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North Korea's Kim vows the toughest anti-US policy before Trump takes officeUpdated December 29, 2024 at 17:44 PM ET Few presidents have come as far as fast in national politics as Jimmy Carter . In 1974, he was nearing the end of his single term as governor of Georgia when he told the world he wanted to be president. Two years later, he was the president-elect. Although his name recognition nationally was only 2% at the time of his announcement, Carter believed he could meet enough people personally to make a strong showing in the early presidential caucuses and primaries. He embarked on a 37-state tour, making more than 200 speeches before any of the other major candidates had announced. When voting began in Iowa and New Hampshire in the winter of 1976, Carter emerged the winner in both states. He rode that momentum all the way to the presidential nomination and held on to win a close contest in the general election. His career as a highly active former president lasted four full decades and ended only with his death Sunday in his hometown of Plains, Ga. He was 100 and had lived longer than any other U.S. president, battling cancer in both his brain and liver in his 90s. A life that bridged political eras James Earl Carter Jr. was the 39th U.S. president, elected as a Democrat displacing the incumbent Republican, Gerald Ford, in 1976. Carter would serve a single tumultuous term in the White House, beset by inflation, energy shortages, intraparty challenges and foreign crises. But he managed to win the nomination for a second term. He lost his bid for reelection to Republican Ronald Reagan in a landslide in 1980. Thereafter, he worked with Habitat for Humanity and traveled the globe as an indefatigable advocate for peace and human rights. He was given the U.N. Prize in the Field of Human Rights in 1998 and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Carter was the first president from the Deep South elected since the Civil War. He entered politics at a time when Democrats still dominated in his home state and region. He had begun his career as a naval officer in the submarine corps, but in 1953 he left the service to take over the family peanut business when his father died. He later served four years in Georgia's state legislature before making his first bid for governor in 1966. In that contest, he finished behind another Democrat, Lester Maddox, a populist figure known for brandishing a pickax handle to confront civil rights protesters outside his Atlanta restaurant. Carter shared much of the traditional white Southern cultural identity. But he was also noted for his support for integration and the Civil Rights Movement led by fellow Georgian Martin Luther King Jr. Four years after losing to Maddox, Carter was elected his successor and declared in his inaugural speech that "the time for racial discrimination is over." Time magazine would feature him on its cover four months later, making him a symbol of the "New South." And as his term as governor ended, he was all in on a presidential bid. But he did not burst onto the national stage so much as he crept up onto it, appearing before small groups in farming communities and elsewhere far from the big media centers. A meteoric rise to the White House Beyond his earnest image and rhetoric, Carter also had a savvy game plan based on the new presidential nominating rules that the Democratic Party had adopted in the early 1970s. Carter's team, led by campaign manager Hamilton Jordan, mastered this new road map, with Carter climbing from a strong showing in the still-new Iowa caucuses to a clean win in New Hampshire's primary. So though in January 1976 he was the first choice of only 4% of Democrats nationally, he won the first two events and leveraged that attention to capture the imagination of voters in other regions. Carter shut out segregationist champion George Wallace in the Southern primaries and also dominated in the industrial states of the North and Midwest. Democrats held 48 primaries or caucuses around the United States that year, and Carter won 30, with no other candidate winning more than five. Wherever he went, he was able to connect with rural voters and evangelicals wherever they were to be found — doing well in big cities but also in the sparsely populated parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania. While Carter's juggernaut lost momentum in the summer and fall, with Republican President Gerald Ford nearly closing the polling gap by Election Day, the Georgian held on to win 50% of the popular vote in November. By winning in his home state and everywhere else in the South (save only Virginia) while holding on to enough of the key population centers in the Northeast and Great Lakes regions, Carter was able to cobble together nearly 300 Electoral College votes without winning California, Illinois or Michigan. Troubles in office The surprisingly modest margin of Carter's victory over Ford augured more difficulties ahead. And as well as the Carter persona may have suited the national mood in 1976, it did not fit well in the Washington he found in 1977. All presidential candidates who "run against Washington" find it necessary to adjust their tactics if and when they are elected. But the former peanut farmer and his campaign staff known as the "Georgia mafia" never seemed to lose faith in the leverage they thought they had as outsiders. Almost immediately upon taking office, Carter encountered difficulties with various power centers in Congress. He and his tight circle of aides brought along from Georgia and the campaign were not attuned to congressional customs or prerogatives, and a variety of their agenda priorities ran afoul of their own party's preferences. A case in point was a "hit list" of Western water projects that the Carterites regarded as needless pork barrel spending. For a raft of Democratic senators and representatives facing reelection in thirsty states and districts, the list came as a declaration of war. Although Congress fought Carter to a draw on the projects, many of these Western seats would be lost to Republican challengers in 1978 and 1980. Carter did have signal successes in brokering a historic peace deal between Israel and Egypt and in securing Senate ratification of his treaties ceding the Panama Canal to Panama. He also managed to achieve significant reforms in regulations — especially those affecting energy production and transportation — that would eventually lower consumer prices. Carter had taken office amid historically high inflation and energy prices that had persisted since the Arab oil embargo of 1973. Carter appointed a new chair of the Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker, whose tight money policies eventually tamed inflation but also triggered a recession and the highest unemployment rates since the Great Depression. Along the way, there was more grief on the oil front as Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979 caused not only a price spike but long lines at the pump — worse than in 1973. Carter and the Democrats paid a price, suffering more than the usual losses for the president's party in the 1978 midterm elections, which greatly reduced Democratic margins in both the House and the Senate. Yet the Iranian crisis had even worse consequences. The revolution saw the overthrow of the Shah, a longtime ally of the U.S., and the installation of a stern theocratic regime led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a fierce critic of the United States. When Carter agreed to grant the Shah a visa to receive cancer treatments in the U.S., young followers of the ayatollah overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran . Fifty-two Americans were taken hostage for 444 days. Carter's efforts to free them were unavailing. An airborne raid intended to free them ended in catastrophe in the Iranian desert, leaving eight U.S. service members dead after a collision of aircraft on the ground. Afghanistan becomes an issue Yet another blow was dealt to Carter's standing when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to prop up its client regime there. Opposing that aggression was popular, but Carter's decision to retaliate by having the U.S. boycott the 1980 Olympics in Moscow was less so. Carter was able to use the hostage crisis to his advantage in suppressing the challenge to his nomination mounted by Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts. Carter refused to debate Kennedy and made the primaries a kind of referendum on the Iranian situation. Enough Democrats rallied to his side that Kennedy's bid, a favorite cause of liberal activists and organized labor, fell far short. Still, it contributed to the weakness of Carter's standing in the general election. And what had worked against a challenger from the Democratic left did not work when Carter faced one from the Republican right. Ronald Reagan was a former two-term governor of California who had sought the nomination twice before, and he did not begin 1980 as the consensus choice of his party. But he wove a complex set of issues into a fabric with broad appeal. He proposed sweeping tax cuts as a tonic for the economy, more spending on defense, a more aggressive foreign policy and, just as important, a return to the traditional values of "faith, freedom, family, work and neighborhood." He also opposed abortion and busing for racial integration and favored school prayer — the three hottest buttons in social policy at the time. After a come-from-behind win in New Hampshire and a sweep of the Southern primaries, Reagan never looked back. His triumph at the Republican National Convention in Detroit set the tone for his campaign. The election looked close at Labor Day and even into October. But the single debate the two camps agreed to , held on Oct. 28, 1980, the week before the election, was a clear win for the challenger. Carter failed in his attempts to paint Reagan as an extremist. The Republican managed to be reassuring and upbeat even as he kept up his attacks on Carter's handling of the economy and on the rest of Carter's record. The polls broke sharply in the final days, and in November, Reagan captured nearly all the Southern states that Carter had carried four years earlier and won the 1980 presidential election with 489 Electoral College votes. Carter conceded before the polls had even closed on the West Coast. Reassessment in retrospect Historians have generally not rated Carter's presidency highly, and he left office with his Gallup poll approval rating in the low 30s. But there has been a steady upward trajectory in assessments of his presidency in recent years, and his Gallup approval rating has climbed back above 50% and has remained there among the public at large. This reflects the work of several Carter biographers and former aides and the natural comparison with the presidents who have followed him. In 2018, Stuart E. Eizenstat, Carter's chief domestic policy adviser, published President Carter: The White House Years , which historians have praised both as a primary source and as an assessment of Carter's term. In it, Eizenstat wrote that Carter "was not a great president, but he was a good and productive one. He delivered results, many of which were realized only after he left office. He was a man of almost unyielding principle. Yet his greatest virtue was at once his most serious fault for a president in an American democracy of divided powers." As far back as 2000, historian Douglas Brinkley wrote that in the first 20 years after Carter lost the presidency, he had become "renowned the world over as the epitome of the caring, compassionate, best sort of American statesman ... an exemplar of behavior for all national leaders in retirement." A new life out of office But the greatest factor in Carter's rising reputation was his own performance in his post-presidential career. He worked with Habitat for Humanity to rehabilitate homes for low-income families. He taught at Emory University and established his own nonprofit, the Carter Center . And over the ensuing decades, he published more than two dozen books and became an international advocate for peace, democratic reforms and humanitarian causes. As former president, Carter did not shy from controversy, particularly when it came to the Middle East, the region that gave him his greatest foreign policy achievement and also his most damaging setback as president. Copyright 2024 NPR“Gladiator II” asks the question: Are you not moderately entertained for roughly 60% of this sequel? Truly, this is a movie dependent on managed expectations and a forgiving attitude toward its tendency to overserve. More of a thrash-and-burn schlock epic than the comparatively restrained 2000 “Gladiator,” also directed by Ridley Scott, the new one recycles a fair bit of the old one’s narrative cries for freedom while tossing in some digital sharks for the flooded Colosseum and a bout of deadly sea battle theatrics. They really did flood the Colosseum in those days, though no historical evidence suggests shark deployment, real or digital. On the other hand (checks notes), “Gladiator II” is fiction. Screenwriter David Scarpa picks things up 16 years after “Gladiator,” which gave us the noble death of the noble warrior Maximus, shortly after slaying the ignoble emperor and returning Rome to the control of the Senate. Our new hero, Lucius (Paul Mescal), has fled Rome for Numidia, on the North African coast. The time is 200 A.D., and for the corrupt, party-time twins running the empire (Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger), that means invasion time. Pedro Pascal takes the role of Acacius, the deeply conflicted general, sick of war and tired of taking orders from a pair of depraved ferrets. The new film winds around the old one this way: Acacius is married to Lucilla (Connie Nielsen, in a welcome return), daughter of the now-deceased emperor Aurelius and the love of the late Maximus’s life. Enslaved and dragged to Rome to gladiate, the widower Lucius vows revenge on the general whose armies killed his wife. But there are things this angry young phenom must learn, about his ancestry and his destiny. It’s the movie’s worst-kept secret, but there’s a reason he keeps seeing footage of Russell Crowe from the first movie in his fever dreams. Battle follows battle, on the field, in the arena, in the nearest river, wherever, and usually with endless splurches of computer-generated blood. “Gladiator II” essentially bumper-cars its way through the mayhem, pausing for long periods of expository scheming about overthrowing the current regime. The prince of all fixers, a wily operative with interests in both managing gladiators and stocking munitions, goes by the name Macrinus. He’s played by Denzel Washington, who at one point makes a full meal out of pronouncing the word “politics” like it’s a poisoned fig. Also, if you want a master class in letting your robes do a lot of your acting for you, watch what Washington does here. He’s more fun than the movie but you can’t have everything. The movie tries everything, all right, and twice. Ridley Scott marshals the chaotic action sequences well enough, though he’s undercut by frenetic cutting rhythms, with that now-familiar, slightly sped-up visual acceleration in frequent use. (Claire Simpson and Sam Restivo are the editors.) Mescal acquits himself well in his first big-budget commercial walloper of an assignment, confined though he is to a narrower range of seething resentments than Crowe’s in the first film. I left thinking about two things: the word “politics” as savored/spit out by Washington, and the innate paradox of how Scott, whose best work over the decades has been wonderful, delivers spectacle. The director and his lavishly talented design team built all the rough-hewn sets with actual tangible materials the massive budget allowed. They took care to find the right locations in Morocco and Malta. Yet when combined in postproduction with scads of medium-grade digital effects work in crowd scenes and the like, never mind the sharks, the movie’s a somewhat frustrating amalgam. With an uneven script on top of it, the visual texture of “Gladiator II” grows increasingly less enveloping and atmospherically persuasive, not more. But I hung there, for some of the acting, for some of the callbacks, and for the many individual moments, or single shots, that could only have come from Ridley Scott. And in the end, yes, you too may be moderately entertained. ‘GLADIATOR II’ 2.5 stars (out of 4) MPA rating: R (for strong bloody violence) Running time: 2:28 How to watch: In theatersphlboss 11 download free

Deion Sanders has done what many thought was impossible—he’s made Boulder, Colorado, the epicenter of college football conversation. From his leadership style to his ability to command the attention of the sports world, Coach Prime has transformed the Colorado Buffaloes into a brand that resonates far beyond the Big 12. But with constant speculation about his next move, fans wonder: should he stay? The answer is a resounding yes, and here’s why. The Deion Effect: Changing Colorado Football Forever Ryan Clark, speaking on First Take , summed it up perfectly: “He’s changed Colorado. He’s changed the way people enroll in school. He’s changed the price of the tickets. He’s changed the butts in the seats.” Colorado’s resurgence is directly tied to Sanders. Under his leadership, ticket prices skyrocketed, attendance surged, and recruits are clamoring to be part of the movement. This isn’t just a football program; it’s a cultural phenomenon led by Deion. Clark added, “All the people that go to Boulder, Colorado, go to Boulder, Colorado, because of Deion Sanders. Period. He doesn't need a different stage. He doesn't need a new set to be the captain of. He is Deion Sanders. And so my point is this. These dudes have been recruited every single day of their life. They don't want to be told what's wrong with them. They want to be built up. Nobody does that better than him.” . @Realrclark25 says Deion Sanders should stay in Colorado if he doesn’t go to the NFL. “All the people that go to Boulder, Colorado, go to Boulder, Colorado because of Deion Sanders. Period. He doesn’t need a different stage.” pic.twitter.com/cPS0hhBq1s Complete Control and Long-Term Potential At Colorado, Sanders controls the narrative. From social media strategy to on-field decision-making, the Buffaloes are entirely his vision. With an athletic director in Rick George committed to his success and the NIL (Name, Image, and Likeness) opportunities growing, Coach Prime has every tool to build a perennial powerhouse. Why leave for the unknown when the foundation for greatness is already in place? Deion Sanders Bans Colorado Buffaloes Player From Celebrating The NFL vs. Colorado: A Unique Fit As Clark pointed out, “He is the biggest fish in the smallest pond.” The NFL may offer prestige, but Sanders has something more valuable in Colorado—impact. He’s not just coaching a team; he’s redefining a program, a fanbase, and a city. In the NFL, he’d be one of many voices. In Boulder, he is the voice. Colorado must do whatever it takes to keep Deion Sanders. That means increasing his pay, bolstering NIL support, and continuing to invest in the program’s success. Coach Prime belongs in Boulder—not just for the Buffaloes, but for the legacy he’s building in the world of college football. Deion Sanders and Colorado Travel to Kansas City Amidst NFL Security Warning Deion Sanders staying in Colorado isn’t just about football; it’s about sustaining the revolution he started. Related: Colorado Chases Big 12 Glory Against Tough Kansas Squad Related: What Time, TV Channel is Colorado Football at Kansas This Weekend?

NoneNo. 2 Ohio State takes control in the 2nd half and runs over No. 5 Indiana 38-15 COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Will Howard passed for two touchdowns and rushed for another, TreVeyon Henderson ran for a score and No. 2 Ohio State beat previously undefeated No. 5 Indiana 38-15 on Saturday. All Ohio State (10-1, 7-1 Big Ten, CFP No. Mitch Stacy, The Associated Press Nov 23, 2024 2:24 PM Nov 23, 2024 2:35 PM Share by Email Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Print Share via Text Message Ohio State receiver Emeka Egbuka, right, catches a touchdown pass thrown over Indiana defensive lineman Lanell Carr during the first half of an NCAA college football game Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024, in Columbus, Ohio. (AP Photo/Jay LaPrete) COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Will Howard passed for two touchdowns and rushed for another, TreVeyon Henderson ran for a score and No. 2 Ohio State beat previously undefeated No. 5 Indiana 38-15 on Saturday. All Ohio State (10-1, 7-1 Big Ten, CFP No. 2) has to do now is beat Michigan at home next Saturday and it will earn a return to the Big Ten championship game for the first time since 2020 and get a rematch with No. 1 Oregon. The Ducks beat Ohio State 32-31 in a wild one back on Oct. 12. The Hoosiers (10-1, 7-1, No. 5 CFP) had their best chance to beat the Buckeyes for the first time since 1988 but were hurt by special teams mistakes and disrupted by an Ohio State defence that sacked Canadian quarterback Kurtis Rourke five times. “In life, all good things come to an end,” Indiana coach Curt Cignetti said. Late in the first half, Indiana punter James Evans fumbled a snap and was buried at his own 7-yardline with the Buckeyes taking over. That turned quickly into a 4-yard TD run by Henderson that gave the Buckeyes a 14-7 lead. Early in the second half, Caleb Downs fielded an Evans punt at the Ohio State 21, raced down the right sideline, cut to the middle and outran the coverage for a TD that put the Buckeyes up 21-7. It was the first time a Buckeye returned a punt for a touchdown since 2014. Howard finished 22 for 26 for 201 yards. Emeka Egbuka had seven catches for 80 yards and a TD. “Our guys just played with a chip today, and that’s the way you got to play the game of football,” Ohio State coach Ryan Day said. Indiana scored on its first possession of the game and its last, both short runs by Ty Son Lawson, who paced the Hoosiers with 79 rushing yards. Rourke, a 24-year-old from Oakville, Ont., is the brother of BC Lions QB Nathan Rourke. He was 8 for 18 for 68 yards. “We had communication errors, pass (protection), every time we dropped back to pass, something bad happened," Cignetti said. Indiana's 151 total yards was its lowest of the season. And it was the most points surrendered by the Hoosier's defence. The takeaway Indiana: Its special season was blemished by the Buckeyes, who beat the Hoosiers for the 30th straight time. Indiana was eyeing its first conference crown since sharing one with two other teams in 1967. That won't happen now. “Ohio State deserved to win,” Cignetti said. “They had those (third quarter scores), and we just couldn’t respond.” Ohio State: Didn't waste the opportunities presented by the Hoosiers when they got sloppy. The Buckeyes led 14-7 at the break and took control in the second half. An offensive line patched together because of multiple injuries performed surprisingly well. “We know what was at stake," Day said. “We don't win this game, and we have no chance to go to Indianapolis and play in the Big Ten championship. And that's real. We've had that approach for the last few weeks now, more than that.” Poll implications Some voters were obviously unsure of Indiana because it hadn't played a nationally ranked team before Ohio State. After this one, the Hoosiers will drop. All about Will Howard made history by completing 80% of his passes for the sixth time this season. No other Ohio State quarterback has done that. He completed his first 14 passes in a row and finished with a 85% completion rate. “I think Buckeye nation is now seeing, after 11 games, that this guy is a winner, he's tough, he cares about his teammates, he's a leader,” Day said. Up next Indiana hosts Purdue in the regular-season finale next Saturday. Ohio State hosts rival Michigan on Saturday. ___ Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college football: https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-football-poll and https://apnews.com/hub/college-football Mitch Stacy, The Associated Press See a typo/mistake? 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“This is the most uphill of all uphill struggles, trying to break the two-party duopoly in Canada,” admits Dominic Cardy, newly crowned leader of the Canadian Future Party. The new party aims to occupy what it sees as the middle ground in Canadian politics, between Justin Trudeau’s Liberals and Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives. Energized by the party’s recent and inaugural national convention in Ottawa attended by 112 enthusiastic souls, and excited to be bringing a brand-new political party to voters in a much-anticipated federal election, Dominic is pitching the Canadian Future Party as a political home for moderate centrist Canadians exhausted by polarized politics. I am skeptical, of the need for the party, of its strategy and of their chances. “It’s the mushy middle, Dominic,” I tell him. “Didn’t the U.S. election teach you anything? Searching for the middle ground in politics is a fool’s errand.” In Alberta, I remind him, proponents of the Alberta Party, a centrist provincial party — likewise appealing to voters weary of angry, divisive politics — couldn’t gain a firm toehold, even with star candidates. At 54, Dominic is no fool. He’s whipped up a lot of political change, most notably, bringing the NDP back to life in New Brunswick a decade ago, even recruiting a slate of NDP candidates that included several prominent former Conservatives and Liberal politicians. In 2017, Dominic turned his back on the NDP to join Blaine Higgs’s PCs, as chief of staff and ultimately as an MLA and minister, successfully running as a PC candidate in New Brunswick’s 2018 and 2020 provincial elections. In 2022, Dominic resigned as Higgs’s minister of education and early childhood education, and was kicked out of the PC caucus. He didn’t run in the October 2024 New Brunswick election that Higgs lost to Susan Holt’s Liberals. He doesn’t take credit for Higgs’s loss: “People in New Brunswick take credit for that,” he shrugs, “I realized that change needed to happen earlier than some folks.” People have labelled Dominic a malcontent, but I’d call him principled. It’s no easy thing to sit as an independent (I know from experience) and when you track this guy’s choices — supporting the proposed Energy East pipeline and opposing the Leap Manifesto and its ban on hydrocarbons as a card-carrying New Democrat; spearheading the removal of the Confucius Institute from New Brunswick’s schools as the Tory education minister; getting arrested for disturbing the peace in Toronto this July for chanting “Free Palestine from Hamas” at an anti-Israel protest — there’s a pattern of risk-taking that’s not typical of political actors. When we meet on Zoom, Dominic is cooling his heels at a hotel in Toronto, disgruntled that Air Canada has cancelled his scheduled flight home to New Brunswick. As leader of the Canadian Future Party, he must decide where to run. “I’ve got good recognition in Atlantic Canada,” he shares, “and a good base there. The problem is that if you’re Canadian and live anywhere outside of the centre of the country, as you know, Air Canada is not your friend.” All to mean, he plans to run in either Fredericton or Ottawa. The timing of the next federal election is the subject of much speculation, by party insiders and talking heads. For a new party, this timing is pivotal; riding associations have yet to be set up and candidates vetted. Dominic says he’s asked his party to be ready for an election from March 2025 onwards. “We’ve got to be ready to build a machine to see what happens if lightning strikes and the power turns on,” Dominic declares. “Ultimately, if Canadians want this party, and if we have good candidates, and we have the chance to send a team to Ottawa, then I want those folks to be ready to hit the ground running.” It’s an ambitious plan, for a brand new party. I ask him: Has the failure of the Democrats in the U.S. hardened Trudeau’s resolve to stay put? “It wouldn’t surprise me,” Dominic responds, “I mean, he is, if nothing else, the Joe Biden of Canada, and I do not mean that particularly as a compliment.” Dominic’s even more scathing of the NDP leader: “I don’t know how Mr. Singh is able to persist in his job after the humiliation of doing the big divorce announcement, and then announcing, ‘We might be divorced, but we’re still going to sleep together,’” he chuckles. “I would guess the NDP would like to reassert some vague form of autonomy,” he speculates, “given the position they’ve put themselves in, and perhaps we go for one (an election) in the spring.” Dressed in a black suit jacket and black, collarless shirt, blonde stubble on his chin, Dominic projects a faintly clerical vibe. But he’s not preachy. I ask about the pin on his lapel, bearing the flags of Canada and Ukraine. “When the war started,” he says, “I took off my MLA pin and put on a Ukraine pin and said I’d wear it every day until the war was ended. It’s been on for three years nearly...so hopefully not much longer.” Dominic’s travelled to Ukraine, a couple of times, he says, and adds, “New Brunswick was the only province that gave money directly to the Ukrainian armed forces.” He was the cabinet minister who brought that proposal forward. Dominic’s career has been defined by that kind of gesture. He argues voters are looking for a bold kind of middle. “The key, to me, for the new party success ... is for us not to be mushy,” Dominic asserts. “I’m talking about a party that is extremely aggressive and hard-edged. When I talked about the Israel-Palestinian conflict, I’m not sitting here talking about arguing back and forth about UN resolutions. I went out and got arrested in the streets of Toronto saying it is unacceptable for a terrorist organization to be able to rally freely while people espousing the official position of the government of Canada are arrested.” And yet, what the Canadian Future Party is selling is arguably stability — perhaps even a throwback. “Success is, five and then 10 years down the road, my country’s still looking somewhat like it did, say, in 2014 or ’15,” Dominic asserts. “A liberal, open, democratic society with rights protected despite the fact the world has become ever more chaotic and difficult and dangerous.” Dominic says he’s a realist, and evidence-based; he accepts the chances of this project succeeding are small. But he believes he’s answering a clarion call for an alternative political party that is fiscally disciplined and socially liberal. A September 2024 Angus Reid poll indicated one-third of Canadians saw themselves as political “orphans.” “If people don’t want this party, they’ve got a democratic choice to say they don’t,” Dominic concludes, “and I can go and find something else to do with my time.” Our website is the place for the latest breaking news, exclusive scoops, longreads and provocative commentary. Please bookmark nationalpost.com and sign up for our newsletters here .COPT Defense Properties Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.30 (NYSE:CDP)

Ellen DeGeneres rocks new look at 66, shows off brunette hair in UK PubPHILADELPHIA — The Philadelphia Eagles were an unflappable force against a pitiful rival prone to such a pummeling. They were the pillar of dependency they’ve built themselves to be. They dismantled the Dallas Cowboys in a final score so demeaning, 41-7, that future researchers will be shocked to discover the backup quarterbacks played. They secured their second division title in three seasons, officially restoring their pursuit of the Super Bowl that’s eluded this regime of coaches and players, a team that’s weighing its records and trinkets against an ultimate trophy. Advertisement Saquon Barkley sat with his NFC East Champions hat backward and askew. He wasn’t wearing the T-shirt that came with it. “I didn’t even know that was a thing, to be honest,” the running back said of the swag. It certainly wasn’t a thing during the six years he spent with the New York Giants, a miserable team that may only avoid the indignity of experiencing Barkley breaking Eric Dickerson’s NFL single-season rushing record because next week’s regular season finale has been rendered meaningless. The Eagles are the NFC’s No. 2 seed in the playoffs. The Minnesota Vikings beating the Green Bay Packers eliminated any shot the Eagles had at a wild card-round bye and home-field advantage against any opponent. In a sense, that certainty supplies those inside the NovaCare Complex an opportunity at a quasi-bye. Nick Sirianni, who’s won his second division title in his fourth season as head coach, can rest a roster that’s somewhat battered. Jalen Hurts, who missed Sunday’s game in concussion protocol, doesn’t have to rush back. Barkley, whose 314 carries embody the bulk of a historic load, can take a well-deserved breather. A string of other starters can recover. Such a decision wouldn’t diminish this team’s resonance in history. Statistics verify greatness seen with gaping eyes. Barkley has accumulated 2,005 yards rushing by leaping over a defender backward , by rampaging the Rams with two 70-yard scores , by out-dueling Derrick Henry in a battle of contenders with a retro billing . Barkley already holds the Eagles’ single-season rushing record. He’d need 101 yards against the Giants to surpass Dickerson, a status that’s mostly important because our memories are futile and our arguments fickle. There will still be those, perhaps Dickerson himself, who’d point out Dickerson rushed for 2,105 yards in one fewer game. There will be Philly fans who’d never forgive Sirianni if anything unfortunate happened to the team’s MVP candidate in a completely avoidable setting. Barkley said, “it’s up to Nick.” Sirianni said, “I’ll think about it tonight at some point.” The intimation: if there’s not a No. 1 seed to play for, Barkley ain’t playing. “I came here to do something special,” said Barkley, who, with 167 yards, fielded his 11th 100-yard game of the season. “Obviously, breaking a record is special. But I want to be part of — I want a banner up there. I think we all do.” Saquon Barkley is just the 9th player in NFL history to reach 2,000+ rushing yards!!️ @saquon | #FlyEaglesFly pic.twitter.com/3o7SCoMWO0 — Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) December 29, 2024 No, as nearly everyone in the Eagles locker room on Sunday said, their goals are so much bigger. Send in the backups in Week 18. Send in the special team role players. Send in security chief Dom DiSandro if possible. It’s still probable that such a squad can still stifle the Giants, who, at 3-13, shouldn’t be assembling any further plans to diminish their draft stock. Let a young Eagles team once again demonstrate why its depth is so valuable. Let Kenny Pickett start a second time after seizing a 24-7 lead in relief of Hurts. Let Pickett, a New Jersey native who grew up an Eagles fan, gain more experience after getting knocked out of the game with a rib injury in the third quarter. Or let Tanner McKee build on an NFL debut in which the 2023 sixth-round pick completed 3-of-4 passes for 54 yards and two touchdowns. Advertisement Hell, let McKee take his shot at a second game ball for his living room. A.J. Brown nearly lost McKee’s first by chucking the quarterback’s first-ever touchdown ball deep into the stands after a 20-yard, back-shoulder strike. Brown grinned at the mistake. He hadn’t thought about the ball’s significance until Sirianni told him on the sideline. “I felt so bad,” Brown said. With the help of DiSandro, and the willingness of the good-spirited fan who caught the ball, Brown retrieved it for McKee by exchanging his game-worn (and autographed) jersey with the fan after the game. “We’ve got great fans here,” Brown said. Lincoln Financial Field echoed “M-V-P” chants in the third quarter, when Barkley, on a 23-yard run, became the ninth running back in NFL history to surpass 2,000 yards. Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run” blared from the stadium speakers. Each member of the offensive line embraced Barkley. So did Tyler Steen, a backup guard, like several backups on Sunday, fulfilled a key role in unbalanced formations that supplied another Barkley 23-yard run earlier in the third quarter Sirianni got emotional at the podium talking about the team’s depth players. Pickett. McKee. Steen. Oren Burks led the team with eight tackles after starting “Mike” linebacker Nakobe Dean was ruled inactive with an abdominal injury. Fifth-round rookie Jeremiah Trotter Jr. logged a half-sack. Third-round rookie Jalyx Hunt platooned significantly at edge rusher after Bryce Huff, returning from wrist surgery, exited the game with a shoulder injury. Veteran safety Avonte Maddox contributed to a second-half shutout while replacing both C.J. Gardner-Johnson and Reed Blankenship in different stages of the game — a backup role Maddox embraced after backup cornerback Isaiah Rodgers usurped his role in Dime packages that were again deployed on Sunday. “We deep,” said Milton Williams, who starts and rotates often along the defensive line. “We got guys that’s hungry, playing with a chip on their shoulder. We know what we can do.” Advertisement “I think we do have an unbelievable team,” McKee said. “Guys obviously know that it is a next-man-up mentality. Everybody has each other’s back. When I heard, ‘Hey, I’m going in,’ all those guys had a ton of confidence in me. I know we have a ton of confidence in all the other guys that are second-, third-string, whatever it is that when they get out there and when they get called on, they’re going to go out and make a play. And it’s just going to keep rolling.” GO DEEPER Eagles clinch NFC East, Barkley hits 2K yards in win vs. Cowboys: Takeaways The Eagles embody the confidence, identity and swagger they spent the offseason pursuing. They spent the last few months of last season wondering where it all went. It’s partly why general manager Howie Roseman signed Gardner-Johnson to a three-year, $27 million contract. Foremost, the 27-year-old forces the turnovers last year’s system failed to frequently produce. Gardner-Johnson intercepted Cowboys quarterback Cooper Rush twice on Sunday. On the first possession of the game, Gardner-Johnson snagged a deep pass up the left seam and house it for a 69-yard pick-six. Gardner-Johnson’s six interceptions in 2024 are now tied for the career-high he set in his last stint with the Eagles, a 2022 campaign that ended in Super Bowl LVII. Only five other teams have forced more turnovers than the Eagles (25). They scored 24 points off four Cowboys turnovers. Zack Baun and Nolan Smith both forced fumbles. Gardner-Johnson’s play redeemed his ejection after two unsportsmanlike penalties last week when the Eagles blew a two-score lead to the Washington Commanders. It’s a persona the defense must learn to contain. Backup safety Sydney Brown was ejected after throwing Cowboys cornerback Troy Pride to the ground near the tunnel. Pride and wide receiver Jalen Brooks were also tossed for their involvement in the scuffle that boiled over. “I think it was a learning lesson,” Gardner-Johnson said of his ejection. “I’ve got to grow the hell up.” Maturation is arriving when the Eagles need it most. They’ve distanced themselves from worse teams. DeVonta Smith logged six catches for 120 yards and two touchdowns, often roasting a mismatch with Andrew Booth, the eighth-string cornerback for the Cowboys who’d been signed from the practice squad last week. They’ll close out 2024 against an organization nearing rock bottom. They’re aware of the more consequential factors beyond their division title that’s on their T-shirts. “It’s cool,” Barkley said. “I’m not going to downplay it. But, at the end of the day, you know, you’re not going to be remembered for being the 2024 NFC East Division champs. ... I’m happy to be a part of it, and we did it as a team. But we all know what the goal is.” (Top photo of Saquon Barkley: Bill Streicher / Imagn Images)

Share Tweet Share Share Email Out of the over 358,000 house fires in the USA every year, almost all started small and were controllable. However, due to the absence of adequate fire safety products, some of these fires escalated into something bigger. Whether from an unattended kitchen stove, faulty electrical wiring, or a spark in a crowded office, fires can ignite unexpectedly, leaving little time to react. Many Fire Departments and FireFighters have recommended a couple of fire safety products to help homeowners tackle fire while it is still small. Top on the list of the tools approved is the Prepared Hero Fire Blankets! The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is currently one of the hottest gadgets in home safety. It’s a vital device that can save your home from disaster. These fire blankets offer a quick and effective means to smother flames with ease. Just pull the tabs to quickly deploy the fire blanket. What Is a Prepared Hero Fire Blanket? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is a smart and simple fire extinguishing fabric for stopping small fires before they become life-threatening disasters. Every prepared hero fire blanket review says it brings security, preparedness, and peace of mind to your home without breaking the bank. Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is affordable, effective, and incredibly easy to store, representing the ultimate in home fire safety solutions. Think of it as your first line of defense in fire emergencies. It is quick, effective, and mess-free. Made from 100% high-quality flame-retardant material, Prepared hero fire blanket is built with two layers of tough woven fiberglass fabric and an inner fire-retardant film. Its sturdy design allows it to quickly smother fires, leaving no mess behind, unlike traditional fire extinguishers. It’s perfect for tackling liquid or grease fires, as well as other types of small blazes, making it a reliable tool for home or outdoor safety. The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket also doubles as a thermal or heat shield, providing additional protection during critical moments. It can isolate temperatures as high as 1076°F (580°C), giving you quick protection when faced with sudden emergencies. All reviewers say that Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is compact and versatile and a must-have for your kitchen, backyard, or even your vehicle’s survival kit. Whether you’re cooking, grilling, or traveling, having a Prepared Hero Fire Blanket nearby ensures you’re ready to handle unexpected fire hazards safely and efficiently. CLICK HERE TO BUY YOUR PREPARED HERO FIRE BLANKET FROM THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE AT MASSIVE DISCOUNT TODAY What Are the Features of the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) Made from 100% Quality Flame Retardant Material: This fire blanket is crafted from premium flame-retardant material which ensures it can effectively smother fires by cutting off oxygen. The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is built to perform when you need it most. Lightweight & Durable Construction: Despite its sturdy design, the blanket is lightweight and easy to handle. This makes it convenient for anyone, regardless of age or strength, to use in an emergency. Its durability also ensures it holds up well over time, even after multiple uses. Works on Different Types of Fires : Whether it’s a grease fire in the kitchen, a liquid fire outdoors, or a small electrical fire, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket has got you covered. Its versatility makes it a reliable tool for various fire hazards. Functions as a Thermal or Heat Shield: Besides extinguishing flames, it can be used as a protective shield to guard against intense heat, offering an added layer of safety during critical moments. It can withstand temperatures up to 1076°F (580°C), providing reliable protection even in the most intense situations. No Mess Solution: Unlike fire extinguishers that leave powder or foam behind, this fire blanket doesn’t create any mess. After use, there’s no need to worry about cleaning up residue. Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is a convenient fire safety tool trusted by many. Composed of Two Layers of Woven Fiberglass Fabric: The double-layer fiberglass construction enhances its fire-resistant properties, making it tough enough to handle high temperatures while maintaining flexibility. Easy Pull System: The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is designed with an easy-pull system, allowing you to deploy it quickly in emergencies. Simply grab and pull; it’s that straightforward. Does Not Contain Any PFOAs: The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is optimized for safety. This blanket is free from harmful chemicals like PFOAs. It’s safe for use around people, pets, and the environment. How Does Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Work? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket works by smothering fires and cutting off their oxygen supply, which is essential for flames to keep burning. When a fire starts, you simply pull the blanket out of its pouch and place it over the flames. The material, made of woven fiberglass with a fire-retardant film, is designed to withstand high temperatures, allowing it to quickly extinguish small fires like grease, liquid, or electrical fires. There’s no need for sprays or chemicals—just cover the fire, and the blanket does the rest. It’s incredibly easy to use, so even kids or elderly family members can handle it in an emergency. Once the fire is out, there’s no mess to clean up, unlike traditional fire extinguishers. The blanket is also reusable as long as it remains in good condition, making it a reliable and long-lasting safety tool for your kitchen, vehicle, or outdoor gear. How to Use Your Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Grab the tabs on the pouch and pull the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket out. The easy-pull design ensures you can access it fast during emergencies. Hold the blanket by its corners to protect your hands, then gently place it over the fire. Make sure the flames are fully covered to cut off their oxygen supply. Once the fire is extinguished, turn off any heat source (like a stove) to prevent re-ignition. Let the area cool down before safely removing the blanket. Is Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Better Than the Competition? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket stands out from the competition because it doesn’t just douse flames; it ensures peace of mind. It’s compact, easy to use, and crucially effective in emergencies. Unlike bulky alternatives, this blanket is easy to handle, making it perfect for quick action during emergencies. It effectively suppresses various types of fires, including liquid and grease fires, which are common in kitchens and outdoor cooking areas. Additionally, it doubles as a thermal or heat shield, providing an extra layer of protection in critical situations, a feature many competitors lack. Another key advantage is its easy pull system. The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is designed for simplicity and speed—just pull the tabs to release it from its case. This system ensures that even in moments of panic, anyone, including children or the elderly, can deploy it with ease. Lastly, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket leaves no messy cleanup. Unlike fire extinguishers that leave behind heavy powders or toxic chemicals, this blanket smothers flames without creating a mess. This means you can focus on safety without worrying about tedious or hazardous cleanups afterward. What Are The Benefits Of Prepared Hero Fire Blankets? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) Stops Fire Fast While It Is Still Small: T he Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is designed to extinguish fires at their early stages, preventing them from escalating into dangerous situations. By cutting off oxygen to the flames, it smothers fires quickly and efficiently, minimizing damage and risk. Essential Kitchen & Outdoor Gear: Whether you’re cooking in the kitchen, grilling in the backyard, or camping in the great outdoors, this fire blanket is a must-have. It provides peace of mind by ensuring you’re prepared for unexpected fire hazards in these high-risk areas. Even Kids and the Elderly Can Use It: Its straightforward design means anyone can use it in an emergency. Simply pull the tabs, cover the fire, and let the blanket do the rest. No training or technical knowledge is required, making it ideal for households with children and seniors. Works On Most Types of Fire : The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is effective against a variety of fire types, including grease, liquid, and small electrical fires. Its versatility ensures you’re equipped to handle different fire emergencies with one reliable tool. Never Expires (As Long as the Blanket is in Good Condition): Unlike fire extinguishers that require regular maintenance and refills, this fire blanket doesn’t have an expiration date. As long as it remains in good condition, you can count on it to perform whenever needed, saving you the hassle and cost of replacements. Fire Departments and Fire Fighters Approved: In addition to other fire safety measures, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is approved by expert firefighters as a reliable fire safety tool for homes and workplaces. In addition to extinguishing fires, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket can be deployed as a thermal shield, protecting you from high heat during emergencies. Compact and Easy to Store: The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is compact and space-saving, making it easy to store in kitchens, vehicles, or emergency kits. Its accessibility ensures you can grab it quickly when needed. No Costly Maintenance or Recharging : The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is an affordable and cost-effective fire safety tool. With its current bundle deal offering 51% off, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is now very affordable for families to stock up and ensure safety across multiple locations, like homes, offices, and vehicles. CLICK HERE TO BUY YOUR PREPARED HERO FIRE BLANKET FROM THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE AT MASSIVE DISCOUNT TODAY Why Should I Buy a Prepared Hero Fire Blanket? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket offers rapid fire suppression by swiftly to smother fires, offering immediate safety with its fast-deploying design, making it a must-have in every home and vehicle. During a fire outbreak, the average response time of fire departments is at least 4 minutes. However, statistics show that within 3 minutes of a fire breaking out in modern homes, the entire room could be engulfed in flames. With the intense smoke and toxic fumes from burning plastics, breathing in even just two breaths can lead to unconsciousness. The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is designed to tackle fires in their early stages, stopping them before they escalate into a disaster. It’s an affordable and simple solution that can save lives. All reviews agree that Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is built to handle a variety of fire types, including grease and liquid fires, and can be easily deployed in the heat of the moment. It provides a quick, reliable way to extinguish small flames, ensuring your home and loved ones are protected. Its design eliminates the need for toxic chemicals or messy cleanup, making it not only effective but also environmentally friendly. With its growing popularity and proven effectiveness, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is a crucial addition to every home’s safety toolkit. Is Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Any Good? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) Yes, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is definitely a great investment for home safety! With over 610,000 satisfied customers, Prepared Hero Fire Blanket has an impressive average rating of 4.89 out of 5 stars, it’s clear that people trust Prepared Hero Fire Blanket. Many fire departments and firefighters also approve of it, further validating its effectiveness. One of the standout features of the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is that it doesn’t expire, as long as it remains in good condition. Unlike fire extinguishers, which require costly maintenance or recharging, this blanket is simple to maintain and often reusable. If it hasn’t been damaged after use, all you need to do is wipe it off and fold it back into its pouch, making it a hassle-free addition to your home safety routine. The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, giving you peace of mind with your purchase. If for any reason you’re not satisfied, you can return it, no questions asked. This customer-friendly policy, combined with its reliability and ease of use, makes it a smart choice for anyone looking to enhance their home safety without breaking the bank. Whether you’re dealing with small kitchen fires or outdoor hazards, this fire blanket is a dependable tool that’s both easy to use and cost-effective. Who Needs Prepared Hero Fire Blanket? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is a must-have for anyone looking to increase their safety at home. Homeowners, in particular, can benefit from having this fire blanket on hand, especially in the kitchen where grease fires or stove-top accidents are common. With the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket’s ability to quickly smother small flames, it can prevent a disaster from happening in those crucial first moments when a fire starts. Whether you’re cooking dinner or hosting a barbecue in the backyard, having a Prepared Hero Fire Blanket nearby ensures you’re prepared for unexpected fire hazards. Renters can also benefit from the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket. Many people living in rental properties might not have the luxury of installing traditional fire safety equipment like fire extinguishers. However, the compact and easy-to-use fire blanket offers an affordable alternative that can be stored in a kitchen drawer, under the sink, or even in your vehicle. It’s a great solution for anyone living in small spaces or on a budget who still wants to be prepared for emergencies. Finally, parents and families can have peace of mind knowing that the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is simple enough for anyone to use, including kids and the elderly. In the case of an emergency, even those who may not be as strong or quick in a stressful situation can easily deploy the blanket. Its easy-pull tabs and straightforward deployment make it a perfect addition to households with children or seniors, offering protection for all ages. This fire blanket is an easy, reliable tool for any household. CLICK HERE TO BUY YOUR PREPARED HERO FIRE BLANKET FROM THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE AT MASSIVE DISCOUNT TODAY Pros – (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is lightweight and easy to handle. It’s made from high-quality, flame-retardant materials. It’s effective at smothering a variety of fires, including grease and liquid fires. It doubles as a thermal heat shield for added protection. The blanket is simple to use, even for kids and the elderly. It leaves no messy residue after use, unlike fire extinguishers. There’s no need for expensive maintenance or recharging. The blanket has a long shelf life and doesn’t expire as long as it’s in good condition. It’s compact and easy to store in various locations, including kitchens and vehicles. The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. It’s affordable and offers great value with a 51% discount on purchases. CONS (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) Available only on the official website. The Special discounts might end anytime soon. May not replace traditional fire extinguishers in every situation. Supply is highly limited due to increased demand during this season. The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket may not be suitable for large, out-of-control fires. How Much Does It Cost? Buy one Prepared Hero Fire Blanket for $29.99 + $4.99 S&H. Buy 2x Prepared Hero Fire Blanket = $24.99/each. + $4.99 S&H. Orig: $34.99. Buy 4x Prepared Hero Fire Blanket = $19.99/each. Orig: $34.99 + FREE SHIPPING! Buy 8x Prepared Hero Fire Blanket = $17.99/each. Orig: $34.99 + FREE SHIPPING! Buy 12x Prepared Hero Fire Blanket = $16.99/each. Orig: $34.99 + FREE SHIPPING! Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews) Can I use it on any type of fire? The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket can successfully put out any source of fire that is smaller than the blanket itself. This includes electric fires, grease fires, and more. Where should I store my fire blanket? Can I hang it? The best place to store your Fire Blanket by Prepared Hero is in high-danger areas. This could be in your kitchen or heavily trafficked areas of the home, garage, vehicle, RV, or camper. We recommend hanging them in cabinets so that it’s ready for use in an instant. Can I reuse the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket? Yes! So long as the fire blanket isn’t damaged, it can be reused. There can’t be any holes or damaged materials. If it’s just soot then it can be wiped off and reused. Is there an expiration date? There is no expiration date. The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket never requires costly maintenance or recharging. As long as the blanket is in good condition, it will not expire. Are they approved in America? Yes, they are commonly recommended by fire departments and emergency services. This product is CE HS&E certified and meets EN-1869:1997 standards. Is there PFOA in this? The Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is woven out of fiberglass and does not contain any PFOA. What Are People Saying About Prepared Hero Fire Blankets? (Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Review) Lonna | Verified Purchase— After seeing the video of how these worked, I thought it would be a great gift to give to my adult kids to have in their own homes. You never know when something like a fire in the kitchen, etc. can happen so why not have these handy for that “Just in Case” time? Hopefully, nobody will ever have to experience a home fire but I thought why not have something like this?? If it works then Great! My oldest son and daughter-in-law have little kids and this is something they can keep in their kitchen in case of an emergency. I also gave one to my daughter and her husband for their new home along with one to my youngest son and his girlfriend for their apartments! For such a good price I like to feel that it will give them a bit of protection if ever needed. Sonya Etchemendy | Verified Purchase— I recently checked the gauges on my old fire extinguishers. Some, I couldn’t even pick up because of the weight. I’m 72 years old and needed a proactive way to prepare for a fire, God forbid. This ad for the cloth method of putting out any type of fire caught my eye. Perfect for any home to be prepared and it can be used at any age. I purchased mine and even purchased extras for my cooking areas and even have one in my car. Best part? This is a perfect housewarming gift! Perfect! Susan McCloud | Verified Purchase— DO NOT SKIP THESE! It quite literally saved our home from going up in flames! My son was frying bacon and let it get too hot, the grease burst into a fire so quickly. I’m glad I taught him how to use the fire blanket, he was able to put it out before it got out of control! Every home needs this. Donny G | Verified Purchase— I bought these to give out as gifts. I kept one for myself and gave the rest to friends and family. Something, I hope they never have to use. But, will come in handy if you ever do need to use it. Note: The Quality of the Product is Much Better than Expected. It makes the perfect gift! I am Happy with my Purchase. Better to be Prepared, you just never know. Final Words – Prepared Hero Fire Blanket Reviews In conclusion, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is a highly effective and easy-to-use safety tool for small fires, making it a valuable addition to any home. Its lightweight design, flame-retardant material, and effectiveness with different fire types make it one of the most reliable fire safety tools in the market today. The blanket’s compact size makes it easy to store in key areas like the kitchen, garage, or car, ensuring you’re always prepared for a potential fire hazard. However, it’s important to note that the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket may not be suitable for large, out-of-control fires, which require more advanced firefighting tools. Additionally, while it’s designed for small fires, it doesn’t replace traditional fire extinguishers for all fire types. Nonetheless, with its affordability, ease of use, and added safety benefits, the Prepared Hero Fire Blanket is a wise investment for most households looking for an extra layer of protection. CLICK HERE TO BUY YOUR PREPARED HERO FIRE BLANKET FROM THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE AT MASSIVE DISCOUNT TODAY Related Items: Exposed , Prepared Share Tweet Share Share Email Recommended for you Exposed: The Complete Narrative of Fxcm.com.se CommentsFollowing the death of former president Jimmy Carter on Sunday, Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank released a statement expressing his heartfelt condolences to the Carter family. Blank called Carter a friend and role model. “I am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend and role model, President Jimmy Carter,” Blank wrote. “He was a great American, a proud Georgian and an inspirational global humanitarian. “He lived his life with great civic responsibility and took it upon himself to be the change he wished to see amongst others. On behalf of my family and our family of businesses, we send a heartfelt message of condolence to his loved ones.” Carter, who won the 1976 presidential election, entered home hospice care in Plains, Georgia in February 2023 after a series of hospital stays. In October, Carter celebrated his 100th birthday. His grandson, Jason Carter, spoke out at the time about the blessing living so long was. “Not everybody gets 100 years on this earth, and when somebody does, and when they use that time to do so much good for so many people, it’s worth celebrating,” Jason Carter, chair of The Carter Center governing board, said in an interview, per the Associated Press . “These last few months, 19 months, now that he’s been in hospice, it’s been a chance for our family to reflect and then for the rest of the country and the world to really reflect on him. That’s been a really gratifying time.” Blank also heaped praise on president Carter for the man he was. “President Carter’s kind and uniting spirit touched so many lives,” Blank’s statement read. “He was a man of deep faith, and did everything with principal and grace, doing things the right way for the right reasons. “We first met at The Home Depot, and I will remember him as an enthusiastic do-it-yourselfer who was willing to roll up his own sleeves to build homes for others. He was also an avid sports fan of our Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta United teams.” But where Blank was the most thankful was for Carter’s service to his country, in numerous ways, including in political office. “But mostly, I will remember President Carter as my friend, a guiding light and someone who served humanity day in and day out – a quality he exhibited daily throughout his remarkable life. We will be forever indebted to President Carter for his honorable service as a Navy officer, his tireless diplomatic efforts, his dedicated philanthropic work, and his caring leadership as Georgia’s governor and then as leader of the free world. “I join with the city of Atlanta, the state of Georgia, and a grieving nation in mourning the loss of one of the world’s most compassionate souls. I will miss him dearly.” This article first appeared on 5 GOATs and was syndicated with permission.

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Senate begins final push to expand Social Security benefits for millions of people WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate is pushing toward a vote on legislation that would provide full Social Security benefits to millions of people. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer began the process on Thursday for a final vote on the bill, known as the Social Security Fairness Act. It would eliminate policies that currently limit Social Security payouts for roughly 2.8 million people. The legislation has passed the House. The bill would add more strain on the Social Security Trust funds, which are already estimated to be unable to pay out full benefits beginning in 2035. The measure would add an estimated $195 billion to federal deficits over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Trump offers support for dockworkers union by saying ports shouldn't install more automated systems WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump is offering his support for the dockworkers union before their contract expires next month at Eastern and Gulf Coast ports. He posted on social media Thursday that he met with union leaders and that any further “automation” of the ports would harm workers. He wrote that the “amount of money saved is nowhere near the distress, hurt, and harm it causes for American Workers.” The International Longshoremen’s Association has until Jan. 15 to negotiate a new contract with the U.S. Maritime Alliance, which represents ports and shipping companies. The Maritime Alliance says the technology will improve worker safety and strengthen our supply chains, among other things. 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OpenAI's legal battle with Elon Musk reveals internal turmoil over avoiding AI 'dictatorship' A 7-year-old rivalry between tech leaders Elon Musk and Sam Altman over who should run OpenAI and best avoid an artificial intelligence ‘dictatorship’ is now heading to a federal judge as Musk seeks to halt the ChatGPT maker’s ongoing conversion into a for-profit company. Musk, an early OpenAI investor and board member, sued the artificial intelligence company earlier this year. Musk has since escalated the dispute, adding new claims and asking for a court order that would stop OpenAI’s plans to convert itself into a for-profit business more fully. OpenAI is filing its response Friday. OpenAI's Altman will donate $1 million to Trump's inaugural fund LOS ANGELES (AP) — OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is planning to make a $1 million personal donation to President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration fund, joining a number of tech companies and executives who are working to improve their relationships the incoming administration. A spokesperson for OpenAI confirmed the move on Friday. The announcement comes one day after Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, said it donated $1 million to the same fund. Amazon also said it plans to donate $1 million. China signals it's prepared to double down on support for the economy as Trump tariffs loom BANGKOK (AP) — Chinese leaders met this week to plot economic policy for the coming year and sketched out plans to raise government spending and relax Beijing's monetary policy. Analysts said the broad-brush plans from the annual Central Economic Work Conference were more of a recap of current policy than ambitious new initiatives at a time when the outlook is clouded by the President-elect Donald Trump's threats to sharply raise tariffs once he takes office. The ruling Communist Party did commit to raising China's deficit and to doing more to encourage consumer spending by bringing wage increases in line with the pace of economic growth. Here's a look at China's main priorities and their potential implications. Stock market today: Wall Street slips at the end of a bumpy week Stocks slipped as Wall Street closes out a rare bumpy week. The S&P 500 was up less than 0.1% in afternoon trading Friday and headed for a weekly loss. The benchmark index hit its latest in a string of records a week ago. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 58 points. The Nasdaq composite was up 0.1%. Broadcom surged after the semiconductor company beat Wall Street’s profit targets and gave a glowing forecast, highlighting its artificial intelligence products. Treasury yields edged higher in the bond market. European markets were mostly lower and Asian markets mostly fell. Next Week: Retail sales, Fed policy update, existing home sales The Commerce Department releases its monthly snapshot of U.S. retail sales Tuesday. Federal Reserve officials wrap up a two-day meeting and issue an interest rate policy update Wednesday. The National Association of Realtors issues its latest update on U.S. home sales Thursday.

SET lacks catalysts until year-endHOUSTON, Dec. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Talen Energy Corporation (“Talen” or the “Company”) ( NASDAQ: TLN ) announced today that the Company has closed on its previously announced $850 million incremental Term Loan B credit facility (the “Financing”) and the repurchase (the “Repurchase”) of an equivalent value of shares of Talen’s outstanding Talen common stock, par value $0.001 per share (“Common Stock”) from affiliates of Rubric Capital Management LP (collectively, “Rubric”). The Company previously announced it would use the proceeds from the Financing to repurchase an equivalent value of shares of Common Stock held by Rubric. Upon the successful upsizing of the Financing from $600 million to $850 million, the Company determined it would use cash on hand to further increase the value of the Repurchase from $850 million to $1 billion in aggregate purchase price. Shares repurchased using the proceeds from the Financing are incremental to the Company’s previously announced share repurchase program. The additional shares repurchased with $150 million of cash on hand utilized capacity under the existing share repurchase program, leaving approximately $1.08 billion of remaining capacity available under the program through 2026. “Demonstrating our commitment to shareholder returns, we have now repurchased more than 20% of our outstanding Common Stock in the past year and, through these repurchases, have bought back nearly 75% of our market capitalization as of our emergence from bankruptcy in May 2023,” said Mac McFarland, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We will continue to deliver value to all our stakeholders, including Rubric, which remains a valued and substantial owner of Talen stock.” The Repurchase was priced at a 4% discount to a 15-day VWAP prior to the closing of the Repurchase, resulting in the repurchase of 4,893,507 total shares at a price of $204.35 per share. Following the Repurchase, 45,961,910 shares of the Company’s Common Stock remain outstanding. This press release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any state or jurisdiction in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. About Talen Talen Energy ( NASDAQ: TLN ) is a leading independent power producer and energy infrastructure company dedicated to powering the future. We own and operate approximately 10.7 gigawatts of power infrastructure in the United States, including 2.2 gigawatts of nuclear power and a significant dispatchable fossil fleet. We produce and sell electricity, capacity, and ancillary services into wholesale U.S. power markets, with our generation fleet principally located in the Mid-Atlantic and Montana. Our team is committed to generating power safely and reliably, delivering the most value per megawatt produced and driving the energy transition. Talen is also powering the digital infrastructure revolution. We are well-positioned to capture this significant growth opportunity, as data centers serving artificial intelligence increasingly demand more reliable, clean power. Talen is headquartered in Houston, Texas. For more information, visit https://www.talenenergy.com/. Investor Relations: Ellen Liu Senior Director, Investor Relations InvestorRelations@talenenergy.com Media: Taryne Williams Director, Corporate Communications Taryne.Williams@talenenergy.com Forward-Looking Statements This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, which statements are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this communication, or incorporated by reference into this communication, are forward-looking statements. Throughout this communication, we have attempted to identify forward-looking statements by using words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecasts,” “goal,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “will,” or other forms of these words or similar words or expressions or the negative thereof, although not all forward-looking statements contain these terms. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions concerning, among other things, capital expenditures, earnings, litigation, regulatory matters, hedging, liquidity and capital resources and accounting matters. Forward-looking statements are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause our future business, financial condition, results of operations or performance to differ materially from our historical results or those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement contained in this communication. All of our forward-looking statements include assumptions underlying or relating to such statements that may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations, and are subject to numerous factors that present considerable risks and uncertainties.

The New America High Income Fund, Inc. Declares DistributionThe holidays are almost here, and upcoming Black Friday sales might have you thinking about upgrading your computer setup. Black Friday is indeed a great time to save big on higher-priced items like electronics. If you're still working or gaming from a laptop screen, it might be time to think about a first or second monitor to give you more screen space. But with so many options to choose from, selecting a monitor can seem like a daunting task. What size? What resolution? What price? Choosing just the right monitor doesn't have to be overwhelming. Dell has monitors that fit every style of user and their specific needs; here's what to consider when making your decision. For top-notch color, resolution and brightness If you're seeking the best in color, resolution and brightness, you probably want to go for the Dell UltraSharp 27 Inch 4K USB-C Hub Monitor. This high-end model offers stunning visuals that are paired with Dell's ComfortView Plus, which reduces potentially harmful blue light emissions without compromising color. On the back side, the Dell UltraSharp has a connectivity hub with ports for all of your devices. For getting the job done If you just need a simple, office workforce monitor to get the job done, the Dell 24 Monitor delivers. The seamless 24-inch display runs at a high refresh rate for smooth scrolling, and boasts vivid colors for high-contrast and crisp workflows. Quick-access USB ports also make it easy to slot this monitor into your existing work setup, and keep other devices plugged in. For seamless gaming The Alienware 32 4K QD-OLED Gaming Monitor is sure to impress even the most discerning gamer. This 32-inch screen features 4K resolution and a 240Hz refresh rate to deliver seamless action. The curved display immerses you in your virtual world, while Dolby Vision offers clear contrast between darks and brights. Plus, the adjustable stand gives you customization and a clever way to hide cables. Alienware is currently offering a 10% discount for Dell Rewards members (You can join for free if you're not already a member.) The coupon can be found under the Benefits tab of your Dell Rewards account, and is valid through November 24 and again from December 9 to January 31. For a little bit of everything, everyday Maybe you're not a work-from-home warrior, but you still want a high-quality display for entertainment or light gaming. That's where you'll want to go for the Dell 27 Inch 4K UHD Monitor . This large display offers ultra-high resolution for brilliant visual detail, and AMD FreeSync technology for a smooth gaming experience. The built-in speakers make it an easy pick for your entertainment needs, too. For a budget-friendly choice For the wallet-conscious among us, there's still an option that delivers Dell-quality visuals at a lower price point. This Dell 24 Inch Monitor clocks in at $139.99, and gives you a crisp HD image with blue light-reducing ComfortView technology. This model, which uses 85% post-consumer recyclable plastic, also includes internal speakers and essential connectivity ports. Upgrade your setup with a Dell monitor today Whether you're a remote worker, an avid gamer or use your computer for a little of everything, it's hard to go wrong with a monitor from Dell. Dell's Black Friday sale is a great time to find significant savings when you upgrade your setup. If you purchase a new monitor before December 9, Dell Rewards members receive 2X rewards. And if you're a student with a valid academic email address, you can get an extra 5% off monitors, plus 3% back in Dell Rewards. Don't wait: Check out Dell's holiday deals and upgrade your computer setup with a slick new monitor this year.Seibert misses an extra point late as the Commanders lose their 3rd in a row, 34-26 to the Cowboys

NoneWASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Sunday the 2023 debt ceiling extension agreed by then House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden will "go down as one of the dumbest political decisions made in years." Under the 2023 budget deal Congress suspended the debt ceiling until Jan. 1, 2025. The U.S. Treasury will be able to pay its bills for several months beyond that deadline, but Congress will have to address the issue, possibly around mid-year. In a post on Truth Social, Trump said, "The extension of the Debt Ceiling by a previous Speaker of the House, a good man and a friend of mine ... will go down as one of the dumbest political decisions made in years." He added, "The Democrats must be forced to take a vote on this treacherous issue NOW, during the Biden Administration, and not in June. They should be blamed for this potential disaster, not the Republicans!" Republicans, however, will control both chambers of Congress beginning on Jan. 3 and at least some of the party's lawmakers would have to go along with a debt limit increase or elimination in order for it to become law. Without the 2023 debt limit increase, the United States would have seen a historic default on its debt payments that would have roiled financial markets worldwide. A debt default would also likely have brought a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating, raising borrowing costs for businesses and individuals. At the time, several far-right Republicans in the House of Representatives had pushed for deeper federal spending cuts as a condition for raising the debt limit than what had been negotiated. About a week ago, with U.S. government discretionary funding due to expire on Dec. 20, Trump, encouraged by billionaire Elon Musk, demanded the debt limit either be eliminated or extended, possibly to 2029 when his presidency would end. That idea was tacked onto an extension of government funding into March, but it was quickly voted down by a coalition of House Democrats and hard-right Republicans, many of whom represent districts in Trump-leaning states. A government-funding bill without a debt-limit provision was then enacted into law. Next month, Republicans in the newly-elected Congress are expected to insist on deep federal spending cuts as a condition for raising the country's borrowing limit. Democrats earlier this month argued Trump's call for an immediate increase or elimination of the debt limit was motivated by his desire to make room for a new round of tax cuts that likely would lower revenues and thus add more to the debt. The national debt currently stands at about $36.1 trillion due to federal spending levels and tax cuts that have been enacted into law over several decades. (Reporting by Jasper Ward and Richard Cowan; Editing by Don Durfee and Chris Reese)

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