Remembering Jimmy Carter, the only Democratic president to win Texas in nearly 50 yearsRICHMOND, British Columbia, Nov. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- General Fusion has published peer-reviewed scientific results confirming world-first achievements in plasma compression using its uniquely practical Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF) technology. The results, published in Nuclear Fusion , verify that during the company's Plasma Compression Science (PCS) experiment series, it successfully produced significant fusion neutron yield by compressing plasmas in the spherical tokamak configuration required for its MTF approach. The results demonstrated a method that ensures plasma stability and symmetry during compression and verified the company's predictions for the rate of plasma heating and increased neutron yield. The tests proved the effectiveness of the company's technology for plasma formation and compression using a metal liner, providing the foundation for its Lawson Machine 26 (LM26) - the company's large-scale fusion demonstration. LM26 will begin integrated operations in early 2025 and is on target to achieve key milestones of 1 keV, then 10 keV (fusion conditions of over 100 million degrees Celsius), and, ultimately, scientific breakeven equivalent (100 per cent Lawson criterion) in the next two years. In the PCS experiment, General Fusion's high-performing plasmas remained stable and maintained magnetic flux while the fusion neutron yield increased significantly. The experiment results demonstrated that significant volumetric compression of a spherical tokamak plasma is practical, de-risking the company's LM26, which will compress plasmas at large scale to reach higher fusion yields. Key Experiment Results: Neutron yield increased significantly, exceeding 600 million neutrons per second in one compression shot. During compression, the plasma became approximately 190 times denser than it started, consistent with plasma particle confinement time being significantly longer than the compression time. The magnetic field that provides robust confinement for the hot plasma became over 13 times higher than it started due to the action of compression. Measurements of plasma heating agreed well with the rate expected for the scale of the experiment, with a modest rise in ion temperature to approximately 0.63 keV during the compression. "During our PCS series, General Fusion was the first in the world to compress a spherical tokamak plasma with a collapsing metal liner, and we are thrilled to now share in a peer-reviewed publication the results we achieved in demonstrating fusion from MTF through this experimental campaign," said Dr. Michel Laberge, Founder and Chief Science Officer, General Fusion. "This research is another example of our trailblazing work over the past two decades. Now, we're approaching breakthrough milestones with LM26. Our practical approach translates to an economical power plant, putting us on the path to electricity on the grid by the early to mid-2030s." General Fusion is a world leader in plasma research. Twenty-four prototypes and over 200,000 plasma shots have helped the company build the world's largest and most powerful operational fusion plasma injector for LM26. The company's multi-year PCS series, conducted from 2013 to 2019, was the first of its kind to study the behavior of a magnetized plasma during rapid compression. Custom experimental systems and testbeds were built in-house to reliably compress a high-performance compact spherical tokamak plasma within an imploding metal wall. A robust suite of diagnostics provided data for each compression test. The peer-reviewed results from the experiment closely align with the company's advanced predictive simulation and modelling, providing confidence that LM26 will achieve its targets of 1 keV, 10 keV, and scientific breakeven equivalent (100 per cent Lawson criterion). "We've demonstrated the viability of a stable fusion process using our MTF approach, laying the foundation for our groundbreaking LM26," said Mike Donaldson, Senior Vice President, Technology Development, General Fusion. "These achievements in plasma compression are a testament to our team's deep expertise and capabilities, accumulated over two decades of fusion technology development. Through our PCS series, we also made major advances in plasma systems, materials, coatings, and diagnostics. Now we're ready for the next step – demonstrating fusion and significant heating at large scale with LM26! Our incredibly talented team has made it all possible, building a practical, clean energy technology with world-changing potential from the ground up." Quick Facts The open-access paper published in Nuclear Fusion provides a comprehensive analysis of the engineering and plasma physics involved in achieving this new foothold in MTF research. In General Fusion's MTF approach , the proprietary liquid metal liner in the fusion vessel is mechanically compressed by high-powered pistons. This allows General Fusion to create fusion conditions in short pulses, rather than creating a sustained reaction, while protecting the machine's vessel, extracting heat, and re-breeding fuel. The technology is designed to scale for cost-efficient power plants. It does not require large superconducting magnets or an expensive array of lasers. Today, General Fusion is accelerating its progress by building LM26. The fusion demonstration machine is on track to achieve transformative technical milestones in the next 24 months—1 keV in the first half of 2025, then 10 keV, and ultimately scientific breakeven equivalent (100 per cent Lawson criterion) by 2026. Its results will significantly de-risk the company's commercial-scale machine, fast-tracking its path to provide commercial fusion energy to the grid by the early to mid-2030s. About General Fusion General Fusion is pursuing a fast and practical approach to commercial fusion energy and is headquartered in Richmond, B.C., Canada. The company was established in 2002 and is funded by a global syndicate of leading energy venture capital firms, industry leaders, and technology pioneers. Learn more at www.generalfusion.com . General Fusion Media Relations media@generalfusion.com +1-866-904-0995 Follow General Fusion twitter.com/generalfusion instagram.com/generalfusion linkedin.com/company/general-fusion facebook.com/generalfusion © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
The apparent sympathy that Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic representative and GOP President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for national intelligence director, has expressed for now-deposed Syrian President Bashar Assad continues to trail her as she tries to round up support among senators for her confirmation. “I’ve got a lot of questions,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) said Monday at The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit. Warner said he wanted to know about Gabbard’s “interchange with Assad and seeming affinity for [Russian President Vladimir] Putin,” as well as her support for intel whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. The Assad linkage is so widely discussed that Marc Short, who served as chief of staff to Mike Pence during his vice presidency, made a cutting joke on a Sunday morning political talk show, saying that the three people most worried by Assad’s recent downfall were “Putin, the ayatollah [of Iran] and Tulsi Gabbard.” Gabbard, who was a member of Congress from 2013 to 2021, traveled to Syria in 2017 to meet with Assad in a trip that raised eyebrows. After inheriting leadership of his country from his father, Assad was known for being a particularly brutal and corrupt dictator, even by Middle East standards. In 2013, his forces were accused of using sarin gas in an attack killing 1,400 people and of using barrel bombs — explosives that can be made from empty barrels and other scrap, along with gasoline and shrapnel — against civilians. His government’s expertise in torture led the U.S. to outsource interrogations of some terrorism suspects there during President George W. Bush’s “global war on terror.” In the wake of Assad’s fall, some of the costs of his rule have come to light, with journalists documenting his fancy car collection and the release of people kept in the brutal Saydnaya prison. Freedom House, a democracy advocacy group, gave Syria a score of only 1 out of 100 in its 2024 ranking of countries by how free they are, ahead of only Tibet and Nagorno-Karabakh (which Freedom House includes as disputed territories). After her 2017 trip, Gabbard defended herself, saying any peace deal amid Syria’s civil war would need Assad’s sign-off. “Whatever you think about President Assad, the fact is that he is the president of Syria,” she said then. That changed over the weekend, when Assad fled the country and received asylum in Russia under the protection of fellow strongman Putin. His fall ended more than 50 years of family rule after a stunning 11-day rebel advance. During her time in the House of Representatives, Gabbard often justified a light touch with Assad by citing the threat of victory by Islamic militants, who were among the rival factions challenging his governance in the civil war. That stance also seemed to conveniently diminish Assad’s culpability for likely war crimes. “Let the Syrian people themselves determine their future, not the United States, not some foreign country,” she told CNN in 2017. While the group that led the rebel coalition to take down Assad, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, is listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government and has been affiliated with al Qaeda in the past, the opening days of post-Assad Syria have not seen the fundamentalist Islamic crackdown some had feared. On Monday, Gabbard told reporters that her views now aligned with Trump’s, who’s commented on Assad’s fall by saying that the U.S. should not get involved — an option that virtually no one had suggested. “I stand in full support and wholeheartedly agree with the statements that President Trump has made over these last few days with regards to the developments in Syria,” Gabbard stated . Here are some of the things Gabbard had said on the floor of the House, or later inserted as written statements in the Congressional Record, on the need to keep Assad from being toppled and what would happen after his fall: In advocating for removing language in an annual defense policy bill that approved developing a strategy to counter Iran, Gabbard said , “It’s clear that, if left unchecked, war hawks in the Trump administration will drag our country into more Middle East wars, leaving destruction in its wake around the world and here at home.” She added: “So what’s the objective of this authorization for war? Is it regime change in Iran? Regime change in Syria? More war against Iran and Syria? Yemen?” Talking about her bill to prohibit the government from supporting foreign terror groups, Gabbard said the U.S. had for years been “directly and indirectly supporting allies and partners of groups like al Qaeda and ISIS with money, weapons, intelligence and other support in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government.” “The Wall Street Journal reports that rebel grounds are ‘doubling down on their alliance’ with al Qaeda. This alliance has rendered the phrase ‘moderate rebels’ meaningless. We must stop this madness,” she said. Speaking of a provision to equip and train rebel Syrian groups in a defense funding bill, Gabbard said the groups remained focused on overthrowing Assad, which would end up “creating an even worse humanitarian crisis and an even greater threat to the world.” “We’re waging two wars in Syria, providing arms and support to groups that have opposing objectives,” she said. “The first war is a counterproductive one to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad, which must end. And the second is our war to defeat ISIS, al Qaeda and other jihadist groups, which we must win. By helping groups fighting to overthrow Assad, we’ re essentially helping ISIS and al Qaeda achieve their objective of taking over all of Syria.” In discussing one of two Syria-related resolutions, Gabbard called it “a thinly veiled attempt to use the rationale of humanitarianism as a justification for overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad.” “If the U.S. is successful in its current effort to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad, allowing groups like ISIS and al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations to take over all of Syria, which is what will happen, including those Assad-controlled areas where Christians and other religious minorities remain protected, the United States will be morally culpable for the genocide that will occur as a result,” she said. “This is exactly what happened when we overthrew Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It is what happened in Libya when we overthrew Muammar Gaddafi. To do the same thing over and over and expect a different result is the definition of insanity.” In discussing another resolution, Gabbard said she objected specifically to language saying that “Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s violence against the Syrian people has attracted foreign fighters from around the world, who have supported and committed ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] atrocities.” “I fully reject this amendment to the resolution which gives moral legitimacy to the actions of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and others who are committing genocide against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities in Syria,” she said. In debating an annual defense policy bill, Gabbard said a provision to train what were described as “moderate” Syrian rebels “seriously polluted this critical piece of legislation.” “I could not in good conscience vote to support the so-called moderate forces who often work hand in hand with al Qaeda or ISIS, and whose personnel and weapons often end up in the hands of those terrorists,” she said. “This bill continues the same failed practices of undeclared war, regime change and nation-building that have held us mired in the Middle East for over a decade.” In debating an amendment to a stopgap spending bill to aid Syrian opposition, Gabbard said , “Voting to support this proposal is actually a vote to overthrow Assad because overthrowing Assad is the primary objective of the so-called Free Syrian Army.” She added: “If we combine the missions of destroying ISIL and of overthrowing Assad, this is not a smart or effective strategy for a number of reasons. We must focus on one mission — to destroy ISIL and other Islamic extremists who’ve declared war on us. Our mission should not be to topple the Assad regime, which would make the situation in the region even worse and more unstable than it is today.”NEW YORK, Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The following statement is being issued by Levi & Korsinsky, LLP: To: All persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired securities of Sun Communities, Inc. ("SUI" or the "Company") SUI between February 28, 2019 and September 24, 2024, both dates inclusive . You are hereby notified that the class action lawsuit Michelle Nelson v. Sun Communities, Inc., et al. (Case No. 2:24-cv-13314) has been commenced in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. To get more information go to: https://zlk.com/pslra-1/sun-communities-inc-lawsuit-submission-form or contact Joseph E. Levi, Esq. either via email at jlevi@levikorsinsky.com or by telephone at (212) 363-7500. There is no cost or obligation to you. The complaint alleges that defendants provided investors with material information concerning SUI's accounting practices and internal control over financial reporting. On September 24, 2024, after market close, an investment research report emerged calling into question the integrity of SUI's Board and the integrity of the Company's governance, controls, and financial disclosures. Investors and analysts reacted immediately to SUI's revelation. The price of SUI's common stock declined dramatically. From a closing market price of $139.10 per share on September 24, 2024, SUI's stock price fell to a low of $137.48 per share on September 25, 2024. If you suffered a loss in SUI securities , you have until February 10, 2025 to request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff. Your ability to share in any recovery doesn't require that you serve as a lead plaintiff. WHY LEVI & KORSINSKY: Over the past 20 years, the team at Levi & Korsinsky has secured hundreds of millions of dollars for aggrieved shareholders and built a track record of winning high-stakes cases. Our firm has extensive expertise representing investors in complex securities litigation and a team of over 70 employees to serve our clients. For seven years in a row, Levi & Korsinsky has ranked in ISS Securities Class Action Services' Top 50 Report as one of the top securities litigation firms in the United States. CONTACT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Joseph E. Levi, Esq. Ed Korsinsky, Esq. 33 Whitehall Street, 17th Floor New York, NY 10004 jlevi@levikorsinsky.com Tel: (212) 363-7500 Fax: (212) 363-7171 www.zlk.com © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
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LOWELL — It had boot drives by area firefighters, Red Kettle ringers, hundreds of auction items and even a donated ugly Christmas sweater as part of the festivities. In other words, just another successful WCAP Radiothon and online auction that raises money for the Salvation Army of Greater Lowell. Both the community participation and the money raised continues to grow, said Saturday Morning Live host Warren Shaw. “Every year we have more people who want to be part of it,” he said by phone Tuesday afternoon. “It overwhelms me that we have these people who totally just give of themselves and make this happen.” The fundraiser is broadcast live by Shaw and co-host Gerry Nutter each December. Members of the community drop into the Market Street studio to make a donation, catch some air time with the hosts or simply absorb the holiday spirit that infuses the daylong event. “I never know from year to year what’s going to happen,” Shaw said. “But this year, there was more energy than I’ve ever seen before.” The fundraiser attracts local supporters, as well as state and federal ones. Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll and former Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito called into the Radiothon. Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan stopped in as did U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan, boxing great Micky Ward, City Manager Tom Golden, former state Rep. Steve Panagiotakos, state Rep. Rodney Elliott and numerous other local officials and business leaders. Along with the familiar faces were the new ones of Majors Alan and Amanda Krueger, representing the charitable organization . The couple took over for Majors Nicole and Timothy Ross, who led the Salvation Army in the Greater Lowell area for six years before moving to Portland, Maine, where they were appointed to the leadership team at the organization’s divisional headquarters. One couple, who Shaw said “raise the bar every year,” was Mike and Cindy Kuenzler. They dropped off another record donation of almost $111,000 from the annual comedy night held at their Four Oaks Country Club in Dracut. The auction is the main focus of the Radiothon, though, with close to 200 donated items , from vacation packages to sports memorabilia, custom cookies, clothes, electronics, gift cards and certificates to local businesses. Bidders could even try for a chance to be mayor of Lowell for the day. For the third year, Councilor Erik Gitschier won the mayoral auction item, which he gifts to a Greater Lowell Technical High School student. “Each year, it is a blessing I am able to choose a student that represents all the amazing qualities of the Office of the Mayor!” Gitschier said by text Tuesday. Previous “mayors” have been students Damarje Williams and Julie Oum . More than 20 years ago, the Radiothon started with “two guys turning on the microphones asking people for money,” Shaw said in a 2022 Sun interview. That first year, he and Arthur Sutcliffe, who co-hosted the event, raised $5,000. Now, the Radiothon regularly brings in more than $200,000. But he said a lot of different pieces and people make the Radiothon happen, such as the money raised by the boot drives held by firefighters in Dracut, Tyngsboro and Lowell that brought in more than $25,000. Dracut resident Kevin Durkin raised $10,000 in memory of his friend Ralph Richardson, who was nicknamed the “heat patrol” for refusing to turn on the heat until Nov. 1. Shaw said that money will be dedicated to the Salvation Army’s heat assistance program. Councilor Rita Mercier could be found ringing the bell in front of the Owl Diner for Red Kettle donations. People even bid not to have to take home an ugly Christmas sweater donated by Nutter. “You put in all the other pieces and you end up with a big number,” Shaw said, referring to the contributions — both time and money — of all the people who participate in the local fundraiser. The Radiothon auction and donations help support a wide variety of Salvation Army local programing and services. The Lowell Corps serves the Greater Lowell area, providing social and emergency services to residents from Lowell, Tyngsboro, Dracut, Tewksbury, Billerica, Chelmsford and Dunstable. The Christian-based organization provides food for the hungry, rent and utility to those who are struggling and a safe place for youth and families. Almost 1,600 children received toys and winter supplies during last year’s Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and 1,300 food baskets were delivered to families. The Lowell location is based at 150 Appleton St., right in the heart of the city’s most impacted Back Central neighborhood. A final tally will be available on Dec. 14, and 100% of the money raised through the Radiothon will go toward helping local folks in need. “We are so grateful to all of the volunteers who give their heart and soul to making this event a success,” the Salvation Army said in a statement. “Together, we are helping our neighbors in need at the holidays and throughout the entire year!”
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PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Philadelphia 76ers forward Paul George has a bone bruise on his left knee and will miss two games, the team said Thursday. The 76ers said George did not suffer any structural damage when he injured the same knee that he hyperextended during the preseason in Wednesday night's loss at Memphis. The game marked the first time this season the All-Star trio of George, Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey started a game together. George will miss home games Friday against Brooklyn and Sunday against the Los Angeles Clippers, his former team. A nine-time All-Star, the 34-year-old George will be evaluated again on Monday. Wednesday's 117-111 loss to the Grizzlies dropped the Sixers to 2-12, the worst record in the NBA headed into Thursday night's games. George signed a four-year, $212 million contract with Philadelphia after five seasons with the Clippers. He has averaged 14.9 points in eight games this season. Embiid has been out with injuries, load management rest and a suspension, while Maxey was sidelined with a hamstring injury. An expected contender in the Eastern Conference, the Sixers haven't won since an overtime victory against Charlotte on Nov. 10. AP NBA: https://apnews.com/hub/nbaVikings thrive under coach of year favorite O'Connell, a relatable state for Packers with LaFleurThe battle for Pennsylvania is on between the Steelers and Eagles this Sunday in Philadelphia. Pittsburgh is 10-3 this season and winners of two straight and six of the past seven. With Russell Wilson, the Steelers’ offense has been revived at 28.4 points per game. George Pickens is questionable, which doesn’t help the offense, but Pittsburgh has excelled as the underdog, going 5-0 ATS this year, including 3-0 as the road underdog. Philadelphia is 11-2 on the year and holds the NFL’s longest winning streak at nine straight games. The Eagles have won four straight at home and are 4-1 at the Linc since its Week 2 loss to the Falcons (22-16). Saquon Barkley is second in MVP odds (+400) behind Josh Allen and has carried this offense over the past three games due to Jalen Hurts’ struggles to get the ball downfield (108, 118, 179 passing yards). NBC Sports has all the latest info and analysis you need, including how to tune in for kickoff, odds from DraftKings, player news and updates, and of course our predictions and best bets for the game from our staff of experts. Listen to the Bet the Edge podcast as hosts Jay Croucher and Drew Dinsick provide listeners with sharp actionable insight, market analysis and statistical data to help bettors gain more information before placing their wagers. Game Details and How to watch the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Cleveland Browns on Sunday · Date: Sunday, December 15, 2024 · Time: 4:25 PM EST · Site: Lincoln Financial Field · City: Philadelphia, PA · TV/Streaming: FOX Want to check out the other games on the NFL schedule this week? We’ve got you covered right here on NBC Sports with all the matchup, venue, game-time, and TV/streaming info so you won’t miss any of the action! Game odds for Steelers vs. Eagles The latest odds as of Thursday courtesy of DraftKings: Moneyline: Pittsburgh Steelers (+205), Philadelphia Eagles (-250) Spread: Eagles -5.5 (-110) Total: 43.0 The line opened at 45.5 for the total and Philadelphia -5, so money has come in on the Under in the battle of PA. The spread dipped to +4.5 in favor of Pittsburgh but has been bet back up. Expert picks & predictions for Steelers vs Eagles Please bet responsibly. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call the National Gambling Helpline at 1-800-522-4700. NBC Sports Bet Best Bet Vaughn Dalzell (@VmoneySports) likes the Pittsburgh Steelers to cover the +5.5 as road underdogs in Philadelphia: “Pittsburgh is 3-0 ATS and on the ML as road underdogs this year, 5-0 ATS as an underdog overall, and an NFL-best 10-3 ATS overall (tied with Denver). The Steelers are 6-1 with Russell Wilson under center and the offense looks dangeruss. Pittsburgh averages an NFL-best 5.6 plays of 20-plus yards with Wilson under center and George Pickens is also one of the main reasons why the Steelers lead in that category. Pickens is questionable to play and if he’s good to go, his presence would be a significant boost for the Steelers offense in what should be a gritty game. I like the Steelers to cover the +5.5 and would sprinkle the ML (+205).” Rotoworld has you covered with all the latest betting info & tools for NFL with game predictions, player props, futures, and trends! Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Philadelphia Eagles team stats, betting trends Pittsburgh is tied for NFL-best 10-3 ATS and 3-0 ATS and on the ML as a road underdog. Philadelphia is 8-5 ATS but 1-4 ATS as a home favorite, ranking sixth-worst. The Eagles are 8-5 to the Under, ranking tied for 4th-best. The Steelers are 7-6 to the Over and 2-1 to the Over as a road dog. Jalen Hurts has a rushing touchdown in seven of the past eight games. Russell Wilson tossed at least two touchdowns in four of seven starts. Saquon Barkley had his three-game touchdown streak snapped last week against Carolina but he did manage 124 rushing yards surpassing the century mark for the fourth straight game. Najee Harris is 123 yards short of his fourth straight 1,000-yard season. Harris has run for at least 50 yards in six of the past seven. Quarterback matchup for Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia Philadelphia: Jalen Hurts – Hurts has 29 total touchdowns (16 passing, 13 rushing) to 5 interceptions on the season. Hurts is on pace to break his career-high of 15 rushing touchdowns last season and is 240 rushing yards shy of his career-high of 784. Pittsburgh: Russell Wilson - In seven starts with the Steelers, Wilson has tossed 1,784 yards, 12 touchdowns, 3 interceptions, and sports a 6-1 record. Wilson’s thrown two or more touchdowns in four of seven games and 264 or more in four as well. Steelers and Eagles injury update Philadelphia’s TE Dallas Goedert (knee), S Reed Blankenship (concussion), S Sydney Brown (knee), DT Byron Young (hamstring) and LB Ben VanSumeren (knee) are all out. For the Steelers, WR George Pickens (hamstring) and LB Tyler Matakevich (hamstring) are questionable, while WR Roman Wilson (hamstring), DT Montravius Adams (knee), CB C.J. Henderson (neck) and OT Dylan Cook (foot) are all out. Rotoworld has you covered with all the latest betting info & tools for NFL with game predictions, player props, futures, and trends! Follow our experts on socials to keep up with all the latest content from the staff: Jay Croucher (@croucherJD) Drew Dinsick (@whale_capper) Vaughn Dalzell (@VmoneySports) Brad Thomas (@MrBradThomas)
Greenland is a “linchpin for U.S. national security and the future of the free world,” according to leading expert Dr. Walter Berbrick, the founding director of the Arctic Studies Group at the U.S. Naval War College, who noted the pivotal country’s geostrategic and economic significance as well as its critical role in defense and the global order, which is “essential to counter authoritarian influence” and safeguard U.S. and allied interests, as he urged strengthened partnerships. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Dr. Berbrick, the former senior adviser to the 77th Secretary of the Navy and the Special Representative for the Arctic Region at the State Department, highlighted the island’s unparalleled value to U.S. national security, economic resilience, and global stability, noting that Greenland’s significance as a hub for defense and economic activity will only grow. “Greenland is a linchpin for U.S. national security and the future of the free world,” he stated. “Its geographic position provides unparalleled strategic access to the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans — enabling the United States to monitor and deter threats against North America and NATO allies.” Arctic Defense and Resources Beyond its strategic location, Dr. Berbrick noted, Greenland offers vast reserves of rare earth elements, critical to advanced technology and military systems. “Economically, Greenland holds vast reserves of rare earth minerals essential for U.S. technological leadership and military readiness,” he explained. He also warned about the risks of allowing authoritarian powers like China and Russia to dominate Greenland’s resources and influence. “If China gains undue influence in Greenland, it risks compromising the stability of the Arctic, endangering U.S. interests, and weakening the rules-based international order,” he warned. Highlighting Greenland’s “irreplaceable” role in missile warning systems, Arctic operations, and securing freedom of navigation as new sea routes emerge, Dr. Berbrick called strengthening partnerships with Greenland and Denmark “essential to counter authoritarian influence and protect the economic and security interests of the United States and its allies for generations to come.” Strengthening Partnerships He recommended that the incoming Trump administration deepen ties with Greenland and Denmark through a defense and security compact modeled on agreements with Pacific Island nations. Such a compact, he explained, would deliver tangible benefits. For Greenland, he explained, it would offer investments in modern infrastructure, access to education, and sustainable development while safeguarding cultural and environmental integrity. For the United States, he clarified, it would provide critical Arctic access, bolstered defense infrastructure, and strengthened collaboration with allies “in a region that is rapidly becoming a focal point of global competition.” “A defense and security compact between the United States, Greenland, and Denmark... would protect Greenland from economic and political exploitation while ensuring the people of Greenland have control over their own future,” he emphasized. Policy Recommendations To enhance its Arctic presence, Dr. Berbrick suggested several actionable steps for U.S. policymakers: Trilateral Arctic Framework : Establish a formal cooperative agreement with Greenland and Denmark to address shared defense and economic priorities. Infrastructure Investments : Develop modernized ports, airports, and renewable energy projects in Greenland to foster sustainable growth and integration with global markets. Responsible Resource Partnerships : Support “environmentally sound” extraction of Greenland’s rare earth elements to benefit local communities and secure U.S. supply chains. Educational and Cultural Exchanges : Strengthen long-term ties between U.S. and Greenlandic communities through exchange programs and scientific collaboration. The matter comes as Greenland’s strategic importance has shifted into sharp focus amid evolving Arctic dynamics and growing international interest. On Sunday, President-elect Donald Trump wrote that, “For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity.” An autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, Greenland occupies a unique and strategic position in the Arctic. The U.S. has long recognized Greenland’s strategic importance, a focus heightened in recent years by increasing global competition in the Arctic from China and Russia. Dr. Berbrick’s insights underscore the need for forward-thinking partnerships that align Greenland’s aspirations with U.S. and allied interests, ensuring Arctic stability and security for generations to come. Joshua Klein is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jklein@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter @JoshuaKlein .West Sacramento Police to Conduct DUI/Driver's License Checkpoint on December 13