinations of the American eugenics movement, while never losing focus on the fact that it all emanated from a small hamlet on Long Island.” “Through it all, I came to understand how eugenics became such an accepted and normalized part of society in the United States and throughout the world during the twentieth century,” writes Torres. He goes on how the book includes “the downfall of the Eugenics Record Office” (part of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory between 1910 and 1939) “and the ultimate discrediting of eugenics as a scientific field. The final section also explores the enduring and cruel legacy of eugenics.” “The quest to perfect our species was not a new one,” Torres writes. “However, the problem with such aspirations: Who decides the standards of perfection? And, more importantly, what is to be done with those who fall below the arbitrarily created standards.” Then the book starts with the 1946 trial in Nuremberg, Germany: United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al. Brandt, who was “the personal physician of Adolph Hitler,” and other doctors were put on trial in the aftermath of World War II for crimes against humanity, he relates, in connection with the Nazi “euthanasia program.” “Brandt and six others were convicted, sentenced to death and executed. Astonishingly, the information that Brandt and his cohorts so desperately relied on for their defense was not derived from Nazi propaganda,” says Torres. “Instead, their sources came directly from a report published in 1914 by the Eugenics Record Office in Cold Spring Harbor, New York.” “What connection,” asks Torres, “did an administrative office four thousand miles away in a small town on Long Island have with the Nazi regime that plotted and carried out the systematic torture and murder of millions of human beings based on race and disability?” “The connection was eugenics: the pseudoscience that dominated much of the twentieth century and was premised on the racist, classist and misguided belief that mental, physical and behavioral traits of human beings were all inheritable and must be eliminated to save the human race.” “Although it was promoted as cutting-edge science, eugenics was a social philosophy that aimed to develop a master race of human beings with the purest blood and the most desirable hereditary traits,” the book continues. A “component” of eugenics was “’negative eugenics’ which aimed to discourage or outright prevent the reproduction of people who were declared genetically unfit. Negative genetics was driven by the premise that society would dramatically improve if the millions of Americans who were deemed mentally, physically or morally undesirable were ‘eliminated from the human stock’ by means of segregation, sterilization and even euthanasia. This included the ‘feebleminded,’ paupers, criminals, epileptics, the insane, the deformed, the congenitally weak, the blind and the deaf. While human heredity would not begin to be understood by scientists until the 1960s, the social prejudice and practice of eugenics dominated scientific objectivity for more than half a century.” “The legacy of eugenics is undeniably cruel and enduring,” writes Torres. “In the United States alone, more than sixty thousand forced sterilizations were carried out in more than half the states....A multitude of people throughout the country were classified as undesirable and confined to psychiatric centers during their childbearing years. A bevy of marriage restriction and eugenic sterilization laws were enacted for the purpose of preventing the procreation of the unfit. Eugenically driven immigration laws barring the entry of immigrants from many countries into the United States endured for years. Globally, eugenics thrived in countries like Argentina, Canada, China, Japan and Norway, and Nazi Germany used it to commit unimaginable atrocities. In some ways, the ideals of eugenics persist today.” “Despite its global appeal,” Torres goes on, “eugenics was truly made in America, and the epicenter of the movement was not found in some laboratory or government facility. Instead, the science was developed at the Eugenics Record Office...in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island.” Before the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory became “the global center of the eugenics movement,” eugenics had roots in England, relates Torres. He notes how in 1851 in England, Herbert Spencer penned a book “Social Statics” that “first publicized the phrase survival of the fittest.” And “less than a decade later, Charles Darwin popularized the phrase survival of the fittest in his seminal work “The Origin of the Species.” Yet another Englishman, Francis Galton, a cousin of Darwin, then authored a book “Hereditary Genus” in which he “suggested that the breeding of the best people would evolve mankind into a super species...” “The founding fathers of eugenics in England,” writes Torres, “had formulated the theoretical concepts of human hereditary research. It was only a matter of time before it caught on in the United States, and of the many individuals and groups who helped establish eugenics from theory to practice, none was more influential than an American biologist Charles Davenport who was directly responsible for the establishment and operation of the Eugenics Record Office, which for more than three decades would serve as the eugenics capital of the world.” From the Eugenics Record Office, part of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, “Davenport also led the movement that would ultimately springboard eugenics into a global phenomenon.” “In 1902, the Carnegie Institute of Washington was founded, and Davenport immediately began to lobby the group to invest in the establishment of a center for genetics at Cold Spring Harbor,” Torres continues. And “the forces were beginning to align for the formation of the American eugenics movement, and Charles Davenport would be at the center of it all.” Davenport “developed a plan to collect hereditary information from a multitude of families in order to prove that evolution worked in human beings the way it worked in animals and plants.” In the end, eugenics was thoroughly discredited, as Torres relates in the last chapter of his book, titled “A Reckoning.” “The rise of eugenics was not a random phenomenon,” the chapter begins. “Eugenics presented as a cutting-edge science driven by utopian ideals for the betterment of humanity. It was buoyed by a continuous flow of financial support from wealthy and progressive-minded donors and fully embraced by the leading thinkers of the time before settling into the very fabric of the United States and societies throughout the world. Ultimately, eugenics was discredited as a science and exposed as nothing more than a social philosophy used as a slogan for intolerance, racism, bigotry and classism. It was essentially a means for the wealthy to assert their dominance over the poor, which has been an unfortunate and recurring theme throughout all of human history.” “It took many years for the scientific and corporate communities to accept responsibility for their part in eugenics,” says Torres. Indeed, it was only in 2020 that the president of the Carnegie Institution for Science “issued a formal apology for the group’s support for eugenics.” The statement: “There is no excuse, then or now, for our institution’s previous willingness to empower researchers who sought to pervert scientific inquiry to justify their own racist and ableist prejudices. Our support of eugenics made us complicit in driving decades of brutal and unconscionable actions by the governments in the United States and around the world.” Only in 2023 did the American Society of Human Genetics issue a statement declaring that it “seeks to reckon with, and sincerely apologizes for, its involvement in and silence of the misuse of human genetics to justify and contribute to injustice in all forms,” he continues. Torres closes his book by stating: “In the nearly three decades of its operation, the Eugenics Record Office served as the ultimate vessel to fortify and amplify the pseudoscience called eugenics and transformed it into a global phenomenon. Everything that emanated from this facility served to dominate the poor, the weak and the sick, who were deemed the defectives of society and subject them to mass levels of institutionalization, sterilization, immigration restrictions and even euthanasia. Later, in the hands of the Nazi regime, eugenics was openly used as a scientific excuse to torture and murder a multitude of innocent human beings.” “The Eugenics Record Office and those who directly operated, controlled and funded it are fully deserving of the blame for the entire eugenics movement and the dire atrocities committed under the banner of this false science,” he says. “While we must continue to honor the seemingly countless victims, we must also provide public discourse and educational programs on the subject, for if we fail to do so, we may be in danger of repeating this dark history.” Between the start and end of his book, Torres documents the horrors committed in the name of eugenics—and how an institution on Long Island was the base for it. He names the names—prominent names—including those in government and business in the U.S. who pushed eugenics. “All movements require the support and participation of people with strong public influence” and “there were few greater endorsements than that of president of the United States of America. In fact,” he notes, “every president” of the U.S. from Theodore Roosevelt to Herbert Hoover “was a member of a eugenics organization, publicly endorsed eugenic laws, or signed eugenic legislation without voicing opposition.” As for Roosevelt, whose ”summer White House” at Sagamore Hill was a “mere six miles from the ERO facility in Cold Spring Harbor,” Roosevelt wrote a letter to Davenport asserting: “Someday we will realize that the prime duty of the good citizen of the right type [is] to leave his blood behind him in the world; that that we have no business to perpetuate citizens of the wrong type.” He tells of John Harvey Kellogg, a doctor who with his brother founded the Kellogg company that developed corn flakes becoming a “staunch ally of Charles Davenport and a full-fledged eugenicist....In 1914, he organized the First Race Betterment Foundation Conference in Battle Creek, Michigan, with the stated purpose of establishing the foundations for the creation of a super race.” On its website, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in a section labeled its “History” has an essay on a “historical perspective on genetics” headlined: “Good genes, bad science.” It begins relating how in the early 1900s “the bogus concept of hereditary criminality and a made-up disease known as feeblemindedness became part of some scientists’ so-called studies of genetics. Ideas such as these were the core of the American eugenics movement....in which science got mixed up with racial dogma. Among the results was the destruction of thousands of people’s ability to pass on their ‘defective’ genes through forced sterilization programs.” “Many of Hitler’s beliefs were directly inspired by the eugenics books he read while he was in prison,” writes Torres. (Hitler was jailed for leading in 1923 the Beer Hall Putsch, an attempted coup in Munich involving members of his Nazi Party. Convicted of treason, he was sentenced to five years in jail and served nine months.) Hitler “admired,” Torres continues, “the policies of the American eugenics program, including the efforts that led to the passage of strict immigration laws in the United States.” In 1933, he “seized power,” and “eugenics presented Hitler with a...globally accepted science to support his sinister plans. In July 1933, Germany enacted the ‘Law for the Prevention of Defective Progeny,’ the first eugenic sterilization law in the country....The law also established approximately two hundred genetic courts and managed anyone suspected of having a genetic defect to be reported to the authorities.” A publication put out by the Eugenics Record Office, Eugenical News, featured the law “proudly.” Soon, “German eugenicists began to formulate definitions of Jewishness. Hitler insisted that Jews of all degrees to be identified, including those with at least one drop of Jewish blood.” The “methodology was fully inspired by the family pedigree system created at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory more than two decades before,” writes Torres. With the mass sending of Jews and others to death camps, Hitler “directed...doctors at different concentration camps to conduct a wide range of eugenics-based research.” “Over time, the world began to learn of the Nazis’ atrocities,” writes Torres. “In 1936, the Rockefeller Foundation finally became reluctant to fund any further eugenics-based programs, and nearly all funding ended when the fighting erupted in 1939. Unfortunately, Nazi eugenics programs had already benefited from the foundation’s funding, and the fully developed program continued throughout the war.” The book includes a chapter on the impact of eugenic advocates on U.S. immigration law, titled “’Scientific Racism’ and the Anti-Immigration Movement.” Torres writes about how Harry Laughlin, superintendent of the Eugenics Record Office from its inception to closure, sent a report to the U.S. Congress in 1922 labeling certain immigrants “human waste.” Writes Torres: “Page after page, the report was rife with racial and ethnic slurs and detailed statistics regarding feeblemindedness, insanity, crime, various forms of illness and deformity and ‘all types of social inadequacy.’” Laughlin testified before Congress in 1922 asserting: “These degeneracies and hereditary handicaps are inherent in the blood.” Before Congress again, in 1924, “elaborate charts” were displayed by Laughlin “promoting the link between the so-called inferior races and immoral conduct.” “As a direct result of Laughlin’s tireless efforts, which were driven by his eugenic ideals coupled with lawmakers’ growing racial animus against immigrants, the House and Senate passed the Immigration Act of 1924,” writes Torres. “The law imposed even stricter quotas on immigrants from all non-Nordic nations. For example, the quota on immigration from Italy was dramatically reduced from forty-two thousand per year to just four thousand.” In the U.S., laws were passed to mandate sterilization based on the claims of eugenics. Torres focuses on a 1927 U.S. Supreme Court 8-to-1 decision upholding a “request by the State of Virginia to forcefully sterilize nineteen-year-old Carrie Buck based on a eugenics diagnosis.” She was determined to be “feebleminded.” The ruling, written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. “has never been reversed,” writes Torres. “It is an enduring legacy left by the Eugenics Record Office and a direct byproduct of the ERO’s work. In the wake of the decision, the number of sterilizations across the country began to grow exponentially.” The Eugenics Record Office activities also included research close to home, “in local communities on Long Island and throughout New York State.” It got involved with psychiatric institutions on Long Island including Kings Park Psychiatric Center, Central Islip State Hospital and Pilgrim State Hospital in Brentwood. The book includes how “Native American reservations on Long Island were targeted” by Davenport and his followers including what is now the Shinnecock Indian Nation and the Unkechaug Reservation, both on Long Island. He tells of how Dr. John Strong, the author of numerous books on Native Americans and long a professor of history at Southampton College on Long Island, said “the eugenically biased data derived from these studies was used by the [U.S.] Bureau of Indian Affairs...to the detriment of the Native American population.” Torres in an interview emphasized how eugenics “was not a fringe movement. It was the rage of the age. It was widely embraced.” Torres writes of how eugenics was embraced by academia in the U.S. “During much of the early to mid-twentieth century, eugenics was taught....at the most prestigious academic institutions in the country, including Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Princeton and Yale.” He cites a 1916 ERO report stating that 254 colleges taught courses about eugenics. He writes: “At Boston University, eugenics was taught to students at the School of Theology.” New York University, Columbia and Barnard “each offered a eugenics-based course....Other New York colleges that taught eugenics” that are listed include Adelphi, Cornell, Colgate, Farmingdale, Fordham, Syracuse University and Vassar. Also, he notes, “eugenics was a regularly offered course in the biology department at San Francisco State University from 1916 to 1951.” The year 1951 was decades after the Eugenics Records Office at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory was shut down. In recent years, what eugenics is about has continued as an issue. In 2007, Dr. James Watson, chancellor of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and a Nobel Prize winner, was relieved of his post after saying in an interview with the London Times that that there was an intelligence gap between Blacks and whites and this accounted for many of problems in Africa. In 2019, the laboratory stripped Watson of titles he still held including chancellor emeritus after he appeared on a PBS documentary “American Masters: Decoding Watson,” and, asked if he changed his views, said: “No. Not at all....there’s a difference on the average between Blacks and whites on I.Q tests. I would say the difference is....genetic.” Last month, Laura Helmuth, editor-in-chief of Scientific American, resigned after complaints about comments she made including, online, that “Trump’s racist rants are straight-up eugenics.” An article in the magazine in October scored Donald Trump’s statements about immigrants, its headline “Trump’s Racist Rants against Immigrants Hide under the Language of Eugenics.” Helmuth from 2016 to 2018 was president of the National Association of Science Writers. And this month, New York magazine featured an article headlined: “A Rift in the Family, My in-laws gave me a book by a eugenicist. Our relationship is over.”When the snow is falling and hot chocolate is piping, few activities are more refreshing and relaxing than plopping down on the couch and turning on the television. Some will watch live Christmas events from Rockefeller Center, while others will tune into a bowl game. But if you’re of a certain age, you clearly remember the excitement when Nickelodeon began to roll out its litany of timeless Christmas specials. From Kenan & Kel in the 1990s to Danny Phantom in the late 2000s, Nickelodeon has entered the pantheon of networks that have consistently rolled out classic holiday specials. While Nickelodeon’s legacy is cemented, the ranking of its best holiday season episodes is and will always be hotly contested. Not to start a debate at the holiday dinner table, but here are the 10 best classic Nickelodeon holiday specials. Show: Keenan & Kel Air Date: December 14, 1996 Kel ( Kel Mitchell ) loves orange soda and Kenan ( Kenan Thompson ) loves Christmas. He spends the entire year saving money to buy a new bike and takes an extra job as Santa at the mall to help get the last few dollars he needs. However, his plans are derailed when he comes across a brother and sister who dream of a great Christmas filled with presents that their mother can’t afford. In a selfless mood, Kenan uses the money he makes as Santa to surprise the kids and their mom with presents. Kenan’s upset that he didn’t get the bike he wanted, but he knows he did the right thing and Santa rewards him with a bike of his own. As with many Nickelodeon holiday specials, Kenan’s act of giving underscores the importance of family, friends, community, and giving throughout the holiday season. Show: Invader Zim Air Date: December 10, 2002 Name two more idiotically entertaining rivals than Zim ( Richard Steven Horvitz ) and Dib (Andy Berman). I’ll wait. While I wait, also figure out why Dib’s dad, Professor Membrane ( Rodger Bumpass ), named him Dib. Anyway, Zim and Dib’s rivalry takes center stage when Zim learns about the lure of Santa, kidnaps a man dressed up in a Santa suit and drains his brain. Normal holiday festivities, right? Once Zim drains the man’s brain and learns more about the lure of Santa, he devises a plan to build a Santa suit and convince all of humankind that he’s worthy of following and giving their undying devotion too. For the most part, it works and Zim is close to bringing all of human kind to the Tallest in order to extend his rule. However, Dib intervenes and garners the support of his sister, Gaz (Melissa Fahn), and his father, Professor Membrane, and stops Zim before he’s able to fully takeover. Overall, it’s a pretty weird storyline for a kid’s show during the holiday season, but Invader Zim is at its best when it’s weird. Show: Rocko’s Modern Life Air Date: December 1, 1994 Rocko ( Carlos Alazraqui ) is a better person than most because his grace throughout this Christmas special is unmatched. For nearly the entire episode, Rocko works to put together beautiful holiday decorations and host a lovely holiday party. Instead, his friends treat him poorly, other characters bully him, and no one except a magic elf shows up to his party. The elf works his magic and creates a memorable snowfall around Rocko’s house and Rocko’s house only. When the blizzard leaves a perfect amount of snow and holiday cheer around his house, Rocko’s friends show up at his front door to apologize and make the most of the holiday party. Rocko, being the kind soul he is, lets them in and thanks them for coming. Show: iCarly Air Date: December 13, 2008 Timmy Turner ( Tara Strong ) isn’t the only character in the Nickelodeon multiverse to have their dreams come true during the holiday season. When Carly’s brother, Spencer ( Jerry Trainor ), builds an electromagnet Christmas tree that sets fire to holiday gifts, Carly ( Miranda Cosgrove ) wishes that her brother was a bit more normal. However, things aren’t as great as Carly hoped they’d be. Spencer becomes a “normal” lawyer dating Ms. Benson (Mary Scheer) while Freddie ( Nathan Kress ) no longer has a crush on Carly, and Sam ( Jennette McCurdy ) is in a juvenile detention center. Most shockingly, Carly, Spencer, and Freddie were never friends in this alternate universe and never launched a webcast. The weirdness of the episode pays off in the end because Carly realizes what we’ve always known: her life is pretty great as is. Show: As Told by Ginger Air Date: December 10, 2001 As Told by Ginger is one of the most underrated series in the Nickelodeon catalog for various reasons, including its humor and ability to reach both young and older audiences. Case in point, the show’s “Even Steven” holiday special is immaculate. In the tertiary plot, Ginger (Melissa Disney) discovers that her grandfather is Jewish and immediately pivots from celebrating Christmas to celebrating Hanukkah. Her shift from Christmas to Hanukkah happens so quickly that it causes a rift between her and Dodie (Aspen Miller) because Ginger refuses to go to Dodie’s Christmas party and hosts her own instead. Splitting the room down the middle, half of Ginger’s party is devoted to celebrating Hanukkah, and the other half is adorned with Christmas decorations. Meanwhile, Hoodsie ( Tress MacNeille) is writing letters to Santa, asking him to give him rhythm for Christmas. Yes, you read that correctly. He genuinely asked Santa for rhythm, the ability to dance on beat. When Ginger’s brother, Carl (Jeannie Elias), finds Hoodsie begging Santa for rhythm, he not only makes fun of him, but also declares that Santa isn’t real. As a result, Carl spends the remainder of the episode attempting to prove that Santa is real. Through this effort, he learns that Carl is not a fan of the holiday season because he routinely asked Santa to bring his father home for Christmas as a kid, and his dad rarely stopped by on the holidays. With this information, Hoodsie runs up to a man dressed as Santa on the street and asks him to bring Hoodsie’s Dad home for Christmas. Little does Hoodsie know, the man dressed up as Santa is Carl’s dad. In the end, Carl’s dad visits him for Christmas, and while they’re talking in the driveway, a fire starts inside as Ginger is hosting her holiday party. Carl’s dad runs in, puts out the fire, and saves the day, making Ginger realize that the most important part of the holidays is being surrounded by family and friends. And no, Carl does not get rhythm. Show: The Fairly OddParents Air Date: December 12, 2001 Clichés may be annoying, but they’ve stood the test of time for a reason. However, when an elder said, “Be careful what you wish for,” Timmy Turner clearly wasn’t listening. Instead, he had to learn the hard way when he told Wanda (Susanne Blakeslee) and Cosmo ( Daran Norris ) that he’d like it to be Christmas every day. In his head, there’d never be school, and he’d get presents every time he woke up. Conversely, Wanda and Cosmo are magically depleted, his parents can’t work, and the other holidays become envious of Santa Claus. As a result, Timmy must make a trip up to the North Pole all alone. Tough luck for a kid who can literally wish for whatever he wants every other day of the year already. Show: Drake & Josh Air Date: December 5, 2008 Give a little girl named Mary Alice the best Christmas ever, or go back to jail. That’s essentially the plot of “Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh.” Drake ( Drake Bell ) desperately wants to host a party on the rooftop of Josh’s workplace, Premier Theater. To the surprise of just about everyone, Josh’s boss agrees to let Drake host the party as long as he volunteers to dress up as Santa for kids in the mall. Drake agrees, but things go haywire when a woman tries to kiss him, and he runs away. While hiding, he runs into a little girl named Mary Alice ( Bailee Madison ) and promises to give her the best Christmas ever. Drake finishes his shift as Santa and gets to host the party after all, but it’s cut short when a few uninvited guests show up, and Josh ( Josh Peck ) calls the police. However, there’s a mixup when the police arrive and Josh gets arrested. Being the good stepbrother he is, Drake tries to break Josh out of jail. Unfortunately, Drake gets arrested, too. When Drake and Josh get to speak to a judge, they explain that they need to get out to fulfill Drake’s promises to Mary Alice. The judge releases them, but warns that they will be brought back if they do not give Mary Alice the best Christmas ever. No pressure, right? Show: Rugrats Air Date: December 6, 1992 It may not seem like it, but there is not much of a difference between The Boondocks ‘ Huey Freeman ( Regina King ) and the children of Rugrats . Huey chases Santa around the mall with a BB gun, screaming, “You gon’ pay what you owe.” Meanwhile, Tommy ( Elizabeth Daily ), Chuckie (Christine Cavanaugh), and the crew are setting dangerous traps for Santa , so they can question him about his character. “The Santa Experience” kicks off at the mall where Angelica (Cheryl Chase) bum rushes the line to see Santa and tells Mr. Claus how much she needs a dream dollhouse for Cynthia. While Mr. Claus pushed her away, mall staff gave her a box of free toys to apologize for Santa rightfully pushing her away. Even with the free presents, Angelica is ungrateful and doesn’t want them. Meanwhile, Tommy and Chuckie are debating whether or not Santa is a good person. You know, typical baby stuff, right? Tommy is convinced Santa is a great guy, while Chuckie is, of course, scared of Saint Nick and thinks he’s a bad guy. In the kitchen, the parents are having a relatable conversation about their challenges and struggles, trying to ensure each of their children has a good holiday season. Later, the kids and parents head north to celebrate Christmas in a cabin. There, Chuckie and Tommy set up a booby trap to catch Santa. Much to their disappointment, the trap only manages to catch Stu ( Jack Riley ). Ultimately, everything turns out for the best as Santa just rings the front doorbell and delivers the presents face-to-face. Angelica gets her doll house, Chuckie determines Santa is a good person after all, and the Rugrats get the perfect Christmas. Show: SpongeBob SquarePants Air Date: December 6, 2000 If you ask most fans of SpongeBob SquarePants about Squidward (Rodger Bumpass), most would say he’s closer to being the Grinch than Santa Claus. However, “Christmas Who?” proves otherwise. Spongebob ( Tom Kenny ) visits Sandy ( Carolyn Lawrence ) and finds the proud Texan setting up Christmas decorations around her house. Instead of helping her, Spongebob freaks out because he thinks the lights and decorations have started a fire. It would be nearly impossible to start a fire that far underwater, but I digress. Anyway, Sandy stops him and explains to Spongebob who Santa Claus is and what happens on Christmas. Excited and enchanted, Spongebob shares the story of Christmas and Santa Claus with nearly everyone in Bikini Bottom. As a result, everyone but Squidward sends letters to Santa and spends all night caroling. When Santa doesn’t show up, everyone calls Spongebob a fraud and mocks him, including Squidward. However, Spongebob turns Squidward’s heart from coal to gold when he gives him a handcrafted clarinet for Christmas so that he won’t go without a gift. In return, Squidward dresses up as Santa and surprises Spongebob, who is delighted, and wishes him a merry Christmas. Squidward didn’t account for all of the other citizens of Bikini Bottom spotting him and asking for gifts. Instead of ruining the charade, Squidward ends up giving away nearly everything in his home away as a gift. Thankfully, Squidward is rewarded when the real Santa Claus sends a letter thanking Squidward for helping keep the spirit of Christmas alive. Show: Hey Arnold! Air Date: December 11, 1996 “Arnold’s Christmas” is not only the best Nickelodeon late-year holiday special, but it’s arguably one of the best episodes of the entire series. The series revolves around Arnold (Toran Caudell) attempting to pull off a Christmas miracle for his neighbor, Mr. Hyunh (Baoan Coleman). Through this endeavor, much of Mr. Hyunh’s backstory is revealed, including the heartbreaking story of how he and his daughter, Mai (Hiep Thi Le), have been separated for more than 20 years. While Arnold and his best friend, Gerald (Jamil Walker Smith), fall short in their quest to find Mai and reconnect her with Mr. Hyunh, Helga (Francesca Marie Smith) unexpectedly saves the day and gets Mai in touch with her father. Helga never gets the credit for creating this touching reunion, but she will always be remembered for being the driving force behind one of the most touching moments in Nickelodeon history. More Headlines:
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WARSAW, Poland -- Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski has been selected by Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s centrist Civic Coalition as its candidate in next year's presidential election, beating out Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski. Tusk announced the decision at a party gathering on Saturday, a day after more than 22,000 party members voted in a primary to select who should run to replace the incumbent, Andrzej Duda. Tusk said Trzaskowski won nearly 75% of the votes, and Sikorski slightly over 25%. Political observers in Poland say Tusk's pro-European Union party has already put itself in a strong position ahead of the presidential election by showing that it had two strong candidates, generating a buzz around them and allowing party members to choose in a democratic process. “We are responsible people, we are responsible for the fate of our homeland today,” Tusk told supporters at the party event. He said it was only the start of what is expected to be a difficult campaign. The primary process distinguishes Tusk's party from its main rival, the national conservative Law and Justice party, known by its acronym PiS, whose candidate will be handpicked by leader Jarosław Kaczyński. The candidate is expected to be announced at a party convention in Krakow on Sunday. “In PiS, one vote matters, while we value every vote, and that’s how we differ,” Trzaskowski told party members in his acceptance speech. “I’m convinced that we’re coming out of this primary stronger, we’re all stronger, and I have a very strong mandate and a lot of energy, determination and courage to beat PiS.” Sikorski congratulated Trzaskowski and promised his support. Trzaskowski has long been considered the obvious candidate for Tusk’s party but was recently challenged by Sikorski, who argued that his experience in security and defense issues made him the better choice at a time of war in neighboring Ukraine and political change in the United States. But party members overwhelmingly stuck with Trzaskowski — and were in a good mood as they gathered over coffee and cookies after cheering the outcome. One, Małgorzata Kobus, told The Associated Press that she voted for Trzaskowski because he has been an excellent mayor, preserving green spaces and historical monuments in the capital. She also appreciates that he is highly educated and fluent in several foreign languages. Another, Hanna Szulczewska, thinks Trzaskowski is well suited to the difficult times in a region near Ukraine. She was persuaded by polls that show Trzaskowski would have a better chance of beating out candidates from other parties. “I am really convinced that he will make a fantastic president,” she said. “And strategically we really need a strong candidate.” Trzaskowski, 52, has been mayor since 2018 and has overseen a rapidly changing city of nearly 2 million people that has absorbed large numbers of Ukrainian refugees. He ran for president in 2020, barely losing to Duda. A first round of the presidential election is due to be held in May, and a possible runoff two weeks later if no candidate gets an outright majority in the first round. President Duda will complete his second five-year term in August 2025 and is prevented by the constitution from running again. It is a priority for Tusk to have an ally win the presidency because it will determine whether he can fulfill his agenda. He is currently unable to complete some of his campaign promises because Duda wields veto power over legislation, but also because of opposition within his own three-party coalition. The Civic Coalition is led by Tusk’s party Civic Platform and also includes smaller parties including the Greens.
AKRON, Ohio and KANSAS CITY, Kan. , Dec. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Truck Master Warranty, a leader in commercial medium and heavy-duty truck protection plans, donated hundreds of toy trucks to Ohio's Akron Children's Hospital and Children's Mercy Hospital of Kansas City . This initiative aims to brighten the holidays for children spending Christmas and Hanukkah in the hospital and bring smiles to their faces during a challenging time. "A toy truck is a timeless gift," said Rob Fox , Truck Master Warranty CEO. "I got one as a child, my kids got them, and even my grandkids. It's a classic holiday gift that has never ceased to bring a smile to kids' faces." Truck Master Warranty aims to not only serve its customers but also contribute to the communities where its employees live and work. As the company's growth has expanded its employee base nationwide, Truck Master Warranty has more opportunities to give back to local communities, proudly sharing its success by supporting local hospitals and other institutions spreading goodwill. Representatives from Truck Master Warranty personally delivered the toy trucks to both hospitals and spent time interacting with the children as they enjoyed their presents. The donations reflect a heartfelt commitment to giving back to the community and spreading joy to families during the holiday season. "We certainly appreciate this large gift of toy trucks from Truck Master Warranty and delivered just in time for Santa's visit with our patients," said Vicki Parisi , director of Volunteer Services for Akron Children's. "The community support for our patients and the doctors, nurses and other providers who care for them is something we never take for granted and it becomes even more special and magical during the holiday season." Truck Master Warranty invites other businesses and individuals to join in spreading holiday cheer by supporting local charities and hospitals. To learn how to donate to Akron Children's Hospital, visit www.akronchildrens.org or to Children's Mercy Hospital, visit www.childrensmercy.org . For more information about Truck Master Warranty, visit truckmasterwarranty.com . Media Contact: Shaun Petersen Chief Legal Officer Truck Master Warranty 800 326 5204 www.truckmasterwarranty.com About Truck Master Warranty: Since 2013, Truck Master Warranty has served the needs of the pre-owned Medium Duty (classes 3 through 6) and Heavy Duty (classes 7 and 8) Truck markets by offering the most comprehensive, industry leading, and feature rich service contracts. Truck Master Warranty is the exclusive provider of the Heavy Truck industry's only "Certified Pre-Owned" 90 Day limited warranty called CPO90. Truck Master Warranty combines technologically advanced dealer tools and resources to better serve a truck dealership's most valuable asset – their customers. View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/truckloads-of-cheer-truck-master-warranty-donates-toy-trucks-to-childrens-hospitals-for-the-holidays-302338637.html SOURCE Truck Master WarrantyShare Tweet Share Share Email In a landmark deal, EdgePoint Millennium Capital, a global leader in financial technology and asset management, acquired Absolute Analysis’s highly advanced algorithm for trading Gold (XAUUSD), Crude Oil, and Bitcoin (BTC) Futures. The acquisition, secured for a substantial but undisclosed amount, is set to revolutionise commodities and cryptocurrency trading with its unparalleled accuracy in predicting price movements for three of the most dynamic global markets. Why Absolute Analysis Gained EdgePoint Attention Absolute Analysis earned its reputation for delivering exceptional market insights, highlighted by its algorithm’s unmatched accuracy combined with advanced risk analysis. It predicted crude oil’s sharp collapse in 2024 due to global oversupply, forecasted gold’s meteoric rise amidst geopolitical turmoil, and anticipated Bitcoin’s record-breaking surge driven by institutional adoption. These bold yet precise forecasts captured widespread attention, solidifying its place as a revolutionary force in trading. Speaking about Absolute Analysis’s achievements, Karthik P, Partner at Absolute Analysis, remarked: “Our algorithm’s ability to deliver timely and precise market forecasts has solidified Absolute Analysis as a leader in the industry. The growing recognition from global firms underscores the transformative potential of our technology.” These milestones demonstrated the algorithm’s adaptability and accuracy, capturing the attention of firms like EdgePoint Millennium Capital, known for integrating cutting-edge technologies into their portfolio. EdgePoint Millennium Capital’s Strategic Approach Although the exact financial details and strategic intentions behind the acquisition have not been publicly disclosed, both parties have confirmed the deal. EdgePoint Millennium Capital, known for securing innovative tools to enhance its trading capabilities, has chosen to keep specifics under wraps. This approach is consistent with EdgePoint Millennium Capital’s tradition of quietly acquiring game-changing technologies that remain central to its long-term strategy. A Transformative Deal Absolute Analysis, with its origins in India and operations based in Hyderabad, has quietly emerged as a key player in the global market. Its foundation in one of India’s thriving technology hubs has allowed the company to leverage exceptional talent and deliver transformative solutions that resonate across international markets. Although the financial and strategic details of the deal remain undisclosed, the confirmed acquisition underscores a growing trend in the industry: the increasing reliance on AI-driven analytics to outperform traditional trading methods. Absolute Analysis’ success story also reflects the rising influence of Indian technology firms on the global stage. With EdgePoint Millennium Capital’s reputation for leveraging innovative tools and Absolute Analysis’ track record of accuracy, this partnership—while details of the deal remain undisclosed—marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of algorithmic trading. It’s a testament to how cutting-edge technology continues to reshape the financial markets Related Items: EdgePoint Millennium Capital Acquires Industry-Leading Algorithm , Revolutionise Futures Trading Share Tweet Share Share Email CommentsFCT EXCO approves contract renewal to secure Abuja rail
Tens of thousands of Spaniards protest housing crunch and high rents in Barcelona
The Australian sharemarket is tipped to open weaker despite a rally from some of the world’s largest technology companies that spurred a rebound on Wall Street. ASX 200 futures were down 15 points or 0.2 per cent at 8.183 at 7.15 AEDT, after the S&P/ASX 200 Index gained 1.7 per cent on Monday to post its best session in six months. Overnight, US stocks recovered from a wobble that was fuelled by weaker-than-expected data on US consumer confidence. While most companies in the S&P 500 retreated, Tesla and Nvidia drove a gauge of the “Magnificent Seven” megacaps up over 1 per cent. However, it was a thin trading session at the start of a holiday-shortened week, with volume roughly 20 per cent below the average of the past month. Wall Street recovered from an early wobble as the heavyweight technology stocks spurred a rebound. Credit: Bloomberg “Primary uptrends remain intact for equities despite the recent profit-taking,” Craig Johnson at Piper Sandler said. “Given the short-term oversold conditions, we expect a ‘Santa Claus Rally’ to be a strong possibility this year.” To Morgan Stanley’s Michael Wilson, negative breadth — when falling shares outnumber those that are rising — may not matter as much for high-quality stock indexes with robust price momentum. Earlier, stocks lost steam momentarily after data showed consumer confidence unexpectedly sank for the first time in three months on concerns about the outlook for the US economy. “The economic outlook is deteriorating,” said Neil Dutta at Renaissance Macro Research. “This was true before the Fed’s December confab and remains true. The risk of the Fed flip-flopping is quite high.”A festive fundraising program is helping adults with developmental disabilities in Waterloo Region. Members of Adults in Motion have been busy making keychains, cards and more for the holidays. “We made mini Christmas trees, mini Christmas tree ornaments,” program member Cassie told CTV News. Adults in Motion offers people with developmental disabilities a chance to learn new skills, socialize and be creative. Members of Adults in Motion make Christmas ornaments. “These are folks who are looking for something interesting, exciting to do with their days, looking to learn new skills, maintain skills and a lot of social friendships and socializing,” explained executive director Shelley Murphy. Sale proceeds will go directly back into the program. “It can be for admissions into different events, it can be for more outings, it can go towards supplies,” said Murphy. “Our members are really driving the decision as to what the money raised goes towards.” Christmas ornaments made by members of Adults in Motion. Devitt House in Waterloo has offered to sell the goods. “I saw how very hard [Adults in Motion] worked to keep [the program] alive and to provide for their participants during COVID, which was a really difficult time,” said owner Jennifer Devitt. “The kind of work that they do and the hours they put in, I’d love to see them get supported directly.” Participants also feel a sense of achievement when they see their completed work. “We’ve had a number of times where members have come in and said, ‘I saw my item’ or ‘I saw my keychain’ that someone had. So there’s a lot of pride associated with what they’re making,” Murphy explained. Gift boxes and keychains are also available through the Adults in Motion website. https://adultsinmotion.org/NYC sees first white Christmas Eve in over two decades — but it won’t last
WASHINGTON — If President-elect Donald Trump’s assertion that the United States should have control of Greenland sounds familiar, that’s because he’s said it before — during his first term as president. Back in 2019, Trump’s call caused a brief diplomatic tiff with Denmark, under whose sovereignty the vast island falls. Then as now, the suggestion was met with derision in some quarters, but it spotlighted serious questions about the icy territory’s strategic significance in an era of accelerating climate change . Trump’s commentary also pointed up a quandary faced by U.S. allies, which will become more pressing within a few weeks, when the Oval Office changes hands: whether smaller and less powerful states ought to greet startling declarations from Washington with silence, conciliation, throat-clearing obfuscation or clearly stated opposition — especially since the issue in question might simply go away anyway. Sometimes, Trump ultimately defuses such flaps by saying he was only joking. At other times, he hints that those who defy him might face consequences later. Denmark is a member of the European Union, which is already preparing for a potentially tense relationship with the incoming president. Here is some background about Greenland, why the president-elect is raising the topic again, and what might come next. What is this place? Greenland is an Alaska-sized, self-ruling Danish territory off North America, between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. It is the world’s biggest island that isn’t a continent, about two-thirds of it lying within the Arctic Circle. It is largely ice-covered and sparsely populated: Fewer than 60,000 people live there. With the exception of foreign nationals, those living there are full citizens of Denmark. How did this idea even come up? The president-elect’s unexpected comment came Sunday as he was announcing his choice for U.S. envoy to Copenhagen, PayPal co-founder Ken Howery. In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump declared that “America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity,” citing “purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World.” How did Greenland’s government respond? Somewhat crisply. On Monday, its elected leader, Prime Minister Mute Egede, said in a statement that Greenland “is not for sale and will never be for sale.” But the prime minister also said Greenland “must continue to be open to cooperation and trade with the whole world, especially our neighbors.” How did Trump’s 2019 idea play out? When Trump made his initial real-estate overture, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen dismissed Trump’s offer as “absurd.” The then-president termed that response “nasty” and called off a planned state visit to Denmark. Still, the idea of such a purchase was not unprecedented. The United States had made several similar forays, dating to the 1860s, all of them short-lived. This time around, any headaches for Denmark could be longer-lasting. Trump was already 19 months into his first term when he floated the purchase notion. With his swearing-in still four weeks away, there will be a full four years for the issue to simmer. Is territorial expansion a theme for Trump’s second presidency? In this postelection, pre-inauguration phase, Trump has already made waves by musing about the status of Canada, suggesting, in an apparent jab at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, that the United States’ sovereign northern neighbor could become a 51st state. Also over the weekend, he hinted that Washington could move to seize control of the Panama Canal, ceded back to Panama a quarter of a century ago, over what Trump termed excessive fees to transit the vital waterway. There has been no indication the president-elect intends to follow up on any of these territorial propositions, or what would be the mechanism for doing so. Why is Greenland strategically significant? The island is home to a large U.S. military base. The melting of Greenland’s ice sheet, documented for years and known to be speeding up, could lead to the opening of previously blocked international shipping passages, spurring great-power competition in the Arctic. In addition, Greenland possesses immense mineral riches — gold, silver, copper and uranium — whose potential extraction would be complicated by harsh weather and lack of road access, as well as environmental concerns. ©2024 Los Angeles Times. Visit at latimes.com . Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.