Arcadium Lithium Announces Shareholder Approval of Proposed Rio Tinto Transaction and Provides Regulatory UpdateMrunal Thakur Celebrates 1 Year Of ‘Hi Nanna’ With Unseen Pictures, VideosTokyo, Japan — Japanese auto giant Honda and its struggling rival Nissan agreed Monday to launch talks on a merger seen as a bid to catch up with Chinese rivals and Tesla on electric vehicles. Their collaboration would create the world's third largest automaker, expanding development of EVs and self-driving tech. But Honda's CEO insisted that it was not a bailout for Nissan, who last month announced thousands of job cuts and reported a 93 percent plunge in first-half net profit. "This is not a rescue," Toshihiro Mibe told reporters, stressing that one condition for the merger would be for Nissan to complete its so-called "turnaround" plan. Lacklustre consumer spending and stiff competition in several markets is making life hard for many automakers. Business has been especially tough for foreign brands in China, where electric vehicle manufacturers such as BYD are leading the way as demand grows for less polluting vehicles. The two firms along with Mitsubishi Motors said they had signed a memorandum of understanding to start discussions on integrating their business under a new holding company. Citing "dramatic changes in the environment surrounding both companies and the automotive industry", a joint statement said the companies planned to list the holding company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in August 2026. It comes after reports said Taiwanese electronics behemoth Foxconn had unsuccessfully approached Nissan to acquire a majority share. It then asked Renault to sell its 35 percent stake in Nissan -- a pursuit now said to have been put on hold. Unequal marriage China overtook Japan as the biggest vehicle exporter last year, helped by government support for EVs. Honda and Nissan -- Japan's number two and three automakers after Toyota -- already agreed in March to explore a strategic partnership on software and components for EVs among other technologies. This partnership was joined by Mitsubishi Motors in August. The companies want to seal their merger deal in June next year, but it is unlikely to be a marriage of equals. Honda will nominate the president of the new holding company, whose board will be mostly made up of Honda executives, their statement said. Nissan is a majority shareholder of Mitsubishi Motors, which "aims to reach its conclusion by the end of January 2025 on the participation or involvement in the business integration between Nissan and Honda," it added. Honda and Nissan's partnership could include a manufacturing tie-up where they build vehicles at each other's plants, local media said. 'Panic mode' Nissan chief Makoto Uchida praised Honda's agility and ability to adapt as the industry shifts, praising the company as "a partner who can share the sense of crisis about the future". "As the business environment for automakers changes in the future, I believe we will not be able to get there unless we have the courage to change ourselves," Uchida said. Nissan has weathered a turbulent decade, including the 2018 arrest of former boss Carlos Ghosn, who later jumped bail and fled Japan concealed in a music equipment box. Ghosn told reporters in Tokyo on Monday via video link from Lebanon, where he is at large, that turning to its arch-rival Honda showed that Nissan was in "panic mode". Although the two companies might be able to "find synergies for the future... I don't see anything obvious into this partnership or this alliance", Ghosn said. (Source: Hiroshi HIYAMA / Katie Forster, AFP)
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On the other hand, Inter Milan, known as "Nerazzurri", had secured the Serie A crown with a resolute defense led by veteran center-backs Stefan de Vrij and Milan Škriniar. Under the tutelage of Antonio Conte, Inter had developed a reputation for their disciplined and organized defensive structure, conceding few goals and frustrating opponents with their rock-solid backline.Zhao Liying, who had remained silent in the face of relentless online attacks, has responded to the public apologies with grace and magnanimity. In a statement released through her management team, she thanked the two haters for acknowledging their mistakes and taking responsibility for their actions. She also expressed her hope that this incident will serve as a lesson for others to think twice before spreading false information and engaging in online hate speech.
The news of the investigation has sent shockwaves through the financial world, as both the Red Bird and Elliott Funds are well-respected entities with significant influence in the global market. The allegations of questionable transactions and potential misconduct have raised concerns among investors and stakeholders, prompting authorities to launch a thorough investigation into the matter.The court's decision to hand down substantial penalties to the individuals involved in the Ba Bao Dan case sends a strong message that illegal activities in the health supplement industry will not be tolerated. It serves as a warning to others who may be tempted to engage in similar unlawful practices, emphasizing the importance of upholding ethical standards and regulatory compliance in the production and sale of health products.Paříž , 24. listopadu 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Společnost Huawei uspořádala v Paříži Evropský den inovací 2024, na němž se evropští technologičtí lídři, zástupci podniků a odborníci na inovace zabývali možnostmi přeshraniční a mezioborové spolupráce. Akce s tématem „Podpora evropských inovací" se soustředila na zásadní výzvy digitální transformace Evropy. Nabídla strategie pro posílení regionálních ekosystémů a zvýšení globální konkurenceschopnosti. Cesta k digitálnímu pokroku vede v Evropě skrz spolupráci Provozní a finanční ředitel společnosti EIT Digital Jesus Contreras na akci uvedl: „Inovace není úkol pro jednotlivce. Inovace se rodí ze spolupráce a výměny mezi všemi zapojenými stranami." Zdůraznil, že digitální inovace vzkvétají, když se spojí globální partneři a zákazníci s různými perspektivami, což do společného úsilí vnáší energii a dynamiku. Nicola Caputo , člen regionálního zastupitelstva Kampánie (Itálie) a člen Evropského výboru regionů, promluvil o výzvách, kterým Evropa při digitální transformaci čelí. Řadí se mezi ně nedostatečná digitální gramotnost, zaostávající komerční využití a nerovnoměrné pokrytí sítí 5G. Caputo vyzval vlády, aby posílily přeshraniční spolupráci s cílem zvýšit globální konkurenceschopnost Evropy v digitální ekonomice. Ximo Puig, stálý zástupce Španělska při OECD, prohlásil: „Inovace v podstatě plní funkci rámce. Vlády, podniky a společnost musí tento rámec využít, aby společně podpořily dlouhodobý rozvoj a vybudovaly plně propojený svět." Laurent Lafforgue , renomovaný matematik společnosti Huawei Technologies France, uvedl: „Rychlý rozvoj technologických inovací se opírá o spolehlivý teoretický rámec. Pro dosažení udržitelného a dlouhodobého technologického pokroku je nezbytný poctivý teoretický výzkum." Závazek společnosti Huawei k dlouhodobým investicím „Inovace jsou dlouhodobé procesy," poznamenal Yu Liang , viceprezident Huawei Cloud Global Ecosystem. Potvrdil, že společnost Huawei je odhodlaná podporovat otevřenou spolupráci, která je hodnotná pro oblast obchodu i společenského vývoje. Yu Liang také oznámil nové partnerství společnosti Huawei se společností Station F. V rámci tohoto partnerství bude spuštěn inkubační program zaměřený na udržitelnost, jehož cílem je podpořit 10 start-upů v odvětvích maloobchodu, automobilového průmyslu a průmyslové výroby. Během sedmi měsíců trvání programu budou mít účastníci možnost posunout své podnikání dál. Pokrok v digitální transformaci a budování budoucnosti Evropy V rámci fóra Driving Digital Transformation for Europe's Emerging Innovators, které společně pořádaly společnosti Euronews a Huawei, účastníci zdůraznili nutnost mezisektorové spolupráce a otevřených ekosystémů. Mezi hlavní řečníky patřili Horst Heitz , předseda řídicího výboru společnosti SME Connect, Ana Paula Nishio de Sousa , ředitelka pro digitální transformaci a umělou inteligenci v Organizaci OSN pro průmyslový rozvoj, Alexander Pisemskij, generální ředitel společnosti Zenpulsar, a Gaurav Tripathi , technický ředitel společnosti Partex NV. Hovořili o tom, že je třeba, aby existovaly otevřené platformy pro sdílení dat a ekosystémy pro spolupráci. Díky nimž totiž pro inovace vznikne inkluzivnější a přizpůsobivější prostředí. „Společnost Huawei Cloud bude v Evropě i nadále investovat do poskytování stabilní a spolehlivé cloudové infrastruktury, spolupráce s vládními agenturami a univerzitami při výchově talentů v oblasti digitálních technologií a podpory start-upů při rozšiřování jejich působnosti napříč regiony," uvedl Zhu Xiaoming , viceprezident Huawei Cloud Global Industry Development. Dodal, že digitální transformace v Evropě postupuje pomaleji, než by podle plánu s názvem Europe Digital Decade 2030 měla, zejména v oblastech dat a umělé inteligence. Podpora inkluzivity a žen v oblasti inovací Berta Herrero , ředitelka oddělení pro diverzitu, rovnost a inkluzi ve společnosti Huawei Europe , moderovala panelovou diskusi o posílení postavení žen v oblasti inovací. Mezi vystupující patřily Rebeca de Sancho Mayoral , poradkyně pro inovace a přístup k financím v Evropské komisi, Egle Ciuoderiene, zakladatelka společnosti Duevo, Iva Tasheva , spoluzakladatelka a vedoucí oddělení pro kybernetickou bezpečnost ve společnosti CyEn, a Gaia Verzelli , absolventka akademie Huawei Women Leadership School. Diskutující hovořily o financování EU a iniciativách, které si kladou za cíl podporovat podnikatelky. Vyzvaly také k většímu zapojení žen v oblasti technologických inovací, což by podpořilo celkovou inkluzivitu a diverzitu oboru. Výzva V závěru akce Tony Yong Jin , ředitel pro záležitosti podnikatelského prostředí v evropském regionu společnosti Huawei, vyzval všechny přítomné, aby podnikli rozhodné kroky k podpoře digitálních inovací, a začali tak budovat propojenější, inkluzivnější a udržitelnější Evropu. „Dnes nás všechny vyzývám k tomu, abychom přijali digitální inovace – nejen kvůli tomu, co slibují do budoucna, ale také kvůli jejich dopadu na každého člověka, na každou rodinu a komunitu," uvedl Tony Yong Jin . Foto - AP Top 25 men’s college basketball poll is back every week throughout the season! Get the poll delivered straight to your inbox with AP Top 25 Poll Alerts. Sign up here . SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Jacob Holt had 23 points in Sacramento State’s 98-47 victory over Stanislaus State on Sunday. Holt also contributed five rebounds for the Hornets (3-9). Bailey Nunn scored 18 points while shooting 6 for 7, including 5 for 6 from beyond the arc. Chudi Dioramma had 14 points and finished 6 of 8 from the floor. The Hornets broke a five-game slide. Jason Cibull led the way for the Warriors with 17 points. Stanislaus State also got 10 points from Cam Walker. ___ The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar .
President-elect Donald Trump 's transition team has invited five major tech companies, including Google, Microsoft and Meta Platforms to a meeting in mid-December about dealing with online sales of drugs, The Information reported on Sunday. A representative for Jim Carroll, the drug czar during Trump's first term, and Trump's transition team emailed staffers from the three tech giants on Thursday, as well as those from Snap and TikTok, to invite them to a call, the report added, citing a person with direct knowledge of the correspondence. The transition officials want to hear from the companies about their priorities and any barriers to addressing issues around the sales of drugs online, the person told the Information. Google , Microsoft, Meta, Snap, TikTok and the Trump transition team did not immediately respond to a Reuters' request for comment. Trump has vowed to get Mexico to do more to stop the flow of fentanyl to the U.S., which has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and threatened to impose steep tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada unless those countries curb fentanyl trafficking and illegal migration. In November, Trump also said in a post on Truth Social that he "will be working on a large scale United States Advertising Campaign, explaining how bad fentanyl is for people to use." READ | Donald Trump says 'can't guarantee tariffs won't impact US prices', keeps door open for revenge prosecutions In March, The Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. prosecutors were investigating Meta's role and whether it profited from the sale and distribution of drugs on Facebook and Instagram. In January, eBay agreed to pay $59 million and upgrade compliance measures to resolve U.S. Department of Justice allegations that it didn't do enough to stop criminals from buying devices for making counterfeit drugs, including pills laced with fentanyl.
As the football world awaits the final decision on the charges, Manchester City's fate remains uncertain. But one thing is certain – the club's resolve and determination have been on full display throughout the hearing, and they are prepared to face whatever challenges lie ahead.In recent developments, several key figures linked to the "Bu Incident" have been taken into custody and placed under criminal coercive measures. This significant step indicates that the investigation is entering a critical phase, with law enforcement agencies intensifying their efforts to gather information, conduct interrogations, and uncover the truth.
As Jack Ma concluded his speech and left the stage, the audience was left with a renewed sense of inspiration and admiration for the man known as the "crazy billionaire" who had revolutionized the way people shop and do business online.
In the end, the dust may have settled on the 115-count charge hearing, but the ramifications of this landmark event will continue to reverberate throughout the football world for years to come. Manchester City's journey is far from over, and the next chapter promises to be just as compelling and unpredictable as the last.Ultimately, Tyronn Lue's decision to decline the Lakers' offer highlights the need for organizations to treat their coaching staff with the respect and dignity they deserve. In a competitive and high-stakes industry like the NBA, valuing the contributions and expertise of coaches like Lue is essential for building a winning team and fostering a culture of success. As Lue moves forward in his coaching career, his unwavering commitment to respect and professionalism will undoubtedly continue to set him apart as a leader in the world of professional basketball.
PHILADELPHIA and PERTH, Australia , Dec. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Arcadium Lithium plc (NYSE: ALTM, ASX: LTM, "Arcadium Lithium"), a leading global lithium chemicals producer, today announced that it has obtained all requisite shareholder approvals in connection with the proposed acquisition by Rio Tinto previously announced on October 9 , 2024. "Today's vote of support by our shareholders confirms our shared belief that with Rio Tinto, we will be a stronger global leader in lithium chemicals production. Together, we enhance our capabilities to successfully develop and operate our assets while supporting the clean energy transition. We are confident that this transaction will provide future benefit to our customers, employees and the communities in which we operate, and I am excited by the path ahead," said Paul Graves , president and chief executive officer of Arcadium Lithium. The final voting results of Arcadium Lithium's special meetings will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in a Form 8-K and will also be available at . Regulatory Update As of this release, merger control clearance has been satisfied or waived in Australia , Canada , China , the United Kingdom and the United States (Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976). Additionally, investment screening approval has been satisfied in the United Kingdom . The proposed transaction is still expected to close in mid-2025, subject to the receipt of remaining regulatory approvals and other closing conditions. Arcadium Lithium Contacts Investors: Daniel Rosen +1 215 299 6208 Phoebe Lee +61 413 557 780 Media: Karen Vizental +54 9 114 414 4702 About Arcadium Lithium Arcadium Lithium is a leading global lithium chemicals producer committed to safely and responsibly harnessing the power of lithium to improve people's lives and accelerate the transition to a clean energy future. We collaborate with our customers to drive innovation and power a more sustainable world in which lithium enables exciting possibilities for renewable energy, electric transportation and modern life. Arcadium Lithium is vertically integrated, with industry-leading capabilities across lithium extraction processes, including hard-rock mining, conventional brine extraction and direct lithium extraction (DLE), and in lithium chemicals manufacturing for high performance applications. We have operations around the world, with facilities and projects in Argentina , Australia , Canada , China , Japan , the United Kingdom and the United States . For more information, please visit us at . Important Information and Legal Disclaimer: Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain statements in this news release are forward-looking statements. In some cases, we have identified forward-looking statements by such words or phrases as "will likely result," "is confident that," "expect," "expects," "should," "could," "may," "will continue to," "believe," "believes," "anticipates," "predicts," "forecasts," "estimates," "projects," "potential," "intends" or similar expressions identifying "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including the negative of those words and phrases. Such forward-looking statements are based on our current views and assumptions regarding future events, future business conditions and the outlook for Arcadium Lithium based on currently available information. There are important factors that could cause Arcadium Lithium's actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results, level of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including the completion of the transaction on anticipated terms and timing, including obtaining required regulatory approvals, and the satisfaction of other conditions to the completion of the transaction; potential litigation relating to the transaction that could be instituted by or against Arcadium Lithium or its affiliates, directors or officers, including the effects of any outcomes related thereto; the risk that disruptions from the transaction will harm Arcadium Lithium's business, including current plans and operations; the ability of Arcadium Lithium to retain and hire key personnel; potential adverse reactions or changes to business or governmental relationships resulting from the announcement or completion of the transaction; certain restrictions during the pendency of the transaction that may impact Arcadium Lithium's ability to pursue certain business opportunities or strategic transactions; significant transaction costs associated with the transaction; the possibility that the transaction may be more expensive to complete than anticipated, including as a result of unexpected factors or events; the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance that could give rise to the termination of the transaction, including in circumstances requiring Arcadium Lithium to pay a termination fee or other expenses; competitive responses to the transaction; the supply and demand in the market for our products as well as pricing for lithium and high-performance lithium compounds; our ability to realize the anticipated benefits of the integration of the businesses of Livent and Allkem or of any future acquisitions; our ability to acquire or develop additional reserves that are economically viable; the existence, availability and profitability of mineral resources and mineral and ore reserves; the success of our production expansion efforts, research and development efforts and the development of our facilities; our ability to retain existing customers; the competition that we face in our business; the development and adoption of new battery technologies; additional funding or capital that may be required for our operations and expansion plans; political, financial and operational risks that our lithium extraction and production operations, particularly in Argentina , expose us to; physical and other risks that our operations and suppliers are subject to; our ability to satisfy customer qualification processes or customer or government quality standards; global economic conditions, including inflation, fluctuations in the price of energy and certain raw materials; the ability of our joint ventures, affiliated entities and contract manufacturers to operate according to their business plans and to fulfill their obligations; severe weather events and the effects of climate change; extensive and dynamic environmental and other laws and regulations; our ability to obtain and comply with required licenses, permits and other approvals; and other factors described under the caption entitled "Risk Factors" in Arcadium Lithium's 2023 Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 29, 2024 , as well as Arcadium Lithium's other SEC filings and public communications. Although Arcadium Lithium believes the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, Arcadium Lithium cannot guarantee future results, level of activity, performance or achievements. Moreover, neither Arcadium Lithium nor any other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of any of these forward-looking statements. Arcadium Lithium is under no duty to update any of these forward-looking statements after the date of this news release to conform its prior statements to actual results or revised expectations . View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Arcadium Lithium PLC
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