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Remembering Jimmy Carter, the only Democratic president to win Texas in nearly 50 yearsRICHMOND, British Columbia, Nov. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- General Fusion has published peer-reviewed scientific results confirming world-first achievements in plasma compression using its uniquely practical Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF) technology. The results, published in Nuclear Fusion , verify that during the company's Plasma Compression Science (PCS) experiment series, it successfully produced significant fusion neutron yield by compressing plasmas in the spherical tokamak configuration required for its MTF approach. The results demonstrated a method that ensures plasma stability and symmetry during compression and verified the company's predictions for the rate of plasma heating and increased neutron yield. The tests proved the effectiveness of the company's technology for plasma formation and compression using a metal liner, providing the foundation for its Lawson Machine 26 (LM26) - the company's large-scale fusion demonstration. LM26 will begin integrated operations in early 2025 and is on target to achieve key milestones of 1 keV, then 10 keV (fusion conditions of over 100 million degrees Celsius), and, ultimately, scientific breakeven equivalent (100 per cent Lawson criterion) in the next two years. In the PCS experiment, General Fusion's high-performing plasmas remained stable and maintained magnetic flux while the fusion neutron yield increased significantly. The experiment results demonstrated that significant volumetric compression of a spherical tokamak plasma is practical, de-risking the company's LM26, which will compress plasmas at large scale to reach higher fusion yields. Key Experiment Results: Neutron yield increased significantly, exceeding 600 million neutrons per second in one compression shot. During compression, the plasma became approximately 190 times denser than it started, consistent with plasma particle confinement time being significantly longer than the compression time. The magnetic field that provides robust confinement for the hot plasma became over 13 times higher than it started due to the action of compression. Measurements of plasma heating agreed well with the rate expected for the scale of the experiment, with a modest rise in ion temperature to approximately 0.63 keV during the compression. "During our PCS series, General Fusion was the first in the world to compress a spherical tokamak plasma with a collapsing metal liner, and we are thrilled to now share in a peer-reviewed publication the results we achieved in demonstrating fusion from MTF through this experimental campaign," said Dr. Michel Laberge, Founder and Chief Science Officer, General Fusion. "This research is another example of our trailblazing work over the past two decades. Now, we're approaching breakthrough milestones with LM26. Our practical approach translates to an economical power plant, putting us on the path to electricity on the grid by the early to mid-2030s." General Fusion is a world leader in plasma research. Twenty-four prototypes and over 200,000 plasma shots have helped the company build the world's largest and most powerful operational fusion plasma injector for LM26. The company's multi-year PCS series, conducted from 2013 to 2019, was the first of its kind to study the behavior of a magnetized plasma during rapid compression. Custom experimental systems and testbeds were built in-house to reliably compress a high-performance compact spherical tokamak plasma within an imploding metal wall. A robust suite of diagnostics provided data for each compression test. The peer-reviewed results from the experiment closely align with the company's advanced predictive simulation and modelling, providing confidence that LM26 will achieve its targets of 1 keV, 10 keV, and scientific breakeven equivalent (100 per cent Lawson criterion). "We've demonstrated the viability of a stable fusion process using our MTF approach, laying the foundation for our groundbreaking LM26," said Mike Donaldson, Senior Vice President, Technology Development, General Fusion. "These achievements in plasma compression are a testament to our team's deep expertise and capabilities, accumulated over two decades of fusion technology development. Through our PCS series, we also made major advances in plasma systems, materials, coatings, and diagnostics. Now we're ready for the next step – demonstrating fusion and significant heating at large scale with LM26! Our incredibly talented team has made it all possible, building a practical, clean energy technology with world-changing potential from the ground up." Quick Facts The open-access paper published in Nuclear Fusion provides a comprehensive analysis of the engineering and plasma physics involved in achieving this new foothold in MTF research. In General Fusion's MTF approach , the proprietary liquid metal liner in the fusion vessel is mechanically compressed by high-powered pistons. This allows General Fusion to create fusion conditions in short pulses, rather than creating a sustained reaction, while protecting the machine's vessel, extracting heat, and re-breeding fuel. The technology is designed to scale for cost-efficient power plants. It does not require large superconducting magnets or an expensive array of lasers. Today, General Fusion is accelerating its progress by building LM26. The fusion demonstration machine is on track to achieve transformative technical milestones in the next 24 months—1 keV in the first half of 2025, then 10 keV, and ultimately scientific breakeven equivalent (100 per cent Lawson criterion) by 2026. Its results will significantly de-risk the company's commercial-scale machine, fast-tracking its path to provide commercial fusion energy to the grid by the early to mid-2030s. About General Fusion General Fusion is pursuing a fast and practical approach to commercial fusion energy and is headquartered in Richmond, B.C., Canada. The company was established in 2002 and is funded by a global syndicate of leading energy venture capital firms, industry leaders, and technology pioneers. Learn more at www.generalfusion.com . General Fusion Media Relations media@generalfusion.com +1-866-904-0995 Follow General Fusion twitter.com/generalfusion instagram.com/generalfusion linkedin.com/company/general-fusion facebook.com/generalfusion © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

The apparent sympathy that Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic representative and GOP President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for national intelligence director, has expressed for now-deposed Syrian President Bashar Assad continues to trail her as she tries to round up support among senators for her confirmation. “I’ve got a lot of questions,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) said Monday at The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit. Warner said he wanted to know about Gabbard’s “interchange with Assad and seeming affinity for [Russian President Vladimir] Putin,” as well as her support for intel whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. The Assad linkage is so widely discussed that Marc Short, who served as chief of staff to Mike Pence during his vice presidency, made a cutting joke on a Sunday morning political talk show, saying that the three people most worried by Assad’s recent downfall were “Putin, the ayatollah [of Iran] and Tulsi Gabbard.” Gabbard, who was a member of Congress from 2013 to 2021, traveled to Syria in 2017 to meet with Assad in a trip that raised eyebrows. After inheriting leadership of his country from his father, Assad was known for being a particularly brutal and corrupt dictator, even by Middle East standards. In 2013, his forces were accused of using sarin gas in an attack killing 1,400 people and of using barrel bombs — explosives that can be made from empty barrels and other scrap, along with gasoline and shrapnel — against civilians. His government’s expertise in torture led the U.S. to outsource interrogations of some terrorism suspects there during President George W. Bush’s “global war on terror.” In the wake of Assad’s fall, some of the costs of his rule have come to light, with journalists documenting his fancy car collection and the release of people kept in the brutal Saydnaya prison. Freedom House, a democracy advocacy group, gave Syria a score of only 1 out of 100 in its 2024 ranking of countries by how free they are, ahead of only Tibet and Nagorno-Karabakh (which Freedom House includes as disputed territories). After her 2017 trip, Gabbard defended herself, saying any peace deal amid Syria’s civil war would need Assad’s sign-off. “Whatever you think about President Assad, the fact is that he is the president of Syria,” she said then. That changed over the weekend, when Assad fled the country and received asylum in Russia under the protection of fellow strongman Putin. His fall ended more than 50 years of family rule after a stunning 11-day rebel advance. During her time in the House of Representatives, Gabbard often justified a light touch with Assad by citing the threat of victory by Islamic militants, who were among the rival factions challenging his governance in the civil war. That stance also seemed to conveniently diminish Assad’s culpability for likely war crimes. “Let the Syrian people themselves determine their future, not the United States, not some foreign country,” she told CNN in 2017. While the group that led the rebel coalition to take down Assad, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, is listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government and has been affiliated with al Qaeda in the past, the opening days of post-Assad Syria have not seen the fundamentalist Islamic crackdown some had feared. On Monday, Gabbard told reporters that her views now aligned with Trump’s, who’s commented on Assad’s fall by saying that the U.S. should not get involved — an option that virtually no one had suggested. “I stand in full support and wholeheartedly agree with the statements that President Trump has made over these last few days with regards to the developments in Syria,” Gabbard stated . Here are some of the things Gabbard had said on the floor of the House, or later inserted as written statements in the Congressional Record, on the need to keep Assad from being toppled and what would happen after his fall: In advocating for removing language in an annual defense policy bill that approved developing a strategy to counter Iran, Gabbard said , “It’s clear that, if left unchecked, war hawks in the Trump administration will drag our country into more Middle East wars, leaving destruction in its wake around the world and here at home.” She added: “So what’s the objective of this authorization for war? Is it regime change in Iran? Regime change in Syria? More war against Iran and Syria? Yemen?” Talking about her bill to prohibit the government from supporting foreign terror groups, Gabbard said the U.S. had for years been “directly and indirectly supporting allies and partners of groups like al Qaeda and ISIS with money, weapons, intelligence and other support in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government.” “The Wall Street Journal reports that rebel grounds are ‘doubling down on their alliance’ with al Qaeda. This alliance has rendered the phrase ‘moderate rebels’ meaningless. We must stop this madness,” she said. Speaking of a provision to equip and train rebel Syrian groups in a defense funding bill, Gabbard said the groups remained focused on overthrowing Assad, which would end up “creating an even worse humanitarian crisis and an even greater threat to the world.” “We’re waging two wars in Syria, providing arms and support to groups that have opposing objectives,” she said. “The first war is a counterproductive one to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad, which must end. And the second is our war to defeat ISIS, al Qaeda and other jihadist groups, which we must win. By helping groups fighting to overthrow Assad, we’ re essentially helping ISIS and al Qaeda achieve their objective of taking over all of Syria.” In discussing one of two Syria-related resolutions, Gabbard called it “a thinly veiled attempt to use the rationale of humanitarianism as a justification for overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad.” “If the U.S. is successful in its current effort to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad, allowing groups like ISIS and al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations to take over all of Syria, which is what will happen, including those Assad-controlled areas where Christians and other religious minorities remain protected, the United States will be morally culpable for the genocide that will occur as a result,” she said. “This is exactly what happened when we overthrew Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It is what happened in Libya when we overthrew Muammar Gaddafi. To do the same thing over and over and expect a different result is the definition of insanity.” In discussing another resolution, Gabbard said she objected specifically to language saying that “Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s violence against the Syrian people has attracted foreign fighters from around the world, who have supported and committed ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] atrocities.” “I fully reject this amendment to the resolution which gives moral legitimacy to the actions of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and others who are committing genocide against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities in Syria,” she said. In debating an annual defense policy bill, Gabbard said a provision to train what were described as “moderate” Syrian rebels “seriously polluted this critical piece of legislation.” “I could not in good conscience vote to support the so-called moderate forces who often work hand in hand with al Qaeda or ISIS, and whose personnel and weapons often end up in the hands of those terrorists,” she said. “This bill continues the same failed practices of undeclared war, regime change and nation-building that have held us mired in the Middle East for over a decade.” In debating an amendment to a stopgap spending bill to aid Syrian opposition, Gabbard said , “Voting to support this proposal is actually a vote to overthrow Assad because overthrowing Assad is the primary objective of the so-called Free Syrian Army.” She added: “If we combine the missions of destroying ISIL and of overthrowing Assad, this is not a smart or effective strategy for a number of reasons. We must focus on one mission — to destroy ISIL and other Islamic extremists who’ve declared war on us. Our mission should not be to topple the Assad regime, which would make the situation in the region even worse and more unstable than it is today.”NEW YORK, Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The following statement is being issued by Levi & Korsinsky, LLP: To: All persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired securities of Sun Communities, Inc. ("SUI" or the "Company") SUI between February 28, 2019 and September 24, 2024, both dates inclusive . You are hereby notified that the class action lawsuit Michelle Nelson v. Sun Communities, Inc., et al. (Case No. 2:24-cv-13314) has been commenced in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. To get more information go to: https://zlk.com/pslra-1/sun-communities-inc-lawsuit-submission-form or contact Joseph E. Levi, Esq. either via email at jlevi@levikorsinsky.com or by telephone at (212) 363-7500. There is no cost or obligation to you. The complaint alleges that defendants provided investors with material information concerning SUI's accounting practices and internal control over financial reporting. On September 24, 2024, after market close, an investment research report emerged calling into question the integrity of SUI's Board and the integrity of the Company's governance, controls, and financial disclosures. Investors and analysts reacted immediately to SUI's revelation. The price of SUI's common stock declined dramatically. From a closing market price of $139.10 per share on September 24, 2024, SUI's stock price fell to a low of $137.48 per share on September 25, 2024. If you suffered a loss in SUI securities , you have until February 10, 2025 to request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff. Your ability to share in any recovery doesn't require that you serve as a lead plaintiff. WHY LEVI & KORSINSKY: Over the past 20 years, the team at Levi & Korsinsky has secured hundreds of millions of dollars for aggrieved shareholders and built a track record of winning high-stakes cases. Our firm has extensive expertise representing investors in complex securities litigation and a team of over 70 employees to serve our clients. For seven years in a row, Levi & Korsinsky has ranked in ISS Securities Class Action Services' Top 50 Report as one of the top securities litigation firms in the United States. CONTACT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Joseph E. Levi, Esq. Ed Korsinsky, Esq. 33 Whitehall Street, 17th Floor New York, NY 10004 jlevi@levikorsinsky.com Tel: (212) 363-7500 Fax: (212) 363-7171 www.zlk.com © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

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LOWELL — It had boot drives by area firefighters, Red Kettle ringers, hundreds of auction items and even a donated ugly Christmas sweater as part of the festivities. In other words, just another successful WCAP Radiothon and online auction that raises money for the Salvation Army of Greater Lowell. Both the community participation and the money raised continues to grow, said Saturday Morning Live host Warren Shaw. “Every year we have more people who want to be part of it,” he said by phone Tuesday afternoon. “It overwhelms me that we have these people who totally just give of themselves and make this happen.” The fundraiser is broadcast live by Shaw and co-host Gerry Nutter each December. Members of the community drop into the Market Street studio to make a donation, catch some air time with the hosts or simply absorb the holiday spirit that infuses the daylong event. “I never know from year to year what’s going to happen,” Shaw said. “But this year, there was more energy than I’ve ever seen before.” The fundraiser attracts local supporters, as well as state and federal ones. Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll and former Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito called into the Radiothon. Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan stopped in as did U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan, boxing great Micky Ward, City Manager Tom Golden, former state Rep. Steve Panagiotakos, state Rep. Rodney Elliott and numerous other local officials and business leaders. Along with the familiar faces were the new ones of Majors Alan and Amanda Krueger, representing the charitable organization . The couple took over for Majors Nicole and Timothy Ross, who led the Salvation Army in the Greater Lowell area for six years before moving to Portland, Maine, where they were appointed to the leadership team at the organization’s divisional headquarters. One couple, who Shaw said “raise the bar every year,” was Mike and Cindy Kuenzler. They dropped off another record donation of almost $111,000 from the annual comedy night held at their Four Oaks Country Club in Dracut. The auction is the main focus of the Radiothon, though, with close to 200 donated items , from vacation packages to sports memorabilia, custom cookies, clothes, electronics, gift cards and certificates to local businesses. Bidders could even try for a chance to be mayor of Lowell for the day. For the third year, Councilor Erik Gitschier won the mayoral auction item, which he gifts to a Greater Lowell Technical High School student. “Each year, it is a blessing I am able to choose a student that represents all the amazing qualities of the Office of the Mayor!” Gitschier said by text Tuesday. Previous “mayors” have been students Damarje Williams and Julie Oum . More than 20 years ago, the Radiothon started with “two guys turning on the microphones asking people for money,” Shaw said in a 2022 Sun interview. That first year, he and Arthur Sutcliffe, who co-hosted the event, raised $5,000. Now, the Radiothon regularly brings in more than $200,000. But he said a lot of different pieces and people make the Radiothon happen, such as the money raised by the boot drives held by firefighters in Dracut, Tyngsboro and Lowell that brought in more than $25,000. Dracut resident Kevin Durkin raised $10,000 in memory of his friend Ralph Richardson, who was nicknamed the “heat patrol” for refusing to turn on the heat until Nov. 1. Shaw said that money will be dedicated to the Salvation Army’s heat assistance program. Councilor Rita Mercier could be found ringing the bell in front of the Owl Diner for Red Kettle donations. People even bid not to have to take home an ugly Christmas sweater donated by Nutter. “You put in all the other pieces and you end up with a big number,” Shaw said, referring to the contributions — both time and money — of all the people who participate in the local fundraiser. The Radiothon auction and donations help support a wide variety of Salvation Army local programing and services. The Lowell Corps serves the Greater Lowell area, providing social and emergency services to residents from Lowell, Tyngsboro, Dracut, Tewksbury, Billerica, Chelmsford and Dunstable. The Christian-based organization provides food for the hungry, rent and utility to those who are struggling and a safe place for youth and families. Almost 1,600 children received toys and winter supplies during last year’s Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and 1,300 food baskets were delivered to families. The Lowell location is based at 150 Appleton St., right in the heart of the city’s most impacted Back Central neighborhood. A final tally will be available on Dec. 14, and 100% of the money raised through the Radiothon will go toward helping local folks in need. “We are so grateful to all of the volunteers who give their heart and soul to making this event a success,” the Salvation Army said in a statement. “Together, we are helping our neighbors in need at the holidays and throughout the entire year!”

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PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Philadelphia 76ers forward Paul George has a bone bruise on his left knee and will miss two games, the team said Thursday. The 76ers said George did not suffer any structural damage when he injured the same knee that he hyperextended during the preseason in Wednesday night's loss at Memphis. The game marked the first time this season the All-Star trio of George, Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey started a game together. George will miss home games Friday against Brooklyn and Sunday against the Los Angeles Clippers, his former team. A nine-time All-Star, the 34-year-old George will be evaluated again on Monday. Wednesday's 117-111 loss to the Grizzlies dropped the Sixers to 2-12, the worst record in the NBA headed into Thursday night's games. George signed a four-year, $212 million contract with Philadelphia after five seasons with the Clippers. He has averaged 14.9 points in eight games this season. Embiid has been out with injuries, load management rest and a suspension, while Maxey was sidelined with a hamstring injury. An expected contender in the Eastern Conference, the Sixers haven't won since an overtime victory against Charlotte on Nov. 10. AP NBA: https://apnews.com/hub/nbaVikings thrive under coach of year favorite O'Connell, a relatable state for Packers with LaFleurThe battle for Pennsylvania is on between the Steelers and Eagles this Sunday in Philadelphia. Pittsburgh is 10-3 this season and winners of two straight and six of the past seven. With Russell Wilson, the Steelers’ offense has been revived at 28.4 points per game. George Pickens is questionable, which doesn’t help the offense, but Pittsburgh has excelled as the underdog, going 5-0 ATS this year, including 3-0 as the road underdog. Philadelphia is 11-2 on the year and holds the NFL’s longest winning streak at nine straight games. The Eagles have won four straight at home and are 4-1 at the Linc since its Week 2 loss to the Falcons (22-16). Saquon Barkley is second in MVP odds (+400) behind Josh Allen and has carried this offense over the past three games due to Jalen Hurts’ struggles to get the ball downfield (108, 118, 179 passing yards). NBC Sports has all the latest info and analysis you need, including how to tune in for kickoff, odds from DraftKings, player news and updates, and of course our predictions and best bets for the game from our staff of experts. Listen to the Bet the Edge podcast as hosts Jay Croucher and Drew Dinsick provide listeners with sharp actionable insight, market analysis and statistical data to help bettors gain more information before placing their wagers. Game Details and How to watch the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Cleveland Browns on Sunday · Date: Sunday, December 15, 2024 · Time: 4:25 PM EST · Site: Lincoln Financial Field · City: Philadelphia, PA · TV/Streaming: FOX Want to check out the other games on the NFL schedule this week? We’ve got you covered right here on NBC Sports with all the matchup, venue, game-time, and TV/streaming info so you won’t miss any of the action! Game odds for Steelers vs. Eagles The latest odds as of Thursday courtesy of DraftKings: Moneyline: Pittsburgh Steelers (+205), Philadelphia Eagles (-250) Spread: Eagles -5.5 (-110) Total: 43.0 The line opened at 45.5 for the total and Philadelphia -5, so money has come in on the Under in the battle of PA. The spread dipped to +4.5 in favor of Pittsburgh but has been bet back up. Expert picks & predictions for Steelers vs Eagles Please bet responsibly. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call the National Gambling Helpline at 1-800-522-4700. NBC Sports Bet Best Bet Vaughn Dalzell (@VmoneySports) likes the Pittsburgh Steelers to cover the +5.5 as road underdogs in Philadelphia: “Pittsburgh is 3-0 ATS and on the ML as road underdogs this year, 5-0 ATS as an underdog overall, and an NFL-best 10-3 ATS overall (tied with Denver). The Steelers are 6-1 with Russell Wilson under center and the offense looks dangeruss. Pittsburgh averages an NFL-best 5.6 plays of 20-plus yards with Wilson under center and George Pickens is also one of the main reasons why the Steelers lead in that category. Pickens is questionable to play and if he’s good to go, his presence would be a significant boost for the Steelers offense in what should be a gritty game. I like the Steelers to cover the +5.5 and would sprinkle the ML (+205).” Rotoworld has you covered with all the latest betting info & tools for NFL with game predictions, player props, futures, and trends! Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Philadelphia Eagles team stats, betting trends Pittsburgh is tied for NFL-best 10-3 ATS and 3-0 ATS and on the ML as a road underdog. Philadelphia is 8-5 ATS but 1-4 ATS as a home favorite, ranking sixth-worst. The Eagles are 8-5 to the Under, ranking tied for 4th-best. The Steelers are 7-6 to the Over and 2-1 to the Over as a road dog. Jalen Hurts has a rushing touchdown in seven of the past eight games. Russell Wilson tossed at least two touchdowns in four of seven starts. Saquon Barkley had his three-game touchdown streak snapped last week against Carolina but he did manage 124 rushing yards surpassing the century mark for the fourth straight game. Najee Harris is 123 yards short of his fourth straight 1,000-yard season. Harris has run for at least 50 yards in six of the past seven. Quarterback matchup for Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia Philadelphia: Jalen Hurts – Hurts has 29 total touchdowns (16 passing, 13 rushing) to 5 interceptions on the season. Hurts is on pace to break his career-high of 15 rushing touchdowns last season and is 240 rushing yards shy of his career-high of 784. Pittsburgh: Russell Wilson - In seven starts with the Steelers, Wilson has tossed 1,784 yards, 12 touchdowns, 3 interceptions, and sports a 6-1 record. Wilson’s thrown two or more touchdowns in four of seven games and 264 or more in four as well. Steelers and Eagles injury update Philadelphia’s TE Dallas Goedert (knee), S Reed Blankenship (concussion), S Sydney Brown (knee), DT Byron Young (hamstring) and LB Ben VanSumeren (knee) are all out. For the Steelers, WR George Pickens (hamstring) and LB Tyler Matakevich (hamstring) are questionable, while WR Roman Wilson (hamstring), DT Montravius Adams (knee), CB C.J. Henderson (neck) and OT Dylan Cook (foot) are all out. Rotoworld has you covered with all the latest betting info & tools for NFL with game predictions, player props, futures, and trends! Follow our experts on socials to keep up with all the latest content from the staff: Jay Croucher (@croucherJD) Drew Dinsick (@whale_capper) Vaughn Dalzell (@VmoneySports) Brad Thomas (@MrBradThomas)

Greenland is a “linchpin for U.S. national security and the future of the free world,” according to leading expert Dr. Walter Berbrick, the founding director of the Arctic Studies Group at the U.S. Naval War College, who noted the pivotal country’s geostrategic and economic significance as well as its critical role in defense and the global order, which is “essential to counter authoritarian influence” and safeguard U.S. and allied interests, as he urged strengthened partnerships. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Dr. Berbrick, the former senior adviser to the 77th Secretary of the Navy and the Special Representative for the Arctic Region at the State Department, highlighted the island’s unparalleled value to U.S. national security, economic resilience, and global stability, noting that Greenland’s significance as a hub for defense and economic activity will only grow. “Greenland is a linchpin for U.S. national security and the future of the free world,” he stated. “Its geographic position provides unparalleled strategic access to the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans — enabling the United States to monitor and deter threats against North America and NATO allies.” Arctic Defense and Resources Beyond its strategic location, Dr. Berbrick noted, Greenland offers vast reserves of rare earth elements, critical to advanced technology and military systems. “Economically, Greenland holds vast reserves of rare earth minerals essential for U.S. technological leadership and military readiness,” he explained. He also warned about the risks of allowing authoritarian powers like China and Russia to dominate Greenland’s resources and influence. “If China gains undue influence in Greenland, it risks compromising the stability of the Arctic, endangering U.S. interests, and weakening the rules-based international order,” he warned. Highlighting Greenland’s “irreplaceable” role in missile warning systems, Arctic operations, and securing freedom of navigation as new sea routes emerge, Dr. Berbrick called strengthening partnerships with Greenland and Denmark “essential to counter authoritarian influence and protect the economic and security interests of the United States and its allies for generations to come.” Strengthening Partnerships He recommended that the incoming Trump administration deepen ties with Greenland and Denmark through a defense and security compact modeled on agreements with Pacific Island nations. Such a compact, he explained, would deliver tangible benefits. For Greenland, he explained, it would offer investments in modern infrastructure, access to education, and sustainable development while safeguarding cultural and environmental integrity. For the United States, he clarified, it would provide critical Arctic access, bolstered defense infrastructure, and strengthened collaboration with allies “in a region that is rapidly becoming a focal point of global competition.” “A defense and security compact between the United States, Greenland, and Denmark... would protect Greenland from economic and political exploitation while ensuring the people of Greenland have control over their own future,” he emphasized. Policy Recommendations To enhance its Arctic presence, Dr. Berbrick suggested several actionable steps for U.S. policymakers: Trilateral Arctic Framework : Establish a formal cooperative agreement with Greenland and Denmark to address shared defense and economic priorities. Infrastructure Investments : Develop modernized ports, airports, and renewable energy projects in Greenland to foster sustainable growth and integration with global markets. Responsible Resource Partnerships : Support “environmentally sound” extraction of Greenland’s rare earth elements to benefit local communities and secure U.S. supply chains. Educational and Cultural Exchanges : Strengthen long-term ties between U.S. and Greenlandic communities through exchange programs and scientific collaboration. The matter comes as Greenland’s strategic importance has shifted into sharp focus amid evolving Arctic dynamics and growing international interest. On Sunday, President-elect Donald Trump wrote that, “For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity.” An autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, Greenland occupies a unique and strategic position in the Arctic. The U.S. has long recognized Greenland’s strategic importance, a focus heightened in recent years by increasing global competition in the Arctic from China and Russia. Dr. Berbrick’s insights underscore the need for forward-thinking partnerships that align Greenland’s aspirations with U.S. and allied interests, ensuring Arctic stability and security for generations to come. Joshua Klein is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jklein@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter @JoshuaKlein .West Sacramento Police to Conduct DUI/Driver's License Checkpoint on December 13


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TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Tulsa fired football coach Kevin Wilson on Sunday and will elevate wide receivers coach Ryan Switzer on an interim basis for the remainder of the season. The Golden Hurricane lost to South Florida 63-30 on Saturday, dropping their record to 3-8. The school's decision concludes Wilson's two-year tenure with a 7-16 record, including 3-12 in American Athletic Conference play. “With the rapidly evolving landscape of college athletics, we know the importance of positioning our football program and athletic department to thrive and excel in the upcoming years,” athletic director Justin Moore said in a statement. “Our standard will be to play in bowl games every season, compete for conference titles, and build a program that everyone connected to the Golden Hurricane will be proud of." Wilson spent six years as Indiana’s head coach, going 26-47 from 2011 to 2016. He then joined Urban Meyer’s staff at Ohio State and stayed on under Meyer’s successor, Ryan Day, before taking over at Tulsa. Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college football: https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-football-poll and https://apnews.com/hub/college-footballISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani police arrested thousands of Imran Khan supporters ahead of a rally in the capital to demand the ex-premier’s release from prison, a security officer said Sunday. Khan has been behind bars for more than a year and has over 150 criminal cases against him. But he remains popular and his political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf or PTI, says the cases are politically motivated. Shahid Nawaz, a security officer in eastern Punjab province, said police have arrested more than 4,000 Khan supporters. They include five parliamentarians. Pakistan has sealed off Islamabad with shipping containers and shut down major roads and highways connecting the city with PTI strongholds in Punjab and northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces. Tit-for-tat teargas shelling between the police and the PTI was reported on the highway bordering Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Earlier on Sunday, Pakistan suspended mobile and internet services “in areas with security concerns.” The government and Interior Ministry posted the announcement on the social media platform X, which is banned in Pakistan. They did not specify the areas, nor did they say how long the suspension would be in place. “Internet and mobile services will continue to operate as usual in the rest of the country,” the posts said. Meanwhile, telecom company Nayatel sent out emails offering customers “a reliable landline service” as a workaround in the areas suffering suspended cellphone service. Khan's supporters rely heavily on social media to demand his release and use messaging platforms like WhatsApp to share information, including details of events. PTI spokesperson Sheikh Waqas Akram said Khan's wife Bushra Bibi was traveling to Islamabad in a convoy led by the chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ali Amin Gandapur. “She cannot leave the party workers on their own,” said Akram. There was a festive mood in Peshawar, with PTI members dancing, drumming and holding up pictures of Khan as cars set off for Islamabad. The government is imposing social media platform bans and targeting VPN services , according to internet advocacy group Netblocks. On Sunday, the group said live metrics showed problems with WhatsApp that were affecting media sharing on the app. The U.S. Embassy issued a security alert for Americans in the capital, encouraging them to avoid large gatherings and warning that even “peaceful gatherings can turn violent.” Last month, authorities suspended the cellphone service in Islamabad and Rawalpindi to thwart a pro-Khan rally. The shutdown disrupted communications and affected everyday services such as banking, ride-hailing and food delivery. The latest crackdown comes on the eve of a visit by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko . Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi said authorities have sealed off Islamabad's Red Zone, which houses key government buildings and is the destination for Khan's supporters. “Anyone reaching it will be arrested,” Naqvi told a press conference. He said the security measures were in place to protect residents and property, blaming the PTI for inconveniencing people and businesses. He added that protesters were planning to take the same route as the Belarusian delegation, but that the government had headed off this scenario. Naqvi denied cellphone services were suspended and said only mobile data was affected. Associated Press writers Riaz Khan in Peshawar and Asim Tanveer in Multan contributed to this report.Divers helping in search for evidence in hunt for New York healthcare CEO killerbingo bet365

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Semiconductor stocks will come into focus in 2025 as geopolitical tensions rise. China is likely to retaliate following Trump’s most recent threats of 10% additional tariffs to all Chinese goods. This escalation in tariffs and retaliation is expected to have an impact on semiconductor sales in China, particularly affecting chipmakers with higher exposure to China. Nvidia, AMD and Micron have some of the lowest exposure among the leading chipmakers, while wafer fab equipment (WFE) manufacturers and Qualcomm have some of the highest exposure. Tariffs to Impact Chipmakers, WFE Spending Tariffs have not yet been implemented, yet the risks to the semiconductor industry and supply chain are already becoming visible. A report from the Commercial Times highlighted that the supply chain is scrambling to secure product prior to early 2025, with segments such as “display panels, IC design, memory, and optical communications” seeing an increase in rush orders. Optical firm Lianyi highlighted that telecom customers have “increased their efforts to replenish inventory at the end of the year, adding a wave of demand.” Additionally, to mitigate impacts of potential tariffs, some Chinese firms are attempting to shift production to Thailand and Vietnam, leading to longer supply times and additional order placements to secure enough supply. This comes as the US is continuing to implement stricter export restrictions on US-made chips to China, with the Commerce Department announcing restrictions on 24 types of chipmaking equipment, as well as bans on numerous Chinese firms. As a result, wafer fab equipment (WFE) spending in China is expected to take a rather large hit next year. Wafer fab equipment (WFE) refers to the equipment used to process wafers into chips, through processes like etching, deposition, and through ultraviolet wavelengths in a process called EUV lithography. Through the first half of 2024, China’s spending on WFE totaled more than $25 billion , putting it on track to spend $50 billion this year for the first time ever. For 2025, WFE spending is projected to drop below $40 billion , in line with 2023’s levels, and tracking for a -20% to -25% YoY decline. Some of the WFE manufacturers that are heavily exposed to China include ASML at nearly 50% of systems revenue year-to-date, and Applied Materials, KLA and Lam Research at 37% to 43% of revenue. WFE Firms at Risk from Elevated China Exposure In 2024, chipmaking equipment manufacturers had some of the highest exposure levels to China in the broader semiconductor industry, with ASML seeing China contribute nearly half of its systems revenue. Here’s how the leading WFE manufacturers stack up in terms of exposure to China. More than 48% of ASML’s systems revenue year-to-date has come from China while Lam Research and KLA both see China contributing ~42% of total revenue. Applied Materials’ China exposure in fiscal 2024 was slightly lower at 37%. This is a rather steep increase from the 26% to 29% range from fiscal 2023 for all four companies. This year-over-year surge in China revenue to elevated levels presents significant risk as export restrictions and tariffs combine as two primary headwinds. As a result of these two threats, as well as declining WFE spending and declining domestic utilization rates weighing on the equipment market’s growth, China exposure is expected is decline dramatically next year. Take ASML as an example. So far in 2024 (Q1 to Q3), China has accounted for $7.06 billion of its $14.56 billion in systems revenue. For the full year, China is expected to maintain this contribution level in the high-40% range, before dropping to 20% in 2025. This suggests China revenue could decline approximately -33% YoY to ~$7 billion. Applied Materials has just over $10 billion in revenue from China, Lam has over $6 billion, and KLA has over $4 billion, exposing the trio to hundreds of millions to billion-dollar losses in revenue streams should China revenue decline in the double-digits next year. On the other hand, some of the market’s leading AI players have the lowest China exposure, with less than 20% of revenue from China. Nvidia Among AI Favorites with the Lowest China Revenue Despite being the subject of some of the strictest export restrictions for its leading AI GPUs, Nvidia has some of the lowest exposure to China as a percentage of revenue, alongside competitor AMD and key suppliers Micron and TSMC. In its most recent quarter, Nvidia’s China (and Hong Kong) revenue rose 34.4% YoY to $5.42 billion, as it “ramped new products designed specifically for China that do not require an export control license.” As a percentage of revenue, China accounted for 15.4% of revenue, up from 12.2% in Q2 and 9.6% in Q1. Even with this acceleration in China revenue since Nvidia was hit with export restrictions in Q4 2023, China’s contribution remains lower than historical levels, in the low 20% region. Nvidia’s upcoming GB200 NVL36, NVL72, and B200 all face export restrictions and require licenses to ship to China, while the A100, A800, H100, H800, L4, L40, L40S, and RTX 4090 have already been restricted. This means that moving forward, China’s growth will continue to primarily come from China-specific products rather to those that could be subject to restrictions. AMD and Micron similarly have low revenue exposure from China and restrictions in place preventing sales of certain chips to the region. Certain variants of AMD’s Instinct GPUs and Versal FPGAs are restricted from being sold to China, while China banned Micron from key infrastructure products in 2023 due to national security risks. For fiscal 2023, AMD’s China revenue was approximately 15% of revenue, down from 22% in fiscal 2022. AMD has not provided any quarterly updates on China revenue through FY24, though management said last quarter that they are “underrepresented in China market in the server CPU side,” with opportunities to gain share. Micron’s China exposure has hovered in the 16% of revenue range for FY22 through FY24, due to bans from China limiting its growth in the nation. While the low exposure to China may seem like a positive, Micron faces competitive headwinds and pressure from Chinese firms in its primary markets. Analysts questioned management about China capacity hitting the market, and if it would have any impacts on Micron’s business. Management acknowledged that there has been China capacity in the market, saying that it is “primarily limited to China-oriented, China-exported customers who are using some of that supply or attempting to use it” for lower performance categories such as DDR4, LP4 and lower end NAND. However, they noted that they are focusing on the “higher profit pools” of DRAM and NAND such as HBM, LP5, and data center SSDs, so the “portion of the business that's exposed to those kinds of trends in China are really becoming smaller as a percent of our revenue over time.” Taiwan Semiconductor (TSMC) is exposed to a different realm of geopolitical risk due to its concentration in Taiwan, though it has faced some pressure from the US to restrict sales to China, which are quite low. Earlier in November, TSMC halted advanced chip shipments of 7nm and below to Chinese AI and GPU customers, viewed as a temporary strategy to comply with the United States government. The US reportedly believed that a sanctioned Chinese firm placed orders with TSMC via a middleman, and is attempting to crack down on this; TechNode reports that if these loopholes are closed, TSMC will be one of the most affected. Additionally, the US is seeking to place blanket restrictions on 7nm and below shipments to China, which TSMC is hoping will only be for Chinese AI customers, and not smartphone, as that would have a more substantial impact – Apple and Qualcomm are two primary customers with large smartphone revenue streams in China. In FY23, China accounted for just under 12.5% of TSMC’s revenue, up from the 10-11% level from the prior two years. Of the major semiconductor players in the market, TSMC has the lowest exposure to China, less than Nvidia, AMD and Micron. Here’s how the four stack up against some of the other more-AI exposed chipmakers. Two names stand out here for its elevated exposure to China – Qualcomm and Broadcom. In FY24, Qualcomm generated nearly 46% of its revenue from China, a significant improvement from China’s contribution of 67% of its revenue just three years ago. Qualcomm is seeing strong growth emerge from China from both smartphone and auto customers, noting that in Q1, QCT handset revenue is expected to grow single digits YoY driven by “greater than 40% sequential revenue growth from Chinese OEMs.” Broadcom generated over 32% of its revenue from China in FY23, down from the 35% range it had seen in three of the prior four years — much of this exposure to China stems from Apple. What’s interesting about Broadcom’s situation is that it believes that a majority of the products shipped to China ($11.5 billion revenue in FY23) are included in devices shipped back to the US or Europe, exposing it potentially to two-way tariffs, to China and from China. What Tariffs Mean for Semiconductor Stocks As tariffs risks rise with additional tariffs likely to be placed on China, and China threatening to retaliate with a 20% price cut advantage for domestic goods. Experts say the new policy will also affect US products sold in China, potentially impacting chipmakers with substantial Chinese revenue streams if they cannot outcompete domestic alternatives. What this means is that not only will semiconductors face geopolitical risks from tariff threats and a possible trade war, but they will also face a tougher selling climate in China as the country pushes for more domestic production towards its goal for 70% semiconductor self-sufficiency by the end of 2025. For Nvidia, although its share of China revenue is quite low at 15%, the country is a $20 billion plus market for them due to their rapid revenue growth, whereas for AMD, China was not even a $3.5 billion market in FY23. Though China’s 20% price advantage policy aims to promote domestic alternatives to US products, China is still hard-pressed to find a suitable alternative to Nvidia’s GPUs, with Huawei’s Ascend 910B only rivaling Nvidia’s A100 released four years ago. For companies like ASML, and its peers in WFE manufacturing, where China contributes 40% or more of revenue, the backdrop gets a bit more challenging as WFE spending in China is estimated to dry up slightly next year, with spending potentially dropping -25% YoY. These companies will in turn have to rely on growth in the Americas and leading-edge nodes to offset declining (or normalizing) China contribution. This is a scenario that brings a lot of ‘what-ifs’ to the table, as it’s impossible to predict what exactly will happen come 2025 when it comes to tariffs and when it comes to Chinese revenue streams. At the moment, the geopolitical risk is rising for semiconductors from these retaliatory threats, and it could create some better entry points for AI semis next year. To navigate this difficult territory, join Portfolio Manager Knox Ridley next Thursday, December 19 at 4:30 pm EST to discuss semis, SOXX versus the S&P 500, and what he sees ahead for some of the leading AI chip stocks in the market. Learn more here . If you would like notifications when my new articles are published, please hit the button below to "Follow" me. I/O Fund Equity Analyst Damien Robbins contributed to this report.

The King is scheduled to attend the show at London’s Royal Albert Hall on Friday which will see Sir Elton John and his husband David Furnish present a musical number from their new show The Devil Wears Prada – based on the 2006 Oscar-nominated film. Cast members Vanessa Williams, who plays Miranda Priestly, and Matt Henry, who stars as art director Nigel, were among those posing on the red carpet ahead of the performance which showcases an original score by Sir Elton. The variety show will also see debuts from British singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor with her hit track Murder On The Dancefloor while Eurovision winner Nemo is also featured on the bill. Also posing on the carpet were US magicians and comedy duo Penn and Teller, whose performance marks their 50th anniversary. Comedy will come from Ted Lasso star Ellie Taylor, writer and comic Scott Bennett, Scottish comedian Larry Dean and political comic Matt Forde – who posed on the red carpet with a crutch after undergoing surgery for cancer on his spine. Among the arrivals was TV presenter Lorraine Kelly, who will make an appearance in this year’s show with her Change And Check Choir led by Wet Wet Wet singer Marti Pellow. The choir, made up of women from across the UK who detected their breast cancer through Kelly’s campaign, will perform Love Is All Around, which is being re-released to raise awareness of breast cancer early detection. It comes hours after Camilla insisted the “show must go on” after pulling out of attending the performance on Friday evening as doctors advised that she should prioritise rest. A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: “Following a recent chest infection, the Queen continues to experience some lingering post-viral symptoms, as a result of which doctors have advised that, after a busy week of engagements, Her Majesty should prioritise sufficient rest. “With great regret, she has therefore withdrawn from attendance at tonight’s Royal Variety Performance. His Majesty will attend as planned.” A royal source said the Queen was “naturally disappointed to miss the evening’s entertainments and sends her sincere apologies to all those involved, but is a great believer that ‘the show must go on'”. “She hopes to be back to full strength and regular public duties very soon,” the source added. The Royal Variety Performance will air on ITV1, ITVX, STV and STV Player in December. Money raised from the show will go to help people from the world of entertainment in need of care and assistance, with the Royal Variety Charity launching an initiative to help those with mental health issues this year.

The cost of silence: How Malawi’s restrictive abortion laws are endangering livesSwiss National Bank lessened its stake in shares of ChampionX Co. ( NASDAQ:CHX – Free Report ) by 0.7% in the 3rd quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund owned 371,622 shares of the company’s stock after selling 2,800 shares during the quarter. Swiss National Bank owned about 0.20% of ChampionX worth $11,204,000 at the end of the most recent quarter. Several other hedge funds have also recently modified their holdings of CHX. Millennium Management LLC boosted its holdings in ChampionX by 12,607.0% in the 2nd quarter. Millennium Management LLC now owns 3,120,847 shares of the company’s stock valued at $103,643,000 after purchasing an additional 3,096,287 shares in the last quarter. Magnetar Financial LLC purchased a new stake in shares of ChampionX in the second quarter valued at approximately $72,860,000. Water Island Capital LLC acquired a new position in ChampionX during the second quarter worth $35,384,000. Squarepoint Ops LLC purchased a new position in ChampionX in the second quarter worth $21,669,000. Finally, Renaissance Technologies LLC acquired a new stake in ChampionX in the second quarter valued at $20,677,000. 98.99% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds. Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth Separately, Citigroup lowered their price target on shares of ChampionX from $45.00 to $40.00 and set a “buy” rating on the stock in a research note on Thursday, November 14th. Insiders Place Their Bets In other news, insider Deric D. Bryant sold 49,303 shares of ChampionX stock in a transaction on Wednesday, November 6th. The stock was sold at an average price of $30.06, for a total value of $1,482,048.18. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now owns 337,409 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $10,142,514.54. The trade was a 12.75 % decrease in their ownership of the stock. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at the SEC website . 1.38% of the stock is currently owned by company insiders. ChampionX Stock Performance CHX opened at $31.24 on Friday. The stock’s 50 day simple moving average is $30.46 and its 200 day simple moving average is $31.57. The stock has a market cap of $5.95 billion, a P/E ratio of 19.40 and a beta of 2.38. ChampionX Co. has a 1-year low of $25.46 and a 1-year high of $39.95. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.33, a current ratio of 1.94 and a quick ratio of 1.20. ChampionX ( NASDAQ:CHX – Get Free Report ) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, October 23rd. The company reported $0.44 earnings per share for the quarter, missing analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.45 by ($0.01). ChampionX had a net margin of 8.59% and a return on equity of 19.74%. The firm had revenue of $906.53 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $916.50 million. During the same quarter in the prior year, the business earned $0.41 EPS. The company’s quarterly revenue was down 3.5% compared to the same quarter last year. As a group, equities analysts anticipate that ChampionX Co. will post 1.66 EPS for the current fiscal year. ChampionX Announces Dividend The business also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, January 31st. Shareholders of record on Friday, January 3rd will be issued a dividend of $0.095 per share. This represents a $0.38 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 1.22%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Friday, January 3rd. ChampionX’s dividend payout ratio (DPR) is presently 23.60%. ChampionX Profile ( Free Report ) ChampionX Corporation provides chemistry solutions, artificial lift systems, and engineered equipment and technologies to oil and gas companies worldwide. The company operates through four segments: Production Chemical Technologies, Production & Automation Technologies, Drilling Technologies, and Reservoir Chemical Technologies. See Also Receive News & Ratings for ChampionX Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for ChampionX and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .

YPSILANTI, Mich. (AP) — On a damp Wednesday night with temperatures dipping into the 30s, fans in sparsely filled stands bundled up to watch Buffalo beat Eastern Michigan 37-30 on gray turf. The lopsided game was not particularly notable, but it was played on one of the nights the Mid-American Conference has made its own: A weeknight. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings. Get the latest sports news delivered right to your inbox six days a week.In the aftermath of the 2024 general elections, the Techiman South Constituency has become a hotspot for political unrest, as frustrated supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) clashed with law enforcement authorities over the parliamentary election results. The contested results in the constituency have ignited widespread protests, with NDC supporters accusing the Electoral Commission of irregularities that they believe undermined the integrity of the election process. The unrest escalated into heated confrontations between protesters and the police, raising concerns about the fairness of the election in the region. Video footage circulating on social media shows scattered ballot papers on the ground, which has fueled suspicions of electoral malpractice among the opposition. The images of damaged ballots have intensified the anger of NDC supporters, who are demanding answers and accountability. The NDC claims that the reported results do not reflect the true will of the people and have called for a thorough investigation into the allegations of electoral fraud. The party is demanding that the results be annulled or reviewed to ensure transparency and fairness in the electoral process.Winners, losers as Ravens beat Chargers 30-23 on Monday Night Football

Technology - Slate MagazineThe possibility of Seyi Tinubu running for Governor of Lagos state in the 2027 elections and succeeding Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu has sparked debate As the son of President Bola Tinubu, his candidacy is seen as a continuation of the political influence wielded by the Tinubu family in Lagos Speaking exclusively with Legit.ng on Sunday, PDP chieftain Dare Glintstone Akinniyi criticized the current state of politics in Lagos, comparing the Tinubu family’s influence to the Bush political legacy in the U.S Don't miss out! Join Legit.ng's Sports News channel on WhatsApp now! Legit.ng journalist Esther Odili has over two years of experience covering political parties and movements. The spokesperson of the PDP National Youth Group, Dare Glintstone Akinniyi, has shared his opinion on the speculation surrounding Seyi Tinubu, the son of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as a potential candidate for the 2027 Lagos state governorship race. Akinniyi: Who can challenge Seyi Tinubu Akinniyi compared the Tinubu family's potential political dynasty to the Bush family's political legacy in the United States of America, where George H.W. Bush and his son, George Walker Bush, both served as presidents. Read also 2027: PDP reacts amid endorsements of Seyi Tinubu as Lagos governor, details surface In an exclusive interview with Legit.ng on Sunday, November 24, Dare Glintstone Akinniyi, Akinniyi lambasted the leadership of the PDP in Lagos state, describing them as "unserious." The PDP chieftain said: PAY ATTENTION : Standing out in social media world? Easy! "Mastering Storytelling for Social Media" workshop by Legit.ng. Join Us Live! "It appears that the Tinubu's are emulating the Bushs' political strategies in America. Where the Father and Son were 41st and 43rd Presidents of the United States, respectively. Seyi Tinubu is a Nigerian and he is qualified to be the Governor of Lagos State, after then he can try to be President of Nigeria after his Father. "If the PDP leaders are serious in Lagos, should we be discussing a Son of Bola Tinubu's endorsement? "Nigerians and indeed Lagosians are in love with his Dad and they can compensate the family with the No 1 Seat in Lagos. Is there anyone who can challenge him, if his Dad decides to make him the next Governor of Lagos state? Read also Can Seyi Tinubu govern Lagos? APC chieftain mentions real target "The last three Governors of Lagos state were handpicked by the then Senator Bola Tinubu, now President Bola Tinubu – so what is the noise about?" Akinniyi: "PDP members sign secret deals with APC, Tinubu" Speaking further, the PDP spokesperson also criticized party members, who, according to him, have been involved in behind-the-scenes negotiations with the ruling APC , thereby undermining the party’s ability to present a strong alternative candidate to challenge the APC's dominance in Lagos state. Akinniyi added: "If there are any qualified people in Lagos than the Tinubu family, they should come out and let's see them. "Is it the same Lagos where members of PDP will go behind to negotiate with Tinubu that will present a candidate to be the next Governor? Or the APC that from LG chairman down to the Governor is selected by Bola Tinubu himself? "I wish Seyi Tinubu the best of luck, if his Dad wants him to be the next Governor of Lagos." Read also Seyi Tinubu: “I’m qualified to be Lagos gov,” Obasa declares ahead of 2027, video trends Read more about Seyi Tinubu here: 2027: PDP reacts amid endorsements of Seyi Tinubu as Lagos governor, details surface Can Seyi Tinubu govern Lagos? APC chieftain mentions real target Seyi Tinubu speaks on Nigeria’s economic hardship Seyi Tinubu unfit to rule Lagos – Igbokwe Earlier, Legit.ng reported that a chieftain of the ruling APC, Joe Igbokwe, said Seyi Tinubu does not possess the required capacity to be the governor of Lagos state. Igbokwe in a Facebook post criticised those advocating for Seyi to be Lagos governor. The APC chieftain described the calls as a distraction and an attempt to pull President Tinubu down. PAY ATTENTION: Сheck out news that is picked exactly for YOU ➡️ find the “Recommended for you” block on the home page and enjoy! Source: Legit.ngNone

President Joe Biden has said the US will try to bring home one of the longest-held American hostages following the sudden collapse of the Syrian government. Speaking at the White House, Biden said the US must first pinpoint the location of Austin Tice, with Syria in chaos. Mr Tice, a freelance journalist, is thought to have been taken captive close to Damascus on 14 August 2012 while he was covering the country's civil war. On Sunday, rebel fighters seized the Syrian capital in the culmination of a lightning offensive launched two weeks ago. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has fled the country. Biden said Assad's exit was a "fundamental act of justice" after decades of repression, but also "a moment of risk and uncertainty" for the Middle East. "We are mindful that there are Americans in Syria," Biden said on Sunday, "including those who reside there, as well as Austin Tice, who was take captive more than 12 years ago. "We remain committed to returning him to his family." On his way out of the room, Biden turned to answer a question from the media about Tice. "We believe he's alive," said the president. "We think we can get him back, but we have no direct evidence of that yet." The president added: "We have to identify where he is." Mr Tice, 43, was last seen in a video, blindfolded and in apparent distress, posted online weeks after his capture. While no government or group claimed responsibility for his disappearance, US officials soon said they believed that the former US Marine was being held by the Syrian government. Mr Tice's sister, Abigail Edaburn, told the BBC on Friday they believe he is still in Syria. "We don't know the exact circumstances of the place that he's being held, but we do know it is in Syria and that he is healthy and well," she said. "I don't know how much I can say, but there have been independent, trusted sources that have been able to verify this information," she added. The US has about 900 troops in Syria, and Biden said on Sunday he planned for those forces to remain. The president also said US forces had conducted "dozens" of what he called "precision air strikes" on Sunday against Islamic State group camps and operations in eastern Syria. President-elect Donald Trump said on Saturday that the US should not intervene militarily in Syria. "THIS IS NOT OUR FIGHT," he wrote on social media. The Syrian opposition that brought down Assad is led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which has been designated a terrorist group by the Biden administration. The US, UK, UN and others consider HTS as an al-Qaeda affiliate, though HTS says it broke off ties with the Sunni Islamist organisation years ago.

Pakistani police arrest thousands of Imran Khan supporters ahead of rally in the capitalThe Kremlin fired a new intermediate-range ballistic missile at Ukraine on Thursday in response to Kyiv's use this week of American and British missiles capable of striking deeper into Russia, President Vladimir Putin said. In a televised address to the country, the Russian president warned that U.S. air defense systems would be powerless to stop the new missile, which he said flies at ten times the speed of sound and which he called the Oreshnik — Russian for hazelnut tree. He also said it could be used to attack any Ukrainian ally whose missiles are used to attack Russia. “We believe that we have the right to use our weapons against military facilities of the countries that allow to use their weapons against our facilities,” Putin said in his first comments since President Joe Biden gave Ukraine the green light this month to use U.S. ATACMS missiles to strike at limited targets inside Russia. Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh confirmed that Russia’s missile was a new, experimental type of intermediate range missile based on it’s RS-26 Rubezh intercontinental ballistic missile. “This was new type of lethal capability that was deployed on the battlefield, so that was certainly of concern," Singh said, noting that the missile could carry either conventional or nuclear warheads. The U.S. was notified ahead of the launch through nuclear risk reduction channels, she said. The attack on the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro came in response to Kyiv's use of longer-range U.S. and British missiles in strikes Tuesday and Wednesday on southern Russia, Putin said. Those strikes caused a fire at an ammunition depot in Russia's Bryansk region and killed and wounded some security services personnel in the Kursk region, he said. “In the event of an escalation of aggressive actions, we will respond decisively and in kind,” the Russian president said, adding that Western leaders who are hatching plans to use their forces against Moscow should “seriously think about this.” Putin said the Oreshnik fired Thursday struck a well-known missile factory in Dnipro. He also said Russia would issue advance warnings if it launches more strikes with the Oreshnik against Ukraine to allow civilians to evacuate to safety — something Moscow hasn’t done before previous aerial attacks. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov initially said Russia hadn’t warned the U.S. about the coming launch of the new missile, noting that it wasn't obligated to do so. But he later changed tack and said Moscow did issue a warning 30 minutes before the launch. Putin's announcement came hours after Ukraine claimed that Russia had used an intercontinental ballistic missile in the Dnipro attack, which wounded two people and damaged an industrial facility and rehabilitation center for people with disabilities, according to local officials. But American officials said an initial U.S. assessment indicated the strike was carried out with an intermediate-range ballistic missile. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a Telegram post that the use of the missile was an "obvious and serious escalation in the scale and brutality of this war, a cynical violation of the UN Charter.” He also said there had been “no strong global reaction” to the use of the missile, which he said could threaten other countries. “Putin is very sensitive to this. He is testing you, dear partners,” Zelenskyy wrote. “If there is no tough response to Russia’s actions, it means they see that such actions are possible.” The attack comes during a week of escalating tensions , as the U.S. eased restrictions on Ukraine's use of American-made longer-range missiles inside Russia and Putin lowered the threshold for launching nuclear weapons. The Ukrainian air force said in a statement that the Dnipro attack was launched from Russia’s Astrakhan region, on the Caspian Sea. “Today, our crazy neighbor once again showed what he really is,” Zelenskyy said hours before Putin's address. “And how afraid he is.” Russia was sending a message by attacking Ukraine with an intermediate-range ballistic missile capable of releasing multiple warheads at extremely high speeds, even if they are less accurate than cruise missiles or short-range ballistic missiles, said Matthew Savill, director of military sciences at the Royal United Services Institute, a London-based think tank. “Why might you use it therefore?” Savill said. "Signaling — signaling to the Ukrainians. We’ve got stuff that outrages you. But really signaling to the West ‘We’re happy to enter into a competition around intermediate range ballistic missiles. P.S.: These could be nuclear tipped. Do you really want to take that risk?’” Military experts say that modern ICBMs and IRBMs are extremely difficult to intercept, although Ukraine has previously claimed to have stopped some other weapons that Russia described as “unstoppable,” including the air-launched Kinzhal hypersonic missile. David Albright, of the Washington-based think tank the Institute for Science and International Security, said he was “skeptical” of Putin’s claim, adding that Russian technology sometimes “falls short.” He suggested Putin was “taunting the West to try to shoot it down ... like a braggart boasting, taunting his enemy.” Earlier this week, the Biden administration authorized Ukraine to use the U.S.-supplied, longer-range missiles to strike deeper inside Russia — a move that drew an angry response from Moscow. Days later, Ukraine fired several of the missiles into Russia, according to the Kremlin. The same day, Putin signed a new doctrine that allows for a potential nuclear response even to a conventional attack on Russia by any nation that is supported by a nuclear power. The doctrine is formulated broadly to avoid a firm commitment to use nuclear weapons. In response, Western countries, including the U.S., said Russia has used irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and behavior throughout the war to intimidate Ukraine and other nations. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday that Russia’s formal lowering of the threshold for nuclear weapons use did not prompt any changes in U.S. doctrine. She pushed back on concerns that the decision to allow Ukraine to use Western missiles to strike deeper inside Russia might escalate the war. ′′They’re the ones who are escalating this,” she said of the Kremlin — in part because of a flood of North Korean troops sent to the region. More than 1,000 days into war , Russia has the upper hand, with its larger army advancing in Donetsk and Ukrainian civilians suffering from relentless drone and missile strikes. Analysts and observers say the loosening of restrictions on Ukraine's use of Western missiles is unlikely to change the the course of the war, but it puts the Russian army in a more vulnerable position and could complicate the logistics that are crucial in warfare. Putin has also warned that the move would mean that Russia and NATO are at war. “It is an important move and it pulls against, undermines the narrative that Putin had been trying to establish that it was fine for Russia to rain down Iranian drones and North Korean missiles on Ukraine but a reckless escalation for Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons at legitimate targets in Russia,” said Peter Ricketts, a former U.K. national security adviser who now sits in the House of Lords. ___ Associated Press writers Jill Lawless and Emma Burrows in London, and Zeke Miller and Lolita C. Baldor in Washington contributed to this report. ___ Follow AP’s coverage of the war in Ukraine at https://apnews.com/hub/russia-ukraineMumbai: Several Adani Group stocks rebounded on Friday as traders found value in these shares battered the previous day by concerns over accusations of bribery and fraud against founder Gautam Adani, companies and executives by US prosecutors. Seven out of 11 stocks gained between 1-4% on Friday, but the group's market value eroded by another ₹10,300 crore at close. The sell-off on Thursday had led to the market cap falling by 15.7% or ₹2.24 lakh crore - the third-biggest fall ever. Sanghi Industries, Ambuja Cements and ACC rose 3-4% on Friday and were among the top gainers. Adani Enterprises, the group's flagship company, gained 2.2%. Agencies "We saw traders 'bottom-fishing' the Adani stocks that would be less impacted by the US indictment, which was why some of them went up," said Sunny Agrawal, head of fundamental research at SBI Caps Securities. Adani Green Energy , the company named by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the indictment report, fell 8.2% on Friday, extending the losses from the previous day. The stock had lost 19% the previous day. 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Agrawal said he sees value in Ambuja Cements, ACC and Adani Ports . "They have credible institutional investments, good assets and cash flows, which could be a good buy for long-term investors at dips," he said. Assembly Election Results Maharashtra Poll Results Highlights 2024 Jharkhand Poll Results Highlights 2024 (You can now subscribe to our ETMarkets WhatsApp channel )

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KUWAIT: Kuwait Times recently visited Al-Hayat Universal Bilingual School to introduce students in grades six to eight to the world of journalism. The visit, organized by the school’s English department, is in line with the newspaper’s ongoing efforts to promote media literacy and give back to the community. During the visit, Nebal Snan, a journalist from Kuwait Times, shared valuable insights into the role of journalists, explaining how they help document significant events and shape the way future generations view the world. The students were engaged by real-life examples from the Kuwait Times archive, including stories about UFO sightings in Kuwait, highlighting the diverse topics journalists cover and the influence of media on public perception. The session also stressed the importance of critical thinking in both consuming and creating news. The students were encouraged to question the news they encounter and think about how the media shapes their views. They were also introduced to the growing role of technology in journalism. Students listened to how smartphones and social media are allowing ordinary people to become “citizen journalists,” sharing news from areas where professional reporters may be unable to reach, including war zones such as Gaza. Through this initiative, Kuwait Times is helping to raise awareness about the power and responsibility of journalism, ensuring that students understand the importance of media literacy and journalistic integrity in today’s digital age.

Hyderabad: Telangana deputy chief minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka on Sunday, November 24 said that the caste census in the state is reaching its final stage, adding that 95 per cent of the exercise is complete. He stressed the significance of the survey data entry and highlighted the issue of the unavailability of people in urban areas. Citizens across the state took part and information has been recorded as part of the caste census survey in Telangana. The deputy chief minister said that the survey was being conducted in rural and urban areas. He said that the data was collected from migrant workers in Telangana, especially those in the rural areas. Further, on the probe about a few residents in Hyderabad not cooperating with the caste census officials, Bhatti denied any such allegations and said the house owners were informed only when the house listing was done. The enumerators appointed to conduct the survey collected details from people. They were assisted by women’s groups and booth level officers in carrying out the exercise. On the rising number of food poisoning cases, Bhatti ensured that the government is providing good quality mid-day meals in Telangana government schools. He added that an action plan will be drawn to ensure that cases of food poisoning are prevented in the future.


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Conservation groups file suit challenging Bitterroot Forest PlanUS farm groups want Trump to spare their workers from deportationATLANTA , Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following the initial launch in July of this year, Nurse Daisy now includes both Patient and Clinician panels available on Web, iOS and Android platforms. The app's new features include HIPPA Compliant Patient Centric Messaging and Prioritized Patient Listing. The Prioritized Patient Listing is based on the patients most recently reported symptoms and their severity. These features will prove useful in assisting clinicians with organizing their daily schedules and maximizing their efficiency and the well-being of their patients. The HIPPA Compliant Patient Centric Messaging allows all clinicians treating the same patient to securely communicate between themselves. All providers associated with a shared patient can easily access and review any thread of communication made within the Nurse Daisy app. This app capability makes for a hassle-free search of any relevant messages that need to be reviewed. Similarly, a separate chat channel provides a secure HIPPA complaint messaging between the clinicians and the patient. This eliminates the need for buying another standalone platform just for the purpose of HIPPA complaint messaging. Nurse Daisy leverages cutting-edge technology to streamline healthcare operations and improve patient outcomes, by providing automated Remote Symptom Monitoring (RPSM) plus Remote Vital Sign Monitoring (RPM), Triage, Follow-ups, Daily Check-ins, Request and Workflow Management. Nurse Daisy's RPSM engine automatically detects declines in health and alerts clinicians and family members, for proactive care and crisis prevention. It also provides management of medication and daily activity. "We are very excited to launch the HIPPA Compliant Patient Centric Messaging in Nurse Daisy as another example of our deep understanding of the daily challenges faced by healthcare providers and our commitment to provide them the necessary tools to facilitate their jobs in delivering quality care while differentiating and growing their businesses," said Mallie Sharafat, Founder and CEO of BUDS Technology. Some of the key benefits of Nurse Daisy are: Quadruples patient interactions with clinicians. Increases Nursing efficiency by 20% and Request Handling efficiency by 75-85%. Alleviates staff burnout by being an intelligent virtual assistant to the clinical staff and providing task and workflow management automation. Improves communication within the Care Circle, fostering transparency and trust. Ensures adherence to healthcare regulations and standards through integrated compliance measures and improved documentation. Provides a platform to differentiate and grow your services. Nurse Daisy represents a significant advancement in healthcare technology, offering tangible benefits to healthcare providers and patients alike. Nurse Daisy stands poised to revolutionize the healthcare industry. For more information about Nurse Daisy and its transformative impact on healthcare, please visit budstechnology.com . For media inquiries, please contact: Anna Boisse , (678) 977-7273, [email protected] . SOURCE Buds Technology

Pope Francis, leading the world’s Roman Catholics into Christmas, delivered a strong message of hope and transformation during his Christmas Eve Mass on Tuesday. Celebrating the 12th Christmas of his papacy, Francis underscored that Jesus’ story of birth – as the son of a poor carpenter – has to make people believe in themselves as well, thus making them change the course of things in the world. Speaking in his sermon at the solemn Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis addressed the virtue of hope, which is also the theme for the upcoming 2025 Catholic Holy Year. He described hope as a powerful summons that encourages individuals to break free from complacency and confront the injustices of the world. He exhorted the faithful to find the courage to effect positive changes, saying that “hope calls us. to be upset with things that are wrong and to find the courage to change them.” The Holy Year, which the Vatican hopes will attract 32 million tourists to Rome, also marked the opening of the “Holy Door” at St. Peter’s-an event symbolizing spiritual renewal. This Jubilee, running through January 6, 2026, is a time for peace, forgiveness, and reflection. Pilgrims who walk through the Holy Door will be able to receive special indulgences, a remission of sins that is traditionally associated with these rare events, which typically occur every 25 years. Importance Of Spiritual And Social Renewal Pope Francis further underlined the call for social and economic change during the Jubilee. He challenged developed nations to take this chance to lessen the burden of debt of poorer nations, a call made by the late Pope John Paul II in the 2000 Jubilee year. This campaign to cancel debt for low-income nations ended up canceling $130 billion of debt between 2000 and 2015. “The Jubilee calls us to spiritual renewal and commits us to the transformation of our world,” Pope Francis declared. “A time of jubilee for the poorer countries burdened beneath unfair debts; a time of jubilee for all those who are in bondage to forms of slavery old and new.” Hope For The Future While the Vatican estimates up to 100,000 pilgrims will pass through the Holy Door each day in the coming year, Pope Francis’ message was not only about the physical journey to Rome but also about a collective spiritual journey toward a better, more just world. The Mass was attended by around 6,000 people inside St. Peter’s Basilica, with another 25,000 watching the event on screens in St. Peter’s Square. Despite having a cold, Pope Francis was healthy and upbeat; however, his voice was a little hoarse. At the end of Mass, he reminded faithful people that hope is not only a feeling but an appeal to act, telling them to be courageous in the face of challenges and not to give up easily. ALSO READ | Who Is Valentina Gomez? MAGA Figure Faces Public Outrage Over ‘Execution’ VideoA video of a rescue dog fully embracing her new life of love and affection has melted viewers' hearts. Dog owner Renee told Newsweek via TikTok that her now-rescued pit bull Gloria was involved in a "bad" backyard breeding situation in California. At one point in her time there, she had a prolapsed uterus. This occurs when a portion of the uterus protrudes through the cervix, which is most common during or after delivery. The backyard breeder no longer had use for Gloria and sent her to a high-kill shelter . Thankfully, her foster parent saw her story on social media. They reached out to rescues who could step in and save her. Underdog Heroes came to the rescue and Gloria soon went to her foster family for about seven months. Three potential adopters fell through before Gloria's now-owner, Renee, finally welcomed her home. "I saw Gloria on Instagram through her foster and we began chatting and one thing led to another," Renee said. "We drove 8 hours on May 18th to meet them and Gloria and brought her home!" It hasn't been an easy transition, however. Gloria needed time to decompress and learn to trust again, but she has made giant strides since then thanks to the family's patience and the help they received from a trainer. "She is a very sensitive girl and is still learning to trust us and feel at home," she said. "She is THE BIGGEST baby and loves to cuddle more than anything!" The December 15 TikTok video posted to the account @mamarenee0318 shows Gloria accepting gentle face rubs as she sits in a VIP seat. In a state of bliss, Gloria embraced the pets and affection. Gloria didn't want to open her eyes just in case the happy dream would end. It's as if she still can't believe she went from a trauma-filled backyard breeder to a life of love. Viewer Reactions As of Tuesday, the clip amassed over 200,700 views, 21,100 likes and 445 comments. TikTok viewers instantly fell in love with Gloria and filled the comment section with their happiness, as all dogs should get to experience this type of love. "They are the absolute best companions you'll ever find. Gentle house hippos," said one viewer. Another added: "It's like she thinks it's a dream and doesn't want to open her eyes." A third person asked: "Can we rent this dog out.... I could pet this dog for 8 hours straight."

Raiders' QB Gardner Minshew Out for Season with Broken Collarbone, Las Vegas Scrambles for Replacement Before Chiefs Game

B.C. drummers help John Stamos perfect Beach Boys drum soloNew York Giants quarterback Drew Lock will have an MRI on his right shoulder after injuring it in Sunday's 34-7 loss to the Atlanta Falcons, head coach Brian Daboll told reporters Monday. The results of Monday's MRI will help the team decide which quarterback gets the start in Week 17's matchup with the Indianapolis Colts, Daboll said, continuing a season trend of question marks at the position. New York has used four different quarterbacks this season, as longtime starter Daniel Jones was benched and later released on Nov. 22. Lock sat out the Giants' 35-14 loss in Week 15 to the visiting Baltimore Ravens due to heel and left elbow injuries. Tommy DeVito started against the Ravens and sustained a concussion late in the second quarter. Tim Boyle replaced DeVito and completed 12 of 24 passes for 123 yards with one touchdown and one interception in his debut with the team. Boyle had bounced between the practice squad and active roster since New York signed him in November. The Giants (2-13) will try to snap a 10-game losing skid -- the longest in franchise history -- on Sunday when they host the Colts (7-8). Lock, 28, is in his first season with the Giants and is 68-for-129 passing for 624 yards, one TD and four interceptions in six games (three starts). The Denver Broncos selected Lock in the second round of the 2019 NFL Draft. He played three seasons for the Broncos (2019-21) before they traded him to the Seattle Seahawks in March 2022. He has passed for 5,907 yards with a 58.7 percent completion rate, 29 TDs and 27 interceptions in 34 career games (26 starts). --Field Level MediaAn energized SMU squad will carry a three-game winning streak against up-and-down Virginia in the Atlantic Coast Conference opener for each team on Saturday in Dallas. The game is the first for the Mustangs' basketball team as a member of one of the nation's perennial powerhouse leagues, but don't expect SMU (7-2) to wilt in the spotlight. The Mustangs lambasted Alabama State 101-72 on Tuesday in their most recent outing. Their two losses came against Butler on the road by 11 points and against Mississippi State at home by five. Kario Oquendo poured in a season-high 20 points to lead seven SMU scorers in double figures in the win over Alabama State. Matt Cross added 12 points and 10 rebounds for the Mustangs while Samet Yigitoglu and Chuck Harris scored 12 points apiece. Yohan Traore and B.J. Edwards each had 11 and Jerrell Colbert hit for 10. "I think it's finally getting to the point where we are starting to figure out how to play as a team," Oquendo said. "You can see it from game to game. We're getting better, and every practice, we're getting better. I believe the more games we play together, the more the things start coming together." SMU is second in scoring per game in the ACC (averaging 88.3 points) and assists per game (16.4). The Mustangs lead the ACC in rebound margin (plus-10.9), total rebound average (43.3 per game) and offensive rebounds (15.2 a game) -- all in all, an impressive start to their campaign. Boopie Miller is the SMU leader in scoring average (15.6 points per game) and assists (5.8), with Cross the top rebounder (7.5 per game). The Cavaliers (5-3) head to Dallas after an 87-69 loss at No. 13 Florida on Wednesday in the SEC/ACC Challenge. Elijah Saunders scored 19 points for Virginia while Isaac McKneely added 12 points -- all on 3-pointers. The Cavaliers, however, had no answer for the Florida defense, committing 15 turnovers that led to 20 points for the Gators. Virginia led 18-9 early but were down by four at halftime. They got to within a point after a deep basket by Saunders in the opening minute of the second half, but that was as close as the Cavaliers would come. "Overall, I was very, very pleased with the first half," Virginia interim coach Ron Sanchez said. "I think that we handled adversity well. This group is on its way of becoming who they're going to be. It's painful growth, but you grow nonetheless." McKneely leads the Cavaliers with 13.1 points per game, followed by Saunders at 10.3. Jacob Cofie is the top rebounder at 6.4 per game, while Andrew Rohde has a team-best average of three assists. The teams have met just once before, with the Cavaliers outlasting SMU 76-73 in the semifinals of the Corpus Christi Challenge on Nov. 29, 2013. --Field Level Media


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Two students wounded and gunman dead after shooting at Northern California elementary schoolSAN DIEGO , Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Heron Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: HRTX) ("Heron" or the "Company"), a commercial-stage biotechnology company, today announced that the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware ruled in Heron's favor in the Company's patent litigation against Fresenius Kabi USA , LLC with respect to CINVANTI® (aprepitant) injectable emulsion. The district court found that Heron's U.S. Patent Nos. 9,561,229 and 9,974,794, which expire in 2035, are valid and would be infringed by Fresenius' proposed generic product. The district court decision concludes the litigation initiated in July 2022 in response to Fresenius' submission of an Abbreviated New Drug Application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration seeking approval of a generic version of CINVANTI®. As a result of the decision, Heron will seek an order from the Court prohibiting Fresenius from launching its generic CINVANTI® until after the expiration of the patents in 2035. This decision is subject to appeal. "We are pleased with this anticipated result of the proceeding and will continue to vigorously defend the CINVANTI® patent estate in the future," said Craig Collard, Chief Executive Officer of Heron. "The team at Heron takes great pride in the result of our successful history of developing injectable products, which is demonstrated by the strength of our intellectual property and the performance of our innovative drugs like CINVANTI® in serving patients with serious unmet needs." About Heron Therapeutics, Inc. Heron Therapeutics, Inc. is a commercial-stage biotechnology company focused on improving the lives of patients by developing and commercializing therapeutic innovations that improve medical care. Our advanced science, patented technologies, and innovative approach to drug discovery and development have allowed us to create and commercialize a portfolio of products that aim to advance the standard-of-care for acute care and oncology patients. For more information, visit www.herontx.com . Forward-looking Statements This news release contains "forward-looking statements" as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Heron cautions readers that forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and assumptions as of the date of this news release and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. Therefore, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are set forth in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and in our other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including under the caption "Risk Factors." Forward-looking statements reflect our analysis only on their stated date, and Heron takes no obligation to update or revise these statements except as may be required by law. Investor Relations and Media Contact: Ira Duarte Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer Heron Therapeutics, Inc. iduarte@herontx.com 858-251-4400 View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/us-district-court-upholds-validity-of-cinvanti-patents-302321651.html SOURCE Heron Therapeutics, Inc.Russian energy giant Gazprom said Saturday it would suspend gas exports to Moldova from 0500 GMT on Jan. 1 due to unpaid debt by Moldova, which is bracing for severe power cuts. It said the company reserved the right to take any action, including terminating the supply contract with Moldova. Russia supplies Moldova with about 2 billion cubic meters of gas per year, which is piped via Ukraine to the breakaway region of Transdniestria, where it is used to generate cheap power that is sold to government-controlled parts of Moldova. Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean condemned the Russian decision, which is a precursor to a total shutdown of Russian gas exports via Ukraine and to Europe, where it flows farther to Slovakia, Austria, Hungary and Italy, once a current transit deal with Ukraine expires on Dec. 31. Moldova will be hit the hardest by the shutdown. "This decision confirms once again the intention of the Kremlin to leave the inhabitants of the Transdniestrian region without light and heat in the middle of the winter," Recean wrote on Facebook, accusing Russia of using energy as a political weapon. Moscow has repeatedly dismissed those allegations. Difference over debt Russia, which is critical of Moldova's West-leaning central government, has said Moldova should pay a debt on past supplies. According to Russian calculations, the debt stands at $709 million. Moldova has put the debt at $8.6 million. Gazprom has said previously it wants Moldova to pay the debt before it starts to pump gas to the country via alternate routes. Transdniestria and the government in Chisinau agreed in 2022 that all Russian gas received by Moldova would flow to the breakaway region, which traditionally does not pay for fuel. Without gas supplies, the power-generating plant could stop working and Moldova and Transdniestria would face hourslong blackouts like those experienced by Ukraine due to Russia's attacks on its energy infrastructure in their war. Recean said Moldova had diversified sources of gas supply "in order to reduce dependence on a single supplier." "Our country is prepared to handle any situation that arises following the Kremlin's decision," he said. Moldova's population of 2.5 million has been preparing for long power cuts since Ukraine's government said it will not extend its transit contract with Gazprom. Moldova and Transdniestria have declared states of emergency over the threat of disrupted gas supplies, and Moldova said Friday it will curb power exports and introduce measures to reduce consumption by at least a third beginning Jan. 1. Moldovan President Maia Sandu has accused Gazprom of provoking an energy crisis, saying it was refusing to supply gas through an alternate route.live casino bet365

HC rebukes Hry agro corpn over delayed retiral benefitsSyrian government services come to a 'complete halt' as state workers stay homeWall Street stocks surged to fresh records Wednesday on hopes about easing US monetary policy, shrugging off political upheaval in South Korea and France. All three major US indices scored records, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average finishing above 45,000 for the first time. "The market at this point is looking for excuses to go up, and there's not really anything that might work against that narrative," said Steve Sosnick of Interactive Brokers. "Over the last couple of days, it's managed to ignore all sorts of inconvenient things and decided that the situation in France doesn't matter for them," Sosnick said of the stock market. "The situation in Korea doesn't matter." South Korea's stock market fell less than feared and the won rebounded from earlier losses after President Yoon Suk Yeol swiftly reversed a decision to impose martial law. In Europe, Paris stocks managed to advance as France's government faced looming no-confidence votes. Late Wednesday in Paris, French lawmakers voted to oust the government of Prime Minister Michel Barnier after just three months in office, pushing the country further into political uncertainty. For the first time in over sixty years, the National Assembly lower house toppled the incumbent government, approving a no-confidence motion that had been proposed by the hard left but which crucially was backed by the far-right headed by Marine Le Pen. "Political turmoil in both France and South Korea provide a uncertain backdrop for global markets, with the likely removal of both Barnier and Yoon bringing the potential for both countries to find a fresh direction," said Joshua Mahony, chief market analyst at Scope Markets. Thomas Mathews, head of Asia-Pacific markets at Capital Economics, said the losses in Seoul could have been "much worse" had the president not aborted his plan. "Rarely does a combined sell-off in a country's stocks, bonds and currency feel like a relief rally," he said. Oil prices turned lower after surging around 2.5 percent Tuesday, mainly after the United States sanctioned 35 companies and ships it accused of involvement with Iran's "shadow fleet" illicitly selling Iranian oil to foreign markets. Major producers at the OPEC+ grouping led by Saudi Arabia and Russia were set to meet Thursday to discuss extending output limits. Back in New York, major indices were led by the Nasdaq, which piled on 1.3 percent to finish at a third straight record. Wednesday's gains came after payroll firm ADP said US private-sector hiring in November came in at a lower-than-expected 146,000 jobs, while a survey from the Institute for Supply Management showed weaker sentiment than expected in the services sector. But the lackluster data boosts expectations that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates later this month. At a New York conference, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell refrained from tipping his hand, but he "didn't say anything that would scare the market," said Briefing.com analyst Patrick O'Hare. O'Hare noted that Wednesday's gains were led by large tech names such as Nvidia and Microsoft, which are major AI players. The boost followed strong results from Salesforce, which was the biggest gainer in the Dow with an 11 percent jump. New York - Dow: UP 0.7 percent at 45,014.04 (close) New York - S&P 500: UP 0.6 percent at 6,086.49 (close) New York - Nasdaq Composite: UP 1.3 percent at 19,735.12 (close) London - FTSE 100: DOWN 0.3 percent at 8,335.81 (close) Paris - CAC 40: UP 0.7 percent at 7,303.28 (close) Frankfurt - DAX: UP 1.1 percent at 20,232.14 (close) Seoul - Kospi Index: DOWN 1.4 percent at 2,464.00 (close) Tokyo - Nikkei 225: UP 0.1 percent at 39,276.39 (close) Hong Kong - Hang Seng Index: FLAT at 19,742.46 (close) Shanghai - Composite: DOWN 0.4 percent at 3,364.65 (close) Euro/dollar: UP at $1.0510 from $1.0509 on Tuesday Pound/dollar: UP at $1.2702 from $1.2673 Dollar/yen: UP at 150.56 yen from 149.60 yen Euro/pound: DOWN at 82.71 from 82.92 pence Brent North Sea Crude: DOWN 1.8 percent at $72.31 per barrel West Texas Intermediate: DOWN 2.0 percent at $68.54 per barrel burs-jmb/jgc

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BERGAMO, Italy :A late strike from Ademola Lookman secured Atalanta a hard-fought 2-1 win over AC Milan on Friday, lifting the hosts to the top of Serie A. Three minutes before fulltime, a corner sailed across the box and an unmarked Lookman headed in the winner for Atalanta. The result propelled the hosts to the top of the standings with 34 points, two ahead of Napoli who will play Lazio at home on Sunday. Milan are seventh with 22 points. The win meant Atalanta matched their record nine-match winning streak in Serie A, equalling the run they achieved from February to July 2020. As a sign of things to come, both Atalanta and Milan started aggressively, with chances created within the first minutes. Christian Pulisic's angled shot was saved in the opening seconds by Atalanta keeper Marco Carnesecchi, and moments later, Mario Pasalic missed a close-range opportunity for the hosts, sending the ball soaring over the bar. Milan thought they had taken the lead in the seventh minute, as Alvaro Morata found the net, but his celebration was cut short by the offside flag. Former Milan player Charles De Ketelaere leapt his marker to head Atalanta into the lead after 12 minutes, finishing off a perfectly delivered corner. Ten minutes later, Milan replied when Rafael Leao sent a cross into the box to Morata, who swept it home from close range to equalise. PULISIC INJURY Milan faced an injury concern just before the break when Pulisic limped off the pitch after what looked like an unfortunate slip following contact with an Atalanta player. After receiving treatment from the medical staff, the pain proved too much for him to continue and he was substituted, helped off the field by two members of the medical team. Sky Sport Italia said later he was suffering from a calf muscle issue, which will require further testing. The second half was evenly contested, with both sides creating several chances, and Milan goalkeeper Mike Maignan made a save in stoppage time to deny Atalanta a third goal. "It’s a very important game against a very strong team that is doing well in the league. We performed well tonight, three big points and we continue like this," Lookman said. "I think we just continue to play the way we play, match by match. We believe in ourselves as a team, so we continue like this and stay together."Nonepoker bet365

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Milestone deal for DAZN's position as the global home of sport. This acquisition establishes DAZN's sports platform in Australia , one of the world's most attractive sports markets. Foxtel Group will leverage DAZN's global reach, industry-leading technology and extensive content portfolio to further enhance the viewing experience for Australian sports fans. LONDON , NEW YORK , and SYDNEY , Dec. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DAZN , a world-leading sports entertainment platform, has today announced an agreement to acquire Foxtel Group (' Foxtel ') from its majority shareholder News Corp and minority shareholder Telstra at an enterprise value of US$2.2 billion , subject to regulatory approval. The acquisition establishes DAZN as a leader in sports entertainment in Australia – a highly attractive sports market – while also expanding DAZN's global footprint and enhancing the group's standing as the global home of sport. The addition of Foxtel to DAZN brings the Group's pro-forma revenues towards US$6 billion and provides the additional content, expertise, and expansion opportunities to accelerate DAZN's growth trajectory. Foxtel is one of Australia's leading media companies, with 4.7 million subscribers, who will benefit from DAZN's extensive portfolio of sports content, platform technology, and global reach. From its beginnings as Australia's original pay-TV innovator, Foxtel has evolved to become a digital and streaming leader in sports and entertainment and the proposed transaction positions Foxtel for continued expansion as a digital-first, streaming-focused business. Foxtel will maintain its local character, led by the CEO, Patrick Delany , and his world-class management team. DAZN, a sports streaming platform with a truly global reach, is committed to growing the global audience for domestic Australian sports across the 200 territories in which it is available. Under the terms of the transaction, News Corp and Telstra will become minority shareholders in DAZN, enabling them to retain an interest in Foxtel. Shay Segev , Chief Executive Officer of DAZN, said: "Australians watch more sport than any other country in the world, which makes this deal an incredibly exciting opportunity for DAZN to enter a key market, marking another step in our long-term strategy to become the global home of sport. Foxtel is a successful business that has undergone a remarkable digital transformation in recent years, and we are confident that our global reach and relentless pursuit of innovation will continue to drive the business forward and ensure long-term success. "We are committed to supporting and investing in Foxtel's television and streaming services, across both sports and entertainment, using our world-leading technology to further enhance the viewing experience for customers. We are also committed to using our global reach to export Australia's most popular sports to new markets around the world, and we will continue to promote women's and under-represented sports. "We're looking forward to working closely with Patrick Delany and his team, as well as News Corp and Telstra as shareholders in DAZN, to realise our ambitious vision for the future of sport entertainment." Siobhan McKenna , the Chairman of Foxtel , said the agreement with DAZN was international recognition of the transformation of Foxtel from an incumbent pay TV operator to a sports and entertainment digital and streaming leader. "Over the last seven years the Foxtel team, with the strong support of News, have achieved an extraordinary turnaround in an intensely competitive environment." Foxtel Group CEO, Patrick Delany , said: "Today's announcement is a natural evolution for the Foxtel Group, having reinvented the company over the past five years as Australia's most dynamic technology-led streaming company. "Kayo and Foxtel provide Australian sports fans with access to the best Australian and international sport and shows, including AFL, NRL and Cricket with 4.7 million subscribers. "We are excited by DAZN's commitment to the Australian market. They are experts in the sports media business and can play a significant role in supporting Foxtel as the business grows its streaming capabilities, bringing a bigger and better service to customers across entertainment, news and sport. They are a perfect match for us as we look toward this next era of growth. "We have been grateful for the support of News Corp while we reimagined the future of Foxtel. In 2019, when we merged Foxtel and Fox Sports we had many people questioning our future. "After launching Kayo later in 2019 and BINGE in 2020, today we are the largest Australian-based streamer of sport and entertainment, we have stabilised our Foxtel base and launched Hubbl to help consumers find all the streamed content they love all in one place. This wouldn't have been possible without the support and encouragement of News Corp." NOTES TO EDITORS About DAZN As a world-leading sports entertainment platform, DAZN streams over 90,000 live events annually and is available in more than 200 markets worldwide. DAZN is the home of European football, women's football, boxing and MMA, and the NFL internationally. The platform features the biggest sports and leagues from around the world – Bundesliga, Serie A, LALIGA, Ligue 1, Formula 1, NBA, Moto GP, and many more including the 2025 FIFA Club World Cup. DAZN is transforming the way people enjoy sport. With a single, frictionless platform, sports fans can watch, play, buy, and connect. Live and on-demand sports content, anywhere, in any language, on any device – only on DAZN. DAZN partners with leading pay-TV operators, ISPs and Telcos worldwide to maximise sports exposure to a broad audience. Its partners include Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Sky, Movistar, Telenet, Vodafone, and many more. DAZN is a global, privately-owned company, founded in 2016, with more than 3,000 employees. The Group generated $3.2bn in revenue in 2023, having grown its annual revenues by over 50% on average from 2020 to 2023, through diverse revenue streams comprising subscriptions, advertising, sponsorship, and transactional. For more information on DAZN, our products, people, and performance, visit www.dazngroup.com . About Foxtel The Foxtel Group is one of Australia's leading media companies with 4.7 million subscribers. Its businesses include subscription television, streaming, sports production and advertising. The Foxtel Group is owned 65% by News Corp and 35% by Telstra. The Foxtel Group's diversified business includes Fox Sports, Australia's leading sports production company, famous for live sports and shows with the best commentators and personalities. It is also the home of local and global entertainment content and continues to be the partner of choice for the widest range of sports and international content providers based on established, long-term relationships, growing streaming audiences, and position as the largest Australian-based subscription television company. View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dazn-advances-global-expansion-with-acquisition-of-foxtel-a-leading-australian-sports-and-entertainment-media-group-302337994.html SOURCE DAZN

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How have Palestinian groups reacted to the ouster of Syria’s al-Assad?DMACC plans to offer a certificate and associate degree in AI starting in the fall for students, working with national partners and mentors. (Photo by Brooklyn Draisey/Iowa Capital Dispatch) Des Moines Area Community College has expanded its partnerships in developing curriculum for education on artificial intelligence to better prepare students for a changing professional world. The community college announced last week that it has been selected to join the National Applied AI Consortium Mentorship program, which will provide DMACC with support and resources from colleges and universities with their own established AI curriculum. Executive Academic Dean for Business and Information Technology Anne Power said DMACC is also working to expand its AI education from non-credit, basic courses into an associate degree and certificate to help students and employers across the state gain the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with AI in their work. “I think it’s important that our education system in general does take the lead on AI in the state of Iowa, so that we can help educate our industry partners, governmental agencies on AI and how they can use it effectively in their organizations,” Power said. SUBSCRIBE: GET THE MORNING HEADLINES DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX The consortium, developed by Miami Dade College, Houston Community College and Maricopa County Community College District, will give DMACC access to mentorship and resources from the colleges’ already-established AI curriculum, Power said. Only two other community colleges are involved on the mentee side of the consortium. Miami Dade College AI faculty member Norge Pena Perez has been assigned to work with DMACC, Power said, and in group meetings they have already discussed what courses and competencies should be included in curriculum and barriers that students have dealt with in the past in other programs. “It is all mentorship — how to develop the curriculum, how to market the program,” Power said. DMACC this fall became the first Intel AI for Workforce college partner in Iowa, aiding the college in developing curriculum for introductory, non-credit courses on AI. The first course, which started in October with 22 enrolled continuing education students, filled up within a couple of days, said Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence faculty member Becky Deitenbeck. The class is eight weeks long. A second course starting in November was offered to meet demand, which also met capacity. As it is an introductory class to the topic and industry of artificial intelligence, she said students are given broad strokes of its history, different ways it is utilized and where it has already been applied in the real world, like the Christmas Coca-Cola ad that was developed with AI graphics. “I always like to call it the 5,000-foot view of AI,” Deitenbeck said. When AI is brought up in conversation, Deitenbeck said people’s thoughts usually go to generative programs like ChatGPT, but in reality artificial intelligence has been around in different fashions for around 50 years. Deitenbeck said students are shown AI’s presence in different industries and its functions, and how and why it has become more popular. “It’s recently gained traction because we have not only the computing power, but also the resources in order to utilize the capabilities of these large language models,” Deitenbeck said. A separate, non-credit course on the ethics of AI will be available to students starting next semester alongside the introductory class. Power said the community college is currently working to get AI certificate and associate degree programs approved so students can enroll for the fall semester. One area of concern surrounding AI is the idea that people’s jobs will disappear as a result of these programs, Deitenbeck said, but she doesn’t believe this is true. Industry leaders have requested AI training for their employees, Power said, which served as a sort of catalyst for the college’s delve into AI education possibilities. AI is in the “forefront of everyone’s minds at this point in time,” Power said, with it impacting many, if not all, aspects of people’s lives. Deitenbeck said it affects how people create graphics, write code and complete other tasks, but that doesn’t mean that people’s careers or ways of life will go away. “There’s a lot of opportunities and exciting items on the horizon, even from an educational standpoint, in being able to ensure that students going into the workforce have the skills necessary that they need to be successful,” Deitenbeck said. SUPPORT: YOU MAKE OUR WORK POSSIBLE

NEW ORLEANS — A scruffy little fugitive is on the lam again in New Orleans, gaining fame as he outwits a tenacious band of citizens armed with night-vision binoculars, nets and a tranquilizer rifle. Scrim, a 17-pound mutt that's mostly terrier, has become a folk hero, inspiring tattoos, T-shirts and even a ballad as he eludes capture from the posse of volunteers. And like any antihero, Scrim has a backstory: Rescued from semi-feral life at a trailer park and adopted from a shelter, the dog broke loose in April and scurried around the city until he was cornered in October and brought to a new home. Weeks later, he'd had enough. Scrim leaped out of a second-story window, a desperate act recorded in a now-viral video. Since then, despite a stream of daily sightings, he's roamed free. The dog’s fans include Myra and Steve Foster, who wrote “Ode to Scrim” to the tune of Ricky Nelson’s 1961 hit, “I’m a Travelin’ Man.” Michelle Cheramie, founder of Zeus' Rescues, at her office in New Orleans on Dec. 9 with a whiteboard index of sheltered cats and dogs and a Scrim look-alike recuperating in the background. Leading the recapture effort is Michelle Cheramie, a 55-year-old former information technology professional. She lost everything — home, car, possessions — in Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and in the aftermath, found her calling rescuing pets. “I was like, ‘This is what I should be doing,’” Cheramie said. “I was born to rescue.” She launched Zeus’ Rescues, a nonprofit shelter that now averages 600 cat and dog adoptions a year and offers free pet food to anyone who needs it. She helped Scrim find the home he first escaped from. It was Cheramie's window Scrim leaped from in November. She's resumed her relentless mission since then, posting flyers on telephone poles and logging social media updates on his reported whereabouts. She's invested thousands of dollars on wildlife cameras, thermal sensors and other gear. She took a course offered by the San Diego Zoo on the finer points of tranquilizing animals. And she's developed a network of volunteers — the kind of neighbors who are willing to grid-search a city at 3 a.m. Scrim on Oct. 24 at the Metairie Small Animal Hospital in Metairie, La. People like writer David W. Brown, who manages a crowd-sourced Google Map of all known Scrim sightings. He says the search galvanized residents from all walks of life to come together. As they search for Scrim, they hand out supplies to people in need. “Being a member of the community is seeing problems and doing what you can to make life a little better for the people around here and the animals around you,” Brown said. Neighbor Tammy Murray had to close her furniture store and lost her father to Parkinson's disease. This search, she says, got her mojo back. “Literally, for months, I’ve done nothing but hunt this dog,” said Murray, 53. “I feel like Wile E. Coyote on a daily basis with him.” Murray drives the Zeus' Rescues van toward reported Scrim sightings. She also handles a tactical net launcher, which looks like an oversized flashlight and once misfired, shattering the van's window as Scrim sped away. After realizing Scrim came to recognize the sound of the van's diesel engine, Murray switched to a Vespa scooter for stealth. Michelle Cheramie, director of Zeus' Rescues, left, walks with Scrim on Oct. 24 at the Metairie Small Animal Hospital in Metairie, La. Near-misses have been tantalizing. The search party spotted Scrim napping beneath an elevated house, and wrapped construction netting around the perimeter, but an over-eager volunteer broke ranks and dashed forward, leaving an opening Scrim slipped through. Scrim's repeated escapades prompted near-daily local media coverage and a devoted online following. Cheramie can relate. “We’re all running from something or to something," she said. "He's doing that, too.” Cheramie's team dreams of placing the pooch in a safe and loving environment. But a social media chorus growing under the hashtag #FreeScrim has other ideas — they say the runaway should be allowed a life of self-determination. The animal rescue volunteers consider that misguided. “The streets of New Orleans are not the place for a dog to be free,” Cheramie said. “It’s too dangerous.” Scrim rests in a kennel Oct. 24 at the Metairie Small Animal Hospital in Metairie, La. Scrim was a mess when Cheramie briefly recaptured him in October, with matted fur, missing teeth and a tattered ear. His trembling body was scraped and bruised, and punctured by projectiles. A vet removed one, but decided against operating to take out a possible bullet. The dog initially appeared content indoors, sitting in Cheramie's lap or napping beside her bed. Then while she was out one day, Scrim chewed through a mesh screen, dropped 13 feet to the ground and squeezed through a gap in the fence, trotting away. Murray said Cheramie's four cats probably spooked him. Cheramie thinks they may have gotten territorial. Devastated but undeterred, the pair is reassessing where Scrim might fit best — maybe a secure animal sanctuary with big outdoor spaces where other dogs can keep him company. Somewhere, Murray says, “where he can just breathe and be.” Scrim sits in the arms of Zoey Ponder on Oct. 24 at Metairie Small Animal Hospital in Metairie. Scrim at the Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter in Louisiana. A Scrim sticker for sale Dec. 9 at Zeus' Rescues office to raise money for the shelter in New Orleans. A homemade portrait of Scrim hangs Dec. 9 in the Zeus' Rescues shelter in New Orleans. Scrim spends some time outside Oct. 24 with Michelle Cheramie, director of Zeus' Rescues, in a fenced-in area at Metairie Small Animal Hospital in Metairie. Receive the latest in local entertainment news in your inbox weekly!

David Bonderman, co-founder of private equity firm TPG and co-owner of Seattle Kraken, dies at 82

WASHINGTON — Only about 2 in 10 Americans approve of President Joe Biden's decision to pardon his son Hunter after earlier promising he would do no such thing, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. That displeasure tracks with the bipartisan uproar in Washington that ignited over the president's about-face. The survey found that a relatively small share of Americans "strongly" or "somewhat" approve of the pardon, which came after the younger Biden was convicted on gun and tax charges. About half said they "strongly" or "somewhat" disapprove, and about 2 in 10 neither approve nor disapprove. The Democratic president said repeatedly that he would not use his pardon power for the benefit of his family, and the White House continued to insist, even after Republican Donald Trump's election win in November, that Biden's position had not changed — until it suddenly did. Hunter Biden leaves federal court Sept. 5 in Los Angeles after pleading guilty to federal tax charges. "I know it's not right to believe politicians as far as what they say compared to what they do, but he did explicitly say, 'I will not pardon my son,'" said Peter Prestia, a 59-year-old Republican from Woodland Park, New Jersey, just west of New York City, who said he strongly disagreed with the move. "So, it's just the fact that he went back on his word." In issuing a pardon Dec. 1, Biden argued that the Justice Department had presided over a "miscarriage of justice" in prosecuting his son. The president used some of the same kind of language that Trump does to describe the criminal cases against him and his other legal predicaments. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said it was a decision that Biden struggled with but came to shortly before he made the announcement, "because of how politically infected these cases were" as well as "what his political opponents were trying to do." The poll found that about 4 in 10 Democrats approve of the pardon, while about 3 in 10 disapprove and about one-quarter did not have an opinion or did not know enough to say. The vast majority of Republicans and about half of independents had a negative opinion. President Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden walk Nov. 29 in downtown Nantucket Mass. For some, it was easy to see family taking priority over politics. "Do you have kids?" asked Robert Jenkins, a 63-year-old Democrat who runs a lumber yard and gas station in Gallipolis, Ohio. "You're gonna leave office and not pardon your kid? I mean, it's a no-brainer to me." But Prestia, who is semiretired from working for a digital marketing conglomerate, said Biden would have been better off not making promises. "He does have that right to pardon anybody he wants. But he just should have kept his mouth shut, and he did it because it was before the election, so it's just a bold-faced lie," Prestia said. Despite the unpopularity of his decision, the president's approval rating has not shifted meaningfully since before his party lost the White House to Trump. About 4 in 10 Americans "somewhat" or "strongly" approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, which is about where his approval rating stood in AP-NORC polls since January 2022. Still, the pardon keeps creating political shock waves, with Republicans, and even some top Democrats, decrying it. Older adults are more likely than younger ones to approve of Biden's pardoning his son, according to the poll, though their support is not especially strong. About one-third of those ages 60 and older approve, compared with about 2 in 10 adults under 60. The age divide is driven partially by the fact that younger adults are more likely than older ones to say they neither approve nor disapprove of the pardon or that they do not know enough to say. President Joe Biden walks with his son Hunter Biden on July 26 as he heads toward Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington. About 6 in 10 white adults disapprove of the pardon, compared with slightly less than half of Hispanic adults and about 3 in 10 Black adults. Relatively large shares of Black and Hispanic Americans — about 3 in 10 — were neutral, the poll found. "Don't say you're gonna do something and then fall back," said Trinell Champ, 43, a Democrat from Nederland, Texas, who works in the home health industry and said she disapproved of the pardon. "At the end of the day, all you have is your word." Champ, who is Black, voted for Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris over Trump. "I just had my hopes up for her, but I wasn't 100% positive," she said. Champ also said she does not approve of Biden's handling of the presidency and thinks the country is on the wrong track. "While he was in office, I felt like I really didn't see a lot of changes," she said. "I just felt like everything just kind of stayed the same," Champ said. Overall, though, the pardon did not appear to be a driving factor in many Americans' assessment of Biden's job performance. The share of Black Americans who approve of the way he is handling his job as president did fall slightly since October, but it is hard to assess what role the pardon may have played. Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) carries both of his sons, Joseph R. III, left, and Robert H., during an appearance at the Democratic state convention last summer, 1972. At center is his wife Neilia Biden, who was killed in an auto crash, Dec. 20, 1972. With them are Governor-elect Sherman W. Tribbitt and his wife, Jeanne. (AP Photo) Joseph Biden, the newly-elected Democratic Senator from Delaware, is shown in Washington, Dec. 12, 1972. (AP Photo/Henry Griffin) 1972 - Is first elected to the Senate at age 29, defeating Republican Senator J. Caleb Boggs. Wins re-election in 1978, 1984, 1990, 1996 and 2002. The newly-elected Democratic senator from Delaware, Joe Biden, is shown, Dec. 13, 1972. Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) kisses the cheek of an unidentified friend who offered consoling words after a memorial service in Wilmington, Del., Dec. 22, 1972, for Biden's wife Neilia, their 13-month-old daughter Naomi Christina, who perished in a car-truck crash. Biden's two sons were hospitalized with serious injuries. (AP Photo/Bill Ingraham) December 18, 1972 - While Christmas shopping, Biden's first wife, Neilia Hunter Biden, and daughter, Naomi Biden, are killed in a car accident. His sons are badly injured, but survive. January 5, 1973 - Is sworn in as US senator of Delaware at son Beau Biden's bedside in the hospital. In this Jan. 5, 1973 file photo, four-year-old Beau Biden, foreground, plays near his father, Joe Biden, center, being sworn in as the U.S. senator from Delaware, by Senate Secretary Frank Valeo, left, in ceremonies in a Wilmington hospital. Beau was injured in an accident that killed his mother and sister in December 1972. Biden's father, Robert Hunter, holds the Bible. (AP Photo/File) 1987-1995 - Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, rubs his temples while speaking during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Robert H. Bork, Sept. 17, 1987, on Capitol Hill. (AP Photo/John Duricka) June 9, 1987 - Enters the 1988 presidential race, but drops out three months later following reports of plagiarism and false claims about his academic record. Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) waves from his train as he leaves Wilmington, Del., after announcing his candidacy for president, June 9, 1987. At right, son Beau carries daughter; to Biden's right is his wife Jill and son Hunter. (AP Photo/George Widman) February 1988 - Undergoes surgery to repair an aneurysm in an artery that supplies blood to the brain. Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), wearing a University of Delaware baseball cap, leaves Walter Reed Army Hospital accompanied by his son Hunter Biden, Thursday, March 24, 1988, Washington, D.C. Biden had been in the hospital for 11 days so that surgeons could implant a small umbrella-like filter in a vein to prevent blood clots from reaching his lungs. (AP Photo/Adele Starr) In this Oct. 12, 1991 file photo Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Biden, D-Del., points angrily at Clarence Thomas during comments at the end of hearings on Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court on Capitol Hill. Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. looks on at right. (AP Photo/Greg Gibson, File) January 20, 1990 - Introduces a bill that becomes the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The act addresses sexual assault and domestic violence. It is signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1994. Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), left, stands behind a flag as Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), second from right, along with other congresswomen meet reporters on Capitol Hill, Feb. 24, 1993, to discuss the Violence Against Women Act. From left are: Sen. Biden; Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.); Rep. Pat Schroeder (D-Colo); Sen. Boxer; and Rep. Constance Morella of Maryland. (AP Photo/Barry Thumma) In this April 9, 1993, file photo Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del. stands in front of a Danish armored personnel carrier at the UN-controlled Sarajevo Airport, making a statement about his trip to the besieged Bosnian capital. (AP Photo/Michael Stravato, File) Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, meets reporters on Capitol Hill Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 to discuss the United Nations-Iraq vote. (AP Photo/Terry Ashe) Democratic presidential hopeful, and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., presides over a hearing of the committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007 to discuss the remaining options in Iraq. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook) Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Sen. Joseph Biden D-Del., smiles during the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO Presidential Forum Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2007, in Waterloo, Iowa. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green) January 31, 2007 - Files a statement of candidacy with the Federal Elections Commission to run for president. August 1, 2007 - His memoir, "Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics," is published. Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., left, listens as Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., responds to a question during the first Democratic presidential primary debate of the 2008 election hosted by the South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, SC., Thursday, April 26, 2007. At right is Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-NY. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., speaks at a Caucus night rally in Des Moines, Iowa, Thursday, Jan. 3, 2008. Biden abandoned his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday after a poor showing in the state's caucuses. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu) In this Jan. 3, 2008, file photo, Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., rests his head on the shoulder of his wife, Jill, as they stand in a hallway awaiting his introductions for a rally at the UAW Hall in Dubuque, Iowa on the day of the Iowa caucus in Dubuque, Iowa. (AP Photo/Mark Hirsch, File) August 23, 2008 - Is named the vice-presidential running mate of Barack Obama. In this Aug. 23, 2008 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., and his vice presidential running mate Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., appear together in Springfield, Ill. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, file) In this Sept. 16, 2008 file photo, then Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del. arrives by Amtrak in Wilmington, Del., (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File) In this Oct. 2,2008 file photo, Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., left, and Republican vice presidential candidate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin face off during the vice presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis. (AP Photo/Tom Gannam, File) November 4, 2008 - Is elected vice president of the United States. President-elect Barack Obama, left, and Vice President-elect Joe Biden wave to the crowd after Obama's acceptance speech at his election night party at Grant Park in Chicago before giving his acceptance speech Tuesday night, Nov. 4, 2008. (AP Photo/Morry Gash) January 20, 2009 - Is sworn in as vice president of the United States. Vice President Joe Biden, left, with his wife Jill at his side, taking the oath of office from Justice John Paul Stevens at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola) February 7, 2009 - Delivers his first major speech as vice president at a security conference in Germany. US Vice President Joe Biden addresses the participants of the International Conference on Security Policy, Sicherheitskonferenz, at the hotel "Bayerischer Hof" in Munich, southern Germany, on Saturday, Feb. 7, 2009. September 1, 2010 - Presides over a ceremony in Iraq to formally mark the end of the US combat mission in Iraq. US Vice President Joe Biden, left, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, center, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mike Mullen, right, stand while the US National Anthem is played during the United States Forces-Iraq change of command ceremony in Baghdad on Wednesday Sept. 1, 2010, as a new US military mission in Iraq was launched ending seven years of combat. (AP Photo/Jim Watson Pool) November 6, 2012 - Obama and Biden are reelected, defeating Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Vice President Joe Biden exits with his wife Jill Biden after voting at Alexis I. duPont High School, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Greenville, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) Vice President Joe Biden, with his wife Jill Biden, center, holding the Biden Family Bible, shakes hands with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor after taking the oath of office during an official ceremony at the Naval Observatory, Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013, in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) October 2, 2014 - Speaking at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Biden tells attendees that ISIS has been inadvertently strengthened by actions taken by Turkey, the UAE and other Middle Eastern allies to help opposition groups fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In this Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014 file photo, Vice President Joe Biden speaks to students, faculty and staff at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. Biden is due to headline a Democratic campaign rally in Las Vegas, with a downtown appearance Monday, Oct. 6, 2014, to talk about raising the minimum wage. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson,File) May 30, 2015 - Biden's eldest son, Beau Biden, passes away from brain cancer at age 46. In this June 6, 2015 file photo, Vice President Joe Biden, accompanied by his family, holds his hand over his heart as he watches an honor guard carry a casket containing the remains of his son, former Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, into St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church in Wilmington, Del. for funeral services. Beau Biden died of brain cancer May 30 at age 46. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) October 21, 2015 - Says he will not seek the presidency, announcing that the window for a successful campaign "has closed." December 6, 2016 - Doesn't rule out running for president in 2020, saying "I'm not committing not to run. I'm not committing to anything. I learned a long time ago fate has a strange way of intervening." President Barack Obama hugs Vice President Joe Biden as Biden waves at the end Biden's announcement in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015, that he will not run for the presidential nomination. Jill Biden is at right. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Vice President Joe Biden pauses between mock swearing in ceremonies in the Old Senate Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2017, as the 115th Congress begins. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) January 12, 2017 - Obama surprises Biden by presenting him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, during a White House ceremony. President Barack Obama presents Vice President Joe Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom during a ceremony in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) February 1, 2017 - Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, launch the Biden Foundation, an organization that will work on seven issues: foreign policy; Biden's cancer initiative; community colleges and military families; protecting children; equality; ending violence against women; and strengthening the middle class. February 7, 2017 - Is named the Benjamin Franklin presidential practice professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he will lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. He will also serve as the founding chair of the University of Delaware's Biden Institute, the university announces. March 1, 2017 - Biden receives the Congressional Patriot Award from the Bipartisan Policy Center. He receives the honor in recognition of his work crafting bipartisan legislation with Republicans and Democrats. Former Vice President Joe Biden tucks notes into his jacket after speaking at an event to formally launch the Biden Institute, a research and policy center focused on domestic issues at the University of Delaware, in Newark, Del., Monday, March 13, 2017. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) In this March 26, 2019, file photo, former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the Biden Courage Awards in New York. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II, File) April 25, 2019 - Announces he is running for president in a campaign video posted to social media. Hours later, the Biden Foundation board chair, Ted Kaufman, announces the immediate suspension of all the organization's operations. Former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden arrives at the Wilmington train station Thursday April 25, 2019 in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden announced his candidacy for president via video on Thursday morning. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum) In this June 6, 2019, file photo, Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the "I Will Vote" fundraising gala in Atlanta. Biden shifted to oppose longstanding restrictions on federal funding of abortion during his remarks. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, File) Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden signs a copy of his book "Promise Me, Dad" at a campaign rally at Modern Woodmen Park, Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Davenport, Iowa. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a primary night election rally in Columbia, S.C., Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020 after winning the South Carolina primary. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert) Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a primary night election rally in Columbia, S.C., Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020, after winning the South Carolina primary. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a primary election night campaign rally Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) August 20, 2020: Joe Biden accepts the Democratic nomination for president Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, with Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., raise their arms up as fireworks go off in the background during the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. Looking on are Jill Biden, far left, and Harris' husband Doug Emhoff, far right. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) President Donald Trump, left, and Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, right, with moderator Chris Wallace, center, of Fox News during the first presidential debate Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020, at Case Western University and Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, right, and former President Barack Obama greet each other with an air elbow bump, at the conclusion of rally at Northwestern High School in Flint, Mich., Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden arrives to speak at a rally at Belle Isle Casino in Detroit, Mich., Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, which former President Barack Obama also attended. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) President-elect Joe Biden gestures on stage after speaking, Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool) FILE - In this Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020, file photo, from left, Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, Harris, President-elect Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, stand on stage together, in Wilmington, Del. The theme for Biden’s inauguration will be “America United." Unity is an issue that’s long been a central focus for Biden but one that’s taken on added weight in the wake of the violence at the U.S. Capitol. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool, File) President-elect Joe Biden announces his climate and energy team nominees and appointees at The Queen Theater in Wilmington Del., Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) President Joe Biden speaks about his domestic agenda from the East Room of the White House in Washington on Oct. 28, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) U.S. President Joe Biden, left, shakes hands with Pope Francis as they meet at the Vatican on Oct. 29, 2021. (Vatican Media via AP) President Joe Biden removes his face mask as he arrives in the East Room of the White House to speak about the evacuation of American citizens, their families, special immigrant visa applicants and vulnerable Afghans on Aug. 20, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) Cherelle Griner, wife of WNBA star Brittney Griner, speaks after President Joe Biden announced Brittney Griner's release in a prisoner swap with Russia on Dec. 8, 2022, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington. Also attending are Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, and Vice President Kamala Harris. President Joe Biden holds the microphone to Chocolate, the national Thanksgiving turkey, during a pardoning ceremony Nov. 21, 2022, at the White House in Washington. President Joe Biden holds an Atlanta Braves jersey during an event celebrating the Major League Baseball 2021 World Series champion Atlanta Braves in the East Room of the White House on Sept. 26, 2022, in Washington. President Joe Biden receives his COVID-19 booster from a member of the White House medical unit during an event in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus on Oct. 25, 2022, in Washington. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden arrive to give treats to trick-or-treaters on the South Lawn of the White House, on Halloween on Oct. 31, 2022, in Washington. U.S. President Joe Biden, right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands before a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit meeting Nov. 14, 2022, in Bali, Indonesia. President Joe Biden speaks from the Oval Office of the White House on Oct. 19, 2023, in Washington, about the war in Israel and Ukraine. President Joe Biden arrives to speak at the Amtrak Bear Maintenance Facility on Nov. 6, 2023, in Bear, Del. President Joe Biden, accompanied by Office of Management and Budget director Shalanda Young, left, and Women's Alzheimer's Movement founder Maria Shriver, right, gives first lady Jill Biden a kiss after giving her the pen he used to sign a presidential memorandum that will establish the first-ever White House Initiative on Women's Health Research in the Oval Office of the White House on Nov. 13, 2023, in Washington. President Joe Biden pauses as he speaks to reporters in Nantucket, Mass. on Nov. 26, 2023, about hostages freed by Hamas in a third set of releases under a four-day cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas. President Joe Biden shakes hands with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as they meet in the Oval Office of the White House on Dec. 12, 2023, in Washington. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy depart a news conference in the Indian Treaty Room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House Campus on Dec. 12, 2023, in Washington. President Joe Biden speaks during a funeral service for retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor at the Washington National Cathedral on Dec. 19, 2023, in Washington. O'Connor, an Arizona native and the first woman to serve on the nation's highest court, died Dec. 1, 2023, at age 93. President Joe Biden, right, stands as an Army carry team moves the transfer case containing the remains of U.S. Army Sgt. Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, of Waycross, Ga., at Dover Air Force Base, Del., on Feb. 2, 2024. Sanders was killed in a drone attack in Jordan on Jan. 28, 2024. President Joe Biden speaks during the State of the Union address on Capitol Hill on March 7, 2024, in Washington, as Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Mike Johnson listen. Vice President Kamala Harris embraces President Joe Biden after a speech on health care in Raleigh, N.C., on March. 26, 2024. President Joe Biden greets Zion Schrode, 8 months, of Marin County, Calif., as he is held by his mother Erin Schrode during a Jewish American Heritage Month event, on May 20, 2024, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid, left, and CEO Clark Hunt, right, watch as President Joe Biden, center, puts on a Chiefs helmet during an event with the Super Bowl-champion Kansas City Chiefs on the South Lawn of the White House, on May 31, 2024, to celebrate their championship season and victory in Super Bowl LVIII. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden walk in the Normandy American Cemetery following a ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, on June 6, 2024, in Normandy. U.S. President Joe Biden, right, greets Pope Francis ahead of a working session on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Energy, Africa-Mediterranean, on day two of the 50th G7 summit at Borgo Egnazia, southern Italy, on June 14, 2024. President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event with former President Barack Obama moderated by Jimmy Kimmel at the Peacock Theater on June 15, 2024, in Los Angeles. President Joe Biden, right, and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, left, participate in a presidential debate hosted by CNN on June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. First lady Jill Biden, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and second gentleman Douglas Emhoff view the Independence Day firework display over the National Mall from the balcony of the White House, on July 4, 2024, in Washington. President Joe Biden, right, and the Rev. Dr. J. Louis Felton pray at a church service at Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ on July 7, 2024, in Philadelphia. President Joe Biden addresses the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on July 14, 2024, about the assassination attempt of Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. President Joe Biden pauses as he speaks at the Biden campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Del., on Feb. 3, 2024. President Joe Biden walks on stage to speak during the NAACP national convention July 16, 2024, in Las Vegas. President Joe Biden walks between tombstones as he arrives to attend a mass at St. Joseph on the Brandywine Catholic Church in Wilmington, Del., on July 6, 2024. U.S. President Joe Biden, left, talks with Indonesian President Joko Widodo during their bilateral meeting ahead of the G20 Summit in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, on Nov. 14, 2022. President Joe Biden is greeted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after arriving at Ben Gurion International Airport on Oct. 18, 2023, in Tel Aviv. President Joe Biden arrives to deliver remarks on the economy on June 28, 2023, at the Old Post Office in Chicago. The poll of 1,251 adults was conducted Dec. 5-9, 2024, using a sample drawn from NORC's probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for adults overall is plus or minus 3.7 percentage points. Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter.The Vegas Golden Knights will look to keep their three-game win streak going when they visit the Colorado Avalanche on Wednesday night. Game time is 10 p.m. ET from the Ball Arena in Denver. You can watch it on TNT or live stream it on Sling TV (discount) or DirecTV Stream (FREE trial and discount). Jack Eichel got the lone goal in the shootout and the Golden Knights overcame a three-goal deficit to defeat the Philadelphia Flyers 5-4 on Monday night to extend their win streak. Ilya Samsonov followed up a 32-save performance by stopping all three shootout attempts. Eichel scored in the second period, and Ivan Barbashev, Pavel Dorofeyev and Tanner Pearson also scored for Vegas. Samsonov gave up four goals on the first 14 shots he faced. He then stopped the next 25 shots he faced, including the three in the shootout. He made a sprawling glove save on Travis Sanheim in overtime. Vegas, 6-4-2, will wrap up its five-game road trip tonight. Eichel is the team’s point leader, with 34. Barbashev has 24 points and Mark Stone has 21. Dorofeyev leads the team in goals with 11. Adin Hill has started 14 of the team’s games in goal. His record is 9-4-0-1 and his goals-against average is 2.99. WATCH: TNT or live stream it on Sling TV (discount) or DirecTV Stream (FREE trial and discount) Colorado is happy to be home after a rough one in Florida, an 8-2 loss to the Tampa Bay Lightning on Monday. Ivan Ivan scored both goals for Colorado, which had a three-game winning streak come to an end, all coming on the road. Justus Annunen, who was pulled in the first period but returned for the third, allowed five goals on 16 shots. Alexandar Georgiev allowed three goals on 17 shots. Vegas Golden Knights' Ilya Samsonov (35) celebrates after Vegas won an NHL hockey game against the Philadelphia Flyers, Monday, Nov. 25, 2024, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum) AP Nathan MacKinnon tops the Avalanche with 35 points, including 28 assists. Mikko Ratanen is second with 32 points including a team-leading 14 goals and Cale Makar is next with 30 points. Annunen (6-4-0-0) and Georgiev (6-5-0-0) have pretty much split the goaltending duties this season, with similar records. Colorado is 6-6-0 at home this season. 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10 free spins bet365 PERSONAL FINANCE | TRAVEL In April, the Department of Transportation announced new airline rules requiring prompt automatic cash refunds to passengers when owed. The final rule took effect Oct. 28 and should simplify and speed up the process of receiving your money back due to a canceled or significantly changed flight or delayed luggage. "Passengers deserve to get their money back when an airline owes them — without headaches or haggling," said Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. "Our new rule sets a new standard to require airlines to promptly provide cash refunds to their passengers." According to the Department of Transportation, under the old rules, airlines were permitted to set their own standards for what kind of flight changes warranted a refund, which made receiving a refund for a canceled or delayed flight a complicated affair. People are also reading... This was seen during the global technology outage in July that disrupted several major airlines and caused thousands of flight cancellations and delays. Many customers were left to wait hours in customer-service lines to start the reimbursement process for their chosen airline. The new rule clearly defines the circumstances in which airlines must provide refunds and how they should be administered, making the reimbursement process much easier if your trip goes awry. According to the Department of Transportation, this is when customers are entitled to a refund: Canceled or significantly changed flights If your flight is canceled or significantly changed and you do not accept alternative transportation or travel credits offered, you will be refunded. According to the Department of Transportation, significant changes to a flight include departure or arrival times that are more than three hours domestically and six hours internationally; departures or arrivals from a different airport; increases in the number of connections; instances where passengers are downgraded to a lower class of service; or connections at different airports or flights on different planes that are less accessible or accommodating to a person with a disability. Significantly delayed baggage return If you file a mishandled-baggage report, you will be entitled to a refund of your checked-bag fee if your luggage is not delivered within 12 hours of your domestic flight arriving at the gate or 15 to 30 hours of your international flight arriving at the gate. Extra services not provided If you pay for an additional service, like in-flight Wi-Fi or a specific seat selection, and you don't receive this accommodation, you are entitled to a refund. The Department of Transportation has also outlined several rules for how refunds will be processed: ■ Automatic: Airlines must automatically issue refunds. Customers will no longer have to explicitly request a refund — which can be a complicated affair. ■ Prompt: Refunds must be issued within seven business days of refunds becoming due for credit-card purchases and 20 calendar days for other payment methods. ■ Cash or original form of payment: Airlines must provide refunds in cash or whatever original payment method the individual used to make the purchase. ■ Total amount: Airlines and ticket agents must provide full refunds of the ticket purchase price minus the value of any portion of transportation already used. This includes all taxes and fees. Be the first to know

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Attorneys for President-elect Donald Trump filed a motion on Monday to dismiss the Manhattan business records case, potentially marking the final stages of the unprecedented prosecution of a former president. Trump’s attorneys, Todd Blanche and Emil Bove, contend in the 72-page dismissal motion that the “Presidential immunity doctrine, the Presidential Transition Act, and the Supremacy Clause” require the case’s dismissal and the verdict to be vacated “immediately.” President%2520Trump%2520MTD (1) by Breitbart News on Scribd In their filing, Blanche and Bove note the positions Special Counsel Jack Smith took last week in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) two federal cases against Trump. Smith notably filed a motion to dismiss the election interference case and took similar action to end the documents case because the Constitution does not allow the prosecution of a president. These moves signal Smith’s surrender. Arguing that presidential immunity requires dismissal, Blanche and Bove pointed to Smith’s reasoning in his motion to dismiss the election interference case: Late last month, SCO [the special counsel’s office] confirmed DOJ’s view that the “Constitution’s prohibition on federal indictment and prosecution of a sitting President” is “categorical,” and that Smith’s politically- motivated prosecutions of President Trump had to be dismissed “before [President Trump] is inaugurated.” Ex. 61 at 1. Consistent with Trump, SCO acknowledged that “the President must not be unduly encumbered in fulfilling his weighty responsibilities . . . .” Id. at 2-3. Steven Cheung, the incoming White House communications director, said in a statement that Blanche and Bove filed a “powerhouse motion” to bring an end to the case. “President Trump and his legal team have filed a powerhouse motion to dismiss once and for all the unconstitutional and politically motivated Manhattan DA Hoax,” Cheung said, adding: This lawless case should have never been brought, and the Constitution demands that it be immediately dismissed, as President Trump must be allowed to continue the Presidential Transition process, and execute the vital duties of the presidency, unobstructed by the remains of this, or any other, Witch Hunt. Cheung emphasized that all eyes are now on Justice Juan Merchan. “Today’s motion provides every possible chance for Judge Merchan do the right thing and end what remains of this charade immediately, rightfully allowing our country to unite behind President Trump for the betterment of all Americans,” he said. When Merchan granted Blanche and Bove’s request to file a motion to dismiss on November 22, he gave them a December 2 deadline to file and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office a December 9 deadline to respond. Bragg’s office, which is seeking to freeze the case for four years until Trump leaves office, needs to respond by the end of the day on Monday. The case is People v. Trump , No. 71543/23, in the Supreme Court of New York County.Nebraska plans not to get caught sleeping vs. South Dakota

A Winnipeg woman is warning the public to go straight to the source after she almost fell victim to an elaborate scam involving a fake Manitoba Hydro agent, saying she doesn’t want others to be fooled by the ruse. “It was a big production on their part,” said Winnipeg resident Destiny Funk. “It wasn’t a run-of-the-mill script.” Armed with her personal information, a legitimate-sounding phone menu and a number of other prompts that make the alleged fraud look legitimate, Funk says the scam — that started with a fake notice of disconnection because of unpaid bills — wasn’t a small-time thing. “It was a very-jaw-dropping moment once I got (to Manitoba Hydro) and the guy at the counter was like: ‘No. That’s not real,” she said. “I was like; ‘you’re kidding, right?’ Because I had no reason to think that was fake with as much personalized details as they had.” Speaking with an agent who she thought was with Manitoba Hydro, despite having records of payment, she was told someone would be coming within the hour to shut off her electricity and a payment is needed immediately. “He goes: ‘In order for this to be cleared up, that payment has to be made. And then once we figure out the missing payments, we’ll credit that back to your account and for this inconvenience we’ll give you a free month of service,’” said Funk. She says while the freebie should have triggered a red flag, Funk thought maybe there was a mix-up due to a recent move. But when the reported fake Hydro agent tried to force her to pay at a convenience store with a barcode he provided, things didn’t feel right. “I go: ‘That doesn’t seem very legit’,” said Funk, who posted a video on social media about her experience that was shared widely. She was eventually told she’d have to pay cash at the kiosk, and that’s when her fears of fraud were solidified. “As soon as he said: ‘cash to a kiosk at a convenience store.’ I was like: ‘yeah, I’m not doing that.’ I was like: ‘this is incredibly sketchy,’” said Funk. She said when she grilled the caller, he got quiet, but then persisted, even trying to convince her not to go to Hydro in person. Funk says she’s not sure how her information ended up in the hands of the scammer, but said the situation was stressful, especially as temperatures drop, worrying other members of the community like seniors or newcomers to Canada may be particularly vulnerable. Some of the stores provided by the reported scammer where people can make a payment are already being proactive, with Windsor Park Convenience telling its customers it’s got nothing to do with the scam, and is not involved with Manitoba Hydro. Representatives with the Crown Corporation say the scams are unfortunate, but nothing new, and stressed immediate threats to shut off power are always fake, as it’s not how Manitoba Hydro operates. “They’re out there. We know they’re out there and we’re always trying to inform the public how to spot them,” said Peter Chura with Manitoba Hydro, stressing privacy is a priority. He said at this time, it appears this scam is an isolated incident, but says it’s possible other attempts have not been reported. Chura stressed in this situation, knowledge is power, saying Funk did the right thing by checking in directly with Hydro, which is commending her for making the plot public. “We’re glad that this got out the way that it did, because nothing kills a scam more than someone blowing the whistle on it like this, so that’s great,” he said.Soccer: Falcons outlast Mustangs in big road win

Opposition lawmakers in South Korea moved to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol on Wednesday after he shocked the East Asian democracy by declaring martial law only to lift the order hours later under intense pressure. Six opposition parties, led by the Democratic Party that controls the parliament, submitted articles of impeachment against Yoon on Wednesday afternoon local time, swiftly responding to what the Democratic Party called the Yoon administration’s “unconstitutional and illegal declaration of martial law.” Watch NBC Bay Area News 📺 Streaming free 24/7 The Democratic Party will also start impeachment proceedings against Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun and Interior Minister Lee Sang-min, said Cho Seung-rae, the Democrats’ chief spokesperson, adding that all three officials should also be charged with insurrection. Insurrection charges will also be filed against the martial law commander, Gen. Park Ahn-soo, National Police Commissioner Yoon Hee-keun and other key military and police participants, Cho said. The leader of Yoon’s People Power Party (PPP), Han Dong-hoon, said the six hours of martial law “nearly brought the nation to a halt,” and that the party “respects and abides by the spirit of our constitution.” He said PPP officials were discussing whether Yoon should leave the party, but he stopped short of saying Yoon should step down as president, saying the party would investigate the full circumstances. Government officials rushed to reassure South Koreans, many of whom slept through the country’s six hours of martial law, which began late Tuesday night and ended by Wednesday morning. “I fully understand the great anxiety you must be feeling,” Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said in a statement, adding that he took full responsibility “for all the processes that have led to the current situation.” “From this moment onward, the Cabinet will dedicate itself, alongside public officials from all ministries, to ensuring the nation’s stability and the uninterrupted continuation of your daily lives,” he said. Yoon’s office said Wednesday that his chief of staff and all senior presidential secretaries had tendered their resignation. But there was no other comment from Yoon, who canceled his official schedule for the day. Antony Blinken , the U.S. secretary of state, welcomed Yoon’s order to rescind emergency martial law. “We continue to expect political disagreements to be resolved peacefully and in accordance with the rule of law,” Blinken said in a statement . The South Korean stock market opened as normal on Wednesday, with stocks down about 2% in early trading, CNBC reported . South Korea’s currency, the won, strengthened against the dollar in early trading but stayed close to the two-year low it hit late Tuesday after Yoon’s martial law declaration. At a news conference in Seoul, officials from the S&P credit rating agency said the brief period of martial law was not expected to have an impact on South Korea’s credit rating. Yoon, whose conservative government took office in 2022, has seen his approval ratings drop as he struggles to advance his agenda against the opposition Democratic Party, which controls parliament. Democratic lawmakers have sought to impeach multiple government officials and are in a fight with Yoon over next year’s budget. Yoon made the surprise martial law announcement in a late-night TV address on Tuesday, accusing opposition lawmakers of paralyzing the government and saying he was declaring a state of emergency “in order to protect the constitutional order based on freedom and eradicate shameful pro-North Korea anti-state groups, that are stealing freedom and happiness of our people.” Yoon, who takes a harder line on North Korea than his Democratic Party predecessor, said his order would also protect South Korea from the nuclear-armed communist state, with which the South technically remains at war. Soon after Yoon’s announcement, a martial law proclamation stated that all political activities, including demonstrations and the operations of the National Assembly, were prohibited. It also declared all media and publications under the control of the Martial Law Command, and ordered the country’s striking doctors to return to work within 48 hours. It was the first time since 1980 that martial law had been declared in South Korea, a country of 50 million people that spent decades under military-authoritarian rule but has since transitioned into a vibrant democracy and the world’s 10th-largest economy. U.S. officials said Tuesday that they had not been notified in advance about Yoon’s announcement, but affirmed the “ironclad” nature of the U.S. alliance with South Korea, which hosts about 28,500 American troops. Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said the martial law order had “essentially no impact” on U.S. forces. Within minutes of Yoon’s announcement, lawmakers began arriving at the National Assembly in central Seoul, where police blocked them from entering. The Ministry of National Defense also deployed between 200 and 300 armed troops to the National Assembly grounds via helicopter, Kim Min-gi, secretary-general of the National Assembly, said Wednesday. Throngs of protesters also arrived at the building in opposition to the martial law declaration. Within a few hours lawmakers passed a resolution to nullify Yoon’s declaration, and soldiers promptly followed an order to leave the National Assembly. Yoon’s People Power Party urged the president to accept lawmakers’ decision and rescind the martial law order. In a televised address to the nation as dawn approached, Yoon said he had accepted the National Assembly resolution and that martial law would be lifted as soon as a quorum of cabinet members could be reached at the odd hour. “Having said that, I strongly urge the National Assembly to immediately cease the repeated acts of impeachment, legislative manipulation and budgetary sabotage that paralyze the nation’s functions,” he said. The martial law order was lifted around 4:30 a.m. Wednesday local time (2:30 p.m. Tuesday ET). South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said deployed troops returned at 4:22 a.m. and that no unusual activity had been detected from North Korea. Woo Won-sik, chairman of the National Assembly, said the military’s immediate withdrawal from the building “demonstrates a mature and democratic military.” “Even our citizens, who carry the painful memory of past military coups, would have observed the military’s maturity in today’s situation,” Woo said. Kim, the National Assembly secretary-general, said its “unlawful closure,” the obstruction of lawmakers’ entry and the deployment of military forces had “inflicted deep wounds on the hearts of the people.” He said Ministry of National Defense personnel, police and related parties were barred from entering the National Assembly as an emergency measure “to protect lawmakers and ensure the functioning of the Assembly.” Stella Kim reported from Seoul, South Korea, and Jennifer Jett from Hong Kong This story first appeared on NBCNews.com. More from NBC News:IoT at Workplace Market Is Booming So Rapidly | Major Giants Cisco, IBM, Siemens

How Trump's bet on voters electing him managed to silence some of his legal woesOTTAWA — A company formerly co-owned by embattled ex-Liberal minister Randy Boissonnault has been temporarily barred from any government contracts amid several lawsuits, a fraud investigation by police, and reports it attempted to get access to contracts by falsely claiming Indigenous ownership. Public Services and Procurement Canada announced Tuesday it has suspended Global Health Imports (GHI) from bidding or doing work on government contracts for 90 days as it investigates the company’s eligibility. Catherine Poulin, an assistant deputy minister in the Department of Public Works and Government Services, told MPs at a parliamentary committee the decision was made because the company faces accusations of improper business practices. “We have gone through multiple sources of information, including lawsuits, both civil and criminal, and the information that has been brought to our attention recently concerning an Edmonton Police Service investigation, kind of put us at the right level of threshold to take action under the policy,” she told the government operations and estimates committee. Pressed by Conservative MP Garnett Genuis over whether the company’s claim to be Indigenous-owned was a factor in the suspension, Poulin said the “representation has been part of the cases that we have looked at, and will form one of the factors that will be looked at by the determination team while finalizing the assessment of GHI.” She said GHI was never given any contracts based on claims of Indigenous identity and the company is not on the government’s list of Indigenous businesses. GHI’s only contract with the federal government was awarded by Elections Canada. No payments have been made on the contract, the announcement said. The suspension comes after Boissonnault last week to “focus on clearing the allegations made against him,” including that he had wrongly claimed Indigenous identity. Boissonnault came under intense scrutiny after Global News reported in May that GHI, which he co-founded in 2020, was embroiled in lawsuits over its business practices while Boissonnault was listed as a director for the company and serving in Trudeau’s cabinet. He is not named in any of the lawsuits detailed by Global News. The Edmonton Police Service confirmed to the Star last week that it was investigating a complaint of “a fraud involving a local medical supply company.” It did not provide an update when asked on Tuesday. Boissonnault gave up his 50-per-cent share in the company in June. He has maintained he’s had no role in the company or awareness of its contracts since his election in 2021. Reports in the National Post have since raised questions about Boissonnault’s of Indigenous identity, which reignited calls for him to resign. The controversy over GHI’s claims of Indigenous identity comes as MPs probe the federal government’s Indigenous procurement system amid calls to overhaul it. The federal government targets that five per cent of its contracts go to Indigenous-owned companies, but critics including the Assembly of First Nations have charged that the majority of those companies only have loose connections to Indigenous people. Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu told MPs last week that 1,100 organizations were removed from its I

A Labour MP was left floundering on Question Time as host Fiona Bruce repeatedly asked him to answer a question about changes to farmers' inheritance tax. Nick Thomas-Symonds, a Cabinet Office Minister, was asked by the Ms Bruce to confirm how many farmers will be impacted by the huge increases in tax they will need to pay when passing on their farm, that saw furious protests in London earlier this week. In response, he said that "500 of the wealthiest a year" will be affected according to HMRC figures. But Ms Bruce interjected Mr Thomas-Symonds - who is Paymaster General, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Minister for the Constitution and European Union Relations - asking the Labour MP to explain how many farms would be affected overall, rather than per year. He replied: "The Government figure is about 27% of the total, you can do that per year or in total. Per year it is around about 500." Ms Bruce, however, didn't give up and continued to attempt to get the number from him. She asked again: "And overall?" Mr Thomas-Symonds tried again to give Ms Bruce the answer she was after. He said: "The number that would be unaffected is about 1,500 per year." Ms Bruce interrupted again to ask: "The question I am asking is how many farms overall." The Labour MP stuck by his original answer of 27%. Ms Bruce persisted saying "how many is that in numbers?". Mr Thomas-Symonds then repeated his answer - saying 500 will be affected each year while 1,500 would be unaffected. In frustration, Ms Bruce then turned to the audience and asked them what their thoughts were on the exchange saying "have I got an answer to that?". She then asked Mr Thomas-Symonds again how many farms will be impacted overall - and asked him eight times in total - but he simply repeated his answer of 27% each year. In the Budget, Chancellor Rachel Reeves unveiled plans to cap Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR) at £1million. With various other exemptions added, a couple will now only be able to pass down assets worth up to around £3million tax free. Anything above this threshold would be charged at a 20% levy. The move has sparked anger among farmers who fear their heirs will now be hit with huge inheritance tax bills when their estates are passed down, meaning they could be forced to sell the farms that have been in their families for generations. However, the Government says most farms will not be impacted, and the policy is needed to stop wealthy people from buying up farms to avoid inheritance tax. There has been some debate about how many farms will be impacted. The Treasury estimates that about a quarter of farms will be affected by the changes, or around 500 a year. But farmer groups say this figure is too low. the Country Land and Business Association claims that about 70,000 farms out of the roughly 200,000 in the UK will face inheritance bills. Many farmers also argue that, while they are asset-rich, they are cash-poor. This could mean they will be unable to afford the hefty inheritance bills if their farms are worth more than the £3million threshold. This week, thousands of farmers took to Westminster in their tractors to protest against the changes. Jeremy Clarkson , star of Clarkson's Farm, and Andrew Lloyd Webber were among the famous faces to attend. Leader of the Conservatives , Kemi Badenoch, and Reform UK leader Nigel Farage also showed their support.

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Israel approves proposed ceasefire with Lebanon’s HezbollahManchester United Supporters’ Trust (MUST) revealed the club had informed the fans forum that changes to certain ticket policies will take effect immediately “and that this price will apply for kids and over-65s as well as adults”. The news comes as the club confirmed the cost of paying off former manager Erik ten Hag and his staff was £10.4million, while a release clause to bring in new head coach Ruben Amorim and his staff amounted to £11m. The figures were part of a longer version of the club’s first-quarter accounts which were released to the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday. United and Everton fans are set to stage a protest against ticket prices ahead of their Premier League clash on Sunday. Supporters are being asked to gather next to the trinity statue outside Old Trafford to support the Football Supporters’ Association’s ‘Stop Exploiting Loyalty’ campaign. As well as increasing prices generally, fans are unhappy about the removal of concession tickets for certain groups. An MUST statement read: “Suffice it to say that the idea that the fans must pay their ‘fair share’ for the club’s excesses and/or mismanagement — and above all, the Glazers’ lack of investment over two decades — is offensive. “We fans have done everything we have been asked. We have cheered the players on even in the face of substandard performance. “We have objected to this action in the strongest possible terms, both for the action itself and the complete lack of consultation, which is a step backward based on the process we had agreed with the club before INEOS’ arrival. “Over the coming days MUST will be seeking urgent discussions with the club to get them to listen to fans’ concern at this policy. “United fans have sucked up a lot. We will not be silent on this and we need to be prepared to resist any attempts to further drive up ticket prices.” Supporters’ group The 1958 said along with United and Everton, both Liverpool and Manchester City supporters will also display an FSA banner ahead of their match on Sunday. “With 19 out of 20 Premier League clubs increasing ticket prices this season, FC58, Everton, Liverpool and City supporters will display the FSA banner to raise awareness that any future season ticket price increases, removal of concessions, and treating match-going supporters as an easy target to make quick revenues will not be tolerated,” the fans’ group said. “With the discussions around the rebuild or redevelopment of Old Trafford, we need to send a message to the club that we are laser focused on keeping football affordable and looking after our loyal, match-going fan base. “Manchester United have announced that they will be selling tickets to members for the remainder of the season at a minimum of £66 irrespective of if you are under 16, youth, OAP or disabled, which is a clear exploitation of the loyal fan base and their first move towards dynamic pricing.”


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Bitter in-fighting has broken out between the tech billionaire Elon Musk and Donald Trump’s hardline Make America great again (Maga) base after the US president-elect chose an Indian-born entrepreneur to be his adviser on artificial intelligence. The row has pitted Musk and his fellow entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy against diehard supporters including the far-right activist Laura Loomer and Matt Gaetz, the former Congress member and abortive nominee for attorney general. The spat threatens to open up a chasm among Trump’s supporters over immigration, a key issue in his election victory. Presaging what has been called a “Maga civil war”, Musk went on the offensive after Loomer attacked the choice of Sriram Krishnan, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist, as the nascent administration’s AI policy adviser as “deeply disturbing”. Loomer, a renowned anti-immigration provocateur widely credited for persuading Trump to highlight false rumors about Haitian immigrants eating pets in last September’s presidential debate with Kamala Harris, criticised Krishnan on social media for supporting the extension of visas and green cards for skilled workers. She said it was in “direct opposition” to Trump’s agenda. Her comments provoked a riposte from Musk, the Space X and Tesla billionaire who is Trump’s most influential supporter and himself an immigrant from South Africa. “There is a permanent shortage of excellent engineering talent. It is the fundamental limiting factor in Silicon Valley,” Musk posted on X, the social media platform he owns, on Christmas Day. In a later post , he wrote: “It comes down to this: do you want America to WIN or do you want America to LOSE. If you force the world’s best talent to play for the other side, America will LOSE. End of story.” Musk’s stance was supported by Ramaswamy, his partner in the fledgling “department of government efficiency” (Doge), an informal agency Trump claims he will create, under which the two men will be charged with the task of cutting government spending. In a lengthy social media post, Ramaswamy – the son of immigrants from India – argued that the US was doomed to decline without high-skilled foreign workers and suggested American culture had become geared towards “mediocrity”. “The reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over ‘native’ Americans isn’t because of an innate American IQ deficit,” he wrote. “A key part of it comes down to the c-word: culture. “Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long. That doesn’t start in college, it starts YOUNG. “A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers. ‘Normalcy’ doesn’t cut it in a hyper-competitive global market for technical talent. And if we pretend like it does, we’ll have our asses handed to us by China.” The arguments were met by a fierce backlash from Maga exponents, led by Loomer, who delved into racist arguments. “ @VivekGRamaswamy knows that the Great Replacement is real,” she wrote. “It’s not racist against Indians to want the original MAGA policies I voted for. I voted for a reduction in H1B visas. Not an extension. “The tech billionaires don’t get to just walk inside Mar-a-Lago and stroke their massive checkbooks and rewrite our immigration policy so they can have unlimited slave laborers from India and China who never assimilate. “You don’t even know what MAGA immigration policy is.” Ramaswamy’s argument also came under fire from the pro-Trump podcaster Brenden Dilley, who posted: “I always love when these tech bros flat out tell you that they have zero understanding of American culture and then have the gall to tell you that YOU are the problem with America.” And even Nikki Haley, the former Republican presidential contender and Trump critic whose parents were also Indian immigrants, posted: “There is nothing wrong with American workers or American culture. All you have to do is look at the border and see how many want what we have. We should be investing and prioritizing in Americans, not foreign workers.” The arguments appeared to portend a battle for the ear of Trump, who has based his political appeal on an anti-immigration message and who, during his first presidency, restricted access to the H-1B visas, arguing they were open to abuse. But in his recent presidential campaign, the president-elect indicated that he was open to the legal immigration of educated workers, saying he wanted to grant permanent residence status to foreign nationals who graduate from university in the US. “If you graduate or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country,” he told the All In podcast last June. Samuel Hammond, a senior economist at the Foundation for American Innovation, said the row flagged up the likelihood of future conflict within Trump’s administration. “It’s a sign of future conflicts,” he told the Washington Post . “This is like the pregame.”US President-elect Donald Trump's proposals to impose sweeping tariffs on imports could counter earlier efforts to cool inflation, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Tuesday, warning that consumer prices could rise. Her comments at the Wall Street Journal's CEO Council Summit come as Trump has vowed broad tariffs of at least 10 percent on all imports, and higher rates on goods from China, Canada and Mexico. Imposing broad-based tariffs could "raise prices significantly for American consumers and create cost pressures on firms" which rely on imported goods, Yellen said when asked about Trump's plans. She cautioned that this could weigh on the competitiveness of certain sectors and increase costs to households. "This is a strategy I worry could derail the progress that we've made on inflation, and have adverse consequences on growth," she said. But she defended efforts by President Joe Biden's administration to impose targeted tariffs on Chinese goods to counter unfair trade practices by Beijing. She has previously raised concern over China's industrial overcapacity -- which risks a flood of underpriced goods into global markets and could undermine the development of key US industries. On Tuesday, Yellen also expressed regret that the United States has not made more progress on the country's deficit, saying she believes it "needs to be brought down, especially now that we're in an environment of higher interest rates." She stressed the importance of an independent Federal Reserve too, saying that countries perform better economically when central banks are allowed to exercise their best judgment without political influence. Trump has said that he would like "at least" a say over setting the Fed's interest rate. "I think it's a mistake to become involved in commenting on the Fed and certainly taking steps to compromise its independence," said Yellen. "I believe it tends to undermine the confidence of financial markets and, ultimately, of Americans in an important institution," she added. Yellen noted that she has spoken with Trump's Treasury chief nominee, billionaire hedge fund manager Scott Bessent, congratulating him on his nomination. bys/bjt

High-rolling investors have positioned themselves bullish on Cisco Systems CSCO , and it's important for retail traders to take note.\This activity came to our attention today through Benzinga's tracking of publicly available options data. The identities of these investors are uncertain, but such a significant move in CSCO often signals that someone has privileged information. Today, Benzinga's options scanner spotted 8 options trades for Cisco Systems. This is not a typical pattern. The sentiment among these major traders is split, with 50% bullish and 37% bearish. Among all the options we identified, there was one put, amounting to $37,200, and 7 calls, totaling $886,972. Projected Price Targets Based on the trading activity, it appears that the significant investors are aiming for a price territory stretching from $55.0 to $65.0 for Cisco Systems over the recent three months. Volume & Open Interest Trends In today's trading context, the average open interest for options of Cisco Systems stands at 12398.25, with a total volume reaching 6,111.00. The accompanying chart delineates the progression of both call and put option volume and open interest for high-value trades in Cisco Systems, situated within the strike price corridor from $55.0 to $65.0, throughout the last 30 days. Cisco Systems 30-Day Option Volume & Interest Snapshot Noteworthy Options Activity: Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume CSCO CALL TRADE BULLISH 01/16/26 $8.0 $7.65 $8.0 $55.00 $320.0K 3.2K 400 CSCO CALL SWEEP BULLISH 03/21/25 $5.35 $5.3 $5.35 $55.00 $192.5K 17.4K 370 CSCO CALL SWEEP BEARISH 01/17/25 $0.38 $0.34 $0.34 $62.50 $143.6K 21.7K 4.1K CSCO CALL TRADE BULLISH 01/17/25 $2.19 $2.13 $2.19 $57.50 $109.5K 25.5K 785 CSCO CALL SWEEP BEARISH 02/21/25 $3.25 $3.2 $3.2 $57.50 $49.9K 2.1K 11 About Cisco Systems Cisco Systems is the largest provider of networking equipment in the world and one of the largest software companies in the world. Its largest businesses are selling networking hardware and software (where it has leading market shares) and cybersecurity software such as firewalls. It also has collaboration products, like its Webex suite, and observability tools. It primarily outsources its manufacturing to third parties and has a large sales and marketing staff-25,000 strong across 90 countries. Overall, Cisco employs 80,000 people and sells its products globally. Cisco Systems's Current Market Status With a trading volume of 8,726,928, the price of CSCO is up by 0.03%, reaching $58.57. Current RSI values indicate that the stock is may be approaching overbought. Next earnings report is scheduled for 79 days from now. What Analysts Are Saying About Cisco Systems 5 market experts have recently issued ratings for this stock, with a consensus target price of $63.8. Turn $1000 into $1270 in just 20 days? 20-year pro options trader reveals his one-line chart technique that shows when to buy and sell. Copy his trades, which have had averaged a 27% profit every 20 days. Click here for access .* Showing optimism, an analyst from JP Morgan upgrades its rating to Overweight with a revised price target of $66. * An analyst from Piper Sandler persists with their Neutral rating on Cisco Systems, maintaining a target price of $57. * Maintaining their stance, an analyst from B of A Securities continues to hold a Buy rating for Cisco Systems, targeting a price of $72. * Consistent in their evaluation, an analyst from Wells Fargo keeps a Equal-Weight rating on Cisco Systems with a target price of $60. * An analyst from Citigroup persists with their Buy rating on Cisco Systems, maintaining a target price of $64. Options are a riskier asset compared to just trading the stock, but they have higher profit potential. Serious options traders manage this risk by educating themselves daily, scaling in and out of trades, following more than one indicator, and following the markets closely. If you want to stay updated on the latest options trades for Cisco Systems, Benzinga Pro gives you real-time options trades alerts. © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.Special Counsel files to drop all federal charges against Trump

Utah Hockey Club walks to arena after bus gets stuck in Toronto trafficU.S. women's national team goalkeeper Alyssa Naeher is retiring from international soccer. Naeher is on the team's roster for a pair of upcoming matches in Europe but those games will be her last after a full 11 years playing for the United States. Over the course of her career, Naeher was on the U.S. team that won the Women's World Cup in 2019 and the gold medal at the Olympics this summer in France. She's the only U.S. goalkeeper to earn a shutout in both a World Cup and an Olympic final. She made a key one-handed save in stoppage time to preserve the Americans' 1-0 victory over Brazil in the Olympic final. Mallory Swanson, who scored the only goal, ran down the length of the field to embrace Naeher at the final whistle. Naeher announced her retirement on social media Monday . “Every tear shed in the challenging times and disappointments made every smile and celebration in the moments of success that much more joyful. This has been a special team to be a part of and I am beyond proud of what we have achieved both on and off the field," she wrote. “The memories I have made over the years will last me a lifetime.” Naeher was known throughout her career for her calm and steady leadership. She is one of just three goalkeepers to make more than 100 appearances for the United States. Naeher made her debut with the national team in 2014 and was a backup to Hope Solo at the 2015 World Cup, which the United States won. She became the team’s regular starter following the 2016 Olympics and was on the squad that repeated as World Cup winners in 2019. The 36-year-old has also played for the Chicago Red Stars in the National Women’s Soccer League since 2016. Earlier this year, she had one of her strongest-ever performances in the semifinals of the CONCACAF Women’s Gold Cup. Not only did she make three saves during a penalty shootout with Canada , she converted a penalty kick herself — tucking the ball neatly into the corner of the net. Afterward she said: “Winning is the best feeling.” AP soccer: https://apnews.com/hub/soccer$1000 Invested In This Stock 20 Years Ago Would Be Worth $8,700 Today

– Nuvo Int'l Group Ltd. Selected as Winning Bidder in Court-Supervised Sale Process, Subject to Court Approval – – Deal Includes Acquisition of Substantially All of the Company's Assets, Ensuring Business Continuity for Customers, Partners and Employees – TEL AVIV, Israel , Nov. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nuvo Group Ltd. ("Nuvo"), the maker of Invu, a pregnancy monitoring device recently named as one of Time Magazine's Best Inventions of 2024, has entered into a binding term sheet with Nuvo Int'l Group Ltd. ("Nuvo Int'l"), an acquisition company funded by Kips Bay Select LP., and selected Nuvo Int'l as the winning bidder at Nuvo's auction in its sale process under Section 363 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Nuvo Int'l will acquire substantially all of the Company's assets and assume certain of its liabilities for cash and non-cash consideration. "The agreement with Nuvo Int'l marks a significant step in our financial restructuring, and when consummated will allow us to continue to deliver best-in-class pregnancy support to moms-to-be and their doctors," said Rice Powell, CEO of Nuvo. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court hearing to approve the sale is currently scheduled for December 3, 2024 . With Court approval, the transaction is expected to close in the first week of December 2024 . Nuvo is advised in this matter by Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP and Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP as legal counsel, Teneo Capital LLC as financial advisor, and Intrepid Investment Bankers LLC as investment banker. About Nuvo Nuvo is leading a transformation in pregnancy care by providing clinicians and expectant mothers with access to medically necessary remote pregnancy monitoring anytime, anywhere. Nuvo's INVUTM platform is an FDA-cleared remote pregnancy monitoring and management system. It enables the delivery of remote non-stress tests (NSTs) and maternal and fetal heart rate monitoring, while pioneering new data-driven personalized pathways that Nuvo believes can improve future health outcomes. INVU is being used by leading health providers and research institutions across the US and Israel. Nuvo plans to continue to expand the footprint of sales in the US and Israel and plans to introduce its INVU platform in Europe in 2024, subject to granting of the CE mark it filed in Europe in March 2023, to provide remote access and insights not previously deemed possible. Nuvo is led by a diverse team of experienced business, medical and technology leaders, united in the mission of breaking down barriers to pregnancy care to give every life a better beginning. For more information and complete indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions, and instructions for use, visit www.nuvocares.com . View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/nuvo-group-enters-into-agreement-for-sale-of-pregnancy-support-business-302314626.html SOURCE Nuvo Group LtdQatar’s decision to suspend its mediation efforts between Israel and Hamas and the sweeping Cabinet reshuffle are not isolated actions; they are intertwined maneuvers within a unified strategic framework aimed at fortifying the nation’s stance amid shifting regional and global dynamics. Together, these actions reveal a nation positioning itself proactively for the future. With Donald Trump’s imminent return to the U.S. presidency and the potential for heightened regional tensions, Qatar is bolstering its readiness as a mediator and a resilient actor capable of maintaining influence in both diplomatic and security arenas. In early November, Majid al-Ansari, spokesperson for the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that the mediation efforts led by Qatar between Israel and Hamas had been suspended. Al-Ansari stated that the relevant parties had been informed 10 days prior that "mediation would be halted if no progress was made." Qatar justified the suspension of mediation by citing the "reluctance" and "lack of seriousness" of both sides in ending the conflict and preventing harm to civilians. Western media platforms have engaged in disinformation regarding Qatar’s statements on two specific points. The first is the claim that Qatar has completely withdrawn from mediating between Israel and Hamas, and the second is the assertion that Hamas' Doha office would be permanently closed. As of now, no official statement has confirmed that Qatar has definitively ended its mediation between Israel and Hamas. Similarly, there has been no finalized or officially announced development regarding the permanent closure of Hamas' office in Doha. However, in a statement made a few days ago, Al-Ansari confirmed that the Hamas leaders participating in the negotiations were no longer in Doha and that these people were already holding meetings in various regional capitals, including Türkiye. He added that if there is no need for mediation, the decision regarding the closure of Hamas’ Doha office will officially come from Qatar. The statements aim to convey a message to both parties, indicating that without mediation, issues will remain unresolved. Qatar is positioned as an essential actor should talks between Israel and Hamas resume. Therefore, suspending its role as a mediator at this stage could potentially strengthen its position. Türkiye is one of the countries where Hamas can move or mediation can be carried out. Qatari officials also expressed this directly or indirectly. Although there is no specific statement from Qatar or Türkiye at this stage that Hamas has moved to Türkiye permanently, it is a natural political strategy for Hamas to move among its offices. Türkiye has been engaging with regional actors and working on specific solutions observing Palestinian people for many years; there is nothing new here. Hamas's departure from Doha at this stage does not indicate a negative shift in Qatar-Hamas relations, nor does it suggest that Hamas will fully shift its political operations to another country, including Türkiye. These issues were likely brought up in the meetings held with the country's emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, who recently held talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Türkiye while attending the 10th meeting of the Supreme Strategic Committee. Türkiye and Qatar are closely coordinating their efforts in response to Israel's aggressive actions in the region, including its reckless approach. Both countries are actively pursuing mediation initiatives aimed at securing a cease-fire, facilitating the release of hostages, ensuring the withdrawal of Israeli forces from certain areas and ultimately ending the conflict. This collaboration continues regardless of where Hamas is based, with a shared commitment to addressing these pressing issues The suspension of mediation was accompanied by significant internal political developments in Qatar. On the same day as the U.S. presidential election, a referendum was concluded that effectively abolished the election of two-thirds of the Shura Council members by popular vote, reinstating the previous system whereby members were appointed by the emir. This shift was followed by a series of consequential changes that unfolded in rapid succession. On Nov. 12, 2024, Sheikh Tamim conducted a comprehensive reshuffle within the Cabinet and other public offices. An assessment of these developments indicates a partial renewal within the upper echelons of Qatar's security bureaucracy. While previous appointees were already individuals closely affiliated with the ruling family, the recent appointment of a direct member of the Al Thani family – and a particularly influential one – to head the defense sector marks a significant development. Additionally, the appointment of a senior security and intelligence official as head of the emir's Diwan, alongside the designation of a new chief of general staff and head of the intelligence agency, constitutes significant steps within this reshuffle. With these changes, the decision-making mechanism in Qatar has been rendered more exclusive, as individuals appointed to these roles are either members of or closely affiliated with the ruling family. The rationale behind these changes may be linked to the anticipated inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the U.S. on Jan. 20, 2025. Furthermore, the prospect of targeting Hamas’ affiliates or figures within Qatar might also be considered a contributing factor. Qatar might have deemed it necessary to expedite decision-making processes and concentrate these processes within a narrower circle to manage its relations with the incoming Trump administration more effectively. Following the disruption of the Israel-Hamas negotiations, another potential reason for this reshuffle could be the possibility of Israel targeting Hamas members residing in Qatar. Qatar’s decision to suspend its mediation efforts between Israel and Hamas, coupled with a significant Cabinet reshuffle, signals a shift in the region’s power dynamics and highlights Qatar’s intent to safeguard its strategic position. While the suspension of mediation is ostensibly due to the unwillingness and lack of seriousness of both sides, it can also be seen as a tactical move by Qatar to underscore the influence it holds as a mediator. By pausing its efforts, Qatar demonstrates that its role is crucial, and it will not continue in the absence of genuine engagement from both parties. This act underlines Qatar’s leverage and the potential cost of excluding it from peace processes. The extensive reshuffle initiated by Sheikh Tamim, which focuses on placing close family members or individuals loyal to the ruling family in key positions, suggests a strategic effort to consolidate power and streamline decision-making processes. This reorganization aligns with Qatar’s need to respond swiftly and effectively to external pressures and evolving regional challenges. With Trump set to assume the U.S. presidency, Qatar may be anticipating a return to a more assertive U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, marked by strong support for Israel and opposition to Iran. The Cabinet changes appear to be a preemptive move to better position Qatar to navigate potential geopolitical shifts and pressures from the Trump administration. Qatar’s established relationship with Hamas remains a cornerstone of its regional diplomatic influence. However, with the suspension of Israel-Hamas talks and the possibility of Israel targeting Hamas operatives in Qatar, the state’s strategic reshuffle could also serve as a protective measure. It strengthens Qatar’s internal security posture while signaling that it is prepared to adapt its alliances and strategies as needed. Qatar’s recent suspension of mediation and significant reshuffle within its security bureaucracy signal a calculated pivot, positioning itself to navigate impending changes in the global and regional order. The timing coincides not just with Trump’s upcoming presidency but also with broader uncertainties involving regional conflicts and shifting power alignments. By consolidating decision-making within a trusted inner circle and asserting its mediation leverage, Qatar projects a readiness to protect its strategic interests, signaling to both allies and adversaries that it will not retreat from the table but recalibrate as needed to uphold its diplomatic and security stature.

Zoom Video: Fiscal Q3 Earnings SnapshotWASHINGTON, D.C. — A breakthrough in life-saving medical technology has arrived. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has officially approved Symvess, the first acellular tissue-engineered vessel designed to repair damaged arteries in extremities. This innovative product offers a solution for patients suffering from vascular trauma, providing a critical alternative when traditional grafting methods fail. For patients facing the terrifying prospect of limb loss, this approval is nothing short of revolutionary. “This approval provides an important additional treatment option for individuals with vascular trauma, produced using advanced tissue engineering technology,” said Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). It’s progress not only for the field of regenerative medicine but for the people whose lives hang in the balance when time-critical decisions are made in operating rooms. Vascular trauma is one of medicine’s most urgent emergencies. This injury involves damage to blood vessels, such as ruptured arteries in the arms or legs, and can lead to catastrophic outcomes if blood flow isn’t restored quickly. A blocked or ruptured artery in an extremity doesn’t just endanger the limb—it could be a death sentence due to blood loss, stroke, or deadly clots forming in the bloodstream. The current standard of care for vascular trauma often relies on procedures like autologous vein grafting, where surgeons use veins from the patient’s own body to repair the damaged artery. While effective, this technique isn’t always feasible. Some patients simply don’t have usable healthy veins, or their condition prohibits this approach. Synthetic grafts—another alternative—don’t perform uniformly and come with risks, including higher rates of clotting. Enter Symvess, a game-changer for cases where existing options aren’t practical. Symvess is not your typical graft. It’s a one-of-a-kind acellular tissue engineered vessel constructed from extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins—the same types of proteins naturally found in human blood vessels. What’s remarkable is how it’s made. Symvess is derived from human vascular smooth muscle cells cultured from donor aortic tissue. The result is a graft designed to mimic the structure and function of real blood vessels, giving doctors a material that’s as close to the human original as possible. Surgeons implant Symvess to repair arteries damaged by traumatic injury, with the aim of restoring blood flow and saving the affected limb. Unlike synthetic grafts, Symvess holds the promise of better integration into the body’s natural tissues, reducing complications like clotting and infections. “Currently available treatment options are limited for vascular trauma, which can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening complications,” said Dr. Nicole Verdun, director of the Office of Therapeutic Products at CBER. “The decision to approve a new therapeutic product based on novel medical technology represents important progress in addressing a significant unmet medical need.” Symvess was put to the test in a prospective, multicenter clinical trial involving 54 patients with life-threatening vascular trauma. After receiving Symvess, the results were promising. At the 30-day mark, 67% of patients achieved primary patency—meaning their blood flow was restored and sustained without further intervention. Another 72% retained secondary patency after requiring minor maintenance procedures. While success rates weren’t universal, these outcomes provide a lifeline for patients who previously faced bleak prospects. By the end of the 36-month study, some challenges persisted, with eight patients requiring amputations. Still, the introduction of Symvess represents a giant leap forward for the field, offering a level of hope that didn’t exist before. Like any advanced medical procedure, using Symvess comes with risks. Potential complications include thrombosis (blood clots in the vessel), fever, pain, and narrowing of the vessel at the surgical connection points. More severe risks like graft rupture or failure also exist, though careful screening and monitoring mitigate these concerns. To ensure safety, the cells used in Symvess are harvested from donors rigorously vetted to meet eligibility standards intended to prevent the transmission of infectious agents. Patients must also weigh the rare risk of reactions triggered by human or bovine-derived materials used in its manufacture. Still, for the patients whose lives and limbs are at stake, the potential benefits often outweigh the risks. The FDA’s approval of Symvess doesn’t just change the game for patients—it reshapes the landscape of trauma medicine. By offering a cutting-edge option where traditional methods fall short, Symvess sets the stage for advancements in regenerative medicine far beyond vascular trauma. This isn’t just a new medical product; it’s a beacon for what’s to come in the rebuilding and repair of the human body using biomimetic materials. Symvess’ development also highlights the critical collaboration between regulatory agencies and the medical community to ensure groundbreaking therapies can move from the lab to the bedside swiftly. Its Priority Review designation, along with its status as a Priority Product by the U.S. Department of Defense, underscores its potential impact not just on civilian patients but military personnel injured in combat situations. “This is about life-saving technology that can turn the tide in situations where minutes matter,” emphasized Dr. Marks. With Symvess, physicians now have a weapon that can help prevent amputations and restore quality of life for those once thought to be beyond saving. As the first acellular tissue-engineered vessel of its kind, Symvess opens the floodgates for new innovations in vascular repair and possibly other medical breakthroughs. By leveraging the advancements of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, science is proving that the limits of healing can be pushed further than anyone imagined. The approval of Symvess reaffirms what medicine and technology can achieve when striving toward a shared goal—saving lives, protecting quality of life, and offering new options when all else fails. This is progress in its purest form—a testament to the unmatched resilience and ingenuity of modern medicine. The phrase “medical breakthrough” is used often. But with Symvess, it has never felt more accurate. For the latest news on everything happening in Chester County and the surrounding area, be sure to follow MyChesCo on Google News and MSN .

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SEC Chair Gary Gensler, who led US crackdown on cryptocurrencies, to step downWEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday that he has chosen Keith Kellogg, a highly decorated retired three-star general, to serve as his special envoy for Ukraine and Russia. Kellogg, who is one of the architects of a staunchly conservative policy book that lays out an “America First” national security agenda for the incoming administration, will come into the role as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine enters its third year in February. Trump, making the announcement on his Truth Social account, said, “He was with me right from the beginning! Together, we will secure PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, and Make America, and the World, SAFE AGAIN!” Kellogg, an 80-year-old retired Army lieutenant general who has long been Trump’s top adviser on defense issues, served as national security adviser to Vice President Mike Pence , was chief of staff of the National Security Council and then stepped in as an acting security adviser for Trump after Michael Flynn resigned. As special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, Kellogg will have to navigate an increasingly untenable war between the two nations. The Biden administration has begun urging Ukraine to quickly increase the size of its military by drafting more troops and revamping its mobilization laws to allow for the conscription of those as young as 18. The White House has pushed more than $56 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the start of Russia’s February 2022 invasion and expects to send billions more before Biden leaves office in less than two months. The U.S. has recently stepped up weapons shipments and has forgiven billions in loans provided to Kyiv. Trump has criticized the billions the Biden administration has spent in supporting Ukraine and has said he could end the war in 24 hours, comments that appear to suggest he would press Ukraine to surrender territory that Russia now occupies. As a co-chairman of the American First Policy Institute’s Center for American Security, Kellogg wrote several of the chapters in the group’s policy book. The book, like the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025,” is designed to lay out a Trump national security agenda and avoid the mistakes of 2016 when he entered the White House largely unprepared. Kellogg in April wrote that “bringing the Russia-Ukraine war to a close will require strong, America First leadership to deliver a peace deal and immediately end the hostilities between the two warring parties.” Trump's proposed national security adviser , U.S. Rep. Michael Waltz of Florida, tweeted Wednesday that “Keith has dedicated his life to defending our great country and is committed to bringing the war in Ukraine to a peaceful resolution.” Kellogg featured in multiple Trump investigations dating to his first term. He was among the administration officials who listened in on the July 2019 call between Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy in which Trump prodded his Ukrainian counterpart to pursue investigations into the Bidens. The call, which Kellogg would later say did not raise any concerns on his end, was at the center of the first of two House impeachment cases against Trump, who was acquitted by the Senate both times. On Jan. 6, 2021, hours before pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, Kellogg, who was then Pence’s national security adviser, listened in on a heated call in which Trump told his vice president to object or delay the certification in Congress of President Joe Biden ’s victory. He later told House investigators that he recalled Trump saying to Pence words to the effect of: “You’re not tough enough to make the call.” Baldor reported from Washington. AP writer Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report.