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This article was originally published on November 30, 2018, but the steamy scenes kept coming. With the return of Outlander for season seven, part two, we’ve updated the list to include the sex scenes from seasons four through seven, part one. Any Outlander fan worth her smelling salts will tell you, rather emphatically, that the Starz drama (and the source material upon which it is based, written by Diana Gabaldon ) is most certainly not a bodice-ripper. And, well, they’re not wrong. Outlander blends historical fiction, action, and, yes, romance to tell the story of former World War II combat nurse Claire Randall (Caitriona Balfe), an Englishwoman who inadvertently travels through time and falls in love with an 18th-century Highland warrior named Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan). And so the series is a bit of a genre-buster, luring male and female viewers in nearly equal numbers. That said, there’s no denying one of the series’ most alluring attributes is its bounty of curl-your-toes sex scenes that leave little to the imagination. (Thank you, premium cable!) And not only are these racy interludes hot (like, really hot), but they also, nearly always, embrace the female gaze. These couplings are less about some unattainable fantasy and more about two adults having an intimate moment that tells us something about them — and almost always leaves both parties satisfied. So, with Outlander ’s seventh season back for part two, Vulture took a deep (deep) dive into the series’ many sex scenes, ranking all 32 using a complicated calculus factoring intensity, duration, mutual satisfaction, and plot advancement (with that last one weighted least heavily, because let’s not kid ourselves, we all know why we’re here). All that’s left to do now is take a good, long look ... 32. Season 2, Episode 7 — “Faith” In one of the series’ most transactional (read: least arousing) sex scenes, our heroine Claire offers up her body to King Louis XV in exchange for husband Jamie’s freedom after he’s caught dueling (a big no-no in 18th-century France). “I closed my eyes and thought of England,” Claire says in voice-over as she lies back on the king’s brocade bedding, fully dressed. Louis placidly thrusts half a dozen times (at least by my count) before finishing. And with that, the pardon is granted, and Claire is so over France. 31. Season 5, Episode 9 — “Monsters and Heroes” Modern cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was introduced in 1960 by engineer William Bennet Kouwenhoven, and by 1966, training in the life-saving technique was widely available to medical professionals and laypeople alike, according to the American Red Cross . This isn’t just a random bit of Jeopardy! trivia but an important piece of context for the next scene on our list. You see, while out on a hunting expedition, Jamie is bitten by a venomous snake and falls gravely ill. So ill, in fact, that Claire is unable to find a pulse. Instead of beginning chest compressions — which she should have been familiar with as a trained surgeon who lived and worked in the future until 1968 — she rips off her nightgown, lies on top of Jamie, and begins giving him a hand job. And that act is enough to revive him! This is hands down Outlander ’s most ludicrous sex scene. 30. Season 2, Episode 2 — “Not in Scotland Anymore” After suffering unimaginable abuse at the hand of Black Jack Randall , Jamie struggles with the thought of ever being intimate with his wife again. So in an attempt to arouse her husband’s passion, Claire indulges in a French spa treatment (a.k.a. a wax), and shows off the results to Jamie. “Your honey pot is bare!” he exclaims. “I thought you’d be intrigued,” she replies. The two begin to make love, but Jamie stops abruptly as visions of Black Jack begin to appear. So instead, they simply go to sleep. It’s a heartbreaker of a scene, demonstrating just how broken a man Jamie has become. 29. Season 5, Episode 1 — “The Fiery Cross” After their hand-fasting ceremony in season four (see No. 7 on our list), Brianna and Roger officially tie the knot at what, for the time, looks like an incredibly lavish affair, with many family members and friends in attendance. And in a curious choice by producers, the couple’s first night as official man and wife is intercut with scenes of two other couples from the wedding party making love in their own quarters: Claire and Jamie, and Murtagh and Aunt Jocasta. Yeah ... it probably would have been best to let the couple of the hour do this one solo. 28. Season 3, Episode 2 — “Surrender” Dysfunctional doesn’t even begin to describe Claire and Frank’s relationship after she returns to him in the future, pregnant with another man’s 18th-century baby. Their love life, as it were, is nonexistent — a state of affairs that would be easy to write off to Claire’s burgeoning belly. But after she gives birth, Frank is less accepting of her disinterest. And so one night, as the two lie in bed, Claire attempts to make amends. “I miss my husband,” she purrs into his ear. (Whether she actually means Frank — and not Jamie — remains to be seen.) She proceeds to straddle him and peel off her nightgown. After just a few moments, however, the scene fades to black before anything particularly interesting can happen — rather metaphorical, I’d say. 27. Season 3, Episode 2 — “Surrender” I’m pairing these two Claire-Frank scenes together since one is really an extension of the other, as conditions continuing to deteriorate at the Randall home. Some time later, as Claire and Frank share a drink next to the fire, Claire again initiates sex, this time slinking out of her underwear and offering herself to Frank. He scoops her up and gently places her on the floor next to the warming blaze. “Look at me,” Frank commands as he attempts to have sex with his wife. “Claire, open your eyes!” He stops when Claire doesn’t acquiesce, accusing her of fantasizing about Jamie. “Claire, when I’m with you, I’m with you. But you’re with him,” he says. And with that final indignity, it seems that the doomed couple’s sex life is, truly, over. 26. Season 4, Episode 11 — “If Not for Hope” Meeting your grown-up time-traveling daughter for the first time — when you presumed 200 years would always separate you — requires an adjustment period, for sure, especially when you’re from two different centuries with vastly different ideas about women and their place in society. Father and daughter clash when Jamie learns that Brianna has been sexually assaulted, and his response is, shall we say, retrograde to the extreme. The situation naturally causes tension between Jamie and Claire too, as the latter has never had to pick sides between her husband and daughter before. But by hour’s end, Claire and Jamie open up about how they’re both feeling and make up the best way they know. 25. Season 6, Episode 8 — “I Am Not Alone” If your home were under siege by a mob of rifle-wielding numbskulls, what would you do? After taking up arms, Jamie and Claire’s second course of action is to find consolation in each other’s bodies. After all, it could be their final taste of freedom — and each other — for a while. And let’s just say they really go out with a bang. (Those close-up shots — wow!) 24. Season 6, Episode 4 — “Hour of the Wolf” Young Ian makes his entry onto the list, and boy this one’s a tear-jerker. We know from earlier episodes that his time with the Mohawk did not end well, and here we see the extent of it told through flashbacks. After joining the tribe, he takes a wife, Wahionhaweh (he calls her Emily), and we watch as the two join together in a softly lit moment, with wonder and awe etched across Young Ian’s face. Alas, their union — and Ian’s happiness — doesn’t last. Wahionhaweh experiences two heartrending miscarriages, and Young Ian is banished from the tribe for not being strong enough to sire a child. 23. Season 3, Episode 2 — “Surrender” Implied sex scenes are a total tease and definitely not what this list is all about. That said, this encounter between a morose Jamie and his sister’s housemaid, Mary McNab, is a meaningful one and bears including. At this point, Jamie has lived for quite some time as Lallybroch’s resident Grizzly Adams (McAdams?), taking up residence in a cave on his ancestral land, growing an unnecessarily long ginger beard, and grieving the loss of his returned-to-the-future wife. He’s become both a burden and a liability for his sister and her family, so he’s devised a plan to have himself captured by the British in order to keep them all safe. And so, the night before his scheme is to take place, Mary comes to him, proffering a basket of shaving supplies ... and her body. He’s reticent, of course, he hasn’t done this in a long time (and as far as we know, with no one other than Claire). But the two are kindred spirits, both sporting deep emotional scars, and Jamie ultimately concedes. And maybe, just maybe, that little intimacy helped him face the uncertain task before him. 22. Season 7, Episode 4 — “A Most Uncomfortable Woman” Few things will make a man want to claim his woman more than knowing another man wants to claim her too. After the crotchety old Tom Christie lands a surprise — and unwelcome — smooch on Claire, Jamie is jealous. (Though he has absolutely no reason to be, Claire assures him.) Jamie accepts Claire’s soothing words but still takes the opportunity to begin undressing his love and walking her toward their bed. Their verbal foreplay soon turns physical as the camera pans away from the couple and toward their reflection in the mirror. 21. Season 7, Episode 2 — “The Happiest Place on Earth” Sex is rarely just sex on Outlander . It can be a manifestation of joy. Of pain. Of sorrow. Or all of the above. When Brianna and Roger return to the future to seek medical care for their daughter, Mandy, Claire and Jamie are left bereft. As they lay their heads down for their first night as empty nesters, Claire reaches for Jamie to console herself. But after a few thrusts she pulls away and confides her sorrows to her husband instead. He, predictably, lends a gentle, listening ear. It’s a bittersweet scene that ends with Claire sobbing in Jamie’s arms, wishing she might one day see her family again. 20. Season 6, Episode 8 — “I Am Not Alone” After pitching a tent in the wilderness while on a road trip to Roger’s ordination, he and Brianna settle in under the canvas and proceed to get naked. It’s an intentionally awkward scene (trying to pull your shirt over your head with only a few inches clearance requires Cirque du Soleil–level contortions), but the two lean into it and deliver a pretty juicy moment, all things considered. 19. Season 1, Episode 7 — “The Wedding” They say you never forget your first time, and virginal Jamie’s is, indeed, memorable — though probably not for the reasons one would hope. After exchanging their vows, newlyweds Claire and Jamie retire to their room, both clearly nervous. They prolong the inevitable by eating and drinking (and drinking some more), getting to know each other in the process. (Remember: They’ve been acquainted for mere weeks at this point.) After a well-intentioned interruption from Angus and Rupert to see if the deed has been done, Claire is the one to finally make the first move: “It’s getting rather late. Perhaps we should go to bed?” she asks. “To bed ... or to sleep?” Jamie replies with a waggle of his eyebrows. They tentatively start to unlace, unbutton, and untie each other (so many layers!), but before they can even dispense with all of their garments, Jamie grabs Claire and whirls her around so her back is to him (like the horses do it!). She rights herself, Jamie thrusts a few times, and it’s all over. Claire’s face is twinged with a mix of disappointment and embarrassment, though she later tells Jamie she enjoyed it. Thankfully, they will have a much more satisfying go of it the second time around (later on the list). 18. Season 6, Episode 1 — “Echoes” The appearance of former prison mate Tom Christie on the Ridge has Jamie reminiscing about his time at Ardsmuir — and how though he had little hope of ever seeing Claire again, she was always with him. “I think you’re an angel, Claire,” Jamie tells her. “Would an angel do this?” Claire responds as she straddles him and begins kissing and undressing him. “Maybe I’ve died and gone to heaven,” he responds. Okay, so maybe this isn’t top-shelf dialogue, but it’s hard not to get swept away in their tenderness and clear affection for each other. As Claire later traces the scars on Jamie’s back, it’s a reminder of how much this couple has had to fight to be — and stay — together. 17. Season 4, Episode 1 — “America the Beautiful” Fresh off the boat in the new world, and Claire and Jamie have already had to contend with the death of a loyal shipmate, hung at the gallows for a crime that was ultimately a terrible misunderstanding. In their grief, Claire and Jamie come together, as few things are quite so life-affirming as sex. Camped out next to a crackling fire, they take comfort in one another. It’s a sweet scene, but hardly the series’ steamiest four seasons on. 16. Season 1, Episode 11 — “The Devil’s Mark” After nearly being burned at the pyre on charges of witchcraft, Claire finally reveals her true identity as a time-traveler to Jamie. And with that confession, Jamie knows what he must do — the next day, he will take Claire back to the stones so she can return to her own time and place. But tonight, in the untamed wilderness, he will say his good-bye. He carefully pulls up Claire’s skirt, but Jamie refuses — tonight is about Claire’s pleasure. So he uses his skilled Scottish hands, knowing it may be their very last time together. Jamie is nothing if not a giver. 15. Season 3, Episode 6 — “A. Malcolm” It’s a moment 20 years (or, like, six episodes) in the making: After decades (and also centuries) apart, Claire and Jamie reunite in 18th-century Scotland. But their reunion isn’t exactly the stuff of legend. Despite their desire for one another (“I have burned for you for so long,” Jamie says), the pair’s chemistry is a little off. See: their awkward head butt as they fall in bed together. But the urgency never falters. “Do it now and don’t be gentle!” Claire commands and things do indeed get steamy. Their second romp later that evening goes more smoothly (and produces far less bruising): This time, they lie on their sides facing each other, going slow and steady. It’s good to have them back. 14. Season 2, Episode 4 — “La Dame Blanche” After weeks of quiet desperation, Jamie finally opens up to Claire about his sexual assault by Black Jack Randall. He’s not sure he can be the man Claire needs anymore, but Claire is having none of it. They argue and retire to separate sleeping quarters for the night. But under the moon’s glow, Claire tip-toes to Jamie’s room, doffing her sleeping gown, and beckoning Jamie to “find her.” She (and her baby bump) straddles him and he’s present — present in a way he hasn’t been for months, as if Claire’s love can exorcise his demons. And, well, it seems to do just that. 13. Season 5, Episode 11 — “Journeycake” Who knew the faintest whiff of manure could be such an aphrodisiac? Claire, apparently, because even though Jamie smells of the barn, she dabs on her favorite perfume in anticipation of a hot evening. Instead, he falls asleep without touching her, eventually waking to find her at the window having a very different type of steamy moment (a hot flash!). He makes up for his earlier grievance by hoisting sweaty Claire up onto the open windowsill, sliding her nightgown up her legs, and diving in face first. It’s not the series’ best oral-sex scene (that’s still to ... come), but it’s always good to see a woman getting her pleasure. 12. Season 5, Episode 7 — “The Ballad of Roger Mac” It’s sunup on Jamie’s 50th birthday, and Claire catches her husband taking stock as they lie in bed. Everything on his person is more or less in working order. (Or as Jamie so eloquently puts it, “My cock still stands up by itself in the morning!”) Claire can see that for herself and mounts Jamie, leaning in close to deliver a breathy, Marilyn Monroe–inspired serenade of “Happy Birthday, Dear Colonel.” (This was before U.S. presidents, after all.) The cultural reference is lost on Jamie, but that doesn’t make the moment any less cheeky. 11. Season 1, Episode 7 — “The Wedding” After several attempts at making love on their wedding night — with varying degrees of success — Jamie gets out of bed and begins rifling through his belongings, finally finding what he’s looking for: his mother’s Scotch pearls. He presents the necklace to his new bride, placing it around her bare neck. She’s touched by the gift — it’s a meaningful token as its one of the last remnants Jamie has of his deceased mother — and Claire wears it proudly as she sits atop Jamie. The scene doesn’t have the same heat as their second pairing (later on this list), but it arguably has more emotional import. It’s the beginning of ... something . 10. Season 1, Episode 1 — “Sassenach” Here is Outlander ’s opening statement — the first sex act depicted in the series debut. Claire and husband Frank have embarked on a honeymoon to the Scottish Highlands in order to rekindle their romance after war. As they tour the ruins of an ancient castle (where, unbeknownst to the former combat nurse, she will later hold court as a healer in the 18th century), Claire playfully hops atop a table and begins unbuckling her garter. “Why, Mrs. Randall,” Frank says, amused. “I didn’t know you left your undergarments at home.” Claire hitches up her skirt and pushes Frank’s head down, down, down. It’s a brief scene, to be sure, but a vital one as it establishes Outlander ’s bona fides: This is a TV show in which women get as good as they give. 9. Season 2, Episode 13 — “Dragonfly in Amber” With the disastrous Battle of Culloden looming, Jamie insists that Claire and their unborn child travel through the stones back to the future where they’ll be safe — with Frank. Of course, strong-willed Claire puts up a fight, but Jamie won’t relent. “Lord, you gave me a rare woman — I loved her well,” he muses as the two say their good-byes at the foot of the stones. Knowing he will never see his bride again, Jamie takes her quickly, urgently — a lifetime’s worth of passion dispensed with in a fleeting moment or two. And as the guns fire and canons blast in the distance, Claire disappears through the stones. 8. Season 1, Episode 1 — “Sassenach” What’s the worst possible topic of conversation one could raise while on their honeymoon? After Aunt Bertha’s bunion surgery, I’d reckon it to be your wife’s completely hypothetical infidelity. Yep, Frank decides to use the occasion of the couple’s romantic getaway to inquire whether Claire ever took “comfort” in other men during their separate tours of duty. This, obviously, does not go over well with Claire — especially considering that she has been nothing but faithful to Frank up to this point — and the two have quite the row. Yet, just minutes later, they drop trou. “Sex was our bridge back to each other,” Claire explains in voice-over. And here is the series’ first full-blown sex scene, complete with naked bodies jauntily writhing. Perhaps the fight was worth it after all ... 7. Season 4, Episode 8 — “Wilmington” Brianna and Roger’s first attempt at sex didn’t go so well — he essentially slut-shamed her for agreeing to sleep with him but not agreeing to marry him. (As you can imagine, he didn’t get any that night!) Later, after following Brianna through the stones to the 18th century, she makes an about-face, agreeing to a “hand fasting” — a Highland ritual binding two people together — to give their coupling credence. Her reasoning: “How could I say no to a man who pursued me for 200 years?” With a fire crackling in the hearth of their room at the inn, the “newlyweds” begin disrobing each other and getting down to business, in what may very well be one of the series’ longest sex scenes since Claire and Jamie’s own wedding. It feels weird comparing the two, but the young lad and lass hold their own. (We won’t get into the row that occurs right after, though.) 6. Season 3, Episode 13 — “Eye of the Storm” One of two nautical naughties on this list, here we find Claire and Jamie on the high seas, attempting to chart a course back home to Scotland after rescuing Jamie’s nephew Young Ian . As Jamie grooms himself in their cabin he tells Claire that he has “given much thought about what I want to do with you when we reach dry land.” And then, well, he does it all — with narration! Now, I have no idea whether this is historically accurate (when was dirty talk even invented?), but I’ll take any anachronism this arousing. 5. Season 1, Episode 9 — “The Reckoning” There’s no clearer signal that social mores are a tad bit different in the 18th century than when Claire is spanked by husband Jamie after disobeying one of his orders. And, no, we’re not talking BDSM here. Claire receives multiple lashes to the bottom after wandering off from where Jamie told her to stay put. By episode’s end, the couple have reached an understanding — Jamie swears to never hit Claire again. But Claire wants to make sure. So as the two begin to have sex by the fire, Claire gets on top of Jamie and grabs for his dagger. She raises it to his throat — never once losing her rhythm — and warns him: “If you ever raise a hand to me again, James Fraser, I will cut your heart out and have it for breakfast. Do you understand me?” He agrees, declaring that Claire is his. While we do not condone nonconsensual knife play, it’s thrilling to see a woman stand her ground when she’s been wronged. 4. Season 1, Episode 10 — “By the Pricking of My Thumb” If you happen to be heavy-handed with the fast-forward button, you may have missed this moment all together, as producers hardly let the credits roll before throwing Claire and Jamie into bed. And at first, you may not even know what you’re seeing. It looks as though Claire is simply lying in bed sleeping. But then she begins to stir and moan and you realize something entirely different is going on. You realize what, exactly, when the camera pans down Claire’s torso and you see the flaming crown of Jamie’s head. A knock comes at the door, but Jamie will not stop, whispering “No! No! No!” And with a flourish, he finishes the job before answering the door to a sheepish Murtaugh. Anyone else sweating? 3. Season 7, Episode 7 — “A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers” Let’s be honest: The sex playlist options for Outlander have always been rather limited and provincial. ( “Do we go with the melancholy bagpipes here or the jovial ones?” ) So it’s a fun surprise when the soundtrack veers into 20th-century soft rock for an ’80-set scene. Alone in the temporary living quarters of their trailer, Roger and Brianna exchange some flirty banter before the Scotsman lifts his bride off her feet and throws her onto the mess of their mustard-yellow floral bedding — just as the beat drops in “In the Air Tonight.” Thanks to this classic Phil Collins earworm and the actors’ growing comfort with scenes such as this, dare I say this is Brianna and Roger’s hottest moment yet? 2. Season 3, Episode 11 — “Uncharted” In this fan-favorite moment from the book Voyager , a feverish Claire, drunk on turtle soup, instructs Jamie to “bolt the door” of their ship cabin. She then clumsily pushes him onto the desk. “This must be what it’s like making love in hell!” Jamie quips. As the two disrobe and begin going at it, a knock at the door heralds their shipmate Willoughby, who’s come to inquire if Claire wants seconds on the broth (alleged to be an aphrodisiac). Jamie tries to muzzle the inebriated Claire, and Willoughby finally gets the hint. It’s one of the more fun and playful sex scenes in the whole series — a welcome bit of levity from the usual bedroom dramatics. 1. Season 1, Episode 7 — “The Wedding” If there’s one thing we learn about Jamie in “The Wedding” it’s that he’s a very quick study, illustrated here by his and Claire’s second time in the sack. Where the first was hurried and fumbling, the couple take their time, prolonging the foreplay. They strip for each other, slowly sizing up the other’s body, really appreciating it for the work of art that it is. Jamie eventually picks Claire up and drops her onto the bed. And this time, Claire’s cries of passion are so intense that Jamie worries he’s hurt her. When she climaxes, well, he’s still a little confused. “Does it happen every time?” he asks. “Only if the man is a very good lover,” Claire explains, breathless, right before biting his chest and going down on him. And that, dear readers, is the Outlander sex scene that will always leave us breathless.

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From career milestones to new music releases to major announcements and those little important moments, Billboard editors highlight uplifting moments in Latin music. Here’s what happened in the Latin music world this week. See latest videos, charts and news See latest videos, charts and news This week, Thalia was confirmed as part of the “Christmas in Rockefeller Center” lineup, joining The Backstreet Boys, Coco Jones, Jennifer Hudson, and Dan + Shay, to name a few. She is set to perform at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony set to air at 8 p.m. ET on December 4 via NBC. The news comes just weeks after the Mexican star dropping her debut holiday EP, Navidad Melancólica, featuring standout collaboration “Nació La Luz” with Marcos Witt. “I decided to release a Christmas album to transform these dates, which are often charged with social pressure and intense emotions, into a more positive and liberating experience,” the singer and actress said in a statement. “With this album, I seek to accompany those who wish to turn vulnerable moments into joyful and lasting memories. In addition, I saw in this project a beautiful opportunity to immortalize my own experiences, creating a musical legacy full of meaning and happiness.” On the heels of being nominated for best pop vocal album at the 2024 Latin Grammys, performing her vibrant “No_Se_Ve.mp3” at the ceremony, and participating at the Person of the Year gala, where she performed for Carlos Vives, Emilia is on to her next career venture. This time, she forms part of the forthcoming Moana sequel, having her own track called “Al Final” on the Moana 2 movie soundtrack. “It’s a dream. I still can’t believe it,” she expressed on her Instagram account. The Argentine artist previously starred as Sofía in Disney’s Entrelazados (Intertwined). Listen to “Al Final” below. Celebrating 30 years of Intocable, the Texas-based norteño band—known for their rich blends of rock, polka, pop, folk, and cumbia—will be honored with three prestigious recognitions in Texas. In a ceremony set for 6:30 p.m. on November 27 at the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, the tejano group will receive an official Proclamation from the Texas Governor’s Office; presented with the Texas Flag by the Texas House of Representatives; and will be named Emissary of the Muses by the city of San Antonio. “These honors celebrate Intocable’s enduring contributions to music and their cultural impact both within Texas and beyond,” reads an official statement. Earlier this week, Gibson announced Venezuelan-American singer-songwriter Joaquina as its new artist spotlight musician. A former Billboard Latin Artist on the Rise and the 2023 Latin Grammy best new artist winner, Joaquina officially joins the program that kicked off this year that highlights an evolving roster of musicians who are celebrated across Gibson’s global channels. ““Currently, I’m working on my debut album, a project that has been about two years in the making,” the artist shared in an interview with Gibson. “It will be released in January 2025, and I’m working hard to make sure that this represents me as I navigated the last couple of years of my life. It’s been exciting to work hard on how it all sounds, looks, and feels.” Zhamira Zambrano has received her first-ever Multi-Platinum plaque from the RIAA for her heartfelt track “Extrañándote” in collaboration with Puerto Rican artist and her husband, Jay Wheeler. “Hi little Zhamy, who dreams of being a singer. Little by little you are achieving it! And although there are still many dreams to fulfill and a lot of work to do, today I want to tell you that you have your first 2X platinum plaque,” she sweetly expressed on her Instagram account, along with a set of photos of her career achievement. “Extrañándote” peaked at No. 3 on Billboard’s Latin Pop Airplay chart earlier this year, earning Zambrano her second Billboard top 10 hit. “The song emerged organically in the studio,’” Zambrano previously told Billboard . “We wanted to do something more upbeat than a ballad and that’s how ‘Extrañandote’ came to be, as always, aimed at love and heartbreak and that’s why many people relate. I’m super happy to know that people have made it their own.” A post shared by zhamira (@zhamirazambranomusic)I was talking by phone last week with California’s new senator-elect, Adam Schiff, as he plowed through papers in a temporary basement office of the Capitol in his transition from House member to Congress’s upper chamber — famously, or formerly, “the greatest deliberative body in the world.” More on his feelings about that in a bit. First, as we began our conversation — this was a day before his clownish former House colleague Matt Gaetz dropped out from consideration as attorney general — we had a laugh about the often-ludicrous qualities of so many of the names put forward by the president-elect for his cabinet. “When he was president before” — and before Schiff led an impeachment prosecution against him in the Senate trial — “I had a meeting with him in the Oval Office. And I said, ‘You know, we should work together on infrastructure,’ and I also brought up the high cost of prescription drugs ... He was affable, and personable, and I think the first thing he said to me was, ‘You know, you do a really good job.’ And I think he meant, on TV. Because it echoed something that Jared Kushner told me during his deposition” for the impeachment. “During one of the recesses he came up to me and said, ‘You do a really good job on TV.’ Trump had just attacked me for the very first time, on Twitter. ‘Sleazy Adam Schiff spends too much time on TV,’ and blah blah blah. And I said, ‘Well, apparently your father-in-law doesn’t think so.’ And his response was, ‘Oh, yes he does, and that’s why.’ ... He’s obviously picked a lot of his cabinet by watching them on Fox. And he also watches his adversaries on Fox.” I asked Schiff if he would be able to work with Trump during his second term. “Well, I think he sees political value in attacking me. It’s why I was such a constant feature in his rallies. Even up to the very end, his closing argument was about me — ‘He’s the enemy from within.’ All I can do is do my job. Try to get stuff done in defending our democracy, our rights and freedoms. He can call me whatever he wants. I’m not going to lose focus on core responsibilities.” Back to the difference between being a congressman and a senator. Schiff and the 11 other new incoming senators — six Democrats, six Republicans — just spent the last week in official orientations about how the upper house works. After 20 years in the House, he was at least a bit familiar. But some things are different. “It’s been a combination of briefings from Senate officers and the sergeant at arms — including with our spouses; they wanted us all to get to know each other — about your Washington office, and your district office, and personal security. We would take a meal break and have lunch together. Social interaction is very important. We had other sessions with veteran senators of both parties about things to do, and things not. A main thing seems to be: Don’t just work together and not socialize. Invite people out to dinner. Don’t judge a book by its cover — guys who you know from TV” may be different in real life. I asked about the “greatest deliberative body” idea: “It really seems like a different culture in the Senate,” Schiff said. “There’s a recognition that you can’t get anything done unless you can find a partner on the other side of the aisle. It’s a small place and you can get to know each other well. There is a group of folks in the Senate who don’t want to get anything done. But apart from that group, there’s lots of opportunities to collaborate and deliver and so I’m very excited about it. It’s very entrepreneurial.” “I was worried,” he continued. “I’d been hearing that the character of the Senate was changing — that a number of the bomb throwers in the House had come over — but the climate is very different. There’s a real willingness to say, ‘Hey, we may disagree on this and that, but I know you’re interested in housing, or rural hospitals, so let’s work together.’” Although I didn’t want to get too deep into the weeds on the inevitable question of what’s next for Democrats after they lost the White House, still don’t have the House and lost the Senate, I was still curious about how California’s new senator could work with a guy who rails against him: “This president, given his track record, is going to abuse his office. But my first priority is to get things done. Playing defense is secondary.” Larry Wilson is on the Southern California News Group editorial board. lwilson@scng.com.Tanner, Charles connect for 2 TDs and Robert Morris tops Stonehill 31-13

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On New Year’s Day, millions of Americans will see their prescription drug costs capped at $2,000 per year—and it’s thanks to the actions of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress. Under the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act , federal law prohibits out-of-pocket prescription drug costs from exceeding $2,000 for many Medicare beneficiaries. The AARP estimates that about 3.2 million Americans will save money on prescription medications in 2025, which will increase to more than 4 million people by 2029. But, of course, Republicans didn’t support the law that made this happen. In both the House and Senate, Republicans stood together and opposed the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill only received votes from the Democratic caucus before being signed into law by Biden. The Inflation Reduction Act combined several provisions to cut health care costs—including an insulin benefit for which Donald Trump falsely claimed credit —along with incentives for companies and organizations to use clean energy technologies. Since the law hit the books, the GOP has tried to undermine it with 54 unsuccessful votes led by Republicans in Congress to repeal portions if not all of the law. While Trump has not specifically addressed the Medicare cap, he has expressed anger at the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy credits and has made clear his interest in reversing those measures. During the election, Trump claimed that he would not cut safety net programs like Medicare, but during an interview with CNBC in March he said that “there is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements in terms of cutting.” Under the guise of “government efficiency,” Trump nominated billionaires Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy as co-chairs of the Department of Government Efficiency to rail against purported government waste and abuse. Musk has already been exercising his power, leading Republican opposition to a bill that funded pediatric cancer research and services for 9/11 first responders. Similarly, Trump nominated quack television doctor Mehmet Oz to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Oz and Trump have advocated for transferring people to Medicare Advantage, which is a scheme to privatize many of the services that Medicare currently offers. Project 2025 , a far-right initiative written by several Trump-affiliated individuals, has put Medicare squarely within its sights by backing Medicare Advantage, which would significantly limit millions of enrollees’ choices of doctors and specialists. Trump also chose one of the key architects of Project 2025, Russell Vought, to serve as director of the Office of Management and Budget. Similarly, Trump is directly connected to one of the most visible attacks on health care benefits: the push to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Trump campaigned heavily on the issue during his 2016 election campaign, and as president he tried to restrict the program from offering health care coverage to millions of Americans. In 2017, Republicans came extremely close to repealing the entire program, which would have upended health insurance for millions of people. Despite Republican opposition, Democrats were able to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which is helping millions of Americans. But the incoming president has a history of attacking health care benefits, and the prescription drug price cap could be his next casualty.By Stephen Culp and Alden Bentley NEW YORK (Reuters) -Wall Street indexes were mixed on Thursday and U.S. benchmark Treasury yields were hardly changed on the day after scaling the highest levels since May in light, post-Christmas trading. U.S. stocks steadied after the three major indexes slipped in early trading, interrupting what looked like a “Santa Claus rally” shaping up early this week, in which shares get a seasonal boost from low liquidity, tax loss harvesting and investment of year-end bonuses. Uncertainties around President-elect Donald Trump’s policies lifted gold prices. This, along with the Federal Reserve’s less dovish messaging about lowering rates further next year, helped elevate the 10-year Treasury yield to its highest since early May. “It’s light volume and now we are recovering some earlier losses due to some profit taking from Tuesday’s rally,” said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Spartan Capital Securities in New York. “I think we’re in the Santa Claus rally, with a little bit of a bump in the road here today, and it’s probably safe to say the year-end rally will continue.” With only a handful of trading days remaining in the year, the Nasdaq, S&P 500 and the Dow have scored respective gains of 33%, 26% and 14% in 2024. The major concerns for 2025 are the extent of the Fed’s monetary easing, Trump’s tariffs and other policies, and various geopolitical tensions. New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits came in slightly below analysts’ estimates, while ongoing claims jumped to their largest number since November 2021, suggesting laid off workers are having increasing difficulty finding new jobs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average edged up 0.04%, the S&P 500 was off 0.02% and the Nasdaq Composite was about dead flat. MSCI’s gauge of stocks across the globe was up 0.03%, appearing on course to wrap up the year with a second consecutive annual gain of more than 17%, unfazed by escalating geopolitical tensions and economic headwinds. Japan’s Nikkei rose 1.12%. MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan closed 0.14% lower but remained on track for a weekly gain. European markets were closed for a second straight day on Thursday, while London traders got Boxing Day off. The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield looked set to extend its climb after rising to almost 4.65% on Thursday from around 4.10% early this month. “We’re probably on the way to 4.75% to 5.0% on the 10-year note and the reason for that is that the bond market is full of uncertainties, while the stock market is full of enthusiasm,” Cardillo said. “The bond market is projecting a hawkish Fed going into probably the first half of the year.” Weak demand for the benchmark U.S. 10-year note pushed the yield, which moves in the opposite direction of the price, as high as 4.641%. Strong interest in a Treasury auction of seven-year notes spilled over in the afternoon, nudging the benchmark yield back down to almost flat for the day at 4.585%. The 2-year note yield, which typically moves in step with interest rate expectations, was 1.1 basis points higher than late Tuesday at 4.341%. The dollar, loosely tracking bond yields, slipped against a basket of world currencies. The dollar index, which measures the greenback against a basket of currencies including the yen and the euro, eased 0.05%, with the euro up 0.02% at $1.0409 and dollar/yen up 0.33%, having hit the highest since mid July. Oil gave up earlier gains due to China stimulus hopes and an industry report showing lower U.S. inventories. U.S. crude fell 0.27% to $69.91 a barrel and Brent fell to $73.51 per barrel, down 0.1% on the day. Gold advanced on safe-haven demand as investors awaited further signals on the U.S. economy’s health. Spot gold rose 0.82% to $2,634.29 an ounce. U.S. gold futures rose 0.3% to $2,627.90 an ounce. In cryptocurrencies, bitcoin fell 2.76% to $95,712.62. Ethereum declined 3.92% to $3,328.90. (Reporting by Stephen Culp; Additional reporting by Alden Bentley; Editing by Richard Chang) Disclaimer: This report is auto generated from the Reuters news service. 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