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The smaller the Southern California paycheck, the bigger the raise

The smaller the Southern California paycheck, the bigger the raise

Workers in Southern California’s lesser-compensated counties are getting the bigger pay hikes. My trusty spreadsheet reviewed quarterly wage stats from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics for the second quarter, focusing on details for 29 California counties and seven from Southern California. The 9.9 million local workers collectively saw annualized earnings rise 3.6% in 12 months to an average $75,600 annual wage. By the way, Southern California’s workforce is roughly the size of all the employees in New York state or the Netherlands. Details Let’s start with paying the Inland Empire and its big logistics industries. Across San Bernardino County, annual wages rose 5.3% in a year to $62,504 for 837,800 workers. That’s the region’s biggest raise – but its only eighth-best out of the among 29 California counties tracked by the report. Meanwhile, neighboring Riverside County had 4.3% increases (No. 14 statewide) to $59,384 for 836,100 workers. And in Santa Barbara County, an economy heavy with hospitality jobs, wages were up 4.7% (No. 9 statewide) to $67,496 for 222,400 workers. Now, let’s contrast those raises better-paid parts of Southern California. These counties have higher concentrations of workers at technology and business-services companies. Orange County’s one-year raises averaged 4.2% (No. 15 statewide) to $78,312 for 1.65 million workers. Los Angeles County pay was up 4.1% increase (No. 16) to $79,768 for 4.5 million workers. In Ventura County, there was a 3.2% increase (No. 19) to $68,068 for 339,100 workers. And then contemplate San Diego County, with the region’s best pay. These 1.54 million workers got the smallest raises statewide – only a 0.1% increase to $79,352. Bottom line Stronger raises at the bottom of the pay spectrum earlier in 2024 likely reflect hikes in various minimum wages and continued staffing challenges for bosses in lower-paying industries. Southern California pay hikes were significantly below what bosses handed out in nine Bay Area counties, which amounted to 6.1% increases to $138,900-a-year wage for 4 million workers. By the way, the state’s biggest raises were in Santa Clara County – a 10% jump to $188,864 for its 1.1 million workers. Southern California also trailed 13 other California counties in the study, where collectively pay was up 4% in a year to $64,300 for 3.1 million workers. Jonathan Lansner is the business columnist for the Southern California News Group. He can be reached at jlansner@scng.com Some of my popular tales of 2024 ...

Prop bets, odds, picks and predictions for Seahawks vs. Bears on Thursday Night FootballRobot vacuums have come a long, long way from their early days. When I was a kid, my mom got our first robot vacuum, and I remember it being somewhat of an investment—it was pretty expensive and required us to set up little boundaries all around the house. These days, robot vacuums are cheaper and much smarter. They make little maps of your home and avoid obstacles all on their own. If it's been a while since you surveyed the robot vacuum market, or if you're just in need of an upgrade, there's no better time to get shopping than right now. Here are some early deals ahead of the official Black Friday shopping holiday to get your cleaning on track. Roborock Q5 Max+ I used to nanny for a couple that had a Roborock like this one and, after tucking the kids into bed, I would watch it automatically undock and clean, idly marveling at how efficiently they had managed to outsource so many of their responsibilities, both to people like me and devices like that. I hope they're doing well now, but I know their floor is still spotless because these things work; it was fast, pretty quiet, and always put itself back on the dock when it was done. The Roborock Q5 Max+ is down to $299.99 from $449.99, which is a good deal when you consider it has a docking station, self-empties, and can clean for up to seven weeks without you ever needing to manually dump out any dust. Roborock Qrevo S Another option in the Roborock family is the Qrevo S . Yes, even with a Black Friday deal, it still costs $459.99—but it's usually almost $800. For all that money, you'll get not just a robot vacuum, but a mop, too, plus all the other great features the brand is known for, like self-emptying and long life. Vacuum/mop combos are, in my opinion , the future of cleaning, so take that future a step further by making yours automatic. Shark AV2511AE AI For some reason, I trust companies that make both vacuums and air-based hair tools, since they clearly have a good understanding of suction. That is to say, I trust Shark and Dyson. Shark's AV2511AE AI , a very smart robot vacuum, is down to $299.99 from $599.99, which is a major deal, especially considering all it can do: After cleaning in a pattern that enables it to go over the same area more than once, it empties itself and even cleans its own brush roll. It also creates a map of your home and doesn't need to be emptied for 60 days. iRobot Roomba Q0120 I would be remiss not to include a Roomba here because these things are the veterans in the game, and they've withstood the test of time. What I especially like is that with this Black Friday deal, a sturdy Roomba is as cheap as the off-brand ones usually are: The Q0120 is $149, down from $249. While the off-brand ones will do the job and everything, there's something comforting about knowing you have access to real customer service and clear instructions for fixing any issues that come up, which can't always be said about the random brands all over Amazon. This one uses three different cleaning modes, depending on your floor type, and vacuums in straight lines, easily mapping your home over time. iRobot Roomba Combo i5+ Finally, there's another Roomba with a great deal for Black Friday—and this one is one of those vacuum/mop combos I love so much. The Combo i5+ is $299.99 instead of $549.99. It cleans in rows, empties itself, and uses patented technology to detect dirt so it can focus on cleaning exactly where that is.

ABÚ ZABÍ, Spojené arabské emiráty--(BUSINESS WIRE)--XII 12, 2024-- Projekt Rady pro výzkum pokročilé technologie „VentureOne“ představil na mezinárodní konferenci o ochraně a obnově mangrovových porostů v Abú Zabí nový podnik Nabat, který se zabývá technologiemi pro ochranu klimatu a obnovou mangrovových porostů a dalších ekosystémů v celém regionu s využitím umělé inteligence a robotiky. Tato tisková zpráva obsahuje multimediální prvky. Celou zprávu najdete zde: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241211109888/cs/ Nabat, New Abu Dhabi Climate Tech Venture, to use AI and Robotics to Restore Mangroves and Boost Climate Resilience (Photo: AETOSWire) Společnost Nabat představila své pokročilé technologie, včetně dronů, softwaru poháněného umělou inteligencí a flexibilních mechanismů výsevu, které využije k ochraně a obnově tisíců hektarů mangrovových porostů po celých SAE během nadcházejících sedmi let. Mangrovy ukládají až pětkrát více uhlíku než stromy v deštném pralese a jsou důležitou součástí ekosystému SAE a světového boje proti změně klimatu. „Nabat je příkladem toho, jak SAE využívají pokročilé technologie ve prospěch lidstva,“ uvedl J. E. Faisal Al Bannai, generální tajemník Rady pro výzkum pokročilých technologií (ATRC). „Spojením inovací s vědou podporujeme úsilí o obnovu ekosystémů, zvýšení biologické rozmanitosti a posílení odolnosti vůči změně klimatu, abychom urychlili cestu naší země k nulové čisté spotřebě energie.“ „Technologie a příroda jsou často považovány za protiklad – ale když při řešení kritických problémů spojíme technologie s vědecky podloženým výzkumem, mohou se technologie stát jedním z nejmocnějších spojenců přírody,“ uvedla Dr. Najwa Aaraj, generální ředitelka Technologického inovačního institutu, odnože ATRC pro aplikovaný výzkum, která vyvinula technologii Nabat. „Náš systém pomáhá řešit několik zásadních problémů souvisejících s ochranou přírody, přičemž jedním z nejdůležitějších je sběr dat. Žádné dva ekosystémy nejsou stejné - každý potřebuje individuální přístup založený na datech.“ Umělá inteligence a robotika systému Nabat umožňují přesné mapování, setí a monitorování, což zajišťuje, že ochrana a obnova je přizpůsobena jedinečným a komplexním potřebám každého ekosystému. Na rozdíl od tradičního vysazování mangrovů, které je náročné na práci a může dokonce poškodit okolní ekosystémy, se systém společnosti Nabat dotýká stanovišť co nejšetrněji. Ve fázi mapování poskytuje technologie společnosti Nabat obrovské množství dat o půdě a také o hustotě, nadmořské výšce a hydrologii přírodních stanovišť. Výsevní mechanismus dronu využívá optimalizované plánování trajektorie a flexibilní výsevní vzorce, aby bylo zajištěno, že semena budou vyseta přesně a pouze tak, jak je potřeba. Systém má také monitorovací funkce, které pomáhají zajistit bezpečný růst vysazených stromů. Technologie společnosti Nabat funguje i v těžko přístupných a odlehlých oblastech, což umožňuje efektivně rozšiřovat úsilí o ochranu a obnovu přírody a zároveň minimalizovat náklady. Reda Nidhakou, pověřený generální ředitel společnosti VentureOne, mateřské společnosti Nabat, řekl: „Duší společnosti VentureOne je spouštění startupů, které přinášejí světu převratné technologie. Nejcennější technologie nejsou jen inovativní, efektivní nebo ziskové – především mají měřitelný pozitivní dopad. Bylo mi ctí pracovat ruku v ruce s týmem a naším širším ekosystémem a přispět tak zásadním způsobem k cestě Spojených arabských emirátů za udržitelností.“ Ačkoli se společnost zpočátku zaměří na mangrovové porosty v SAE, plánuje rozšíření do dalších částí regionu a obsluhu dalších ekosystémů, včetně pouštních oblastí, zemědělské půdy, lesů a korálových útesů. *Zdroj: AETOSWire Text této zprávy v původním, zdrojovém jazyce je oficiální verzí. Překlad této zprávy do jiných jazyků poskytujeme pouze jako doplňkovou službu. Text zprávy v původním, zdrojovém jazyce je jedinou právně závaznou verzí této tiskové zprávy. Zdrojovou verzi najdete na businesswire.com : https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241211109888/cs/ CONTACT: Audrey Fernandes Audrey.fernandes@edelman.com KEYWORD: MIDDLE EAST UNITED ARAB EMIRATES INDUSTRY KEYWORD: GREEN TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT OTHER SCIENCE RESEARCH SUSTAINABILITY SOFTWARE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT DRONES SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY OTHER NATURAL RESOURCES AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES ROBOTICS CLIMATE CHANGE SOURCE: Nabat Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/12/2024 02:09 PM/DISC: 12/12/2024 02:08 PM http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241211109888/csWhat a wonderful year 2024 has been for investors. U.S. stocks ripped higher and carried the S&P 500 to records as the economy kept growing and the Federal Reserve began cutting interest rates . The year featured many familiar winners, such as Big Tech, which got even bigger as their stock prices kept growing. But it wasn’t just Apple, Nvidia, and the like. Bitcoin , gold, and other investments also drove higher. Here’s a look at some of the numbers that defined the year. All are as of Dec. 20. | 1998 Remember when President Bill Clinton got impeached or when baseball’s Mark McGwire hit his 70th home run against the Montreal Expos? That was the last time the U.S. stock market closed out a second straight year with a leap of at least 20%, something the S&P 500 is on track to do again this year. The index has climbed 24.3% so far this year, not including dividends, following last year’s spurt of 24.2%. 57 The number of all-time highs the S&P 500 has set so far this year. The first came early, on Jan. 19, when the index capped a two-year comeback from the swoon caused by high inflation and worries that high interest rates instituted by the Federal Reserve to combat it would create a recession. But the index was methodical through the rest of the year, setting a record in every month outside of April and August, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices. The latest came on Dec. 6. 3 The number of times the Federal Reserve has cut its main interest rate this year from a two-decade high, offering some relief to the economy. Expectations for those cuts, along with hopes for more in 2025, were a big reason the U.S. stock market has been so successful this year. The 1 percentage point of cuts, though, is still short of the 1.5 percentage points that many traders were forecasting for 2024 at the start of the year. The Fed disappointed investors in December when it said it may cut rates just two more times in 2025, fewer than it had earlier expected. 1,508 That’s how many points the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by the day after Election Day, as investors made bets on what Donald Trump’s return to the White House will mean for the economy and the world. The more widely followed S&P 500 soared 2.5% for its best day in nearly two years. Aside from bitcoin, stocks of banks and smaller winners were also perceived to be big winners. The bump has since diminished amid worries that Trump’s policies could also send inflation higher. $100,000 The level that bitcoin topped to set a record above $108,000 this past month. It’s been climbing as interest rates come down, and it got a particularly big boost following Trump’s election. He’s turned around and become a fan of crypto, and he’s named a former regulator who’s seen as friendly to digital currencies as the next chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, replacing someone who critics said was overly aggressive in his oversight. Bitcoin was below $17,000 just two years ago following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX. 26.7% Gold’s rise for the year, as it also hit records and had as strong a run as U.S. stocks. Wars around the world have helped drive demand for investments seen as safe, such as gold. It’s also benefited from the Fed’s cut to interest rates. When bonds are paying less in interest, they pull away fewer potential buyers from gold, which pays investors nothing. $420 It’s a favorite number of Elon Musk, and it’s also a threshold that Tesla’s stock price passed in December as it set a record. The number has a long history among marijuana devotees, and Musk famously said in 2018 that he had secured funding to take Tesla private at $420 per share . Tesla soared this year, up from less than $250 at the start, in part because of expectations that Musk’s close relationship with Trump could benefit the company. $91.2 billion That’s how much revenue Nvidia made in the nine months through Oct. 27, showing how the artificial-intelligence frenzy is creating mountains of cash. Nvidia’s chips are driving much of the move into AI, and its revenue through the last nine months catapulted from less than $39 billion the year before. Such growth has boosted Nvidia’s worth to more than $3 trillion in total. 74% GameStop’s gain on May 13 after Keith Gill, better known as “Roaring Kitty,” appeared online for the first time in three years to support the video game retailer’s stock, which he helped rocket to unimaginable heights during the “ meme stock craze ” in 2021. Several other meme stocks also jumped following his post in May on the social platform X, including AMC Entertainment. Gill later disclosed a sizeable stake in the online pet products retailer Chewy, but he sold all of his holdings by late October . 1.6%, 3.0%, and 3.1% That’s how much the U.S. economy grew, at annualized seasonally adjusted rates, in each of the three first quarters of this year. Such growth blew past what many pessimists were expecting when inflation was topping 9% in the summer of 2022. The fear was that the medicine prescribed by the Fed to beat high inflation — high interest rates — would create a recession. Households at the lower end of the income spectrum in particular are feeling pain now, as they contend with still-high prices. But the overall economy has remained remarkably resilient. 20.1% This is the vacancy rate for U.S. office buildings — an all-time high — through the first three quarters of 2024, according to data from Moody’s. The fact the rate held steady for most of the year was something of a win for office building owners, given that it had marched up steadily from 16.8% in the fourth quarter of 2019. Demand for office space weakened as the pandemic led to the popularization of remote work. 3.73 million That’s the total number of previously occupied homes sold nationally through the first 11 months of 2024. Sales would have to surge 20% year-over-year in December for 2024’s home sales to match the 4.09 million existing homes sold in 2023, a nearly 30-year low. The U.S. housing market has been in a sales slump dating back to 2022, when mortgage rates began to climb from pandemic-era lows. A shortage of homes for sale and elevated mortgage rates have discouraged many would-be homebuyers.

If you’re new to snowboarding, you may not realize the importance of a solid pair of snowboard bindings. In reality, this piece of gear does more than just secure your boots to the snowboard. Bindings are responsible for transferring the power from your legs to the board, allowing improved control and comfort. A quality pair of bindings could last for years, so the decision to buy is a big one. For snowboard bindings that are durable, lightweight and comfortable, check out the BURTON Malavita Snowboard Bindings . Some snowboard bindings are better suited for certain riding styles. Consider how you plan to use your snowboard before settling on a specific pair of bindings. If you’re not sure, try renting some gear for a day and see how the bindings feel on the slopes. Many snowboard manufacturers include a 1 to 10 flexibility rating with their bindings. A high number indicates stiff bindings, while a low number is assigned to bindings that are particularly soft and flexible. Most snowboard bindings have straps that secure the ankle and toe sections of your boots to the board. The ankle straps keep you in a flexible yet fixed position when you lean forward onto your toes, while the toe straps keep your feet in place when you lean back. Padding is used on snowboard bindings to absorb some of the shock caused by bumpy runs. Think about your riding style when deciding how much padding you need. Mounts secure the bindings to the board. You can use mounting screws to attach the bindings and adjust the foot positioning to your preference. Just like a snowboard, snowboard bindings come in a wide variety of different colors and patterns. If you want a cohesive look, pick out bindings that match the rest of your gear. When shopping for snowboard gear online, try to purchase from well-known brands like Burton, Salomon or Rossignol. Cheap snowboard bindings from an obscure manufacturer might be tempting, but you could find yourself with an inferior product once you hit the slopes. The cost of snowboard bindings can vary depending on the brand name and the quality of the parts. Beginner and intermediate snowboarders can expect to pay around $100-$250 for a quality pair of bindings, while advanced snowboard bindings regularly exceed $300. A. Most snowboard bindings are sold in two to five size options. Look at the model’s sizing chart and compare it with your boot size to find bindings that fit you. A. Yes. Although there are women’s snowboard bindings that advertise particular design features, snowboard bindings are universal. This means you can choose any pair you want, as long as they’re the right size. BURTON Malavita Snowboard Bindings What you need to know: Despite being advertised as men’s snowboard bindings, these bindings use advanced technology to deliver quality support and performance for any rider. What you’ll love: Backed by Burton’s legendary reputation, these snowboard bindings offer an advanced level of performance, control and comfort in a stylish package. The padding has a gel to absorb extra shock, and the bindings come in five color options. What you should consider: These bindings might be too expensive for beginner and intermediate riders. Salomon Pact Snowboard Bindings What you need to know: These versatile bindings are durable and affordable enough for almost any rider. What you’ll love: A solid choice for beginners, these snowboard bindings have a rear-entry design with high-quality straps for fine adjustments. Many users note their durability and comfort during long days of riding. What you should consider: These bindings have a limited number of size options, and the mounting discs may not attach to every board type. BURTON Grom Snowboard Bindings What you need to know: Designed for kids and small snowboarders, these popular bindings have a solid construction and reasonable price tag. What you’ll love: Perfect for young riders hitting the slopes for the first time, these beginner bindings are compatible with most snowboard mounting systems and feature a single-component baseplate for consistent control and responsiveness. They’re also available in two sleek color options, black and white. What you should consider: Some users questioned the quality and longevity of the bindings’ highback. Prices listed reflect time and date of publication and are subject to change. Check out our Daily Deals for the best products at the best prices and sign up here to receive the BestReviews weekly newsletter full of shopping inspo and sales. BestReviews spends thousands of hours researching, analyzing and testing products to recommend the best picks for most consumers. BestReviews and its newspaper partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links.

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